January 2000
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1. |
Test mozilla one last time.
New Years day.
Find Abacus from attic
Eat Ice Cream before it melts
Lock doors & hide
2. |
Look for Y2K survivers.
Build outhouse
Eat reserve food
3. |
Write letter to electric company
4. |
Send the snail mail
Go to work and stare at dead monitor
Eat reserve food
5. |
Go to work and stare at dead monitor
Eat reserve food
6. |
Go to work and stare at dead monitor
Eat reserve food
7. |
Go internet exploring for food.
Internet exploring doesn't work.
Eat reserve food
8. |
Go internet exploring for food again.
Internet exploring doesn't work again.
Eat reserve food
9. |
Go internet exploring for food.
Internet exploring still doesn't work.
Give up internet exploring for food.
Eat reserve food
10. |
Power comes back on.
Put trusty abacus back in attic
Grab latest mozilla
Test it
11. |
Grab latest mozilla
Test it
12. |
Grab latest mozilla
Test it
13. |
Grab latest mozilla
Test it
14. |
Grab latest mozilla
Test it
15. |
Grab latest mozilla
Test it
Mozilla removes Y2K Warning from FTP site
This bug is fixed
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This is probably another bug already covered, or fixed, but
day 3 & 16 should have no scrollbar, but the area where the other scrollbars are drawn is drawn funny.
They are not rendered. They seem to be whatever was drawn there before, or drawn somewhere else.
Day 16 (contaings only the letter "?") has a region below the ? mark that is never rendered.
Resize the window so the window can scroll down and scroll the page up & down.