2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

523 lines
18 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alec Flett <>
* Seth Spitzer <>
* David Bienvenu <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
var gTotalSearchTerms=0;
var gSearchTermList;
var gSearchTerms = new Array;
var gSearchRemovedTerms = new Array;
var gSearchScope;
var gSearchBooleanRadiogroup;
var gUniqueSearchTermCounter = 0; // gets bumped every time we add a search term so we can always
// dynamically generate unique IDs for the terms.
// cache these so we don't have to hit the string bundle for them
var gMoreButtonTooltipText;
var gLessButtonTooltipText;
var gLoading = true;
function searchTermContainer() {}
searchTermContainer.prototype = {
internalSearchTerm : '',
internalBooleanAnd : '',
// this.searchTerm: the actual nsIMsgSearchTerm object
get searchTerm() { return this.internalSearchTerm; },
set searchTerm(val) {
this.internalSearchTerm = val;
var term = val;
// val is a nsIMsgSearchTerm
var searchAttribute=this.searchattribute;
var searchOperator=this.searchoperator;
var searchValue=this.searchvalue;
// now reflect all attributes of the searchterm into the widgets
if (searchAttribute) searchAttribute.value = term.attrib;
if (searchOperator) searchOperator.value = val.op;
if (searchValue) searchValue.value = term.value;
this.booleanAnd = val.booleanAnd;
return val;
// searchscope - just forward to the searchattribute
get searchScope() {
if (this.searchattribute)
return this.searchattribute.searchScope;
return undefined;
set searchScope(val) {
var searchAttribute = this.searchattribute;
if (searchAttribute) searchAttribute.searchScope=val;
return val;
saveId: function (element, slot) {
this[slot] =;
getElement: function (slot) {
return document.getElementById(this[slot]);
// three well-defined properties:
// searchattribute, searchoperator, searchvalue
// the trick going on here is that we're storing the Element's Id,
// not the element itself, because the XBL object may change out
// from underneath us
get searchattribute() { return this.getElement("internalSearchAttributeId"); },
set searchattribute(val) {
this.saveId(val, "internalSearchAttributeId");
return val;
get searchoperator() { return this.getElement("internalSearchOperatorId"); },
set searchoperator(val) {
this.saveId(val, "internalSearchOperatorId");
return val;
get searchvalue() { return this.getElement("internalSearchValueId"); },
set searchvalue(val) {
this.saveId(val, "internalSearchValueId");
return val;
booleanNodes: null,
stringBundle: document.getElementById("bundle_search"),
get booleanAnd() { return this.internalBooleanAnd; },
set booleanAnd(val) {
this.internalBooleanAnd = val;
return val;
save: function () {
var searchTerm = this.searchTerm;
searchTerm.attrib = this.searchattribute.value;
var nsMsgSearchAttrib = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib;
if (this.searchattribute.value > nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader && this.searchattribute.value < nsMsgSearchAttrib.kNumMsgSearchAttributes)
searchTerm.arbitraryHeader = this.searchattribute.label;
searchTerm.op = this.searchoperator.value;
if (this.searchvalue.value);
searchTerm.value = this.searchvalue.value;
searchTerm.booleanAnd = this.booleanAnd;
searchTerm.matchAll = this.matchAll;
// if you have a search term element with no search term
saveTo: function(searchTerm) {
this.internalSearchTerm = searchTerm;;
var nsIMsgSearchTerm = Components.interfaces.nsIMsgSearchTerm;
function initializeSearchWidgets()
gSearchBooleanRadiogroup = document.getElementById("booleanAndGroup");
gSearchTermList = document.getElementById("searchTermList");
// initialize some strings
var bundle = document.getElementById('bundle_search');
gMoreButtonTooltipText = bundle.getString('moreButtonTooltipText');
gLessButtonTooltipText = bundle.getString('lessButtonTooltipText');
function initializeBooleanWidgets()
var booleanAnd = true;
var matchAll = false;
// get the boolean value from the first term
var firstTerm = gSearchTerms[0].searchTerm;
if (firstTerm)
booleanAnd = firstTerm.booleanAnd;
matchAll = firstTerm.matchAll;
// target radio items have value="and" or value="or" or "all"
gSearchBooleanRadiogroup.value = matchAll
? "matchAll"
: (booleanAnd ? "and" : "or")
var searchTerms = document.getElementById("searchTermList");
if (searchTerms)
searchTerms.hidden = matchAll;
function initializeSearchRows(scope, searchTerms)
for (var i = 0; i < searchTerms.Count(); i++) {
var searchTerm = searchTerms.QueryElementAt(i, nsIMsgSearchTerm);
createSearchRow(i, scope, searchTerm);
// enables/disables the less button for the first row of search terms.
