2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

1074 lines
30 KiB

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Joe Hewitt <> (original author)
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* DOMViewer --------------------------------------------
* Views all nodes within a document.
//////////// global variables /////////////////////
var viewer;
var gEntityConverter;
//////////// global constants ////////////////////
const kDOMViewCID = ";1";
const kClipboardHelperCID = ";1";
const kPromptServiceCID = ";1";
window.addEventListener("load", DOMViewer_initialize, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", DOMViewer_destroy, false);
function DOMViewer_initialize()
viewer = new DOMViewer();
function DOMViewer_destroy()
PrefUtils.removeObserver("inspector", PrefChangeObserver);
viewer = null;
//// class DOMViewer
function DOMViewer() // implements inIViewer
this.mObsMan = new ObserverManager(this);
this.mDOMTree = document.getElementById("trDOMTree");
this.mDOMTreeBody = document.getElementById("trDOMTreeBody");
// prepare and attach the DOM DataSource
this.mDOMView = XPCU.createInstance(kDOMViewCID, "inIDOMView");
this.mDOMView.showSubDocuments = true;
this.mDOMView.whatToShow &= ~(NodeFilter.SHOW_ATTRIBUTE); // hide attribute nodes
this.mDOMTree.treeBoxObject.view = this.mDOMView;
PrefUtils.addObserver("inspector", PrefChangeObserver);
DOMViewer.prototype =
mSubject: null,
mDOMView: null,
// searching stuff
mSearchResults: null,
mSearchCurrentIdx: null,
mSearchDirection: null,
mColumns: null,
mFlashSelected: null,
mFlashes: 0,
mFindDir: null,
mFindParams: null,
mFindType: null,
mFindWalker: null,
mSelecting: false,
//// interface inIViewer
//// attributes
get uid() { return "dom" },
get pane() { return this.mPanel },
get editable() { return true; },
get selection() { return this.mSelection },
get subject() { return this.mSubject },
set subject(aObject) {
this.mSubject = aObject;
this.mDOMView.rootNode = aObject;
this.mObsMan.dispatchEvent("subjectChange", { subject: aObject });
//// methods
initialize: function(aPane)
this.mPanel = aPane;
this.setAnonContent(PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.dom.showAnon"), false);
destroy: function()
this.mDOMTree.treeBoxObject.view = null;
isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand)
switch (aCommand) {
case "cmdEditPaste":
var canPaste = this.mPanel.panelset.clipboardFlavor == "inspector/dom-node";
if (canPaste) {
var node = this.mPanel.panelset.getClipboardData();
canPaste = node ? node.nodeType != Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : false;
return canPaste;
case "cmdEditInsert":
return false;
case "cmdEditCut":
case "cmdEditCopy":
case "cmdEditDelete":
return this.selectedNode != null;
return false;
getCommand: function(aCommand)
switch (aCommand) {
case "cmdEditCut":
return new cmdEditCut();
case "cmdEditCopy":
return new cmdEditCopy();
case "cmdEditPaste":
return new cmdEditPaste();
case "cmdEditDelete":
return new cmdEditDelete();
return null;
//// event dispatching
addObserver: function(aEvent, aObserver) { this.mObsMan.addObserver(aEvent, aObserver); },
removeObserver: function(aEvent, aObserver) { this.mObsMan.removeObserver(aEvent, aObserver); },
//// UI Commands
showFindDialog: function()
var win = openDialog("chrome://inspector/content/viewers/dom/findDialog.xul",
"_blank", "chrome,dependent", this.mFindType, this.mFindDir, this.mFindParams);
toggleAnonContent: function(aRebuild)
this.setAnonContent(!this.mDOMView.showAnonymousContent, aRebuild);
setAnonContent: function(aValue, aRebuild)
this.mDOMView.showAnonymousContent = aValue;
this.mPanel.panelset.setCommandAttribute("cmd:toggleAnon", "checked", aValue);
PrefUtils.setPref("inspector.dom.showAnon", aValue);
if (aRebuild) {
toggleSubDocs: function()
var val = !this.mDOMView.showSubDocuments;
this.mDOMView.showSubDocuments = val;
this.mPanel.panelset.setCommandAttribute("cmd:toggleSubDocs", "checked", val);
setWhitespaceNodes: function(aValue)
// Do this first so we ensure the checkmark is set in the case
// we are starting with whitespace nodes enabled.
