/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /****** This file contains the list of all named colors See nsCSSColorNames.h for access to the enum values for colors It is designed to be used as inline input to nsCSSColorNames.cpp *only* through the magic of C preprocessing. All entires must be enclosed in the macro GFX_COLOR which will have cruel and unusual things done to it It is recommended (but not strictly necessary) to keep all entries in alphabetical order The first argument to GFX_COLOR is both the enum identifier of the color and the string value The second argument is the sRGBA value for the named color 'name' entries *must* use only lowercase characters. ** Break these invarient and bad things will happen. ** ******/ GFX_COLOR(aliceblue, NS_RGB(240, 248, 255)) GFX_COLOR(antiquewhite, NS_RGB(250, 235, 215)) GFX_COLOR(aqua, NS_RGB( 0, 255, 255)) GFX_COLOR(aquamarine, NS_RGB(127, 255, 212)) GFX_COLOR(azure, NS_RGB(240, 255, 255)) GFX_COLOR(beige, NS_RGB(245, 245, 220)) GFX_COLOR(bisque, NS_RGB(255, 228, 196)) GFX_COLOR(black, NS_RGB( 0, 0, 0)) GFX_COLOR(blanchedalmond, NS_RGB(255, 235, 205)) GFX_COLOR(blue, NS_RGB( 0, 0, 255)) GFX_COLOR(blueviolet, NS_RGB(138, 43, 226)) GFX_COLOR(brown, NS_RGB(165, 42, 42)) GFX_COLOR(burlywood, NS_RGB(222, 184, 135)) GFX_COLOR(cadetblue, NS_RGB( 95, 158, 160)) GFX_COLOR(chartreuse, NS_RGB(127, 255, 0)) GFX_COLOR(chocolate, NS_RGB(210, 105, 30)) GFX_COLOR(coral, NS_RGB(255, 127, 80)) GFX_COLOR(cornflowerblue, NS_RGB(100, 149, 237)) GFX_COLOR(cornsilk, NS_RGB(255, 248, 220)) GFX_COLOR(crimson, NS_RGB(220, 20, 60)) GFX_COLOR(cyan, NS_RGB( 0, 255, 255)) GFX_COLOR(darkblue, NS_RGB( 0, 0, 139)) GFX_COLOR(darkcyan, NS_RGB( 0, 139, 139)) GFX_COLOR(darkgoldenrod, NS_RGB(184, 134, 11)) GFX_COLOR(darkgray, NS_RGB(169, 169, 169)) GFX_COLOR(darkgreen, NS_RGB( 0, 100, 0)) GFX_COLOR(darkgrey, NS_RGB(169, 169, 169)) GFX_COLOR(darkkhaki, NS_RGB(189, 183, 107)) GFX_COLOR(darkmagenta, NS_RGB(139, 0, 139)) GFX_COLOR(darkolivegreen, NS_RGB( 85, 107, 47)) GFX_COLOR(darkorange, NS_RGB(255, 140, 0)) GFX_COLOR(darkorchid, NS_RGB(153, 50, 204)) GFX_COLOR(darkred, NS_RGB(139, 0, 0)) GFX_COLOR(darksalmon, NS_RGB(233, 150, 122)) GFX_COLOR(darkseagreen, NS_RGB(143, 188, 143)) GFX_COLOR(darkslateblue, NS_RGB( 72, 61, 139)) GFX_COLOR(darkslategray, NS_RGB( 47, 79, 79)) GFX_COLOR(darkslategrey, NS_RGB( 