REM Table regression tests. REM REM How to run: REM 1. Before you make changes, run: REM rtest baseline REM 2. Make your changes and rebuild REM 3. rtest verify >outfilename REM @echo off if %1==baseline goto baseline :verify if not exist verify mkdir verify s:\mozilla\dist\bin\viewer -Prt 1 -B 1 -o s:\mozilla\layout\html\tests\table\printing\verify\ -rd s:\mozilla\layout\html\tests\table\printing -f s:\mozilla\layout\html\tests\table\printing\file_list.txt goto done :baseline s:\mozilla\dist\bin\viewer -Prt 1 -o s:\mozilla\layout\html\tests\table\printing\ -f s:\mozilla\layout\html\tests\table\printing\file_list.txt goto done :error echo syntax: rtest (baseline verify) :done