cachefolder=Choose Cache Folder choosehomepage=Choose Home Page choosefile=Choose a file downloadfolder=Choose a Download Folder choosesound=Choose a sound viewrow=View... hiderow=Hide SoundFiles=Sounds oldTheme=You have selected a theme which was designed for an earlier version of %brand% and is incompatible with your current %brand% version. Please check %brand% theme sites for an updated version of the theme. You can uninstall this theme by clicking \"Uninstall Theme\" button. languageAlert=Please restart %brand% to use the new preferred language or region setting. languageTitle=Change Language prefSaveFailedAlert=Failed to save the preferences file. Any preference changes will be lost at the end of this session. prefSaveFailedTitle=Save Error groupIsSet=-- Home Page Group is Set -- labelDefaultFont=Default (%font_family%)