2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

788 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Places Menupopup View.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Google Inc.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Annie Sullivan <>
# Ben Goodger <>
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
<bindings id="placesMenuBindings"
<binding id="places-menupopup"
this.history = PlacesController.history;
// Support an asyncinit attribute that causes the view to populate
// itself only after the window has been shown. This is to ensure we
// do not regress browser window show time (Ts/Txul)
if (this.hasAttribute("asyncinit")) {
var self = this;
//setTimeout(function() { self._init(); }, 0);
<field name="history">null</field>
<method name="_init">
if (!this.hasAttribute("place"))
// This function should only be called for top-level menus like the bookmarks menu.
// Submenus get their _result and _resultNode from their parents.
if (this.hasAttribute("place")) {
// Do the initial build. =;
<method name="onPopupShowing">
PlacesController.activeView = this;
if (!this._resultNode)
if (PlacesController.nodeIsContainer(this._resultNode)) {
this._resultNode.containerOpen = true;
if (this.popupShowingCallback)
<field name="_selection">null</field>
<method name="setResultAndNode">
<parameter name="result"/>
<parameter name="resultNode"/>
this._result = result;
this._resultNode = resultNode;
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<method name="getResult">
return this._result;
<!-- These are the indices of the start and end
of dynamic content in the menu. For index,
if this is a bookmark menu and it has two
static entries at the top, "Bookmark this page"
and "Bookmark all tabs", _startMarker will be
2. If it has an "open in tabs" item at the end,
_endMarker will be the index of that item.
If there is no static content in the menu,
_startMarker and _endMarker are -1. -->
<field name="_startMarker">-1</field>
<field name="_endMarker">-1</field>
<method name="_cleanMenu">
// Find static menuitems that should go at the start
// and end of the menu, marked by builder="start" and
// builder="end" attributes, and keep track of their indices.
// All of the items between the start and end should be removed.
var items = [];
this._startMarker = -1;
this._endMarker = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; ++i) {
var item = this.childNodes[i];
if (item.getAttribute("builder") == "start") {
this._startMarker = i;
if (item.getAttribute("builder") == "end") {
this._endMarker = i;
if ((this._startMarker != -1) && (this._endMarker == -1))
// If static items at the beginning were found, remove all items between
// them and the static content at the end.
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
if (this._endMarker > 0)
// If no static items were found at the beginning, remove all items before
// the static items at the end.
if (this._startMarker == -1) {
var end = (this._endMarker == -1) ? this.childNodes.length - 1 : this._endMarker - 1;
for (var i = end; i >=0; i--) {
if (this._endMarker > 0)
//LOG("KIDS = " + this.childNodes.length);
<method name="_rebuild">
// Make sure not to hold onto any references to menu nodes when we
// rebuild, since rebuilding deletes all the nodes in the menu and
// re-adds them. If we use a reference to a deleted node, all kinds
// of exceptions and asserts will fire.
if (this._DNDObserver._overFolder.node)
const XULNS = "";
if (PlacesController.nodeIsContainer(this._resultNode))
return; // Nothing to do if this menu isn't a container.
// Keep track of whether to make submenus for children
var noSubmenus = (this.getAttribute("nosubmenus") == "true");
// Container should always be open while rebuilding.
var wasOpen = this._resultNode.containerOpen;
this._resultNode.containerOpen = true;
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// On Mac OSX, we need to manually attach the XBL binding for the bookmarks menu,
// because menus in the OSX menubar aren't real DOM nodes, and they don't get styles
// applied.
var needsBindingAttachment = false;
var currentNode = this.parentNode;
while (currentNode && !needsBindingAttachment) {
if ( && == "bookmarksMenu")
needsBindingAttachment = true;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
var cc = this._resultNode.childCount;
if (cc > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < cc; ++i) {
var child = this._resultNode.getChild(i);
var element = null;
if (PlacesController.nodeIsURI(child) || noSubmenus) {
element = document.createElementNS(XULNS, "menuitem");
element.setAttribute("label", child.title);
element.setAttribute("url", child.uri);
element.setAttribute("statustext", child.uri);
element.className = "menuitem-iconic bookmark-item";
else if (PlacesController.nodeIsSeparator(child)) {
element = document.createElementNS(XULNS, "menuseparator");
else if (PlacesController.nodeIsContainer(child)) {
element = document.createElementNS(XULNS, "menu");
element.setAttribute("type", "menu");
element.setAttribute("container", "true");
element.setAttribute("label", child.title);
if (PlacesController.nodeIsLivemarkContainer(child)) {
element.setAttribute("livemark", "true");
var folder = asFolder(child).folderId;
var bms =
var lms =
var siteURI = lms.getSiteURI(folder);
if (siteURI) {
element.setAttribute("siteURI", siteURI.spec);
var popup = document.createElementNS(XULNS, "menupopup");
popup.setAttribute("type", "places");
#ifndef XP_MACOSX
// No context menus on menus on Mac
// The context menu is set here instead of in the xbl constructor
// because it doesn't get initialized properly if set in the constructor.