this.mPanel.panelset.setCommandAttribute("cmd:toggleWhitespaceNodes", "checked", aValue);
// The rest of the stuff is redundant to do if we are not changing
// the value, so just bail here if we're setting the same value.
if (this.mDOMView.showWhitespaceNodes == aValue) {
this.mDOMView.showWhitespaceNodes = aValue;
PrefUtils.setPref("inspector.dom.showWhitespaceNodes", aValue);
toggleWhitespaceNodes: function()
toggleAttributes: function()
showColumnsDialog: function()
var win = openDialog("chrome://inspector/content/viewers/dom/columnsDialog.xul",
"_blank", "chrome,dependent", this);
cmdShowPseudoClasses: function()
var idx = this.mDOMTree.currentIndex;
var node = this.getNodeFromRowIndex(idx);
if (node)
"_blank", "chrome", node);
cmdBlink: function()
cmdBlinkIsValid: function()
return this.selectedNode ? (this.selectedNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) : false;
onItemSelected: function()
var idx = this.mDOMTree.currentIndex;
this.mSelection = this.getNodeFromRowIndex(idx);
this.mObsMan.dispatchEvent("selectionChange", { selection: this.mSelection } );
if (this.mSelection) {
if (this.mFlashSelected)
setInitialSelection: function(aObject)
var fireSelected = this.mDOMTree.currentIndex == 0;
if (this.mPanel.params)
this.selectElementInTree(aObject, true);
if (fireSelected)
onContextCreate: function(aPP)
var mi, cmd;
for (var i = 0; i < aPP.childNodes.length; ++i) {
mi = aPP.childNodes[i];
if (mi.hasAttribute("observes")) {
cmd = document.getElementById(mi.getAttribute("observes"));
if (cmd && cmd.hasAttribute("isvalid")) {
try {
var isValid = new Function(cmd.getAttribute("isvalid"));
} catch (ex) { /* die quietly on syntax error in handler */ }
if (!isValid())
mi.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
cmdInspectBrowserIsValid: function()
var node = viewer.selectedNode;
if (!node || node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return false;
var n = node.localName.toLowerCase();
return n == "tabbrowser" || n == "browser" || n == "iframe" || n == "frame" || n == "editor";
cmdInspectBrowser: function()
var node = this.selectedNode;
var n = node.localName.toLowerCase();
if (node && n == "browser" && node.namespaceURI == kXULNSURI) {
// xul browser
this.subject = node.contentDocument;
} else if (node && n == "tabbrowser" && node.namespaceURI == kXULNSURI) {
// xul tabbrowser
this.subject = node.contentDocument;
} else if (n == "iframe" && node.namespaceURI == kXULNSURI) {
// xul iframe
this.subject = node.contentDocument;
} else if (n == "iframe" || n == "frame") {
// html iframe or frame
this.subject = node.contentDocument;
} else if (n == "editor") {
// editor
this.subject = node.contentDocument;
cmdInspectInNewWindow: function()
var node = this.selectedNode;
if (node)
//// XML Serialization
cmdCopySelectedXML: function()
var node = this.selectedNode;
if (node) {
var xml = this.toXML(node);
var helper = XPCU.getService(kClipboardHelperCID, "nsIClipboardHelper");
toXML: function(aNode)
return this._toXML(aNode, 0);
// not the most complete serialization ever conceived, but it'll do for now
_toXML: function(aNode, aLevel)
if (!aNode) return "";
var s = "";
var indent = "";
for (var i = 0; i < aLevel; ++i)
indent += " ";
var line = indent;
if (aNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
line += "<" + aNode.localName;
var attrIndent = "";
for (i = 0; i < line.length; ++i)
attrIndent += " ";
for (i = 0; i < aNode.attributes.length; ++i) {
var a = aNode.attributes[i];
var attr = " " + a.localName + '="' + unicodeToEntity(a.nodeValue) + '"';
if (line.length + attr.length > 80) {
s += line + (i < aNode.attributes.length-1 ? "\n"+attrIndent : "");
line = "";
line += attr;
s += line;
if (aNode.childNodes.length == 0)
s += "/>\n";
else {
s += ">\n";
for (i = 0; i < aNode.childNodes.length; ++i)
s += this._toXML(aNode.childNodes[i], aLevel+1);
s += indent + "</" + aNode.localName + ">\n";
} else if (aNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
s += unicodeToEntity(;
} else if (aNode.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
s += line + "<!--" + unicodeToEntity( + "-->\n";
return s;
//// Click Selection
selectByClick: function()
if (this.mSelecting) {
} else {
// wait until after user releases the mouse after selecting this command from a UI element
window.setTimeout("viewer.startSelectByClick()", 10);
startSelectByClick: function()
this.mSelecting = true;
this.mSelectDocs = this.getAllDocuments();
for (var i = 0; i < this.mSelectDocs.length; ++i) {
this.mSelectDocs[i].addEventListener("mousedown", MouseDownListener, true);
this.mSelectDocs[i].addEventListener("mouseup", EventCanceller, true);
this.mSelectDocs[i].addEventListener("click", ListenerRemover, true);
// If use moves the mouse out of the original target area, there
// will be no onclick event fired.... so we have to deal with
// that.
