2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

450 lines
12 KiB

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Java XPCOM Bindings.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* IBM Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
* IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Javier Pedemonte (
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "TestParams.h"
#include "nsIGenericFactory.h"
#include "nsMemory.h"
#include "prmem.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsILocalFile.h"
#include "stdio.h"
/* TestParams */
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(TestParams, ITestParams)
/* member initializers and constructor code */
/* destructor code */
TestParams::TestSimpleTypeArrayIn(PRUint32 aCount, PRUint8* aArray)
printf("-> TestSimpleTypeArrayIn()\n");
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
printf("[%d] %u\n", i, aArray[i]);
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestCharStrTypeArrayIn(PRUint32 aCount, const char** aArray)
printf("-> TestCharStrTypeArrayIn()\n");
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, aArray[i]);
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestWCharStrTypeArrayIn(PRUint32 aCount, const PRUnichar** aArray)
printf("-> TestWCharStrTypeArrayIn()\n");
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
nsAutoString tmp(aArray[i]);
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII(tmp).get());
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestIIDTypeArrayIn(PRUint32 aCount, const nsIID** aArray)
printf("-> TestIIDTypeArrayIn()\n");
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
char* iid = aArray[i]->ToString();
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, iid);
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestIfaceTypeArrayIn(PRUint32 aCount, nsILocalFile** aArray)
printf("-> TestIfaceTypeArrayIn()\n");
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
nsAutoString path;
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII(path).get());
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestSimpleTypeArrayOut(PRUint32* aCount, char** aResult)
printf("-> TestSimpleTypeArrayOut()\n");
PRUint32 count = 4;
char* array = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(char));
array[0] = 's';
array[1] = 't';
array[2] = 'u';
array[3] = 'v';
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestCharStrTypeArrayOut(PRUint32* aCount, char*** aResult)
printf("-> TestCharStrTypeArrayOut()\n");
PRUint32 count = 3;
char** array = (char**) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(char*));
array[0] = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(array[0], "one");
array[1] = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(array[1], "two");
array[2] = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(6 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(array[2], "three");
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestWCharStrTypeArrayOut(PRUint32* aCount, PRUnichar*** aResult)
printf("-> TestWCharStrTypeArrayOut()\n");
PRUint32 count = 3;
PRUnichar** array = (PRUnichar**) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(PRUnichar*));
NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(three, "threë");
array[0] = (PRUnichar*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
memcpy(array[0], one.get(), 4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
array[1] = (PRUnichar*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
memcpy(array[1], two.get(), 4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
array[2] = (PRUnichar*) nsMemory::Alloc(6 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
memcpy(array[2], three.get(), 6 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestIIDTypeArrayOut(PRUint32* aCount, nsIID*** aResult)
printf("-> TestIIDTypeArrayOut()\n");
PRUint32 count = 2;
nsIID** array = (nsIID**) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(nsIID*));
const nsIID& iid = NS_GET_IID(nsISupports);
array[0] = (nsIID*) nsMemory::Clone(&iid, sizeof(iid));
const nsIID& iid2 = NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsWeakReference);
array[1] = (nsIID*) nsMemory::Clone(&iid2, sizeof(iid2));
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestIfaceTypeArrayOut(PRUint32* aCount, nsILocalFile*** aResult)
printf("-> TestIfaceTypeArrayOut()\n");
PRUint32 count = 3;
nsILocalFile** array = (nsILocalFile**)
nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(nsILocalFile*));
nsILocalFile* dir1;
NS_NewLocalFile(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/usr/local/share"), PR_FALSE, &dir1);
array[0] = dir1;
nsILocalFile* dir2;
NS_NewLocalFile(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/home"), PR_FALSE, &dir2);
array[1] = dir2;
nsILocalFile* dir3;
NS_NewLocalFile(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/var/log"), PR_FALSE, &dir3);
array[2] = dir3;
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestSimpleTypeArrayInOut(PRUint32 aCount, PRInt16** aArray)
printf("-> TestSimpleTypeArrayInOut()\n");
PRUint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
printf("[%d] %d\n", i, aArray[0][i]);
