2015-10-20 23:03:22 -04:00

432 lines
14 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
* March 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Sean Su <>
* Ben Goodger <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "extern.h"
#include "dialogs.h"
#include "extra.h"
#include "xpistub.h"
#include "xpi.h"
#include "xperr.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "ifuncns.h"
#define BDIR_RIGHT 1
#define BDIR_LEFT 2
typedef HRESULT (_cdecl *XpiInit)(const char *, const char *aLogName, pfnXPIProgress);
typedef HRESULT (_cdecl *XpiInstall)(const char *, const char *, long);
typedef void (_cdecl *XpiExit)(void);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetDllPathProc)(const char*);
static XpiInit pfnXpiInit;
static XpiInstall pfnXpiInstall;
static XpiExit pfnXpiExit;
static SetDllPathProc pfnSetDllPath = NULL;
static long lFileCounter;
static long lBarberCounter;
static DWORD dwCurrentFile;
static DWORD dwTotalFiles;
char szStrProcessingFile[MAX_BUF];
char szStrCopyingFile[MAX_BUF];
char szStrInstalling[MAX_BUF];
static char gSavedCwd[MAX_BUF];
static void UpdateArchiveInstallProgress(int aValue);
struct ExtractFilesDlgInfo
HWND hWndDlg;
int nMaxFileBars; // maximum number of bars that can be displayed
int nMaxArchiveBars; // maximum number of bars that can be displayed
int nFileBars; // current number of bars to display
int nArchiveBars; // current number of bars to display
} dlgInfo;
HRESULT InitializeXPIStub(char *xpinstallPath)
char szBuf[MAX_BUF];
char szXPIStubFile[MAX_BUF];
char szEGetProcAddress[MAX_BUF];
HANDLE hKernel;
hXPIStubInst = NULL;
GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(gSavedCwd), gSavedCwd);
if(!GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_GETPROCADDRESS", "", szEGetProcAddress, sizeof(szEGetProcAddress), szFileIniInstall))
/* change current directory to where xpistub.dll */
/* Windows XP SP1 changed DLL search path strategy, setting current dir */
/* is no longer sufficient. Use SetDLLDirectory() if available */
if ((hKernel = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll")) != NULL)
pfnSetDllPath = (SetDllPathProc)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "SetDllDirectoryA");
if (pfnSetDllPath)
/* build full path to xpistub.dll */
lstrcpy(szXPIStubFile, xpinstallPath);
AppendBackSlash(szXPIStubFile, sizeof(szXPIStubFile));
lstrcat(szXPIStubFile, "xpistub.dll");
if(FileExists(szXPIStubFile) == FALSE)
/* load xpistub.dll */
if((hXPIStubInst = LoadLibraryEx(szXPIStubFile, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH)) == NULL)
wsprintf(szBuf, szEDllLoad, szXPIStubFile);
PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_SHOW);
if(((FARPROC)pfnXpiInit = GetProcAddress(hXPIStubInst, "XPI_Init")) == NULL)
wsprintf(szBuf, szEGetProcAddress, "XPI_Init");
PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_SHOW);
if(((FARPROC)pfnXpiInstall = GetProcAddress(hXPIStubInst, "XPI_Install")) == NULL)
wsprintf(szBuf, szEGetProcAddress, "XPI_Install");
PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_SHOW);
if(((FARPROC)pfnXpiExit = GetProcAddress(hXPIStubInst, "XPI_Exit")) == NULL)
wsprintf(szBuf, szEGetProcAddress, "XPI_Exit");
PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_SHOW);
HRESULT DeInitializeXPIStub()
pfnXpiInit = NULL;
pfnXpiInstall = NULL;
pfnXpiExit = NULL;
if (pfnSetDllPath)
void GetTotalArchivesToInstall(void)
DWORD i = 0;
siC *siCObject = NULL;
dwTotalFiles = 0;
siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(i, TRUE, AC_ALL);
while (siCObject) {
if ((siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_SELECTED) &&
!(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_LAUNCHAPP))
dwTotalFiles += siCObject->iFileCount;
siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(++i, TRUE, AC_ALL);
char *GetErrorString(DWORD dwError, char *szErrorString, DWORD dwErrorStringSize)
int i = 0;
char szErrorNumber[MAX_BUF];
ZeroMemory(szErrorString, dwErrorStringSize);
itoa(dwError, szErrorNumber, 10);
/* map the error value to a string */
if(*XpErrorList[i] == '\0')
if(lstrcmpi(szErrorNumber, XpErrorList[i]) == 0)
if(*XpErrorList[i + 1] != '\0')
lstrcpy(szErrorString, XpErrorList[i + 1]);
HRESULT SmartUpdateJars(HWND aWizardPanel)
DWORD i = 0;
siC *siCObject = NULL;
HRESULT hrResult;
char szBuf[MAX_BUF];
char szEXpiInstall[MAX_BUF];
char szArchive[MAX_BUF];
char szMsgSmartUpdateStart[MAX_BUF];
char szDlgExtractingTitle[MAX_BUF];
char xpinstallPath[MAX_BUF];
char xpiArgs[MAX_BUF];
// Save the handle to the dialog window so the installer procedures
// can send messages to it.
