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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
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* The Original Code is TransforMiiX XSLT processor code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Document class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 Removed Default argument initializer from
// Document() constructor
// LF 08/06/1999 fixed typo: defalut to default
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a Document. Currently no parameters are required, but the the
//node constructor is called to identify the node type.
Document::Document() : NodeDefinition(Node::DOCUMENT_NODE, EmptyString(), NULL)
documentElement = nsnull;
//Return the one and only element for this document
Element* Document::getDocumentElement()
return documentElement;
//Construct an empty document fragment.
// NOTE: The caller is responsible for cleaning up this fragment's memory
// when it is no longer needed.
Node* Document::createDocumentFragment()
return new DocumentFragment(this);
//Construct an element with the specified tag name.
// NOTE: The caller is responsible for cleaning up the element's menory
Element* Document::createElement(const nsAString& tagName)
return new Element(tagName, this);
Element* Document::createElementNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aTagName)
return new Element(aNamespaceURI, aTagName, this);
//Construct an attribute with the specified name
Attr* Document::createAttribute(const nsAString& name)
return new Attr(name, this);
Attr* Document::createAttributeNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aName)
return new Attr(aNamespaceURI, aName, this);
//Construct a text node with the given data
Node* Document::createTextNode(const nsAString& theData)
return new NodeDefinition(Node::TEXT_NODE, theData, this);
//Construct a comment node with the given data
Node* Document::createComment(const nsAString& theData)
return new NodeDefinition(Node::COMMENT_NODE, theData, this);
//Construct a ProcessingInstruction node with the given targe and data.
Document::createProcessingInstruction(const nsAString& target,
const nsAString& data)
return new ProcessingInstruction(target, data, this);
//Return an Element by ID, introduced by DOM2
DHASH_WRAPPER(txIDMap, txIDEntry, nsAString&)
Element* Document::getElementById(const nsAString& aID)
txIDEntry* entry = mIDMap.GetEntry(aID);
if (entry)
return entry->mElement;
return nsnull;
* private setter for element ID
Document::setElementID(const nsAString& aID, Element* aElement)
txIDEntry* id = mIDMap.AddEntry(aID);
// make sure IDs are unique
if (id->mElement) {
return PR_FALSE;
id->mElement = aElement;
return PR_TRUE;
Node* Document::appendChild(Node* newChild)
unsigned short nodeType = newChild->getNodeType();
// Convert to a NodeDefinition Pointer
NodeDefinition* pNewChild = (NodeDefinition*)newChild;
if (pNewChild->parentNode == this)
pNewChild = implRemoveChild(pNewChild);
if (nodeType == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
documentElement = nsnull;
switch (nodeType)
case Node::COMMENT_NODE :
return implAppendChild(pNewChild);
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE :
if (!documentElement)
Node* returnVal = implAppendChild(pNewChild);
documentElement = (Element*)pNewChild;
return returnVal;
return nsnull;
nsresult Document::getBaseURI(nsAString& aURI)
aURI = documentBaseURI;
return NS_OK;