/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Sean Su * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "extern.h" #include "logkeys.h" #include "parser.h" #include "extra.h" #include "ifuncns.h" #include "dialogs.h" #define KEY_SHARED_DLLS "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\SharedDlls" BOOL DeleteOrDelayUntilReboot(LPSTR szFile) { FILE *ofp; char szWinDir[MAX_BUF]; char szWininitFile[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bDelayDelete = FALSE; BOOL bWriteRenameSection; FileDelete(szFile); if(FileExists(szFile)) { bDelayDelete = TRUE; if(ulOSType & OS_NT) MoveFileEx(szFile, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); else { if(GetWindowsDirectory(szWinDir, sizeof(szWinDir)) == 0) return(FALSE); lstrcpy(szWininitFile, szWinDir); AppendBackSlash(szWininitFile, sizeof(szWininitFile)); lstrcat(szWininitFile, "wininit.ini"); if(FileExists(szWininitFile) == FALSE) bWriteRenameSection = TRUE; else bWriteRenameSection = FALSE; if((ofp = fopen(szWininitFile, "a+")) == NULL) return(FALSE); if(bWriteRenameSection == TRUE) fprintf(ofp, "[RENAME]\n"); fprintf(ofp, "NUL=%s\n", szFile); fclose(ofp); } } else bDelayDelete = FALSE; return(bDelayDelete); } void RemoveUninstaller(LPSTR szUninstallFilename) { char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; char szWinDir[MAX_BUF]; char szUninstallFile[MAX_BUF]; if(SearchForUninstallKeys(szUninstallFilename)) /* Found the uninstall file name in the windows registry uninstall * key sections. We should not try to delete ourselves. */ return; if(GetWindowsDirectory(szWinDir, sizeof(szWinDir)) == 0) return; lstrcpy(szBuf, szWinDir); AppendBackSlash(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); lstrcat(szBuf, szUninstallFilename); GetShortPathName(szBuf, szUninstallFile, sizeof(szUninstallFile)); DeleteOrDelayUntilReboot(szUninstallFile); } sil *InitSilNodes(char *szInFile) { FILE *ifp; char szLineRead[MAX_BUF]; sil *silTemp; sil *silHead; ULONGLONG ullLineCount; if(FileExists(szInFile) == FALSE) return(NULL); ullLineCount = 0; silHead = NULL; if((ifp = fopen(szInFile, "r")) == NULL) exit(1); while(fgets(szLineRead, MAX_BUF, ifp) != NULL) { silTemp = CreateSilNode(); silTemp->ullLineNumber = ++ullLineCount; lstrcpy(silTemp->szLine, szLineRead); if(silHead == NULL) { silHead = silTemp; } else { SilNodeInsert(silHead, silTemp); } ProcessWindowsMessages(); } fclose(ifp); return(silHead); } void DeInitSilNodes(sil **silHead) { sil *silTemp; if(*silHead == NULL) { return; } else if(((*silHead)->Prev == NULL) || ((*silHead)->Prev == *silHead)) { SilNodeDelete(*silHead); return; } else { silTemp = (*silHead)->Prev; } while(silTemp != *silHead) { SilNodeDelete(silTemp); silTemp = (*silHead)->Prev; ProcessWindowsMessages(); } SilNodeDelete(silTemp); } void DeleteWinRegKey(HKEY hkRootKey, LPSTR szKey, BOOL bAbsoluteDelete) { HKEY hkResult; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwTotalSubKeys; DWORD dwTotalValues; DWORD dwSubKeySize; FILETIME ftLastWriteFileTime; char szSubKey[MAX_BUF]; char szNewKey[MAX_BUF]; long lRv; dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkResult); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwTotalSubKeys = 0; dwTotalValues = 0; RegQueryInfoKey(hkResult, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalSubKeys, NULL, NULL, &dwTotalValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); RegCloseKey(hkResult); if(((dwTotalSubKeys == 0) && (dwTotalValues == 0)) || bAbsoluteDelete) { if(dwTotalSubKeys && bAbsoluteDelete) { do { dwSubKeySize = sizeof(szSubKey); lRv = 0; if(RegOpenKeyEx(hkRootKey, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkResult) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if((lRv = RegEnumKeyEx(hkResult, 0, szSubKey, &dwSubKeySize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteFileTime)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkResult); lstrcpy(szNewKey, szKey); AppendBackSlash(szNewKey, sizeof(szNewKey)); lstrcat(szNewKey, szSubKey); DeleteWinRegKey(hkRootKey, szNewKey, bAbsoluteDelete); } else RegCloseKey(hkResult); } } while(lRv != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); } dwErr = RegDeleteKey(hkRootKey, szKey); } } } void ParseForUninstallCommand(LPSTR szString, LPSTR szKeyStr, LPSTR szFile, DWORD dwFileBufSize, LPSTR szParam, DWORD dwParamBufSize) { LPSTR szFirstNonSpace; LPSTR szBeginParamStr; LPSTR szEndOfFilePath; LPSTR szEndQuote; char *cmdStart; int length; ZeroMemory(szFile, dwFileBufSize); ZeroMemory(szParam, dwParamBufSize); length = lstrlen(szString); if(szString[length - 1] == '\n') szString[length - 1] = '\0'; // get to the beginning of the command given an install log string cmdStart = szString + lstrlen(szKeyStr); if((szFirstNonSpace = GetFirstNonSpace(cmdStart)) != NULL) { if(*szFirstNonSpace == '\"') { ++szFirstNonSpace; // found a beginning quote, look for the ending quote now if((szEndQuote = MozStrChar(szFirstNonSpace, '\"')) != NULL) { // found ending quote. copy file path string *not* including the quotes *szEndQuote = '\0'; MozCopyStr(szFirstNonSpace, szFile, dwFileBufSize); // get the params substring now if((szBeginParamStr = GetFirstNonSpace(++szEndQuote)) != NULL) { // the params string should be the first non space char after the // quoted file path string to the end of the string. MozCopyStr(szBeginParamStr, szParam, dwParamBufSize); } } else { // could not find the ending quote. assume the _entire_ string is the file path MozCopyStr(szFirstNonSpace, szFile, dwFileBufSize); } } else { // no beginning quote found. file path is up to the first space character found if((szEndOfFilePath = GetFirstSpace(szFirstNonSpace)) != NULL) { // found the first space char *szEndOfFilePath = '\0'; MozCopyStr(szFirstNonSpace, szFile, dwFileBufSize); // get the params substring now if((szBeginParamStr = GetFirstNonSpace(++szEndOfFilePath)) != NULL) { // the params string should be the first non space char after the // quoted file path string to the end of the string. MozCopyStr(szBeginParamStr, szParam, dwParamBufSize); } } else { // no space char found. assume the _entire_ string is the file path MozCopyStr(szFirstNonSpace, szFile, dwFileBufSize); } } } } void ParseForFile(LPSTR szString, LPSTR szKeyStr, LPSTR szFile, DWORD dwShortFilenameBufSize) { int iLen; LPSTR szFirstNonSpace; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; if((szFirstNonSpace = GetFirstNonSpace(&(szString[lstrlen(szKeyStr)]))) != NULL) { iLen = lstrlen(szFirstNonSpace); if(szFirstNonSpace[iLen - 1] == '\n') szFirstNonSpace[iLen -1] = '\0'; if(lstrcmpi(szKeyStr, KEY_WINDOWS_SHORTCUT) == 0) { lstrcpy(szBuf, szFirstNonSpace); lstrcat(szBuf, ".lnk"); szFirstNonSpace = szBuf; } lstrcpy(szFile, szFirstNonSpace); } } void ParseForCopyFile(LPSTR szString, LPSTR szKeyStr, LPSTR szFile, DWORD dwShortFilenameBufSize) { int iLen; LPSTR szFirstNonSpace; LPSTR szSubStr = NULL; char szBuf[MAX_BUF]; if((szSubStr = strstr(szString, " to ")) != NULL) { if((szFirstNonSpace = GetFirstNonSpace(&(szSubStr[lstrlen(" to ")]))) != NULL) { iLen = lstrlen(szFirstNonSpace); if(szFirstNonSpace[iLen - 1] == '\n') szFirstNonSpace[iLen -1] = '\0'; if(lstrcmpi(szKeyStr, KEY_WINDOWS_SHORTCUT) == 0) { lstrcpy(szBuf, szFirstNonSpace); lstrcat(szBuf, ".lnk"); szFirstNonSpace = szBuf; } lstrcpy(szFile, szFirstNonSpace); } } } HRESULT ParseForWinRegInfo(LPSTR szString, LPSTR szKeyStr, LPSTR szRootKey, DWORD dwRootKeyBufSize, LPSTR szKey, DWORD dwKeyBufSize, LPSTR szName, DWORD dwNameBufSize) { int i; int iLen; int iBrackets; char szStrCopy[MAX_BUF]; LPSTR szFirstNonSpace; LPSTR szFirstBackSlash; BOOL bFoundOpenBracket; BOOL bFoundName; *szRootKey = '\0'; *szKey = '\0'; *szName = '\0'; lstrcpy(szStrCopy, szString); if((szFirstNonSpace = GetFirstNonSpace(&(szStrCopy[lstrlen(szKeyStr)]))) != NULL) { iLen = lstrlen(szFirstNonSpace); if(szFirstNonSpace[iLen - 1] == '\n') { szFirstNonSpace[--iLen] = '\0'; } szFirstBackSlash = strstr(szFirstNonSpace, "\\"); if(!szFirstBackSlash) return(WIZ_ERROR_PARSING_UNINST_STRS); szFirstBackSlash[0] = '\0'; lstrcpy(szRootKey, szFirstNonSpace); szFirstNonSpace = &(szFirstBackSlash[1]); iLen = lstrlen(szFirstNonSpace); iBrackets = 0; bFoundName = FALSE; bFoundOpenBracket = FALSE; for(i = iLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(bFoundName == FALSE) { /* Find the Name created in the Windows registry key. * Since the Name can contain '[' and ']', we have to * parse for the brackets that denote the Name string in * szFirstNonSpace. It parses from right to left. */ if(szFirstNonSpace[i] == ']') { if(iBrackets == 0) szFirstNonSpace[i] = '\0'; ++iBrackets; } else if(szFirstNonSpace[i] == '[') { bFoundOpenBracket = TRUE; --iBrackets; } if((bFoundOpenBracket) && (iBrackets == 0)) { lstrcpy(szName, &(szFirstNonSpace[i + 1])); bFoundName = TRUE; } } else { /* locate the first non space to the left of the last '[' */ if(!isspace(szFirstNonSpace[i])) { szFirstNonSpace[i + 1] = '\0'; lstrcpy(szKey, szFirstNonSpace); break; } } } } return(WIZ_OK); } DWORD DecrementSharedFileCounter(char *file) { HKEY keyHandle = 0; LONG result; DWORD type = REG_DWORD; DWORD valbuf = 0; DWORD valbufsize; DWORD rv = 0; valbufsize = sizeof(DWORD); result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_SHARED_DLLS, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &keyHandle); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == result) { result = RegQueryValueEx(keyHandle, file, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&valbuf, (LPDWORD)&valbufsize); if((ERROR_SUCCESS == result) && (type == REG_DWORD)) rv = valbuf = ((long)valbuf - 1) < 0 ? 0 : (valbuf - 1); RegSetValueEx(keyHandle, file, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&valbuf, valbufsize); RegCloseKey(keyHandle); } return(rv); } int GetSharedFileCount(char *file) { HKEY keyHandle = 0; LONG result; DWORD type = REG_DWORD; DWORD valbuf = 0; DWORD valbufsize; int rv = -999; valbufsize = sizeof(DWORD); result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_SHARED_DLLS, 0, KEY_READ, &keyHandle); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == result) { result = RegQueryValueEx(keyHandle, file, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&valbuf, (LPDWORD)&valbufsize); if((ERROR_SUCCESS == result) && (type == REG_DWORD)) rv = valbuf; RegCloseKey(keyHandle); } return(rv); } BOOL UnregisterServer(char *file) { FARPROC DllUnReg; HINSTANCE hLib; BOOL bFailed = FALSE; if(file != NULL) { if((hLib = LoadLibraryEx(file, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH)) != NULL) { if((DllUnReg = GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllUnregisterServer")) != NULL) DllUnReg(); else bFailed = TRUE; FreeLibrary(hLib); } else bFailed = TRUE; } else bFailed = TRUE; return(bFailed); } BOOL DetermineUnRegisterServer(sil *silInstallLogHead, LPSTR szFile) { sil *silInstallLogTemp; int iSharedFileCount; char szLCLine[MAX_BUF]; char szLCFile[MAX_BUF]; BOOL bRv; bRv = FALSE; if(silInstallLogHead != NULL) { silInstallLogTemp = silInstallLogHead; iSharedFileCount = GetSharedFileCount(szFile); lstrcpy(szLCFile, szFile); CharLowerBuff(szLCFile, sizeof(szLCLine)); do { silInstallLogTemp = silInstallLogTemp->Prev; lstrcpy(szLCLine, silInstallLogTemp->szLine); CharLowerBuff(szLCLine, sizeof(szLCLine)); if((strstr(szLCLine, szLCFile) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_INSTALLING_SHARED_FILE) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { --iSharedFileCount; } else if((strstr(szLCLine, szLCFile) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_INSTALLING) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { bRv = TRUE; break; } else if((strstr(szLCLine, szLCFile) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_REPLACING_SHARED_FILE) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { --iSharedFileCount; } else if((strstr(szLCLine, szLCFile) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_REPLACING) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { bRv = TRUE; break; } else if((strstr(szLCLine, szLCFile) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_COPY_FILE) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { bRv = TRUE; break; } ProcessWindowsMessages(); } while(silInstallLogTemp != silInstallLogHead); } if((iSharedFileCount <= 0) && (iSharedFileCount != -999)) bRv = TRUE; return(bRv); } DWORD Uninstall(sil* silInstallLogHead) { sil *silInstallLogTemp; LPSTR szSubStr; char szLCLine[MAX_BUF]; char szKey[MAX_BUF]; char szRootKey[MAX_BUF]; char szName[MAX_BUF]; char szFile[MAX_BUF]; char szParams[MAX_BUF]; HKEY hkRootKey; int rv; if(silInstallLogHead != NULL) { silInstallLogTemp = silInstallLogHead; do { silInstallLogTemp = silInstallLogTemp->Prev; lstrcpy(szLCLine, silInstallLogTemp->szLine); CharLowerBuff(szLCLine, sizeof(szLCLine)); if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_WINDOWS_REGISTER_SERVER)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { ParseForFile(szSubStr, KEY_WINDOWS_REGISTER_SERVER, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); if(DetermineUnRegisterServer(silInstallLogHead, szFile) == TRUE) UnregisterServer(szFile); } else if((((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_INSTALLING_SHARED_FILE)) != NULL) || ((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_REPLACING_SHARED_FILE)) != NULL)) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { /* check for "Installing Shared File: " string and delete the file */ ParseForFile(szSubStr, KEY_INSTALLING_SHARED_FILE, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); if(DecrementSharedFileCounter(szFile) == 0) { if((gdwWhatToDo != WTD_NO_TO_ALL) && (gdwWhatToDo != WTD_YES_TO_ALL) && FileExists(szFile)) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); gdwWhatToDo = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_WHAT_TO_DO), hDlgUninstall, DlgProcWhatToDo, (LPARAM)szFile); } if((gdwWhatToDo == WTD_YES) || (gdwWhatToDo == WTD_YES_TO_ALL) || !FileExists(szFile)) { DeleteWinRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_SHARED_DLLS, szFile); DeleteOrDelayUntilReboot(szFile); } else if(gdwWhatToDo == WTD_CANCEL) return(WTD_CANCEL); } } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_INSTALLING)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { /* check for "Installing: " string and delete the file */ ParseForFile(szSubStr, KEY_INSTALLING, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); DeleteOrDelayUntilReboot(szFile); } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_REPLACING)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { /* check for "Replacing: " string and delete the file */ ParseForFile(szSubStr, KEY_REPLACING, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); DeleteOrDelayUntilReboot(szFile); } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_STORE_REG_STRING)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { /* check for "Store Registry Value String: " string and remove the key */ rv = ParseForWinRegInfo(szSubStr, KEY_STORE_REG_STRING, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey), szKey, sizeof(szKey), szName, sizeof(szName)); if(WIZ_OK == rv) { hkRootKey = ParseRootKey(szRootKey); DeleteWinRegValue(hkRootKey, szKey, szName); } } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_STORE_REG_NUMBER)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { /* check for "Store Registry Value Number: " string and remove the key */ rv = ParseForWinRegInfo(szSubStr, KEY_STORE_REG_NUMBER, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey), szKey, sizeof(szKey), szName, sizeof(szName)); if(WIZ_OK == rv) { hkRootKey = ParseRootKey(szRootKey); DeleteWinRegValue(hkRootKey, szKey, szName); } } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_CREATE_REG_KEY)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { rv = ParseForWinRegInfo(szSubStr, KEY_CREATE_REG_KEY, szRootKey, sizeof(szRootKey), szKey, sizeof(szKey), szName, sizeof(szName)); if(WIZ_OK == rv) { hkRootKey = ParseRootKey(szRootKey); DeleteWinRegKey(hkRootKey, szKey, FALSE); } } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_CREATE_FOLDER)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { ParseForFile(szSubStr, KEY_CREATE_FOLDER, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); DirectoryRemove(szFile, FALSE); } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_WINDOWS_SHORTCUT)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { ParseForFile(szSubStr, KEY_WINDOWS_SHORTCUT, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); DeleteOrDelayUntilReboot(szFile); } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_COPY_FILE)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { /* check for "copy file: " string and delete the file */ ParseForCopyFile(szSubStr, KEY_COPY_FILE, szFile, sizeof(szFile)); DeleteOrDelayUntilReboot(szFile); } else if(((szSubStr = strstr(szLCLine, KEY_UNINSTALL_COMMAND)) != NULL) && (strstr(szLCLine, KEY_DO_NOT_UNINSTALL) == NULL)) { ParseForUninstallCommand(szSubStr, KEY_UNINSTALL_COMMAND, szFile, sizeof(szFile), szParams, sizeof(szParams)); //execute szFile with szParams here! if(FileExists(szFile)) WinSpawn(szFile, szParams, NULL, SW_HIDE, TRUE); } ProcessWindowsMessages(); } while(silInstallLogTemp != silInstallLogHead); } return(0); } DWORD GetLogFile(LPSTR szTargetPath, LPSTR szInFilename, LPSTR szOutBuf, DWORD dwOutBufSize) { int iFilenameOnlyLen; char szSearchFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szSearchTargetFullFilename[MAX_BUF]; char szFilenameOnly[MAX_BUF]; char szFilenameExtensionOnly[MAX_BUF]; char szNumber[MAX_BUF]; long dwNumber; long dwMaxNumber; LPSTR szDotPtr; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; BOOL bFound; if(FileExists(szTargetPath)) { /* zero out the memory */ ZeroMemory(szOutBuf, dwOutBufSize); ZeroMemory(szSearchFilename, sizeof(szSearchFilename)); ZeroMemory(szFilenameOnly, sizeof(szFilenameOnly)); ZeroMemory(szFilenameExtensionOnly, sizeof(szFilenameExtensionOnly)); /* parse for the filename w/o extention and also only the extension */ if((szDotPtr = strstr(szInFilename, ".")) != NULL) { *szDotPtr = '\0'; lstrcpy(szSearchFilename, szInFilename); lstrcpy(szFilenameOnly, szInFilename); lstrcpy(szFilenameExtensionOnly, &szDotPtr[1]); *szDotPtr = '.'; } else { lstrcpy(szFilenameOnly, szInFilename); lstrcpy(szSearchFilename, szInFilename); } /* create the wild arg filename to search for in the szTargetPath */ lstrcat(szSearchFilename, "*.*"); lstrcpy(szSearchTargetFullFilename, szTargetPath); AppendBackSlash(szSearchTargetFullFilename, sizeof(szSearchTargetFullFilename)); lstrcat(szSearchTargetFullFilename, szSearchFilename); iFilenameOnlyLen = lstrlen(szFilenameOnly); dwNumber = 0; dwMaxNumber = -1; /* find the largest numbered filename in the szTargetPath */ if((hFile = FindFirstFile(szSearchTargetFullFilename, &fdFile)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bFound = FALSE; else bFound = TRUE; while(bFound) { ZeroMemory(szNumber, sizeof(szNumber)); if((lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (lstrcmpi(fdFile.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { lstrcpy(szNumber, &fdFile.cFileName[iFilenameOnlyLen]); dwNumber = atoi(szNumber); if(dwNumber > dwMaxNumber) dwMaxNumber = dwNumber; } bFound = FindNextFile(hFile, &fdFile); } FindClose(hFile); lstrcpy(szOutBuf, szTargetPath); AppendBackSlash(szOutBuf, dwOutBufSize); lstrcat(szOutBuf, szFilenameOnly); itoa(dwMaxNumber, szNumber, 10); lstrcat(szOutBuf, szNumber); if(*szFilenameExtensionOnly != '\0') { lstrcat(szOutBuf, "."); lstrcat(szOutBuf, szFilenameExtensionOnly); } } else return(0); return(FileExists(szOutBuf)); }