dlgInfo.hWndDlg = aWizardPanel;
if (!GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "DLG_EXTRACTING_TITLE",
"", szDlgExtractingTitle,
return 1;
if (!GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "STR_PROCESSINGFILE",
"", szStrProcessingFile,
szFileIniInstall) ||
!GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "STR_INSTALLING",
"", szStrInstalling,
szFileIniInstall) ||
!GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "STR_COPYINGFILE",
"", szStrCopyingFile,
GetXpinstallPath(xpinstallPath, sizeof(xpinstallPath));
if(InitializeXPIStub(xpinstallPath) == WIZ_OK)
lstrcpy(szBuf, sgProduct.szPath);
if(*sgProduct.szSubPath != '\0')
AppendBackSlash(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf));
lstrcat(szBuf, sgProduct.szSubPath);
hrResult = pfnXpiInit(szBuf, FILE_INSTALL_LOG, cbXPIProgress);
SetDlgItemText(dlgInfo.hWndDlg, IDC_STATUS0, szMsgSmartUpdateStart);
0, MAKELPARAM(0, dwTotalFiles));
dwCurrentFile = 0;
siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(i, TRUE, AC_ALL);
while (siCObject) {
if(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_SELECTED)
/* Since the archive is selected, we need to process the file ops here */
ProcessFileOps(T_PRE_ARCHIVE, siCObject->szReferenceName);
/* launch smartupdate engine for earch jar to be installed */
if((siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_SELECTED) &&
!(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_LAUNCHAPP) &&
!(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_DOWNLOAD_ONLY))
lFileCounter = 0;
lBarberCounter = 0;
dlgInfo.nFileBars = 0;
// We need to send this message otherwise the progress bars will paint
// over the completion page for some unknown reason! -ben
SendMessage(aWizardPanel, WM_PAINT, 0, 0);
lstrcpy(szArchive, sgProduct.szAlternateArchiveSearchPath);
AppendBackSlash(szArchive, sizeof(szArchive));
lstrcat(szArchive, siCObject->szArchiveName);
if((*sgProduct.szAlternateArchiveSearchPath == '\0') || (!FileExists(szArchive)))
lstrcpy(szArchive, szSetupDir);
AppendBackSlash(szArchive, sizeof(szArchive));
lstrcat(szArchive, siCObject->szArchiveName);
lstrcpy(szArchive, szTempDir);
AppendBackSlash(szArchive, sizeof(szArchive));
lstrcat(szArchive, siCObject->szArchiveName);
char szEFileNotFound[MAX_BUF];
if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "", szEFileNotFound, sizeof(szEFileNotFound), szFileIniInstall))
wsprintf(szBuf, szEFileNotFound, szArchive);
PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_HIDE);
wsprintf(szBuf, szStrInstalling, siCObject->szDescriptionShort);
SetDlgItemText(dlgInfo.hWndDlg, IDC_STATUS0, szBuf);
/* XXX fix: we need to better support passing arguments to .xpi files.
