2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

72 lines
5.4 KiB

## Signature Information strings
SINoneLabel=Message Has No Digital Signature
SINone=This message does not include the sender's digital signature. The absence of a digital signature means that the message could have been sent by someone pretending to have this email address. It is also possible that the message has been altered while in transit over the network. However, it is unlikely that either event has occurred.
SIValidLabel=Message Is Signed
SIValid=This message includes a valid digital signature. The message has not been altered since it was sent.
SIInvalidLabel=Digital Signature Is Not Valid
SIInvalidHeader=This message includes a digital signature, but the signature is invalid.
SIContentAltered=The signature does not match the message content correctly. The message appears to have been altered after the sender signed it. You should not trust the validity of this message until you verify its contents with the sender.
SIExpired=The certificate used to signed the message appears to have expired. Make sure your computer's clock is set correctly.
SIRevoked=The certificate used to sign the message has been revoked. You should not trust the validity of this message until you verify its contents with the sender.
SINotYetValid=The certificate used to sign the message appears not be valid yet. Make sure your computer's clock is set correctly.
SIUnknownCA=The certificate used to sign the message was issued by an unknown certificate authority.
SIUntrustedCA=The certificate used to sign the message was issued by a certificate authority that you do not trust for issuing this kind of certificate.
SIExpiredCA=The certificate used to sign the message was issued by a certificate authority whose own certificate has expired. Make sure your computer's clock is set correctly.
SIRevokedCA=The certificate used to sign the message was issued by a certificate authority whose own certificate has been revoked. You should not trust the validity of this message until you verify its contents with the sender.
SINotYetValidCA=The certificate used to sign the message was issued by a certificate authority whose own certificate is not yet valid. Make sure your computer's clock is set correctly.
SIInvalidCipher=The message was signed using an encryption strength that this version of your software does not support.
SIClueless=There are unknown problems with this digital signature. You should not trust the validity of this message until you verify its contents with the sender.
SIPartiallyValidLabel=Message is signed
SIPartiallyValidHeader=Although the digital signature is valid, it is unknown whether sender and signer are the same person.
SIHeaderMismatch=The email address listed in the signer's certificate is different from the email address that was used to send this message. Please look at the details of the signature certificate to learn who signed the message.
SICertWithoutAddress=The certificate used to sign the message does not contain an email address. Please look at the details of the signature certificate to learn who signed the message.
## Encryption Information strings
EINoneLabel=Message Not Encrypted
EINone=This message was not encrypted before it was sent. Information sent over the Internet without encryption can be seen by other people while in transit.
EIValidLabel=Message Is Encrypted
EIValid=This message was encrypted before it was sent to you. Encryption makes it very difficult for other people to view information while it is traveling over the network.
EIInvalidLabel=Message Cannot Be Decrypted
EIInvalidHeader=This message was encrypted before it was sent to you, but it cannot be decrypted.
EIContentAltered=The message contents appear to have been altered during transmission.
EINoDecryptCert=The certificate used to encrypt the message cannot be found.
EIPasswordError=You did not enter your Master Password correctly.
EIInvalidCipher=The message was encrypted using an encryption strength that this version of your software does not support.
EIClueless=There are unknown problems with this encrypted message.
## Signing Power Information string
SPCanLabel=Message Can Be Signed
SPCanHeader=You have chosen to digitally sign this message before sending it.
SPCan=When other people receive your signed message, they can verify that the message comes from you and that it has not been altered since you signed it.
SPCannotLabel=Message Cannot Be Signed
SPCannotHeader=You cannot digitally sign this message.
SPNoCert=You have not specified a valid certificate for creating digital signatures.
SPNoSigCert=The certificate you have specified for signing messages cannot be used for that purpose.
SPNoValidCert=The certificate you have specified for signing messages is not yet valid. Make sure your computer's clock is set correctly.
SPExpiredCert=The certificate you have specified for signing messages has expired.
SPRevokedCert=The certificate you have specified for signing messages has been revoked.
## Encryption Power Information string
EPCanLabel=Message Can Be Encrypted
EPCanHeader=You have chosen to encrypt this message before sending it.
EPCan=If you have chosen to save copies of your outgoing messages, this message will be encrypted before being saved.
EPCannotLabel=Message Cannot Be Encrypted
EPCannotHeader=This message cannot be encrypted.
EPRecipientUnknown=You have not entered any recipients.
EPNoCerts=You do not have valid certificates for the following recipients:
EPClueless=There are unknown problems with this message.