47, 79, 79)) GFX_COLOR(darkturquoise, NS_RGB( 0, 206, 209)) GFX_COLOR(darkviolet, NS_RGB(148, 0, 211)) GFX_COLOR(deeppink, NS_RGB(255, 20, 147)) GFX_COLOR(deepskyblue, NS_RGB( 0, 191, 255)) GFX_COLOR(dimgray, NS_RGB(105, 105, 105)) GFX_COLOR(dimgrey, NS_RGB(105, 105, 105)) GFX_COLOR(dodgerblue, NS_RGB( 30, 144, 255)) GFX_COLOR(firebrick, NS_RGB(178, 34, 34)) GFX_COLOR(floralwhite, NS_RGB(255, 250, 240)) GFX_COLOR(forestgreen, NS_RGB( 34, 139, 34)) GFX_COLOR(fuchsia, NS_RGB(255, 0, 255)) GFX_COLOR(gainsboro, NS_RGB(220, 220, 220)) GFX_COLOR(ghostwhite, NS_RGB(248, 248, 255)) GFX_COLOR(gold, NS_RGB(255, 215, 0)) GFX_COLOR(goldenrod, NS_RGB(218, 165, 32)) GFX_COLOR(gray, NS_RGB(128, 128, 128)) GFX_COLOR(grey, NS_RGB(128, 128, 128)) GFX_COLOR(green, NS_RGB( 0, 128, 0)) GFX_COLOR(greenyellow, NS_RGB(173, 255, 47)) GFX_COLOR(honeydew, NS_RGB(240, 255, 240)) GFX_COLOR(hotpink, NS_RGB(255, 105, 180)) GFX_COLOR(indianred, NS_RGB(205, 92, 92)) GFX_COLOR(indigo, NS_RGB( 75, 0, 130)) GFX_COLOR(ivory, NS_RGB(255, 255, 240)) GFX_COLOR(khaki, NS_RGB(240, 230, 140)) GFX_COLOR(lavender, NS_RGB(230, 230, 250)) GFX_COLOR(lavenderblush, NS_RGB(255, 240, 245)) GFX_COLOR(lawngreen, NS_RGB(124, 252, 0)) GFX_COLOR(lemonchiffon, NS_RGB(255, 250, 205)) GFX_COLOR(lightblue, NS_RGB(173, 216, 230)) GFX_COLOR(lightcoral, NS_RGB(240, 128, 128)) GFX_COLOR(lightcyan, NS_RGB(224, 255, 255)) GFX_COLOR(lightgoldenrodyellow, NS_RGB(250, 250, 210)) GFX_COLOR(lightgray, NS_RGB(211, 211, 211)) GFX_COLOR(lightgreen, NS_RGB(144, 238, 144)) GFX_COLOR(lightgrey, NS_RGB(211, 211, 211)) GFX_COLOR(lightpink, NS_RGB(255, 182, 193)) GFX_COLOR(lightsalmon, NS_RGB(255, 160, 122)) GFX_COLOR(lightseagreen, NS_RGB( 32, 178, 170)) GFX_COLOR(lightskyblue, NS_RGB(135, 206, 250)) GFX_COLOR(lightslategray, NS_RGB(119, 136, 153)) GFX_COLOR(lightslategrey, NS_RGB(119, 136, 153)) GFX_COLOR(lightsteelblue, NS_RGB(176, 196, 222)) GFX_COLOR(lightyellow, NS_RGB(255, 255, 224)) GFX_COLOR(lime, NS_RGB( 0, 255, 0)) GFX_COLOR(limegreen, NS_RGB( 50, 205, 50)) GFX_COLOR(linen, NS_RGB(250, 240, 230)) GFX_COLOR(magenta, NS_RGB(255, 0, 255)) GFX_COLOR(maroon, NS_RGB(128, 0, 0)) GFX_COLOR(mediumaquamarine, NS_RGB(102, 205, 170)) GFX_COLOR(mediumblue, NS_RGB( 0, 0, 205)) GFX_COLOR(mediumorchid, NS_RGB(186, 85, 211)) GFX_COLOR(mediumpurple, NS_RGB(147, 112, 219)) GFX_COLOR(mediumseagreen, NS_RGB( 