const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker; const nsILocalFile = Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile; const nsIProperties = Components.interfaces.nsIProperties; const nsIIOService = Components.interfaces.nsIIOService; const nsIFileHandler = Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler; const nsIURIFixup = Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup; const kDownloadDirPref = ""; var gPrompt; var gLocation; var gChooseButton; var gFolderField; var gFinishedSound; var gChooseButtonLocked; var gPromptLocked; var gFinishedSoundLocked; var gIOService; var gSound = null; function Startup() { gIOService = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(nsIIOService); gPrompt = document.getElementById("autoDownload"); gLocation = document.getElementById("downloadLocation"); gChooseButton = document.getElementById("chooseDownloadFolder"); gFolderField = document.getElementById("downloadFolder"); gFinishedSound = document.getElementById("finishedSoundUrl"); var prefWindow = parent.hPrefWindow; gChooseButtonLocked = prefWindow.getPrefIsLocked(kDownloadDirPref); gPromptLocked = prefWindow.getPrefIsLocked(""); gFinishedSoundLocked = prefWindow.getPrefIsLocked(""); var dir = prefWindow.getPref("localfile", kDownloadDirPref); if (dir == "!/!ERROR_UNDEFINED_PREF!/!") dir = null; if (!dir) { try { // no default_dir folder found; default to profile directory var dirSvc = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(nsIProperties); dir = dirSvc.get("ProfD", nsILocalFile); // now remember the new assumption prefWindow.setPref("localfile", kDownloadDirPref, dir); } catch (ex) { } } // if both pref and dir svc fail leave this field blank else show path if (dir) gFolderField.value = (/Mac/.test(navigator.platform)) ? dir.leafName : dir.path; setPrefDLElements(); // Make sure sound_url setting is actually a URL try { var URIFixup = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(nsIURIFixup); gFinishedSound.value = URIFixup.createFixupURI(gFinishedSound.value, nsIURIFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_NONE).spec; } catch (ex) { } PlaySoundCheck(); // if we don't have the alert service, hide the pref UI for using alerts to notify on download completion // see bug #158711 var downloadDoneNotificationAlertUI = document.getElementById("finishedNotificationAlert"); downloadDoneNotificationAlertUI.hidden = !(";1" in Components.classes); } function setPrefDLElements() { if (!gPromptLocked) gLocation.disabled = (gPrompt.value == "true"); gFolderField.disabled = gChooseButtonLocked; gChooseButton.disabled = gChooseButtonLocked; } function prefDownloadSelectFolder() { var prefWindow = parent.hPrefWindow; var initialDir = prefWindow.getPref("localfile", kDownloadDirPref); // file picker will open at default location if no pref set if (initialDir == "!/!ERROR_UNDEFINED_PREF!/!") initialDir = null; var fpParams = { fp: makeFilePicker(), fptitle: "downloadfolder", fpdir: initialDir, fpmode: nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder, fpfiletype: null, fpext: null, fpfilters: nsIFilePicker.filterAll }; var ret = poseFilePicker(fpParams); if (ret == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) { var localFile = fpParams.fp.file.QueryInterface(nsILocalFile); prefWindow.setPref("localfile", kDownloadDirPref, localFile); gFolderField.value = (/Mac/.test(navigator.platform)) ? fpParams.fp.file.leafName : fpParams.fp.file.path; } } function makeFilePicker() { return Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(nsIFilePicker); } function poseFilePicker(aFpP) { var prefutilitiesBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_prefutilities"); var title = prefutilitiesBundle.getString(aFpP.fptitle); var fp = aFpP.fp; // simply for smaller readable code fp.init(window, title, aFpP.fpmode); if (aFpP.fpdir) fp.displayDirectory = aFpP.fpdir; if (aFpP.fpfiletype) { var filetype = prefutilitiesBundle.getString(aFpP.fpfiletype); fp.appendFilter(filetype, aFpP.fpext); } if (aFpP.fpfilters) fp.appendFilters(aFpP.fpfilters); return; } function PlaySoundCheck() { var disableCustomUI = !document.getElementById("finishedNotificationSound").checked; gFinishedSound.disabled = disableCustomUI || gFinishedSoundLocked; document.getElementById("preview").disabled = disableCustomUI; document.getElementById("browse").disabled = disableCustomUI || gFinishedSoundLocked; } function Browse() { var initialDir = null; if (gFinishedSound.value != "") { var fileHandler = gIOService.getProtocolHandler("file") .QueryInterface(nsIFileHandler); initialDir = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(gFinishedSound.value) .parent.QueryInterface(nsILocalFile); } var fpParams = { fp: makeFilePicker(), fptitle: "choosesound", fpdir: initialDir, fpmode: nsIFilePicker.modeOpen, fpfiletype: "SoundFiles", fpext: "*.wav; *.wave", fpfilters: nsIFilePicker.filterAll }; var ret = poseFilePicker(fpParams); if (ret == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) { // convert the nsILocalFile into a nsIFile url gFinishedSound.value = fpParams.fp.fileURL.spec; } } function PreviewSound() { if (!gSound) gSound = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISound); if (gFinishedSound.value != ""), null, null)); else gSound.beep(); }