# foo saveToDisk=Save these files to disk useSystemDefault=Open these files using the default application useHelperApp=Open these files with %S handleInternally=Display files of this type in the browser chooseHandler=Choose Helper Application programsFilter=Programs canHandleInternallyTitle=Warning canHandleInternally=%brand% can handle this type internally. For such types, a Helper Application will only be invoked if the server requests external handling. canHandleInternallyContinue=&Proceed anyway handlerExists=A helper already exists for the MIME type '%mime%'. Do you want to replace it? handlerExistsTitle=Helper Application Exists emptyMIMEType=You must specify a MIME type. removeHandlerTitle=Remove File Type removeHandler=If you remove a registered type, the helper will no longer be able to automatically handle files of this type. %n%nAre you sure you want to remove this file type?