for (i = 0; i < aCount/2; i++) {
PRUint32 index = aCount - 1 - i;
PRUint16 temp = aArray[0][index];
aArray[0][index] = aArray[0][i];
aArray[0][i] = temp;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestCharStrTypeArrayInOut(PRUint32 aCount, char*** aArray)
printf("-> TestCharStrTypeArrayInOut()\n");
PRUint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, aArray[0][i]);
for (i = 0; i < aCount/2; i++) {
PRUint32 index = aCount - 1 - i;
char* temp = aArray[0][index];
aArray[0][index] = aArray[0][i];
aArray[0][i] = temp;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestWCharStrTypeArrayInOut(PRUint32 aCount, PRUnichar*** aArray)
printf("-> TestWCharStrTypeArrayInOut()\n");
PRUint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
nsAutoString tmp(aArray[0][i]);
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII(tmp).get());
for (i = 0; i < aCount/2; i++) {
PRUint32 index = aCount - 1 - i;
PRUnichar* temp = aArray[0][index];
aArray[0][index] = aArray[0][i];
aArray[0][i] = temp;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestIIDTypeArrayInOut(PRUint32 aCount, nsIID*** aArray)
printf("-> TestIIDTypeArrayInOut()\n");
PRUint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
char* iid = aArray[0][i]->ToString();
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, iid);
for (i = 0; i < aCount/2; i++) {
PRUint32 index = aCount - 1 - i;
nsID* temp = aArray[0][index];
aArray[0][index] = aArray[0][i];
aArray[0][i] = temp;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::TestIfaceTypeArrayInOut(PRUint32 aCount, nsILocalFile*** aArray)
printf("-> TestIfaceTypeArrayInOut()\n");
PRUint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
nsAutoString path;
printf("[%d] %s\n", i, NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII(path).get());
for (i = 0; i < aCount/2; i++) {
PRUint32 index = aCount - 1 - i;
nsILocalFile* temp = aArray[0][index];
aArray[0][index] = aArray[0][i];
aArray[0][i] = temp;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::ReturnSimpleTypeArray(PRUint32* aCount, PRUint32** aResult)
printf("-> ReturnSimpleArrayType()\n");
PRUint32 count = 5;
PRUint32* array = (PRUint32*) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(PRUint32));
for (PRUint32 i = 0, j = 1; i < count; i++ ) {
array[i] = j;
j *= 13;
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::ReturnCharStrTypeArray(PRUint32* aCount, char*** aResult)
printf("-> ReturnCharStrTypeArray()\n");
PRUint32 count = 3;
char** array = (char**) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(char*));
array[0] = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(array[0], "one");
array[1] = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(array[1], "two");
array[2] = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(6 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(array[2], "three");
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::ReturnWCharStrTypeArray(PRUint32* aCount, PRUnichar*** aResult)
printf("-> ReturnWCharStrTypeArray()\n");
PRUint32 count = 3;
PRUnichar** array = (PRUnichar**) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(PRUnichar*));
NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(three, "three");
array[0] = (PRUnichar*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
memcpy(array[0], one.get(), 4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
array[1] = (PRUnichar*) nsMemory::Alloc(4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
memcpy(array[1], two.get(), 4 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
array[2] = (PRUnichar*) nsMemory::Alloc(6 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
memcpy(array[2], three.get(), 6 * sizeof(PRUnichar));
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::ReturnIIDTypeArray(PRUint32* aCount, nsIID*** aResult)
printf("-> ReturnIIDTypeArray()\n");
PRUint32 count = 2;
nsIID** array = (nsIID**) nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(nsIID*));
const nsIID& iid = NS_GET_IID(nsISupports);
array[0] = (nsIID*) nsMemory::Clone(&iid, sizeof(iid));
const nsIID& iid2 = NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsWeakReference);
array[1] = (nsIID*) nsMemory::Clone(&iid2, sizeof(iid2));
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
TestParams::ReturnIfaceTypeArray(PRUint32* aCount, nsILocalFile*** aResult)
printf("-> ReturnIfaceTypeArray()\n");
PRUint32 count = 3;
nsILocalFile** array = (nsILocalFile**)
nsMemory::Alloc(count * sizeof(nsILocalFile*));
nsILocalFile* dir1;
NS_NewLocalFile(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/usr/local/share"), PR_FALSE, &dir1);
array[0] = dir1;
nsILocalFile* dir2;
NS_NewLocalFile(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/home"), PR_FALSE, &dir2);
array[1] = dir2;
nsILocalFile* dir3;
NS_NewLocalFile(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/var/log"), PR_FALSE, &dir3);
array[2] = dir3;
*aCount = count;
*aResult = array;
return NS_OK;
/* TestParamsFactory */
static const nsModuleComponentInfo components[] = {
{ "TestParams", TESTPARAMS_CID, nsnull, TestParamsConstructor }
NS_IMPL_NSGETMODULE(TestParamsFactory, components)