roytam1 30d33aa8e8 cherry-picked mozilla NSS upstream changes (to rev f7a4c771997e, which is on par with 3.16.1 but without windows rand() changes):
9934c8faef29, 3c3b381c4865, 5a67f6beee9a, 1b1eb6d77728, a8b668fd72f7, bug962760, bug743700, bug857304, bug972653, bug972450, bug971358, bug903885, bug977073, bug976111, bug949939, bug947653, bug947572, bug903885, bug979106, bug966596, bug979004, bug979752, bug980848, bug938369, bug981170, bug668130, bug974693, bug975056, bug979132, bug370717, bug979070, bug985070, bug900067, bug977673, bug519255, bug989558, bug557299, bug987263, bug369802, a751a5146718, bug992343, bug952572, bug979703, bug994883, bug994869, bug993489, bug984608, bug977869, bug667371, bug672828, bug793347, bug977869
2018-07-14 21:22:29 +08:00

261 lines
7.5 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef _KEYHI_H_
#define _KEYHI_H_
#include "plarena.h"
#include "seccomon.h"
#include "secoidt.h"
#include "secdert.h"
#include "keythi.h"
#include "certt.h"
/*#include "secpkcs5.h" */
** Destroy a subject-public-key-info object.
extern void SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki);
** Copy subject-public-key-info "src" to "dst". "dst" is filled in
** appropriately (memory is allocated for each of the sub objects).
extern SECStatus SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *arena,
CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *dst,
CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *src);
** Update the PQG parameters for a cert's public key.
** Only done for DSA certs
extern SECStatus
SECKEY_UpdateCertPQG(CERTCertificate * subjectCert);
** Return the strength of the public key in bytes
extern unsigned SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
** Return the strength of the public key in bits
extern unsigned SECKEY_PublicKeyStrengthInBits(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
** Return the length of the signature in bytes
extern unsigned SECKEY_SignatureLen(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
** Make a copy of the private key "privKey"
extern SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey(const SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
** Make a copy of the public key "pubKey"
extern SECKEYPublicKey *SECKEY_CopyPublicKey(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
** Convert a private key "privateKey" into a public key
extern SECKEYPublicKey *SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privateKey);
* create a new RSA key pair. The private Key is returned...
SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CreateRSAPrivateKey(int keySizeInBits,
SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx);
* create a new DH key pair. The private Key is returned...
SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CreateDHPrivateKey(SECKEYDHParams *param,
SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx);
* create a new EC key pair. The private Key is returned...
SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CreateECPrivateKey(SECKEYECParams *param,
SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx);
** Create a subject-public-key-info based on a public key.
extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECKEYPublicKey *k);
** Convert a base64 ascii encoded DER public key and challenge to spki,
** and verify the signature and challenge data are correct
extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodePublicKeyAndChallenge(char *pkacstr, char *challenge,
void *cx);
** Encode a CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo structure. into a
** DER encoded subject public key info.
SECItem *
SECKEY_EncodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
** Decode a DER encoded subject public key info into a
** CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo structure.
extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECItem *spkider);
** Convert a base64 ascii encoded DER subject public key info to our
** internal format.
extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const char *spkistr);
* extract the public key from a subject Public Key info structure.
* (used by JSS).
extern SECKEYPublicKey *
SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(const CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *);
** Destroy a private key object.
** "key" the object
extern void SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
** Destroy a public key object.
** "key" the object
extern void SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(SECKEYPublicKey *key);
/* Destroy and zero out a private key info structure. for now this
* function zero's out memory allocated in an arena for the key
* since PORT_FreeArena does not currently do this.
* NOTE -- If a private key info is allocated in an arena, one should
* not call this function with freeit = PR_FALSE. The function should
* destroy the arena.
extern void
SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pvk, PRBool freeit);
/* Destroy and zero out an encrypted private key info.
* NOTE -- If a encrypted private key info is allocated in an arena, one should
* not call this function with freeit = PR_FALSE. The function should
* destroy the arena.
extern void
SECKEY_DestroyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki,
PRBool freeit);
/* Copy private key info structure.
* poolp is the arena into which the contents of from is to be copied.
* NULL is a valid entry.
* to is the destination private key info
* from is the source private key info
* if either from or to is NULL or an error occurs, SECFailure is
* returned. otherwise, SECSuccess is returned.
extern SECStatus
SECKEY_CopyPrivateKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *to,
const SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *from);
extern SECStatus
SECKEY_CacheStaticFlags(SECKEYPrivateKey* key);
/* Copy encrypted private key info structure.
* poolp is the arena into which the contents of from is to be copied.
* NULL is a valid entry.
* to is the destination encrypted private key info
* from is the source encrypted private key info
* if either from or to is NULL or an error occurs, SECFailure is
* returned. otherwise, SECSuccess is returned.
extern SECStatus
SECKEY_CopyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *to,
const SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *from);
* Accessor functions for key type of public and private keys.
KeyType SECKEY_GetPrivateKeyType(const SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
KeyType SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
* Creates a PublicKey from its DER encoding.
* Currently only supports RSA, DSA, and DH keys.
SECKEY_ImportDERPublicKey(const SECItem *derKey, CK_KEY_TYPE type);
SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList(SECKEYPrivateKeyList *keys);
SECKEY_RemovePrivateKeyListNode(SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *node);
SECKEY_AddPrivateKeyToListTail( SECKEYPrivateKeyList *list,
SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
#define PRIVKEY_LIST_HEAD(l) ((SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&l->list))
#define PRIVKEY_LIST_NEXT(n) ((SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *)n->
#define PRIVKEY_LIST_END(n,l) (((void *)n) == ((void *)&l->list))
SECKEY_DestroyPublicKeyList(SECKEYPublicKeyList *keys);
SECKEY_RemovePublicKeyListNode(SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *node);
SECKEY_AddPublicKeyToListTail( SECKEYPublicKeyList *list,
SECKEYPublicKey *key);
#define PUBKEY_LIST_HEAD(l) ((SECKEYPublicKeyListNode*)PR_LIST_HEAD(&l->list))
#define PUBKEY_LIST_NEXT(n) ((SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *)n->
#define PUBKEY_LIST_END(n,l) (((void *)n) == ((void *)&l->list))
* Length in bits of the EC's field size. This is also the length of
* the x and y coordinates of EC points, such as EC public keys and
* base points.
* Return 0 on failure (unknown EC domain parameters).
extern int SECKEY_ECParamsToKeySize(const SECItem *params);
* Length in bits of the EC base point order, usually denoted n. This
* is also the length of EC private keys and ECDSA signature components
* r and s.
* Return 0 on failure (unknown EC domain parameters).
extern int SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen(const SECItem *params);
#endif /* _KEYHI_H_ */