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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Travis Bogard <>
* Dan Rosen <>
* Vidur Apparao <>
* Johnny Stenback <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#ifndef nsGlobalWindow_h___
#define nsGlobalWindow_h___
// Local Includes
// Helper Classes
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsHashtable.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
// Interfaces Needed
#include "nsDOMWindowList.h"
#include "nsIBaseWindow.h"
#include "nsIBrowserDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsIChromeEventHandler.h"
#include "nsIControllers.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIDocShellTreeOwner.h"
#include "nsIDocShellTreeItem.h"
#include "nsIDOMClientInformation.h"
#include "nsIDOMViewCSS.h"
#include "nsIDOMEventReceiver.h"
#include "nsIDOM3EventTarget.h"
#include "nsIDOMNSEventTarget.h"
#include "nsIDOMNavigator.h"
#include "nsIDOMNSLocation.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindowInternal.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
#include "nsIDOMJSWindow.h"
#include "nsIDOMChromeWindow.h"
#include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h"
#include "nsIScriptContext.h"
#include "nsIScriptObjectPrincipal.h"
#include "nsITimer.h"
#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome.h"
#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h"
#include "nsIEventListenerManager.h"
#include "nsIDOMDocument.h"
#include "nsIDOMCrypto.h"
#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
#include "nsPluginArray.h"
#include "nsMimeTypeArray.h"
#include "nsIXPCScriptable.h"
#include "nsPoint.h"
#include "nsSize.h"
#include "mozFlushType.h"
#include "prclist.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIDOMStorage.h"
#include "nsIDOMStorageList.h"
#include "nsIDOMStorageWindow.h"
#include "nsIDOMGCParticipant.h"
#define PREF_BROWSER_STARTUP_HOMEPAGE "browser.startup.homepage"
class nsIDOMBarProp;
class nsIDocument;
class nsIContent;
class nsPresContext;
class nsIDOMEvent;
class nsIScrollableView;
typedef struct nsTimeout nsTimeout;
class nsBarProp;
class nsLocation;
class nsNavigator;
class nsScreen;
class nsHistory;
class nsIDocShellLoadInfo;
class WindowStateHolder;
// nsGlobalWindow: Global Object for Scripting
// Beware that all scriptable interfaces implemented by
// nsGlobalWindow will be reachable from JS, if you make this class
// implement new interfaces you better know what you're
// doing. Security wise this is very sensitive code. --
// nsGlobalWindow inherits PRCList for maintaining a list of all inner
// widows still in memory for any given outer window. This list is
// needed to ensure that mOuterWindow doesn't end up dangling. The
// nature of PRCList means that the window itself is always in the
// list, and an outer window's list will also contain all inner window
// objects that are still in memory (and in reality all inner window
// object's lists also contain its outer and all other inner windows
// belonging to the same outer window, but that's an unimportant
// side effect of inheriting PRCList).
class nsGlobalWindow : public nsPIDOMWindow_MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH2,
public nsIScriptGlobalObject,
public nsIDOMJSWindow,
public nsIScriptObjectPrincipal,
public nsIDOMEventReceiver,
public nsIDOMGCParticipant,
public nsIDOM3EventTarget,
public nsIDOMNSEventTarget,
public nsIDOMViewCSS,
public nsIDOMStorageWindow,
public nsSupportsWeakReference,
public nsIInterfaceRequestor,
public nsIObserver,
public PRCListStr
// public methods
nsPIDOMWindow* GetPrivateParent();
// callback for close event
void ReallyCloseWindow();
// nsISupports
// nsIScriptGlobalObject
virtual void SetContext(nsIScriptContext *aContext);
virtual nsIScriptContext *GetContext();
virtual nsresult SetNewDocument(nsIDOMDocument *aDocument,
nsISupports *aState,
PRBool aRemoveEventListeners,
PRBool aClearScopeHint);
virtual void SetDocShell(nsIDocShell* aDocShell);
virtual nsIDocShell *GetDocShell();
virtual void SetOpenerWindow(nsIDOMWindowInternal *aOpener);
virtual void SetGlobalObjectOwner(nsIScriptGlobalObjectOwner* aOwner);
virtual nsIScriptGlobalObjectOwner *GetGlobalObjectOwner();
virtual nsresult HandleDOMEvent(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsEvent* aEvent, nsIDOMEvent** aDOMEvent,
PRUint32 aFlags,
nsEventStatus* aEventStatus);
virtual JSObject *GetGlobalJSObject();
virtual void OnFinalize(JSObject *aJSObject);
virtual void SetScriptsEnabled(PRBool aEnabled, PRBool aFireTimeouts);
virtual nsresult SetNewArguments(PRUint32 aArgc, void* aArgv);
// nsIScriptObjectPrincipal
virtual nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipal();
// nsIDOMWindow
// nsIDOMWindow2
// nsIDOMWindowInternal
// nsIDOMJSWindow
// nsIDOMEventTarget
// nsIDOM3EventTarget
// nsIDOMNSEventTarget
// nsIDOMEventReceiver
NS_IMETHOD AddEventListenerByIID(nsIDOMEventListener *aListener,
const nsIID& aIID);
NS_IMETHOD RemoveEventListenerByIID(nsIDOMEventListener *aListener,
const nsIID& aIID);
NS_IMETHOD GetListenerManager(nsIEventListenerManager** aInstancePtrResult);
NS_IMETHOD HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent *aEvent);
NS_IMETHOD GetSystemEventGroup(nsIDOMEventGroup** aGroup);
// nsIDOMGCParticipant
virtual nsIDOMGCParticipant* GetSCCIndex();
virtual void AppendReachableList(nsCOMArray<nsIDOMGCParticipant>& aArray);
// nsPIDOMWindow
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsPIDOMWindow*) GetPrivateRoot();
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) GetObjectProperty(const PRUnichar* aProperty,
nsISupports** aObject);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) Activate();
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) Deactivate();
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsIFocusController*) GetRootFocusController();
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(void) SetOpenerScriptURL(nsIURI* aURI);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(PopupControlState) PushPopupControlState(PopupControlState state, PRBool aForce) const;
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(void) PopPopupControlState(PopupControlState state) const;
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(PopupControlState) GetPopupControlState() const;
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(OpenAllowValue) GetOpenAllow(const nsAString &aName);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) SaveWindowState(nsISupports **aState);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) RestoreWindowState(nsISupports *aState);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(PRBool) WouldReuseInnerWindow(nsIDocument *aNewDocument);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(void) SetOpenerWindow(nsIDOMWindowInternal *aOpener,
PRBool aOriginalOpener);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) FireDelayedDOMEvents();
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(void) EnterModalState();
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(void) LeaveModalState();
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(void) SetOpenerScriptPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
virtual NS_HIDDEN_(nsIPrincipal*) GetOpenerScriptPrincipal();
// nsIDOMViewCSS
// nsIDOMAbstractView
// nsIDOMStorageWindow
// nsIInterfaceRequestor
// nsIObserver
// Object Management
nsGlobalWindow(nsGlobalWindow *aOuterWindow);
static nsGlobalWindow *FromWrapper(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper)
// Make sure this matches the casts we do in QueryInterface().