popup.setAttribute("context", "placesContext");
popup._result = this._result;
popup._resultNode = child;
element.className = "menu-iconic bookmark-item";
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// If this is a child of the bookmarks menubar, we have to manually attach
// its xbl binding, because it's not a dom node and the style rules don't
// get applied correctly.
if (needsBindingAttachment) {
const MENU_URI = "chrome://browser/content/places/menu.xml#places-menupopup";
document.addBinding(popup, MENU_URI);
// else if (nodeIsQuery) ... add menu to build kids
if (element) {
element.node = child;
// Add the new element to the menu. If there is static content at
// the end of the menu, add the element before that. Otherwise,
// just add to the end.
if (this._endMarker != -1)
this.insertBefore(element, this.childNodes[this._endMarker++]);
if (child.icon)
element.setAttribute("image", child.icon.spec);
} else {
// This menu is empty. If there is no static content, add
// an element to show it is empty.
if (this._startMarker == -1 && this._endMarker == -1) {
var bundle = document.getElementById("placeBundle");
var label = bundle.getString("bookmarksMenuEmptyFolder");
var element = null;
element = document.createElementNS(XULNS, "menuitem");
element.setAttribute("label", label);
element.setAttribute("disabled", true);
// Reset the container to the same state it was in before the function was called.
this._resultNode.containerOpen = wasOpen;
<!-- Sometimes calling hidePopup() on a menu can leave submenus
open. This calls hidePopup() on the menu and recursively
hides its submenus as well. -->
<method name="hidePopupAndChildPopups">
for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (this.childNodes[i].getAttribute("type") == "menu" &&
this.childNodes[i].lastChild &&
this.childNodes[i].lastChild.getAttribute("type") == "places")
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<property name="place">
return this.getAttribute("place");
this.setAttribute("place", val);
var queries = { }, options = { };
this.history.queryStringToQueries(val, queries, { }, options);
if (!queries.value.length)
queries.value = [this.history.getNewQuery()];
this._result =
this.history.executeQueries(queries.value, queries.value.length,
this._resultNode = this._result.root;
if (this._resultNode.containerOpen)
return val;
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<property name="hasSelection">
return this._selection != null;
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<property name="hasSingleSelection">
return this.hasSelection;
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<method name="getSelectionNodes">
return this.hasSelection ? [this.selectedNode] : [];
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<method name="getRemovableSelectionRanges">
return [this.getSelectionNodes()];
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<method name="getCopyableSelection">
return this.getSelectionNodes();
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<method name="getDragableSelection">
if (PlacesController.nodeIsReadOnly(this._resultNode))
return null;
return this.getSelectionNodes();
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<property name="selectedNode">
return this.hasSelection ? this._selection : null;
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<property name="selectedURINode">
var node = this.selectedNode;
return node && PlacesController.nodeIsURI(node) ? node : null;
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<property name="insertionPoint">
// By default, the insertion point is at the top level, at the end.
var index = -1;
var folderId = 0;
folderId = this._resultNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryFolderResultNode).folderId;
if (this.hasSelection) {
if(PlacesController.nodeIsFolder(this.selectedNode)) {
// If there is a folder selected, the insertion point is the
// end of the folder.
folderId = this.selectedNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryFolderResultNode).folderId;
} else {
// If there is another type of node selected, the insertion point
// is after that node.
index = PlacesController.getIndexOfNode(this.selectedNode)
return new InsertionPoint(folderId, index);
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<field name="peerDropIndex">0</field>
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<field name="peerDropTypes">ViewConfig.GENERIC_DROP_TYPES</field>
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<field name="childDropTypes">ViewConfig.GENERIC_DROP_TYPES</field>
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<field name="excludeItems">false</field>
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<field name="excludeQueries">false</field>
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<field name="expandQueries">false</field>
<!-- nsIPlacesView -->
<method name="selectAll">
// Nothing
<method name="saveSelection">
<parameter name="mode"/>
<method name="restoreSelection">
<field name="_DNDObserver"><![CDATA[({
// Inside the _DNDObserver object's functions, this points to
// the _DNDObserver object. _self points to the menu xbl object.
_self: this,
// Subfolders should be opened when the mouse drags over them, and closed
// when the mouse drags off. The overFolder object manages opening and closing
// of folders when the mouse hovers.
_overFolder: {node: null, openTimer: null, hoverTime: 350, closeTimer: null},
// If this menu's parent auto-opened it because it was dragged over, but didn't
// close it because the mouse dragged into it, the menu should close itself
// onDragExit. This timer is set in dragExit to close the menu.