this.mSelectDocs[i].addEventListener("mouseout", ListenerRemover, true);
this.mPanel.panelset.setCommandAttribute("cmd:selectByClick", "checked", "true");
selectByClickOver: function(aTarget)
if (this.mLastOver)
this.flasher.element = aTarget;
this.flasher.start(-1, 1, true);
this.mLastOver = aTarget;
doSelectByClick: function(aTarget)
if (aTarget.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
aTarget = aTarget.parentNode;
stopSelectByClick: function()
this.mSelecting = false;
this.mPanel.panelset.setCommandAttribute("cmd:selectByClick", "checked", null);
removeClickListeners: function()
for (var i = 0; i < this.mSelectDocs.length; ++i) {
this.mSelectDocs[i].removeEventListener("mousedown", MouseDownListener, true);
this.mSelectDocs[i].removeEventListener("mouseup", EventCanceller, true);
this.mSelectDocs[i].removeEventListener("click", ListenerRemover, true);
this.mSelectDocs[i].removeEventListener("mouseout", ListenerRemover, true);
//// Find Methods
startFind: function(aType, aDir)
this.mFindType = aType;
this.mFindDir = aDir;
this.mFindParams = [];
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i)
this.mFindParams[i-2] = arguments[i];
var fn = null;
switch (aType) {
case "id":
fn = "doFindElementById";
case "tag":
fn = "doFindElementsByTagName";
case "attr":
fn = "doFindElementsByAttr";
this.mFindFn = fn;
this.mFindWalker = this.createDOMWalker(this.mDOMView.rootNode);
findNext: function()
var walker = this.mFindWalker;
var result = null;
if (walker) {
while (walker.currentNode) {
//dump((walker.currentNode ? walker.currentNode.localName : "") + "\n");
if (this[this.mFindFn](walker)) {
result = walker.currentNode;
if (result) {
} else {
var bundle = this.mPanel.panelset.stringBundle;
var msg = bundle.getString("findNodesDocumentEnd.message");
var title = bundle.getString("findNodesDocumentEnd.title");
var promptService = XPCU.getService(kPromptServiceCID, "nsIPromptService");
promptService.alert(window, title, msg);
doFindElementById: function(aWalker)
var re = new RegExp(this.mFindParams[0], "i");
return aWalker.currentNode
&& "id" in aWalker.currentNode
&& re.test(;
doFindElementsByTagName: function(aWalker)
var re = new RegExp(this.mFindParams[0], "i");
return aWalker.currentNode
&& aWalker.currentNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& re.test(aWalker.currentNode.localName);
doFindElementsByAttr: function(aWalker)
var re = new RegExp(this.mFindParams[1], "i");
return aWalker.currentNode
&& aWalker.currentNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& (this.mFindParams[1] == ""
? aWalker.currentNode.hasAttribute(this.mFindParams[0])
: re.test(aWalker.currentNode.getAttribute(this.mFindParams[0])));
// Takes an element from the document being inspected, finds the treeitem
// which represents it in the DOM tree and selects that treeitem.
