2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

369 lines
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/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Mail Code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* David Bienvenu.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Scott MacGregor <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
var gIdentity = null; // the identity we are editing (may be null for a new identity)
var gAccount = null; // the account the identity is (or will be) associated with
const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
function onLoadIdentityProperties()
// extract the account
gIdentity = window.arguments[0].identity;
gAccount = window.arguments[0].account;
// the multiple identities editor isn't an account wizard panel so we have to do this ourselves:
document.getElementById('identity.smtpServerKey').value = gIdentity ? gIdentity.smtpServerKey
: gAccount.defaultIdentity.smtpServerKey;
// based on the values of gIdentity, initialize the identity fields we expose to the user
function initIdentityValues(identity)
if (identity)
document.getElementById('identity.fullName').value = identity.fullName;
document.getElementById('').value =;
document.getElementById('identity.replyTo').value = identity.replyTo;
document.getElementById('identity.organization').value = identity.organization;
document.getElementById('identity.attachSignature').checked = identity.attachSignature;
if (identity.signature)
document.getElementById('identity.signature').value = identity.signature.path;
document.getElementById('identity.attachVCard').checked = identity.attachVCard;
document.getElementById('identity.escapedVCard').value = identity.escapedVCard;
function initCopiesAndFolder(identity)
// if we are editing an existing identity, use it...otherwise copy our values from the default identity
var copiesAndFoldersIdentity = identity ? identity : gAccount.defaultIdentity;
document.getElementById('identity.fccFolder').value = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.fccFolder;
document.getElementById('identity.draftFolder').value = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.draftFolder;
document.getElementById('identity.stationeryFolder').value = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.stationeryFolder;
document.getElementById('identity.fccFolderPickerMode').value = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.fccFolderPickerMode ? copiesAndFoldersIdentity.fccFolderPickerMode : 0;
document.getElementById('identity.draftsFolderPickerMode').value = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.draftsFolderPickerMode ? copiesAndFoldersIdentity.draftsFolderPickerMode : 0;
document.getElementById('identity.tmplFolderPickerMode').value = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.tmplFolderPickerMode ? copiesAndFoldersIdentity.tmplFolderPickerMode : 0;
document.getElementById('identity.doBcc').checked = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.doBcc;
document.getElementById('identity.doBccList').value = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.doBccList;
document.getElementById('identity.doFcc').checked = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.doFcc;
document.getElementById('identity.fccReplyFollowsParent').checked = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.fccReplyFollowsParent;
document.getElementById('identity.showSaveMsgDlg').checked = copiesAndFoldersIdentity.showSaveMsgDlg;
onInitCopiesAndFolders(); // am-copies.js method
function initCompositionAndAddressing(identity)
// if we are editing an existing identity, use it...otherwise copy our values from the default identity
var addressingIdentity = identity ? identity : gAccount.defaultIdentity;
document.getElementById('identity.directoryServer').value = addressingIdentity.directoryServer;
document.getElementById('identity.overrideGlobalPref').value = addressingIdentity.overrideGlobalPref;
document.getElementById('identity.composeHtml').checked = addressingIdentity.composeHtml;
document.getElementById('identity.autoQuote').checked = addressingIdentity.autoQuote;
document.getElementById('identity.replyOnTop').value = addressingIdentity.replyOnTop;
document.getElementById('identity.sig_bottom').value = addressingIdentity.sigBottom;
onInitCompositionAndAddressing(); // am-addressing.js method
function onOk()
if (!validEmailAddress())
return false;
// if we are adding a new identity, create an identity, set the fields and add it to the
// account.
if (!gIdentity)
// ask the account manager to create a new identity for us
var accountManager = Components.classes[";1"]
gIdentity = accountManager.createIdentity();
// copy in the default identity settings so we inherit lots of stuff like the defaul drafts folder, etc.
// assume the identity is valid by default?
gIdentity.valid = true;
// add the identity to the account
// now fall through to saveFields which will save our new values
// if we are modifying an existing identity, save the fields
window.arguments[0].result = true;
return true;
// returns false and prompts the user if
// the identity does not have an email address
function validEmailAddress()
var emailAddress = document.getElementById('').value;
// quickly test for an @ sign to test for an email address. We don't have
// to be anymore precise than that.