_closeMenuTimer: null,
_setTimer: function TBV_DO_setTimer(time) {
// There is a problem in Windows where timers don't fire while the
// mouse is dragging. QI-ing the timer to nsITimerInternal and setting
// idle to false makes the timer fire.
var timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
timer.initWithCallback(this, time, timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
timer.idle = false;
return timer;
// Function to process all timer notifications.
notify: function TBV_DO_notify(timer) {
// Timer to open a submenu that's being dragged over.
if (timer == this._overFolder.openTimer) {
this._overFolder.node.lastChild.setAttribute("autoopened", "true");
this._overFolder.openTimer = null;
// Timer to close a submenu that's been dragged off of.
if (timer == this._overFolder.closeTimer) {
// Only close the submenu if the mouse isn't being dragged over any
// of its child menus.
var draggingOverChild =
if (draggingOverChild)
this._overFolder.node = null;
// Close any parent folders which aren't being dragged over.
// (This is necessary because of the above code that keeps a folder
// open while its children are being dragged over.)
if (!draggingOverChild)
// Timer to close this menu after the drag exit.
if (timer == this._closeMenuTimer) {
if (!PlacesControllerDragHelper.draggingOverChildNode(this._self)) {
// Close any parent menus that aren't being dragged over;
// otherwise they'll stay open because they couldn't close
// while this menu was being dragged over.
// Helper function to close all parent menus of this menu,
// as long as none of the parent's children are currently being
// dragged over.
_closeParentMenus: function TBV_DO_closeParentMenus() {
var parent = this._self.parentNode;
while(parent) {
if (parent.nodeName == "menupopup" &&
parent.getAttribute("type") == "places") {
if (PlacesControllerDragHelper.draggingOverChildNode(parent.parentNode))
parent = parent.parentNode;
// The mouse is no longer dragging over the stored menubutton.
// Close the menubutton, clear out drag styles, and clear all
// timers for opening/closing it.
_clearOverFolder: function TBV_DO_clearOverFolder() {
if (this._overFolder.node && this._overFolder.node.lastChild) {
if (!this._overFolder.node.lastChild.hasAttribute("dragover"))
this._overFolder.node = null;
if (this._overFolder.openTimer) {
this._overFolder.openTimer = null;
if (this._overFolder.closeTimer) {
this._overFolder.closeTimer = null;
// This function returns information about where to drop when
// dragging over this menu--insertion point, child index to drop
// before, and folder to drop into.
_getDropPoint: function TBV_DO_getDropPoint(event) {
// Can't drop if the menu isn't a folder
var resultNode = this._self._resultNode;
if (!PlacesController.nodeIsFolder(this._self._result.root) ||
return null;
var dropPoint = { ip: null, beforeIndex: null, folderNode: null };
// Loop through all the nodes to see which one this should
// get dropped in/above/below.
// Ignore static content at the top and bottom of the menu.
var start = (this._self._startMarker != -1) ? (this._self._startMarker + 1) : 0;
var end = (this._self._endMarker != -1) ? this._self._endMarker : this._self.childNodes.length;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var xulNode = this._self.childNodes[i];
var nodeY = xulNode.boxObject.y - this._self.boxObject.y;
var nodeHeight = xulNode.boxObject.height;
if (xulNode.node &&
PlacesController.nodeIsFolder(xulNode.node) &&
!PlacesController.nodeIsReadOnly(xulNode.node)) {
// This is a folder. If the mouse is in the top 25% of the
// node, drop above the folder. If it's in the middle
// 50%, drop into the folder. If it's past that, drop below.
if (event.clientY < nodeY + (nodeHeight * 0.25)) {
// Drop above this folder.
dropPoint.ip = new InsertionPoint(resultNode.folderId, i - start, -1);
dropPoint.beforeIndex = i;
return dropPoint;
else if (event.clientY < nodeY + (nodeHeight * 0.75)) {
// Drop inside this folder.
dropPoint.ip = new InsertionPoint(asFolder(xulNode.node).folderId, -1, 1);
dropPoint.beforeIndex = i;
dropPoint.folderNode = xulNode;
return dropPoint;
} else{
// This is a non-folder node. If the mouse is above the middle,
// drop above the folder. Otherwise, drop below.
if (event.clientY < nodeY + (nodeHeight / 2)) {
// Drop above this bookmark.
dropPoint.ip = new InsertionPoint(resultNode.folderId, i - start, -1);
dropPoint.beforeIndex = i;
return dropPoint;
// Should drop below the last node.
dropPoint.ip = new InsertionPoint(resultNode.folderId, -1, 1);
dropPoint.beforeIndex = -1;
return dropPoint;
// This function clears all of the dragover styles that were set when
// a menuitem was dragged over.