* This is a temporary hack to get greType passed to browser.xpi so that
* it won't delete GRE files if GRE is installed in the mozilla dir.
* What should be done is have the arguments be described in each
* component's section in config.ini and have it passed thru here. */
*xpiArgs = '\0';
if(lstrcmpi(siCObject->szArchiveName, "gre.xpi") == 0)
MozCopyStr(sgProduct.szRegPath, xpiArgs, sizeof(xpiArgs));
else if((lstrcmpi(siCObject->szArchiveName, "browser.xpi") == 0) &&
(sgProduct.greType == GRE_LOCAL))
/* passing -greShared to browser.xpi will tell it to cleanup GRE files
* from it's directory if they exist. */
MozCopyStr("-greLocal", xpiArgs, sizeof(xpiArgs));
hrResult = pfnXpiInstall(szArchive, xpiArgs, 0xFFFF);
if(hrResult == E_REBOOT)
bReboot = TRUE;
else if((hrResult != WIZ_OK) &&
!(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_IGNORE_XPINSTALL_ERROR))
LogMSXPInstallStatus(siCObject->szArchiveName, hrResult);
if(GetPrivateProfileString("Messages", "ERROR_XPI_INSTALL", "", szEXpiInstall, sizeof(szEXpiInstall), szFileIniInstall))
char szErrorString[MAX_BUF];
GetErrorString(hrResult, szErrorString, sizeof(szErrorString));
wsprintf(szBuf, "%s - %s: %d %s", szEXpiInstall, siCObject->szDescriptionShort, hrResult, szErrorString);
PrintError(szBuf, ERROR_CODE_HIDE);
/* break out of the siCObject while loop */
if((hrResult != WIZ_OK) &&
(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_IGNORE_XPINSTALL_ERROR))
/* reset the result to WIZ_OK if there was an error and the
* component's attributes contains SIC_IGNORE_XPINSTALL_ERROR.
* This should be done after LogISXPInstallComponentResult()
* because we still should log the error value. */
hrResult = WIZ_OK;
if(siCObject->dwAttributes & SIC_SELECTED)
/* Since the archive is selected, we need to do the file ops here */
ProcessFileOps(T_POST_ARCHIVE, siCObject->szReferenceName);
siCObject = SiCNodeGetObject(++i, TRUE, AC_ALL);
} /* while(siCObject) */
//report 100% progress status for successful installs
LogMSXPInstallStatus(NULL, hrResult);
void cbXPIStart(const char *URL, const char *UIName)
void cbXPIProgress(const char* msg, PRInt32 val, PRInt32 max)
char szFilename[MAX_BUF];
char szStrProcessingFileBuf[MAX_BUF];
char szStrCopyingFileBuf[MAX_BUF];
if(sgProduct.mode != SILENT)
ParsePath((char *)msg, szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), FALSE, PP_FILENAME_ONLY);
dlgInfo.nFileBars = 0;
// XXXben this is a really nasty hack. We shouldn't be parsing the msg value
// to find out what sort of progress notification this is. Really, the installer
// listener system needs to be rearchitected to send out a message type (int)
// and a message value, and the listeners can synthesize a display message if
// they want to. As it stands, the strings that are used here are NOT localizable
// (hard coded over in mozilla/xpinstall/src), which blows dead goats through
// straws.
if ((!strncmp(msg, "Installing: ", 12) ||
!strncmp(msg, "Replacing: ", 11))
&& (max != 0 && val <= max)) {
void cbXPIFinal(const char *URL, PRInt32 finalStatus)
// Update the Archive Progress Bar to the specified percentage.
static void UpdateArchiveInstallProgress(int aValue)
if (sgProduct.mode != SILENT) {
SendDlgItemMessage(dlgInfo.hWndDlg, IDC_PROGRESS_ARCHIVE, PBM_SETPOS,
(WPARAM)aValue, 0);