============================================= MetroNub Utilities Release Notes ============================================= Date: 5/3/96 Author: Mike Lockwood ============================================= MetroNub Utilities is an API that you can use in your program to communicate with MetroNub. To use, just add the file MetroNubUtils.c to your project. You can call IsMetroNubInstalled to find out if MetroNub is installed on your machine, and the version of MetroNub supports the MetroNub Utilities API. You can call IsMWDebuggerRunning to find out if the Metrowerks debugger is currently running on your machine. Similarly, you can call AmIBeingMWDebugged to find out if the Metrowerks debugger is currently debugging your program. You might do this, for example, to decide whether or not to execute a DebugStr within your program, or to enable other code only when you are debugging. The MetroNub Utilities API is extensible, so we may add new utility functions in the future. Be sure to let us know if you have any suggestions for future versions of the API. ===================== Contacting Metrowerks ===================== For bug reports, technical questions and suggestions, please use the forms in the Release Notes folder on the CD, and send them to support@metrowerks.com You may also post reports, questions and suggestions about Java CodeWarrior to comp.lang.java Metrowerks tech support monitors this newsgroup closely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Lockwood Metrowerks Corporation