0 true false ({}) ({}) ({}) ({}) null 0 false false false false false false null "" false null null false = this.lastItems.length) return null; if (!this.lastItems[aIndex]) { this.lastItems[aIndex] = { value: this.lastResult.getValueAt(aIndex), comment: this.lastResult.getCommentAt(aIndex), className: this.lastResult.getStyleAt(aIndex), param: null } } return this.lastItems[aIndex]; } }; listener; ]]> = 0) { var item = this.mLastResults[obj.session].items.QueryElementAt(obj.index, nsIAutoCompleteItem); return item; } } return null; ]]> 0) return name; } return null; ]]> 0 && results.defaultItemIndex != -1) { val = this.getSessionValueAt(name, results.defaultItemIndex); this.setTextValue(val); this.mDefaultMatchFilled = true; this.mNeedToFinish = false; break; } } if (this.mNeedToFinish) { // if a search is happening at this juncture, bail out of this function // and let the search finish, and tell it to come back here when it's done if (this.isSearching) { this.mFinishAfterSearch = true; this.mFireAfterSearch = aFireTextCommand; return; } this.mNeedToFinish = false; var defaultSession = this.getDefaultSession(); if (defaultSession) { // preselect the first one var first = this.getSessionValueAt(defaultSession, 0); this.setTextValue(first); this.mDefaultMatchFilled = true; } } } this.stopLookup(); if (!this.noMatch) this.autoComplete(); this.closeResultPopup(); } this.mNeedToComplete = false; this.removeAttribute("noMatchesFound"); this.clearTimer(); if (aFireTextCommand) this._fireEvent("textentered", this.userAction, aTriggeringEvent); ]]> = aIndex) { return {session: name, index: aIndex-idx}; } idx += this.mLastResults[name].items.Count(); } } return null; ]]> > " + resultValue); this.mInputElt.setSelectionRange(entry.length, this.value.length); } else { var postIndex = resultValue.indexOf(this.value); if (postIndex >= 0) { var startPt = this.value.length; this.setTextValue(this.value + resultValue.substr(startPt+postIndex)); this.mInputElt.setSelectionRange(startPt, this.value.length); } } } this.mNeedToComplete = true; this.ignoreInputEvent = false; this.mDefaultMatchFilled = true; } } ]]> = this.minResultsForPopup || this.mFailureItems)) { var w = this.boxObject.width; if (w != this.resultsPopup.boxObject.width) this.resultsPopup.setAttribute("width", w); this.resultsPopup.removeAttribute("hidden"); this.resultsPopup.showPopup(this, -1, -1, "popup", "bottomleft", "topleft"); this.mMenuOpen = true; } ]]> document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "tree"); document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "treecols"); document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "treebody"); 0 aMaxRow && aIndex != aMaxRow) newIdx = aMaxRow; else if (aDir > 0 && aIndex == null || newIdx < 0 && aIndex != 0) newIdx = 0; if (newIdx < 0 && aIndex == 0 || newIdx > aMaxRow && aIndex == aMaxRow) aIndex = null; else aIndex = newIdx; return aIndex; ]]> this.textbox.mMenuOpen = true; this.textbox.mMenuOpen = false; this.selectedIndex = null; new Date() = 0) return {row: row.value, column: col.value.id}; else return null; ]]> 30) { var rc = this.getHoverCell(event); if (rc && rc.row != this.textbox.view.selectedIndex) this.textbox.view.selectedIndex = rc.row; this.mLastMoveTime = new Date(); } ]]>