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// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// % Project : GUSI - Grand Unified Socket Interface
// % File : GUSITimer.nw - Timing functions
// % Author : Matthias Neeracher
// % Language : C++
// %
// % $Log: GUSITimer.h,v $
// % Revision 1.1 2001/03/11 22:38:42
// % First Checked In.
// %
// % Revision 1.12 2001/01/17 08:48:04 neeri
// % Introduce Expired(), Reset()
// %
// % Revision 1.11 2000/10/29 18:36:32 neeri
// % Fix time_t signedness issues
// %
// % Revision 1.10 2000/06/12 04:24:50 neeri
// % Fix time, localtime, gmtime
// %
// % Revision 1.9 2000/05/23 07:24:58 neeri
// % Improve formatting
// %
// % Revision 1.8 2000/03/15 07:22:07 neeri
// % Enforce alignment choices
// %
// % Revision 1.7 1999/11/15 07:20:18 neeri
// % Safe context setup
// %
// % Revision 1.6 1999/08/26 05:45:10 neeri
// % Fixes for literate edition of source code
// %
// % Revision 1.5 1999/08/02 07:02:46 neeri
// % Support for asynchronous errors and other socket options
// %
// % Revision 1.4 1999/07/07 04:17:43 neeri
// % Final tweaks for 2.0b3
// %
// % Revision 1.3 1999/06/28 06:08:46 neeri
// % Support flexible timer classes
// %
// % Revision 1.2 1999/05/30 03:06:21 neeri
// % Fixed various bugs in cleanup and wakeup
// %
// % Revision 1.1 1999/03/17 09:05:14 neeri
// % Added GUSITimer, expanded docs
// %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// \chapter{Timing functions}
// This section defines mechanisms to measure time. The basic mechanism is
// [[GUSITimer]] which can wake up a [[GUSIContext]] at some later time.
// <GUSITimer.h>=
#ifndef _GUSITimer_
#define _GUSITimer_
typedef struct GUSITimer GUSITimer;
#include "GUSISpecific.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <Timer.h>
#include <Math64.h>
#include <ConditionalMacros.h>
#pragma options align=native
// \section{Definition of timing}
// [[GUSITime]] is an universal (if somewhat costly) format for
// the large variety of timing formats used in MacOS and POSIX.
// <Definition of class [[GUSITime]]>=
class GUSITime {
enum Format {seconds, ticks, msecs, usecs, nsecs};
GUSITime(int32_t val, Format format);
GUSITime(uint32_t val, Format format);
GUSITime(int64_t val, Format format=nsecs) { Construct(val, format); }
GUSITime(const timeval & tv);
GUSITime(const timespec & ts);
GUSITime(const tm & t);
GUSITime() {}
int32_t Get(Format format) { return S32Set(Get64(format)); }
uint32_t UGet(Format format)
{ return U32SetU(SInt64ToUInt64(Get64(format))); }
int64_t Get64(Format format);
operator int64_t() { return fTime; }
operator timeval();
operator timespec();
operator tm();
GUSITime GM2LocalTime();
GUSITime Local2GMTime();
GUSITime & operator +=(const GUSITime & other)
{ fTime = S64Add(fTime, other.fTime); return *this; }
GUSITime & operator -=(const GUSITime & other)
{ fTime = S64Subtract(fTime, other.fTime); return *this; }
static GUSITime Now();
static timezone & Zone();
void Construct(int64_t val, Format format);
time_t Deconstruct(int64_t & remainder);
int64_t fTime;
static int64_t sTimeOffset;
static timezone sTimeZone;
inline GUSITime operator+(const GUSITime & a, const GUSITime & b)
{ GUSITime t(a); return t+=b; }
inline GUSITime operator-(const GUSITime & a, const GUSITime & b)
{ GUSITime t(a); return t-=b; }
// A [[GUSITimer]] is a time manager task that wakes up a [[GUSIContext]].
// <Definition of class [[GUSITimer]]>=
#pragma options align=mac68k
class GUSIContext;
extern "C" void GUSIKillTimers(void * timers);
class GUSITimer : public TMTask {
GUSITimer(bool wakeup = true, GUSIContext * context = 0);
virtual ~GUSITimer();
void Sleep(long ms, bool driftFree = false);
void MicroSleep(long us, bool driftFree = false)
{ Sleep(-us, driftFree); }
GUSIContext * Context() { return fQueue->fContext; }
GUSITimer * Next() { return fNext; }
bool Primed() { return (qType&kTMTaskActive) != 0; }
bool Expired() { return !(qType&kTMTaskActive); }
virtual void Wakeup();
void Kill();
void Reset();
struct Queue {
GUSITimer * fTimer;
GUSIContext * fContext;
Queue() : fTimer(0) {}
QElem * Elem() { return reinterpret_cast<QElem *>(&this->qLink); }
Queue * fQueue;
GUSITimer * fNext;
class TimerQueue : public GUSISpecificData<Queue,GUSIKillTimers> {
static TimerQueue sTimerQueue;
static TimerUPP sTimerProc;
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma options align=reset
#endif /* GUSI_SOURCE */
#endif /* _GUSITimer_ */