2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

228 lines
12 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
* March 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Sean Su <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#ifndef _EXTRA_H_
#define _EXTRA_H_
BOOL InitApplication();
BOOL InitInstance();
void PrintError(PSZ szMsg, ULONG ulErrorCodeSH);
void FreeMemory(void **vPointer);
void *NS_GlobalReAlloc(void **hgMemory,
DWORD dwMemoryBufSize,
DWORD dwNewSize);
void *NS_GlobalAlloc(DWORD dwMaxBuf);
HRESULT Initialize(HMODULE hInstance, PSZ szAppName);
HRESULT NS_LoadStringAlloc(HMODULE hInstance, ULONG ulID, PSZ *szStringBuf, ULONG ulStringBuf);
HRESULT NS_LoadString(HMODULE hInstance, ULONG ulID, PSZ szStringBuf, ULONG ulStringBuf);
HRESULT WinSpawn(LPSTR szClientName, LPSTR szParameters, LPSTR szCurrentDir, BOOL bWait);
HRESULT ParseConfigIni(int argc, char *argv[]);
HRESULT ParseInstallIni();
HRESULT DecryptString(LPSTR szOutputStr, LPSTR szInputStr);
HRESULT DecryptVariable(LPSTR szVariable, DWORD dwVariableSize);
HRESULT InitSetupGeneral(void);
HRESULT InitDlgWelcome(diW *diDialog);
HRESULT InitDlgLicense(diL *diDialog);
HRESULT InitDlgQuickLaunch(diQL *diDialog);
HRESULT InitDlgSetupType(diST *diDialog);
HRESULT InitDlgSelectComponents(diSC *diDialog, DWORD dwSM);
HRESULT InitDlgOS2Integration(diOI *diDialog);
HRESULT InitDlgProgramFolder(diPF *diDialog);
HRESULT InitDlgStartInstall(diSI *diDialog);
HRESULT InitDlgSiteSelector(diAS *diDialog);
HRESULT InitSDObject(void);
void DeInitSDObject(void);
siC *CreateSiCNode(void);
void SiCNodeInsert(siC **siCHead, siC *siCTemp);
void SiCNodeDelete(siC *siCTemp);
siCD *CreateSiCDepNode(void);
void SiCDepNodeDelete(siCD *siCDepTemp);
void SiCDepNodeInsert(siCD **siCDepHead, siCD *siCDepTemp);
HRESULT SiCNodeGetAttributes(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
void SiCNodeSetAttributes(DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwAttributes, BOOL bSet, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag, HWND hwndListBox);
void SiCNodeSetItemsSelected(DWORD dwSetupType);
char *SiCNodeGetReferenceName(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
char *SiCNodeGetDescriptionShort(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
char *SiCNodeGetDescriptionLong(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
char *SiCNodeGetReferenceName(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
siC *SiCNodeGetObject(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisibleObjs, DWORD dwACFlag);
unsigned long long SiCNodeGetInstallSize(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
unsigned long long SiCNodeGetInstallSizeSystem(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
unsigned long long SiCNodeGetInstallSizeArchive(DWORD dwIndex, BOOL bIncludeInvisible, DWORD dwACFlag);
siC *SiCNodeFind(siC *siComponents, char *szInReferenceName);
void InitSiComponents(char *szFileIni);
HRESULT ParseComponentAttributes(char *szBuf, DWORD dwAttributes, BOOL bOverride);
void InitSiteSelector(char *szFileIni);
void DeInitSiCDependencies(siCD *siCDDependencies);
BOOL ResolveDependencies(DWORD dwIndex, HWND hwndListBox);
BOOL ResolveComponentDependency(siCD *siCDInDependency, HWND hwndListBox);
void ResolveDependees(LPSTR szToggledDescriptionShort, HWND hwndListBox);
BOOL ResolveComponentDependee(siCD *siCDInDependee);
void STSetVisibility(st *stSetupType);
HRESULT InitSXpcomFile(void);
void DeInitSXpcomFile(void);
void DeInitialize(void);
void DeInitDlgWelcome(diW *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgLicense(diL *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgQuickLaunch(diQL *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgSetupType(diST *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgSelectComponents(diSC *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgOS2Integration(diOI *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgProgramFolder(diPF *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgStartInstall(diSI *diDialog);
void DeInitDlgSiteSelector(diAS *diDialog);
void DetermineOSVersionEx(void);
void DeInitSiComponents(siC **siComponents);
void DeInitSetupGeneral(void);
HRESULT ParseSetupIni(void);
HRESULT GetConfigIni(void);
HRESULT GetInstallIni(void);
void CleanTempFiles(void);
void OutputSetupTitle(HDC hDC);
long RetrieveArchives(void);
