2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

399 lines
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/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* License.
* The Original Code is Code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
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* Seth Spitzer <>
* Karsten Düsterloh <>
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// menuitem value constants
// tag views have kViewTagMarker + their key as value
const kViewItemAll = 0;
const kViewItemUnread = 1;
const kViewItemTags = 2; // former labels used values 2-6
const kViewItemVirtual = 7;
const kViewItemCustomize = 8;
const kViewItemFirstCustom = 9;
const kViewCurrent = "current-view";
const kViewCurrentTag = "current-view-tag";
const kViewTagMarker = ":";
var gMailViewList = null;
var gCurrentViewValue = kViewItemAll;
var gCurrentViewLabel = "";
var gSaveDefaultSVTerms;
var nsMsgSearchScope = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchScope;
var nsMsgSearchAttrib = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib;
var nsMsgSearchOp = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp;
// perform the view/action requested by the aValue string
// and set the view picker label to the aLabel string
function ViewChange(aValue, aLabel)
if (aValue == kViewItemCustomize || aValue == kViewItemVirtual)
// restore to the previous view value, in case they cancel
UpdateViewPicker(gCurrentViewValue, gCurrentViewLabel);
if (aValue == kViewItemCustomize)
openNewVirtualFolderDialogWithArgs(gCurrentViewLabel, gSaveDefaultSVTerms);
// persist the view
gCurrentViewValue = aValue;
gCurrentViewLabel = aLabel;
SetMailViewForFolder(GetFirstSelectedMsgFolder(), gCurrentViewValue)
UpdateViewPicker(gCurrentViewValue, gCurrentViewLabel);
// tag menuitem values are of the form :<keyword>
if (isNaN(aValue))
// split off the tag key
var tagkey = aValue.substr(kViewTagMarker.length);
var numval = Number(aValue);
switch (numval)
case kViewItemAll: // View All
gDefaultSearchViewTerms = null;
case kViewItemUnread: // Unread
// for legacy reasons, custom views start at index 9
LoadCustomMailView(numval - kViewItemFirstCustom);
gSaveDefaultSVTerms = gDefaultSearchViewTerms;
gQSViewIsDirty = true;
function ViewChangeByMenuitem(aMenuitem)
// Mac View menu menuitems don't have XBL bindings
ViewChange(aMenuitem.getAttribute("value"), aMenuitem.getAttribute("label"));
function ViewChangeByValue(aValue)
var label = "";
var viewPickerPopup = document.getElementById("viewPickerPopup");
if (viewPickerPopup)
// grab the label for the menulist from one of its menuitems
var selectedItems = viewPickerPopup.getElementsByAttribute("value", aValue);
if (!selectedItems || !selectedItems.length)
// we may have a new item
RefreshAllViewPopups(viewPickerPopup, true);
selectedItems = viewPickerPopup.getElementsByAttribute("value", aValue);
label = selectedItems && selectedItems.length && selectedItems.item(0).label;
ViewChange(aValue, label);
function ViewChangeByFolder(aFolder)
var result = GetMailViewForFolder(aFolder);
function UpdateViewPicker(aValue, aLabel)
var viewPicker = document.getElementById("viewPicker");
if (viewPicker)
viewPicker.value = aValue;
viewPicker.setAttribute("label", aLabel);
function GetFolderInfo(aFolder)
if (aFolder)
var db = aFolder.getMsgDatabase(msgWindow);
if (db)
return db.dBFolderInfo;
return null;
function GetMailViewForFolder(aFolder)
var val = "";
var folderInfo = GetFolderInfo(aFolder);
if (folderInfo)
val = folderInfo.getCharPtrProperty(kViewCurrentTag);
if (!val)
// no new view value, thus using the old
var numval = folderInfo.getUint32Property(kViewCurrent, kViewItemAll);
// and migrate it, if it's a former label view (label views used values 2-6)
if ((kViewItemTags <= numval) && (numval < kViewItemVirtual))
val = kViewTagMarker + "$label" + (val - 1);
val = numval;
return val;
function SetMailViewForFolder(aFolder, aValue)
var folderInfo = GetFolderInfo(aFolder);
if (folderInfo)
// we can't map tags back to labels in general,
// so set view to all for backwards compatibility in this case
folderInfo.setUint32Property (kViewCurrent, isNaN(aValue) ? kViewItemAll : aValue);
folderInfo.setCharPtrProperty(kViewCurrentTag, aValue);
function LaunchCustomizeDialog()
OpenOrFocusWindow({}, "mailnews:mailviewlist", "chrome://messenger/content/mailViewList.xul");
function LoadCustomMailView(index)
var searchTermsArrayForQS = CreateGroupedSearchTerms(gMailViewList.getMailViewAt(index).searchTerms);
gDefaultSearchViewTerms = searchTermsArrayForQS;
function ViewTagKeyword(keyword)
// create an i supports array to store our search terms
var searchTermsArray = Components.classes[";1"]
var term = gSearchSession.createTerm();
var value = term.value;
value.str = keyword;
value.attrib = nsMsgSearchAttrib.Keywords;
term.value = value;
term.attrib = nsMsgSearchAttrib.Keywords;
term.op = nsMsgSearchOp.Contains;
term.booleanAnd = true;
gDefaultSearchViewTerms = searchTermsArray;
function ViewNewMail()
// create an i supports array to store our search terms
var searchTermsArray = Components.classes[";1"]
var term = gSearchSession.createTerm();
var value = term.value;
value.status = 1;
value.attrib = nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus;
term.value = value;
term.attrib = nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus;
term.op = nsMsgSearchOp.Isnt;
term.booleanAnd = true;
// not quite right - these want to be just the view terms...but it might not matter.