_clearStyles: function TBV_DO_clearStyles() {
for (var i = 0; i < this._self.childNodes.length; i++) {
onDragStart: function TBV_DO_onDragStart(event, xferData, dragAction) {
PlacesController.activeView = this._self;
this._self._selection =;
if (event.ctrlKey)
dragAction.action = Ci.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY; = PlacesController.getTransferData(dragAction.action);
canDrop: function TBV_DO_canDrop(event, session) {
return PlacesControllerDragHelper.canDrop(this._self, -1);
onDragOver: function TBV_DO_onDragOver(event, flavor, session) {
PlacesControllerDragHelper.currentDropTarget =;
var dropPoint = this._getDropPoint(event);
if (dropPoint == null)
if (dropPoint.folderNode) {
// Dragging over a folder; set the appropriate styles.
if (this._overFolder.node != dropPoint.folderNode) {
this._overFolder.node = dropPoint.folderNode;
this._overFolder.openTimer = this._setTimer(this._overFolder.hoverTime);
dropPoint.folderNode.setAttribute("dragover-into", "true");
else {
// Dragging over a menuitem, set dragover-top/bottom to show where
// the item will be dropped and clear out any old folder info.
if (dropPoint.beforeIndex == -1) {
if (this._self.endMatch)
this._self.childNodes[this._self.endMatch].setAttribute("dragover-top", "true");
this._self.lastChild.setAttribute("dragover-bottom", "true");
else {
this._self.childNodes[dropPoint.beforeIndex].setAttribute("dragover-top", "true");
// Clear out old folder information
this._self.setAttribute("dragover", "true");
onDrop: function TBV_DO_onDrop(event, dropData, session) {
var dropPoint = this._getDropPoint(event);
if (dropPoint == null)
PlacesController.activeView = this._self;
PlacesControllerDragHelper.onDrop(null, this._self, dropPoint.ip);
onDragExit: function TBV_DO_onDragExit(event, session) {
PlacesControllerDragHelper.currentDropTarget = null;
// Close any folder being hovered over
if (this._overFolder.node)
this._overFolder.closeTimer = this._setTimer(this._overFolder.hoverTime);
// The autoopened attribute is set when this folder was automatically
// opened after the user dragged over it. If this attribute is set,
// auto-close the folder on drag exit.
if (this._self.hasAttribute("autoopened"))
this._closeMenuTimer = this._setTimer(this._overFolder.hoverTime);
getSupportedFlavours: function TBV_DO_getSupportedFlavours() {
var flavorSet = new FlavourSet();
for (var i = 0; i < this._self.peerDropTypes.length; ++i)
return flavorSet;
<!-- Checks whether and event should be acted on by this menu
(It should be if the event affects one of this menu's child
nodes) -->
<method name="eventValid">
<parameter name="event"/>
if (( != "menuitem" && != "menuseparator" && != "menu") || != this)
return false;
return true;
<!-- Sets the active view to this view, and sets the selection
to the node from this event. -->
<method name="setSelectionForEvent">
<parameter name="event"/>
// Set the selection to the node that was clicked on. If that
// node has a command but no data associated with it, it should
// act on the entire menu.
this._selection =;
if ( == null)
this._selection = this._resultNode;
// Set the active view to this node.
PlacesController.activeView = this;
// When right clicking an item in a bookmarks menu the places commands
// need to be updated for the context menu to appear correctly.
<property name="selType" onget="return 'single';"/>
<handler event="popupshowing">
if ( == this) {
<handler event="popuphidden">
if ( == this) {
if (PlacesController.nodeIsContainer(this._resultNode)) {
this._resultNode.containerOpen = false;
// The autoopened attribute is set for folders which have been
// automatically opened when dragged over. Turn off this attribute
// when the folder closes because it is no longer applicable.
<!-- Set selected node/active view on mousedown/DOMMenuItemActive events
so that they're set up when command and click events fire. -->
<handler event="mousedown"><![CDATA[
if (this.eventValid(event)) {
// Don't let the event bubble up to a parent toolbar.
<handler event="DOMMenuItemActive"><![CDATA[
if (this.eventValid(event))
<handler event="command"><![CDATA[
if (this.eventValid(event))
<handler event="draggesture"><![CDATA[
if ( == "menuitem")
// TODO--allow menu drag if shift (or alt??) key is down
nsDragAndDrop.startDrag(event, this._DNDObserver);
<handler event="dragover"><![CDATA[
nsDragAndDrop.dragOver(event, this._DNDObserver);
<handler event="dragdrop"><![CDATA[
nsDragAndDrop.drop(event, this._DNDObserver);
<handler event="dragexit"><![CDATA[
nsDragAndDrop.dragExit(event, this._DNDObserver);