2016-01-05 05:55:29 -05:00

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = RetroZilla Browser Read Me = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
RetroZilla Browser is subject to the terms detailed in the license agreement
accompanying it.
This Read Me file contains information about system requirements and
installation instructions for the OS/2 build of RetroZilla Browser.
For more info on RetroZilla Browser, see
For more info on the OS/2 port see To submit
bugs or other feedback check out Bugzilla at for
links to known bugs, bug-writing guidelines, and more. You can also get help
with Bugzilla by pointing your IRC client to #mozillazine at,
OS/2 specific problems are discussed in #warpzilla and in the newsgroup on
Getting RetroZilla Browser
Official Milestone builds of RetroZilla Browser are published on the release page at
OS/2 releases are not created by staff and may appear on the page before the releases page. Be sure to read the
RetroZilla Browser release notes linked on the releases page for information on known
problems and installation issues with RetroZilla Browser.
System Requirements on OS/2
- This release requires updated C runtime DLLs (libc-0.5.1) from
in order to run. By default the installation routine places them in \OS2\DLL
on your bootdrive, but you can put them in the same directory as RetroZilla Browser's
executable, or somewhere else in your LIBPATH.
- Minimum hardware requirements
+ Pentium class processor
+ 64 MiB RAM plus 64 MiB free swap space
+ 35 MiB free harddisk space for installation
plus storage space for disk cache
- Recommended hardware for acceptable performance
+ 500 MHz processor
+ 256 MiB RAM plus 64 MiB free swap space
NOTE: RetroZilla Browser's performance and stability increases the more physical
RAM is available. Especially for long sessions 512 MiB of memory is
+ Graphics card and driver capable of displaying more than 256 colors
- Software requirements
+ Installation on a file system supporting long file names
(i.e. HPFS or JFS but not FAT)
+ OS/2 Warp 4 with Fixpack 15 or later
+ MPTS version 5.3
+ TCP/IP version 4.1
+ INETVER: SOCKETS.SYS=5.3007, AFOS2.SYS=5.3001, AFINET.SYS=5.3006
NOTE: Do not attempt to use MPTS & TCP/IP versions below these INETVER
levels. Although RetroZilla Browser may seem to start and run normally with older
stacks, some features RetroZilla Browser needs are not implemented correctly in
older MPTS versions, which may result in crashes and data loss.
+ Convenience Pack 2 or eComStation 1.0 or later meet these requirements
out of the box.
Installation Instructions
For all platforms, unpack into a clean (new) directory. Installing on top of
previously released builds may cause problems with RetroZilla Browser.
Note: These instructions do not tell you how to build RetroZilla Browser.
For info on building the RetroZilla Browser source, see
OS/2 Installation Instructions
On OS/2, RetroZilla Browser does not have an installation program. To install it,
download the .zip file and follow these steps:
1. Click the "Zip" link on the site you're downloading RetroZilla Browser from
to download the ZIP package to your machine. This file is typically called
firefox-os2-*.zip where the "*" is replaced by the RetroZilla Browser version.
2. Navigate to where you downloaded the file and unpack it using your
favorite unzip tool.
3. Keep in mind that the unzip process creates a directory "firefox"
below the location you point it to, i.e.
unzip -d c:\firefox-1.0.1
will unpack RetroZilla Browser into c:\firefox-1.0.1\firefox.
4. Make sure that you are _not_ unpacking over an old installation. This is
known to cause problems.
5. To start RetroZilla Browser, navigate to the directory you extracted
RetroZilla Browser to, make sure that the C library DLLs are copied to the
installation directory or installed in the LIBPATH, and then double-click
the RetroZilla Browser.exe object.
Running multiple versions concurrently
Because various members of the Mozilla family (i.e. Mozilla, RetroZilla Browser,
Thunderbird, IBM Web Browser) may use different, incompatible versions of the
same DLL, some extra steps may be required to run them concurrently.
One workaround is the LIBPATHSTRICT variable. To run RetroZilla Browser one can create
a CMD script like the following example (where an installation of RetroZilla Browser
exists in the directory d:\internet\firefox is assumed):
rem The next line may be needed when a different Mozilla program is listed in LIBPATH
rem set BEGINLIBPATH=d:\internet\firefox
rem The next line is only needed to run two different versions of RetroZilla Browser
rem set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1
cd d:\internet\firefox
firefox.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Similarly, one can create a program object to start RetroZilla Browser using the
following settings:
Path and file name: *
Parameters: /c set LIBPATHSTRICT=T & .\firefox.exe "%*"
Working directory: d:\internet\firefox
(One might need to add MOZ_NO_REMOTE and/or BEGINLIBPATH as in the CMD script
above depending on the system configuration.)
Finally, the simplest method is to use the Run! utility by Rich Walsh that can
be found in the Hobbes Software Archive:!
Read its documentation for more information.
Separating profiles from installation directory
To separate the locations of the user profile(s) (containing the bookmarks and
all customizations) from the installation directory to keep your preferences in
the case of an update even when using ZIP packages, set the variable
MOZILLA_HOME to a directory of your choice. You can do this either in Config.sys
or in a script or using a program object as listed above. If you add
set MOZILLA_HOME=f:\Data
the RetroZilla Browser user profile will be created in "f:\Data\Mozilla\RetroZilla Browser".
If you are migrating from Mozilla, RetroZilla Browser's import routine will only find
the existing Mozilla profile data if MOZILLA_HOME is correctly set to point to
Other important environment variables
There are a few enviroment variables that can be used to control special
behavior of RetroZilla Browser on OS/2:
This causes RetroZilla Browser not to use OS/2's high resolution timer. Set this if
other applications using the high resolution timer (multimedia apps) act
If you have the Innotek Font Engine installed this variable enables special
functions in RetroZilla Browser to handle unicode characters.
Use this to run two instances of RetroZilla Browser simultaneously (like e.g. debug
and optimized version).
Find more information on this topic and other tips on
Known Problems of the OS/2 version
Cross-platform problems are usually listed in the release notes of each
milestone release.
- Bug 167884, "100% CPU load when viewing site [tiling transparent PNG]":
On OS/2, Mozilla's rendering engine is known to have very slow performance on
websites that use small, repeated images with transparency for their layout.
This affects rendering in RetroZilla Browser as well.
Other known problems can be found by following the link "Current Open Warpzilla
Bugs" on the OS/2 Mozilla page <>.