if (emailAddress.lastIndexOf("@") < 0)
// alert user about an invalid email address
var prefBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_prefs");
var promptService = Components.classes[";1"]
promptService.alert(window, prefBundle.getString("identity-edit-req-title"),
return false;
return true;
function saveIdentitySettings(identity)
if (identity)
identity.fullName = document.getElementById('identity.fullName').value; = document.getElementById('').value;
identity.replyTo = document.getElementById('identity.replyTo').value;
identity.organization = document.getElementById('identity.organization').value;
identity.attachSignature = document.getElementById('identity.attachSignature').checked;
identity.attachVCard = document.getElementById('identity.attachVCard').checked;
identity.escapedVCard = document.getElementById('identity.escapedVCard').value;
identity.smtpServerKey = document.getElementById('identity.smtpServerKey').value;
var attachSignaturePath = document.getElementById('identity.signature').value;
identity.signature = null; // this is important so we don't accidentally inherit the default
if (attachSignaturePath)
// convert signature path back into a nsIFile
var sfile = Components.classes[";1"]
if (sfile.exists())
identity.signature = sfile;
function saveCopiesAndFolderSettings(identity)
onSaveCopiesAndFolders(); // am-copies.js routine
identity.fccFolder = document.getElementById('identity.fccFolder').value;
identity.draftFolder = document.getElementById('identity.draftFolder').value;
identity.stationeryFolder = document.getElementById('identity.stationeryFolder').value;
identity.fccFolderPickerMode = document.getElementById('identity.fccFolderPickerMode').value;
identity.draftsFolderPickerMode = document.getElementById('identity.draftsFolderPickerMode').value;
identity.tmplFolderPickerMode = document.getElementById('identity.tmplFolderPickerMode').value;
identity.doBcc = document.getElementById('identity.doBcc').checked;
identity.doBccList = document.getElementById('identity.doBccList').value;
identity.doFcc = document.getElementById('identity.doFcc').checked;
identity.fccReplyFollowsParent = document.getElementById('identity.fccReplyFollowsParent').checked;
identity.showSaveMsgDlg = document.getElementById('identity.showSaveMsgDlg').checked;
function saveAddressingAndCompositionSettings(identity)
onSaveCompositionAndAddressing(); // am-addressing.js routine
identity.directoryServer = document.getElementById('identity.directoryServer').value;
identity.overrideGlobalPref = document.getElementById('identity.overrideGlobalPref').value;
identity.composeHtml = document.getElementById('identity.composeHtml').checked;
identity.autoQuote = document.getElementById('identity.autoQuote').checked;
identity.replyOnTop = document.getElementById('identity.replyOnTop').value;
identity.sigBottom = document.getElementById('identity.sig_bottom').value;
function selectFile()
var fp = Components.classes[";1"]
var prefBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_prefs");
var title = prefBundle.getString("choosefile");
fp.init(window, title, nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
// Get current signature folder, if there is one.
// We can set that to be the initial folder so that users
// can maintain their signatures better.
var sigFolder = GetSigFolder();
if (sigFolder)
fp.displayDirectory = sigFolder;
var ret =;
if (ret == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
var folderField = document.getElementById("identity.signature");
folderField.value = fp.file.path;
function GetSigFolder()
var sigFolder = null;
var account = parent.getCurrentAccount();
var identity = account.defaultIdentity;
var signatureFile = identity.signature;
if (signatureFile)
signatureFile = signatureFile.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile );
sigFolder = signatureFile.parent;
if (!sigFolder.exists())
sigFolder = null;
catch (ex) {
dump("failed to get signature folder..\n");
return sigFolder;
// If a signature is need to be attached, the associated items which
// displays the absolute path to the signature (in a textbox) and the way
// to select a new signature file (a button) are enabled. Otherwise, they
// are disabled. Check to see if the attachSignature is locked to block
// broadcasting events.
function setupSignatureItems()
var signature = document.getElementById("identity.signature");
var browse = document.getElementById("identity.sigbrowsebutton");
var attachSignature = document.getElementById("identity.attachSignature");
var checked = attachSignature.checked;
if (checked && !getAccountValueIsLocked(signature))
signature.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
if (checked && !getAccountValueIsLocked(browse))
browse.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
function editVCardCallback(escapedVCardStr)
var escapedVCard = document.getElementById("identity.escapedVCard");
escapedVCard.value = escapedVCardStr;
function editVCard()
var escapedVCard = document.getElementById("identity.escapedVCard");
// read vCard hidden value from UI
{escapedVCardStr:escapedVCard.value, okCallback:editVCardCallback,
titleProperty:"editVCardTitle", hideABPicker:true});
function getAccountForFolderPickerState()
return gAccount;
// when the identity panel is loaded, the smpt-list is created
// and the in prefs.js configured smtp is activated
function loadSMTPServerList()
var smtpService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsISmtpService);
fillSmtpServers(document.getElementById('identity.smtpServerKey'), smtpService.smtpServers, smtpService.defaultServer);
function fillSmtpServers(smtpServerList, servers, defaultServer)
if (!smtpServerList || !servers)
var smtpPopup = document.getElementById('smtpPopup');
while (smtpPopup.lastChild.nodeName != "menuseparator")
var serverCount = servers.Count();
for (var i = 0; i < serverCount; i++)
var server = servers.QueryElementAt(i, Components.interfaces.nsISmtpServer);
//ToDoList: add code that allows for the redirector type to specify whether to show values or not
if (!server.redirectorType)
var serverName = "";
if (server.description)
serverName = server.description + ' - ';
else if (server.username)
serverName = server.username + ' - ';
serverName += server.hostname;
if (defaultServer.key == server.key)
serverName += " " + document.getElementById("bundle_messenger").getString("defaultServerTag");
smtpServerList.appendItem(serverName, server.key);