long RetrieveRedirectFile(void);
void ParsePath(LPSTR szInput, LPSTR szOutput, DWORD dwOutputSize, BOOL bUseSlash, DWORD dwType);
void RemoveBackSlash(PSZ szInput);
void AppendBackSlash(PSZ szInput, ULONG ulInputSize);
void RemoveSlash(LPSTR szInput);
void AppendSlash(LPSTR szInput, DWORD dwInputSize);
BOOL DeleteIdiGetConfigIni(void);
BOOL DeleteIdiGetArchives(void);
BOOL DeleteIdiGetRedirect(void);
BOOL DeleteIdiFileIniConfig(void);
BOOL DeleteIdiFileIniInstall(void);
void DeleteArchives(DWORD dwDeleteCheck);
BOOL DeleteIniRedirect(void);
HRESULT LaunchApps(void);
HRESULT ProcessOS2Integration(void);
HRESULT FileExists(PSZ szFile);
BOOL isFAT(char* szPath);
int ExtractDirEntries(char* directory,void* vZip);
int LocateJar(siC *siCObject, LPSTR szPath, int dwPathSize, BOOL bIncludeTempDir);
HRESULT AddArchiveToIdiFile(siC *siCObject,
char *szSFile,
char *szFileIdiGetArchives);
int SiCNodeGetIndexDS(char *szInDescriptionShort);
int SiCNodeGetIndexRN(char *szInReferenceName);
void ViewSiComponentsDependency(char *szBuffer, char *szIndentation, siC *siCNode);
void ViewSiComponentsDependee(char *szBuffer, char *szIndentation, siC *siCNode);
void ViewSiComponents(void);
unsigned long long GetDiskSpaceRequired(DWORD dwType);
unsigned long long GetDiskSpaceAvailable(LPSTR szPath);
HRESULT VerifyDiskSpace(void);
HRESULT ErrorMsgDiskSpace(unsigned long long ullDSAvailable, unsigned long long ullDSRequired, LPSTR szPath, BOOL bCrutialMsg);
void SetCustomType(void);
void GetAlternateArchiveSearchPath(LPSTR lpszCmdLine);
BOOL NeedReboot(void);
BOOL LocatePreviousPath(LPSTR szMainSectionName, LPSTR szPath, DWORD dwPathSize);
BOOL LocatePathOS2INI(PSZ szSection, PSZ szPath, ULONG ulPathSize);
dsN *CreateDSNode();
void DsNodeInsert(dsN **dsNHead, dsN *dsNTemp);
void DsNodeDelete(dsN **dsNTemp);
void DeInitDSNode(dsN **dsnComponentDSRequirement);
void UpdatePathDiskSpaceRequired(LPSTR szPath, unsigned long long ullInstallSize, dsN **dsnComponentDSRequirement);
HRESULT InitComponentDiskSpaceInfo(dsN **dsnComponentDSRequirement);
HRESULT CheckInstances();
long RandomSelect(void);
BOOL CheckLegacy(HWND hDlg);
COLORREF DecryptFontColor(LPSTR szColor);
ssi *CreateSsiSiteSelectorNode();
void SsiSiteSelectorNodeInsert(ssi **ssiHead, ssi *ssiTemp);
void SsiSiteSelectorNodeDelete(ssi *ssiTemp);
ssi* SsiGetNode(LPSTR szDescription);
void UpdateSiteSelector(void);
DWORD GetAdditionalComponentsCount(void);
DWORD GetTotalArchivesToDownload();
void RemoveQuotes(LPSTR lpszSrc, LPSTR lpszDest, int iDestSize);
LPSTR GetFirstNonSpace(LPSTR lpszString);
int GetArgC(LPSTR lpszCommandLine);
LPSTR GetArgV(LPSTR lpszCommandLine,
int iIndex,
LPSTR lpszDest,
int iDestSize);
ULONG ParseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[]);
void SetSetupRunMode(LPSTR szMode);
void UnsetSetupState(void);
void SetSetupState(char *szState);
siCD *InitWinInitNodes(char *szInFile);
void UpdateWininit(LPSTR szUninstallFilename);
char *GetSaveInstallerPath(char *szBuf, DWORD dwBufSize);
void SaveInstallerFiles(void);
void ResetComponentAttributes(char *szFileIni);
BOOL IsInList(DWORD dwCurrentItem,
DWORD dwItems,
DWORD *dwItemsSelected);
int LocateExistingPath(char *szPath,
char *szExistingPath,
DWORD dwExistingPathSize);
BOOL DeleteInstallLogFile(char *szFile);
int CRCCheckDownloadedArchives(char *szCorruptedArchiveList,
DWORD dwCorruptedArchivelistSize,
char *szFileIdiGetArchives);
int CRCCheckArchivesStartup(char *szCorruptedArchiveList,
DWORD dwCorruptedArchiveListSize,
BOOL bIncludeTempPath);
BOOL ResolveForceUpgrade(siC *siCObject);
BOOL ResolveSupersede(siC *siCObject);
void RestoreInvisibleFlag(siC *siCNode);
void RestoreAdditionalFlag(siC *siCNode);
void SwapFTPAndHTTP(char *szInUrl, DWORD dwInUrlSize);
int AppendToGlobalMessageStream(char *szInfo);
char *GetOSTypeString(char *szOSType, ULONG ulOSTypeBufSize);
int UpdateIdiFile(char *szPartialUrl,
DWORD dwPartialUrlBufSize,
siC *siCObject,
char *szSection,
char *szKey,
char *szFileIdiGetArchives);
void SetDownloadFile(void);
void UnsetSetupCurrentDownloadFile(void);
void SetSetupCurrentDownloadFile(char *szCurrentFilename);
char *GetSetupCurrentDownloadFile(char *szCurrentDownloadFile,
DWORD dwCurrentDownloadFileBufSize);
BOOL DeleteWGetLog(void);
DWORD ParseOSType(char *szOSType);
BOOL ShowAdditionalOptionsDialog(void);
DWORD GetPreviousUnfinishedState(void);
HWND FindWindow(PCSZ pszAtomString);
#endif /* _EXTRA_H_ */