// @param aEl - element from the document being inspected
selectElementInTree: function(aEl, aExpand, aQuickie)
var bx = this.mDOMTree.treeBoxObject;
if (!aEl) {;
return false;
// Keep searching until a pre-created ancestor is
// found, and then open each ancestor until
// the found element is created
var walker = this.createDOMWalker(aEl);
var line = [];
var parent = aEl;
var index = null;
while (parent) {
index = this.getRowIndexFromNode(parent);
if (index < 0) {
// row for this node hasn't been created yet
parent = walker.parentNode();
} else
// we've got all the ancestors, now open them
// one-by-one from the top on down
var view = bx.view;
var lastIndex;
for (var i = line.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
index = this.getRowIndexFromNode(line[i]);
if (index < 0)
break; // can't find row, so stop trying to descend
if ((aExpand || i > 0) && !view.isContainerOpen(index)) {
lastIndex = index;
if (!aQuickie && lastIndex >= 0) {;
return aQuickie;
// Remember which rows are open, and which row is selected. Then rebuild tree,
// re-open previously opened rows, and re-select previously selected row
rebuild: function()
var selNode = this.getNodeFromRowIndex(this.mDOMTree.currentIndex);;
var opened = [];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this.mDOMView.rowCount; ++i) {
if (this.mDOMView.isContainerOpen(i))
for (i = 0; i < opened.length; ++i)
this.selectElementInTree(opened[i], true, true);
createDOMWalker: function(aRoot)
var walker = XPCU.createInstance(";1", "inIDeepTreeWalker");
walker.showAnonymousContent = this.mDOMView.showAnonymousContent;
walker.showSubDocuments = this.mDOMView.showSubDocuments;
walker.init(aRoot, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNodeFilter.SHOW_ALL);
return walker;
//// Columns
initColumns: function()
var colPref = PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.dom.columns");
var cols = colPref.split(",")
this.mColumns = cols;
this.mColumnHash = {};
// XX re-implement custom columns code some-day
saveColumns: function()
var cols = this.mColumns.join(",");
PrefUtils.setPref("inspector.dom.columns", cols);
//// Flashing
get flasher()
if (!("mFlasher" in this)) {
this.mFlasher = new Flasher(PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.blink.border-color"),
return this.mFlasher;
flashElement: function(aElement)
// make sure we only try to flash element nodes, and don't
// flash the documentElement (it's too darn big!)
if (aElement.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
aElement != aElement.ownerDocument.documentElement) {
var flasher = this.flasher;
if (flasher.flashing)
try {
flasher.element = aElement;
} catch (ex) {
toggleFlashSelected: function()
setFlashSelected: function(aValue)
this.mFlashSelected = aValue;
this.mPanel.panelset.setCommandAttribute("cmd:flashSelected", "checked", aValue);
PrefUtils.setPref("inspector.blink.on", aValue);
//// Prefs
onPrefChanged: function(aName)
if (aName == "inspector.dom.showAnon")
if (aName == "inspector.blink.on")
if (this.mFlasher) {
if (aName == "inspector.blink.border-color") {
this.mFlasher.color = PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.blink.border-color");
} else if (aName == "inspector.blink.border-width") {
this.mFlasher.thickness = PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.blink.border-width");
} else if (aName == "inspector.blink.duration") {
this.mFlasher.duration = PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.blink.duration");
} else if (aName == "inspector.blink.speed") {
this.mFlasher.speed = PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.blink.speed");
} else if (aName == "inspector.blink.invert") {
this.mFlasher.invert = PrefUtils.getPref("inspector.blink.invert");
//// Uncategorized
getAllDocuments: function()
var doc = this.mDOMView.rootNode;
var results = [doc];
this.findDocuments(doc, results);
return results;
findDocuments: function(aDoc, aArray)
this.addKidsToArray(aDoc.getElementsByTagName("frame"), aArray);
this.addKidsToArray(aDoc.getElementsByTagName("iframe"), aArray);
this.addKidsToArray(aDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(kXULNSURI, "browser"), aArray);
this.addKidsToArray(aDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(kXULNSURI, "tabbrowser"), aArray);
this.addKidsToArray(aDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(kXULNSURI, "editor"), aArray);
addKidsToArray: function(aKids, aArray)
for (var i = 0; i < aKids.length; ++i) {
try {
// Now recurse down into the kid and look for documents there
this.findDocuments(aKids[i].contentDocument, aArray);
