2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is Mozilla XForms support.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Novell, Inc.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Allan Beaufour <>
- Alexander Surkov <>
- Merle Sterling <>
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- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
<bindings xmlns=""
This binding is base for xforms range controls. It assumes successors
bindings implement getElementControl() method that returns the object:
get/set value(); // get/set value
set readonly(); // makes range disabled
get/set start(); // get/set @start attribute
get/set end(); // get/set @end attribute
get/set step(); // get/set @step attribute
focus() // set the focus
set(); // set start, end, step, value
Successor bindings should override isInRange and adjustRangeValues to do
what is appropriate for the particular datatype they use.
<binding id="xformswidget-range-base"
<method name="refresh">
// The start/end/step attrs are all optional and if any are omitted
// we need to adjust their values.
if (!this.adjustRangeValues(this.start, this.end, this.step))
this.changed = false;
this.control.readonly = this.accessors.isReadonly();
var value = this.accessors.getValue();
var inrange = this.isInRange(value);
this.control.set(this.start, this.end, this.step, value);
<!-- Determine whether or not the current value is between the start
and end values for the range so we can dispatch xforms-in-range
or xforms-out-of-range events.
<method name="isInRange">
return true;
<!-- The start/end/step attrs are all optional and if any are omitted
we need to adjust their values.
<method name="adjustRangeValues">
return true;
<method name="focus">
<property name="start"
onget="return this.control.start;"
onset="this.setAttribute('start', val); this.control.start = val;"/>
<property name="end"
onget="return this.control.end;"
onset="this.setAttribute('end', val); this.control.end = val;"/>
<property name="step"
onget="return this.control.step;"
onset="this.setAttribute('step', val); this.control.step = val;"/>
<property name="incremental">
return this.getAttribute("incremental") == "true";
if (val)
this.setAttribute("incremental", "true");
<property name="accessors" readonly="true">
if (!this._accessors && this.delegate) {
this._accessors = this.delegate.getXFormsAccessors().
return this._accessors;
<method name="getCurrentValue">
return this.control.value;
updateInstanceData updates the instance data bound to this control
under certain conditions.
If aIncremental is false, it means that this function was called due
to a blur event on the control. In this case, we should update the
instance data only if the control is NOT incremental and the user has
interacted with the control since the last refresh.
If aIncremental is true, it means that this function was called because
the user interacted with the control (either through mouse or keyboard
action) and we set a flag to indicate this fact. If the control is
incremental, we update the value of the bound instance data.
<method name="updateInstanceData">
<parameter name="aIncremental"/>
if (!this.accessors.hasBoundNode())
if (aIncremental) {
this.changed = true;
if (!this.incremental)
} else {
if (!this.changed)
this.changed = false;
We need to remember if the user has interacted with this control.
We don't want to change the value of the node that this control is
bound to unless the user caused the change.
<field name="changed">false</field>
This binding is base for xforms range controls with numeric types.
Successor bindings should implement a getElementControl() method
that returns numeric types.
<binding id="xformswidget-range-numeric-base"
<implementation implements="nsIAccessibleProvider">
<!-- Any range type that uses a slider widget as the element control
should return Components.interfaces.nsIAccessibleProvider.XFormsRange
as its accessible type.
<property name="accessibleType" readonly="true">
return Components.interfaces.nsIAccessibleProvider.XFormsSliderRange;
<method name="getCurrentValue">
var value = this.control.value;
return isNaN(value) ? "" : value;
<method name="isInRange">
<parameter name="aValue"/>
var value = parseFloat(aValue);
if (isNaN(value))
return false;
return value >= this.start && value <= this.end;
<!-- A range control with numeric types is currently implemented as a
slider and a slider with a large number of steps does not look
nice or perform very well; therefore, we limit the maximum number
of steps to a reasonable value of 20. The start/end/step values
will be adjusted accordingly if any are omitted.
<method name="adjustRangeValues">
<parameter name="aStart"/>
<parameter name="aEnd"/>
<parameter name="aStep"/>
// Start > End is an error.
if (!isNaN(aStart) && !isNaN(aEnd)) {
if (aStart > aEnd) {
return false;
if (isNaN(aStep)) {
// Step is not specified and will depend on the values of start
// and end (which also may not be specified).
if (isNaN(aStart) && isNaN(aEnd)) {
// None of the range attributes are specified! Show a default
// slider with 20 steps.
this.start = 0;
this.end = 20;
this.step = 1;
} else if (!isNaN(aStart) && isNaN(aEnd)) {
// Start is specified but End is not. Set end to start + 20 with
// a default step of 1 to maintain our maximum range of 20 steps.
this.start = aStart;
this.end = this.start + 20;
this.step = 1;
} else if (isNaN(aStart) && !isNaN(aEnd)) {
// End is specified but Start is not. Use a default step of 1
// and adjust start to maintain the maximum range of 20 steps.
this.start = aEnd - 20;
this.end = aEnd;
this.step = 1;
} else {
// Both Start and End are specified. Calculate a step value
// that will maintain our maximum range of 20 steps.
this.start = aStart;
this.end = aEnd;
this.step = Math.round((aEnd - aStart) / 20);
} else {
// Step is specified. Adjust start and end to maintain our
// maximum range of 20 steps.
if (isNaN(aStart) && isNaN(aEnd)) {
// Neither Start nor End is specified. Calculate values for start
// and end such that the slider has a maximum of 20 steps of size
// aStep.
this.start = 0;
this.end = this.start + (aStep * 20);
this.step = aStep;
} else if (!isNaN(aStart) && isNaN(aEnd)) {
// Begin is specified but End is not. Adjust end such that we
// have 20 steps of size aStep between start and end.
this.start = aStart;
this.end = this.start + (aStep * 20);
this.step = aStep;
} else if (isNaN(aStart) && !isNaN(aEnd)) {
// End is specified but Start is not. Adjust start such that we
// have 20 steps of size aStep between start and end.
this.start = aEnd - (aStep * 20);
this.end = aEnd;
this.step = aStep;
} else {
// Both Start and End are specified, but the specified Step
// value may not be suitable for maintaining the maximum
// range of 20 steps.
if ((aEnd - aStart) / aStep > 20) {
// Honor the specified start and end values, but adjust
// the Step value.
this.step = Math.round((aEnd - aStart) / 20);
} else {
this.step = aStep;
this.start = aStart;
this.end = aEnd;
return true;