function updateRemoveRowButton()
var firstListItem = gSearchTermList.getItemAtIndex(0);
if (firstListItem)
firstListItem.lastChild.lastChild.lastChild.setAttribute("disabled", gTotalSearchTerms == 1);
// Returns the actual list item row index in the list of search rows
// that contains the passed in element id.
function getSearchRowIndexForElement(aElement)
var listItem = aElement;
while (listItem && listItem.localName != "listitem")
listItem = listItem.parentNode;
return gSearchTermList.getIndexOfItem(listItem);
function onMore(event)
// if we have an event, extract the list row index and use that as the row number
// for our insertion point. If there is no event, append to the end....
var rowIndex;
if (event)
rowIndex = getSearchRowIndexForElement( + 1;
rowIndex = gSearchTermList.getRowCount();
createSearchRow(rowIndex, gSearchScope, null);
// the user just added a term, so scroll to it
function onLess(event)
if (event && gTotalSearchTerms > 1)
// set scope on all visible searchattribute tags
function setSearchScope(scope)
gSearchScope = scope;
for (var i=0; i<gSearchTerms.length; i++) {
gSearchTerms[i].obj.searchattribute.searchScope = scope;
gSearchTerms[i].scope = scope;
// act like the user "selected" this, see bug #202848
gSearchTerms[i].obj.searchattribute.onSelect(null /* no event */);
function updateSearchAttributes()
for (var i=0; i<gSearchTerms.length; i++)
function booleanChanged(event) {
// when boolean changes, we have to update all the attributes on the search terms
var newBoolValue = ("value") == "and") ? true : false;
var matchAllValue = ("value") == "matchAll") ? true : false;
if (document.getElementById("abPopup")) {
var selectedAB = document.getElementById("abPopup");
for (var i=0; i<gSearchTerms.length; i++) {
var searchTerm = gSearchTerms[i].obj;
searchTerm.booleanAnd = newBoolValue;
searchTerm.matchAll = matchAllValue;
var searchTerms = document.getElementById("searchTermList");
if (searchTerms)
if (!matchAllValue && searchTerms.hidden && !gTotalSearchTerms)
onMore(null); // fake to get empty row.
searchTerms.hidden = matchAllValue;
function createSearchRow(index, scope, searchTerm)
var searchAttr = document.createElement("searchattribute");
var searchOp = document.createElement("searchoperator");
var searchVal = document.createElement("searchvalue");
var enclosingBox = document.createElement('vbox');
var buttonBox = document.createElement("hbox");
buttonBox.setAttribute("align", "start");
var moreButton = document.createElement("button");
var lessButton = document.createElement("button");
moreButton.setAttribute("class", "small-button");
moreButton.setAttribute("oncommand", "onMore(event);");
moreButton.setAttribute('label', '+');
moreButton.setAttribute('tooltiptext', gMoreButtonTooltipText);
lessButton.setAttribute("class", "small-button");
lessButton.setAttribute("oncommand", "onLess(event);");
lessButton.setAttribute('label', '\u2212');
lessButton.setAttribute('tooltiptext', gLessButtonTooltipText);
enclosingBox.setAttribute('align', 'right');
// now set up ids: = "searchAttr" + gUniqueSearchTermCounter; = "searchOp" + gUniqueSearchTermCounter; = "searchVal" + gUniqueSearchTermCounter;
searchAttr.setAttribute("for", + "," +;
var rowdata = new Array(enclosingBox, searchAttr,
null, searchOp,
null, searchVal,
null, buttonBox);
var searchrow = constructRow(rowdata); = "searchRow" + gUniqueSearchTermCounter;
var searchTermObj = new searchTermContainer;
searchTermObj.searchattribute = searchAttr;
searchTermObj.searchoperator = searchOp;
searchTermObj.searchvalue = searchVal;
// now insert the new search term into our list of terms
gSearchTerms.splice(index, 0, {obj:searchTermObj, scope:scope, searchTerm:searchTerm, initialized:false});
// and/or string handling:
// this is scary - basically we want to take every other
// listcell, (note the i+=2) which will be a text label,
// and set the searchTermObj's
// booleanNodes to that
var stringNodes = new Array;
var listcells = searchrow.childNodes;
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i<listcells.length; i+=2) {