gDefaultSearchViewTerms = searchTermsArray;
function AddVirtualFolderTerms(searchTermsArray)
// add in any virtual folder terms
var virtualFolderSearchTerms = (gVirtualFolderTerms || gXFVirtualFolderTerms);
if (virtualFolderSearchTerms)
var isupports = null;
var searchTerm;
var termsArray = virtualFolderSearchTerms.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsArray);
for (var i = 0; i < termsArray.Count(); i++)
isupports = termsArray.GetElementAt(i);
searchTerm = isupports.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgSearchTerm);
function PrepareForViewChange()
// this is a problem - it saves the current view in gPreQuickSearchView
// then we eventually call onEnterInSearchBar, and we think we need to restore the pre search view!
// refresh view popup and its subpopups
function RefreshAllViewPopups(aViewPopup, aIsMenulist)
RefreshViewPopup(aViewPopup, aIsMenulist);
var menupopups = aViewPopup.getElementsByTagName("menupopup");
if (menupopups.length > 1)
// when we have menupopups, we assume both tags and custom views are there
RefreshTagsPopup(menupopups[0], aIsMenulist);
RefreshCustomViewsPopup(menupopups[1], aIsMenulist);
function RefreshViewPopup(aViewPopup, aIsMenulist)
// mark default views if selected
if (!aIsMenulist)
var viewAll = aViewPopup.getElementsByAttribute("value", kViewItemAll)[0];
viewAll.setAttribute("checked", gCurrentViewValue == kViewItemAll);
var viewUnread = aViewPopup.getElementsByAttribute("value", kViewItemUnread)[0];
viewUnread.setAttribute("checked", gCurrentViewValue == kViewItemUnread);
function RefreshCustomViewsPopup(aMenupopup, aIsMenulist)
// for each mail view in the msg view list, add an entry in our combo box
if (!gMailViewList)
gMailViewList = Components.classes[";1"]
// remove all menuitems
while (aMenupopup.hasChildNodes())
// now rebuild the list
var currentView = isNaN(gCurrentViewValue) ? kViewItemAll : Number(gCurrentViewValue);
var numItems = gMailViewList.mailViewCount;
for (var i = 0; i < numItems; ++i)
var viewInfo = gMailViewList.getMailViewAt(i);
var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuitem.setAttribute("label", viewInfo.prettyName);
menuitem.setAttribute("value", kViewItemFirstCustom + i);
if (!aIsMenulist)
menuitem.setAttribute("type", "radio");
if (kViewItemFirstCustom + i == currentView)
menuitem.setAttribute("checked", true);
function RefreshTagsPopup(aMenupopup, aIsMenulist)
// remove all menuitems
while (aMenupopup.hasChildNodes())
// create tag menuitems
var currentTagKey = isNaN(gCurrentViewValue) ? gCurrentViewValue.substr(kViewTagMarker.length) : "";
var tagService = Components.classes[";1"]
var tagArray = tagService.getAllTags({});
for (var i = 0; i < tagArray.length; ++i)
var tagInfo = tagArray[i];
var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuitem.setAttribute("label", tagInfo.tag);
menuitem.setAttribute("value", kViewTagMarker + tagInfo.key);
if (!aIsMenulist)
menuitem.setAttribute("type", "radio");
if (tagInfo.key == currentTagKey)
menuitem.setAttribute("checked", true);
var color = tagInfo.color;
if (color)
menuitem.setAttribute("class", "lc-" + color.substr(1));
function ViewPickerOnLoad()
var viewPickerPopup = document.getElementById("viewPickerPopup");
if (viewPickerPopup)
RefreshAllViewPopups(viewPickerPopup, true);
window.addEventListener("load", ViewPickerOnLoad, false);