} catch (ex) {
// if we can't access the content document, skip it
get selectedNode()
var index = this.mDOMTree.currentIndex;
return index >= 0 ? this.getNodeFromRowIndex(index) : null;
getNodeFromRowIndex: function(aIndex)
try {
return this.mDOMView.getNodeFromRowIndex(aIndex);
} catch (ex) {
return null;
getRowIndexFromNode: function(aNode)
try {
return this.mDOMView.getRowIndexFromNode(aNode);
} catch (ex) {
return -1;
canPaste: function(aFlavour)
return aFlavour == "Inspector-DOM-Node";
//// Command Objects
function cmdEditDelete() {}
cmdEditDelete.prototype =
node: null,
nextSibling: null,
parentNode: null,
// remove this line for bug 179621, Phase Three
txnType: "standard",
// required for nsITransaction
QueryInterface: txnQueryInterface,
merge: txnMerge,
isTransient: false,
redoTransaction: txnRedoTransaction,
doTransaction: function()
var node = this.node ? this.node : viewer.selectedNode;
if (node) {
this.node = node;
this.nextSibling = node.nextSibling;
this.parentNode = node.parentNode;
var selectNode = this.nextSibling;
if (!selectNode) selectNode = node.previousSibling;
if (!selectNode) selectNode = this.parentNode;
undoTransaction: function()
if (this.node) {
if (this.nextSibling)
this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, this.nextSibling);
function cmdEditCut() {}
cmdEditCut.prototype =
cmdCopy: null,
cmdDelete: null,
// remove this line for bug 179621, Phase Three
txnType: "standard",
// required for nsITransaction
QueryInterface: txnQueryInterface,
merge: txnMerge,
isTransient: false,
redoTransaction: txnRedoTransaction,
doTransaction: function()
if (!this.cmdCopy) {
this.cmdDelete = new cmdEditDelete();
this.cmdCopy = new cmdEditCopy();
undoTransaction: function()
function cmdEditCopy() {}
cmdEditCopy.prototype =
copiedNode: null,
previousData: null,
previousFlavor: null,
// remove this line for bug 179621, Phase Three
txnType: "standard",
// required for nsITransaction
QueryInterface: txnQueryInterface,
merge: txnMerge,
isTransient: false,
redoTransaction: txnRedoTransaction,
doTransaction: function()
var copiedNode = null;
if (!this.copiedNode) {
copiedNode = viewer.selectedNode;
if (copiedNode) {
this.copiedNode = copiedNode;
this.previousData = viewer.pane.panelset.getClipboardData();
this.previousFlavor = viewer.pane.panelset.clipboardFlavor;
} else
copiedNode = this.copiedNode;
viewer.pane.panelset.setClipboardData(copiedNode, "inspector/dom-node");
undoTransaction: function()
viewer.pane.panelset.setClipboardData(this.previousData, this.previousFlavor);
function cmdEditPaste() {}
cmdEditPaste.prototype =
pastedNode: null,
pastedBefore: null,
// remove this line for bug 179621, Phase Three
txnType: "standard",
// required for nsITransaction
QueryInterface: txnQueryInterface,
merge: txnMerge,
isTransient: false,
redoTransaction: txnRedoTransaction,
doTransaction: function()
var node = this.pastedNode ? this.pastedNode : viewer.pane.panelset.getClipboardData();
var selected = this.pastedBefore ? this.pastedBefore : viewer.selectedNode;
if (selected) {
this.pastedNode = node.cloneNode(true);
this.pastedBefore = selected;
if (selected.nextSibling)
selected.parentNode.insertBefore(this.pastedNode, selected.nextSibling);
return false;
return true;
undoTransaction: function()
if (this.pastedNode)
//// Listener Objects
var MouseDownListener = {
handleEvent: function(aEvent)
var target = viewer.mDOMView.showAnonymousContent ? aEvent.originalTarget :;
if (aEvent.type == "mousedown") {
else if (aEvent.type == "mouseover")
var EventCanceller = {
handleEvent: function(aEvent)
var ListenerRemover = {
handleEvent: function(aEvent)
if (!viewer.mSelecting) {
if (aEvent.type == "click") {
var PrefChangeObserver = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
function gColumnAddListener(aIndex)
function gColumnRemoveListener(aIndex)
function dumpDOM2(aNode)
function unicodeToEntity(text)
const charTable = {
'&': "&amp;",
'<': "&lt;",
'>': "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;"
function charTableLookup(letter) {
return charTable[letter];
function convertEntity(letter) {
try {
return gEntityConverter.ConvertToEntity(letter, entityVersion);
} catch (ex) {
return letter;
if (!gEntityConverter) {
try {
gEntityConverter =
} catch (ex) { }
const entityVersion = Components.interfaces.nsIEntityConverter.entityW3C;
var str = text;
// replace chars in our charTable
str = str.replace(/[<>&"]/g, charTableLookup);
// replace chars > 0x7f via nsIEntityConverter
str = str.replace(/[^\0-\u007f]/g, convertEntity);
return str;