60, 179, 113)) GFX_COLOR(mediumslateblue, NS_RGB(123, 104, 238)) GFX_COLOR(mediumspringgreen, NS_RGB( 0, 250, 154)) GFX_COLOR(mediumturquoise, NS_RGB( 72, 209, 204)) GFX_COLOR(mediumvioletred, NS_RGB(199, 21, 133)) GFX_COLOR(midnightblue, NS_RGB( 25, 25, 112)) GFX_COLOR(mintcream, NS_RGB(245, 255, 250)) GFX_COLOR(mistyrose, NS_RGB(255, 228, 225)) GFX_COLOR(moccasin, NS_RGB(255, 228, 181)) GFX_COLOR(navajowhite, NS_RGB(255, 222, 173)) GFX_COLOR(navy, NS_RGB( 0, 0, 128)) GFX_COLOR(oldlace, NS_RGB(253, 245, 230)) GFX_COLOR(olive, NS_RGB(128, 128, 0)) GFX_COLOR(olivedrab, NS_RGB(107, 142, 35)) GFX_COLOR(orange, NS_RGB(255, 165, 0)) GFX_COLOR(orangered, NS_RGB(255, 69, 0)) GFX_COLOR(orchid, NS_RGB(218, 112, 214)) GFX_COLOR(palegoldenrod, NS_RGB(238, 232, 170)) GFX_COLOR(palegreen, NS_RGB(152, 251, 152)) GFX_COLOR(paleturquoise, NS_RGB(175, 238, 238)) GFX_COLOR(palevioletred, NS_RGB(219, 112, 147)) GFX_COLOR(papayawhip, NS_RGB(255, 239, 213)) GFX_COLOR(peachpuff, NS_RGB(255, 218, 185)) GFX_COLOR(peru, NS_RGB(205, 133, 63)) GFX_COLOR(pink, NS_RGB(255, 192, 203)) GFX_COLOR(plum, NS_RGB(221, 160, 221)) GFX_COLOR(powderblue, NS_RGB(176, 224, 230)) GFX_COLOR(purple, NS_RGB(128, 0, 128)) GFX_COLOR(red, NS_RGB(255, 0, 0)) GFX_COLOR(rosybrown, NS_RGB(188, 143, 143)) GFX_COLOR(royalblue, NS_RGB( 65, 105, 225)) GFX_COLOR(saddlebrown, NS_RGB(139, 69, 19)) GFX_COLOR(salmon, NS_RGB(250, 128, 114)) GFX_COLOR(sandybrown, NS_RGB(244, 164, 96)) GFX_COLOR(seagreen, NS_RGB( 46, 139, 87)) GFX_COLOR(seashell, NS_RGB(255, 245, 238)) GFX_COLOR(sienna, NS_RGB(160, 82, 45)) GFX_COLOR(silver, NS_RGB(192, 192, 192)) GFX_COLOR(skyblue, NS_RGB(135, 206, 235)) GFX_COLOR(slateblue, NS_RGB(106, 90, 205)) GFX_COLOR(slategray, NS_RGB(112, 128, 144)) GFX_COLOR(slategrey, NS_RGB(112, 128, 144)) GFX_COLOR(snow, NS_RGB(255, 250, 250)) GFX_COLOR(springgreen, NS_RGB( 0, 255, 127)) GFX_COLOR(steelblue, NS_RGB( 70, 130, 180)) GFX_COLOR(tan, NS_RGB(210, 180, 140)) GFX_COLOR(teal, NS_RGB( 0, 128, 128)) GFX_COLOR(thistle, NS_RGB(216, 191, 216)) GFX_COLOR(tomato, NS_RGB(255, 99, 71)) GFX_COLOR(turquoise, NS_RGB( 64, 224, 208)) GFX_COLOR(violet, NS_RGB(238, 130, 238)) GFX_COLOR(wheat, NS_RGB(245, 222, 179)) GFX_COLOR(white, NS_RGB(255, 255, 255)) GFX_COLOR(whitesmoke, NS_RGB(245, 245, 245)) GFX_COLOR(yellow, NS_RGB(255, 255, 0)) GFX_COLOR(yellowgreen, NS_RGB(154, 205, 50))