stringNodes[j++] = listcells[i];
// see bug #183994 for why these cells are hidden
listcells[i].hidden = true;
searchTermObj.booleanNodes = stringNodes;
var editFilter = null;
try { editFilter = gFilter; } catch(e) { }
var editMailView = null;
try { editMailView = gMailView; } catch(e) { }
if ((!editFilter && !editMailView) ||
(editFilter && index == gTotalSearchTerms) ||
(editMailView && index == gTotalSearchTerms))
gLoading = false;
// index is index of new row
// gTotalSearchTerms has not been updated yet
if (gLoading || index == gTotalSearchTerms) {
else {
var currentItem = gSearchTermList.getItemAtIndex(index);
gSearchTermList.insertBefore(searchrow, currentItem);
// bump our unique search term counter
function initializeTermFromId(id)
function initializeTermFromIndex(index)
var searchTermObj = gSearchTerms[index].obj;
searchTermObj.searchScope = gSearchTerms[index].scope;
// the search term will initialize the searchTerm element, including
// .booleanAnd
if (gSearchTerms[index].searchTerm)
searchTermObj.searchTerm = gSearchTerms[index].searchTerm;
// here, we don't have a searchTerm, so it's probably a new element -
// we'll initialize the .booleanAnd from the existing setting in
// the UI
searchTermObj.booleanAnd = (gSearchBooleanRadiogroup.value == "and");
if (index)
// if we weren't pre-initialized with a searchTerm then steal the search attribute from the
// previous row.
searchTermObj.searchattribute.value = gSearchTerms[index - 1].obj.searchattribute.value;
gSearchTerms[index].initialized = true;
// creates a <listitem> using the array children as
// the children of each listcell
function constructRow(children)
var listitem = document.createElement("listitem");
listitem.setAttribute("allowevents", "true");
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var listcell = document.createElement("listcell");
// it's ok to have empty cells
if (children[i]) {
children[i].setAttribute("flex", "1");
return listitem;
function removeSearchRow(index)
var searchTermObj = gSearchTerms[index].obj;
if (!searchTermObj) {
// if it is an existing (but offscreen) term,
// make sure it is initialized before we remove it.
if (!gSearchTerms[index].searchTerm && !gSearchTerms[index].initialized)
// need to remove row from list, so walk upwards from the
// searchattribute to find the first <listitem>
var listitem = searchTermObj.searchattribute;
while (listitem) {
if (listitem.localName == "listitem") break;
listitem = listitem.parentNode;
if (!listitem) {
dump("Error: couldn't find parent listitem!\n");
if (searchTermObj.searchTerm) {
gSearchRemovedTerms[gSearchRemovedTerms.length] = searchTermObj.searchTerm;
} else {
//dump("That wasn't real. ignoring \n");
// now remove the item from our list of terms
gSearchTerms.splice(index, 1);
// save the search terms from the UI back to the actual search terms
// searchTerms: nsISupportsArray of terms
// termOwner: object which can contain and create the terms
// (will be unnecessary if we just make terms creatable
// via XPCOM)
function saveSearchTerms(searchTerms, termOwner)
var matchAll = gSearchBooleanRadiogroup.value == 'matchAll';
var i;
for (i = 0; i<gSearchTerms.length; i++) {
try {
var searchTerm = gSearchTerms[i].obj.searchTerm;
// the term might be an offscreen one we haven't initialized yet
// if so, don't bother saving it.
if (!searchTerm && !gSearchTerms[i].initialized) {
// is an existing term, but not initialize, so skip saving
searchTerm.matchAll = matchAll;
if (searchTerm)
else {
// need to create a new searchTerm, and somehow save it to that
searchTerm = termOwner.createTerm();
} catch (ex) {
dump("** Error saving element " + i + ": " + ex + "\n");
// now remove the queued elements
for (i=0; i<gSearchRemovedTerms.length; i++) {
// this is so nasty, we have to iterate through
// because GetIndexOf is acting funny
var searchTermSupports =
function onReset(event)
while (gTotalSearchTerms>0)
function hideMatchAllItem()
var allItems = document.getElementById('matchAllItem');
if (allItems)
allItems.hidden = true;