return (nsGlobalWindow *)(nsIScriptGlobalObject *)wrapper->Native();
nsIScriptContext *GetContextInternal()
if (mOuterWindow) {
return GetOuterWindowInternal()->mContext;
return mContext;
nsGlobalWindow *GetOuterWindowInternal()
return NS_STATIC_CAST(nsGlobalWindow *, GetOuterWindow());
nsGlobalWindow *GetCurrentInnerWindowInternal()
return NS_STATIC_CAST(nsGlobalWindow *, mInnerWindow);
nsIDocShell *GetDocShellInternal()
if (mOuterWindow) {
return GetOuterWindowInternal()->mDocShell;
return mDocShell;
PRBool IsFrozen() const
return mIsFrozen;
PRBool IsCreatingInnerWindow() const
return mCreatingInnerWindow;
static void ShutDown();
static PRBool IsCallerChrome();
friend class WindowStateHolder;
friend class nsBarProp;
// Object Management
virtual ~nsGlobalWindow();
void CleanUp();
void ClearControllers();
void FreeInnerObjects(JSContext *cx);
nsresult SetNewDocument(nsIDOMDocument *aDocument,
nsISupports *aState,
PRBool aRemoveEventListeners,
PRBool aClearScopeHint,
PRBool aIsInternalCall);
// Get the parent, returns null if this is a toplevel window
nsIDOMWindowInternal *GetParentInternal();
// popup tracking
PRBool IsPopupSpamWindow()
if (IsInnerWindow() && !mOuterWindow) {
return PR_FALSE;
return GetOuterWindowInternal()->mIsPopupSpam;
void SetPopupSpamWindow(PRBool aPopup)
if (IsInnerWindow() && !mOuterWindow) {
NS_ERROR("SetPopupSpamWindow() called on inner window w/o an outer!");
GetOuterWindowInternal()->mIsPopupSpam = aPopup;
// Window Control Functions
* @param aURL the URL to load in the new window
* @param aName the name to use for the new window
* @param aOptions the window options to use for the new window
* @param aDialog true when called from variants of OpenDialog. If this is
* true, this method will skip popup blocking checks. The
* aDialog argument is passed on to the window watcher.
* @param aCalledNoScript true when called via the [noscript] open()
* and openDialog() methods. When this is true, we do
* NOT want to use the JS stack for things like caller
* determination.
* @param aDoJSFixups true when this is the content-accessible JS version of
* window opening. When true, popups do not cause us to
* throw, we save the caller's principal in the new window
* for later consumption, and we make sure that there is a
* document in the newly-opened window. Note that this
* last will only be done if the newly-opened window is
* non-chrome.
* @param argv The arguments to pass to the new window. The first
* three args, if present, will be aURL, aName, and aOptions. So
* this param only matters if there are more than 3 arguments.
* @param argc The number of arguments in argv.
* @param aExtraArgument Another way to pass arguments in. This is mutually
* exclusive with the argv/argc approach.
* @param aReturn [out] The window that was opened, if any.
* @note that the boolean args are const because the function shouldn't be
* messing with them. That also makes it easier for the compiler to sort out
* its build warning stuff.
NS_HIDDEN_(nsresult) OpenInternal(const nsAString& aUrl,
const nsAString& aName,
const nsAString& aOptions,
PRBool aDialog,
PRBool aCalledNoScript,
PRBool aDoJSFixups,
jsval *argv, PRUint32 argc,
nsISupports *aExtraArgument,
nsIPrincipal *aCalleePrincipal,
nsIDOMWindow **aReturn);
static void CloseWindow(nsISupports* aWindow);
static void ClearWindowScope(nsISupports* aWindow);
// Timeout Functions
nsresult SetTimeoutOrInterval(PRBool aIsInterval, PRInt32* aReturn);
void RunTimeout(nsTimeout *aTimeout);
nsresult ClearTimeoutOrInterval();
void ClearAllTimeouts();
void InsertTimeoutIntoList(nsTimeout **aInsertionPoint, nsTimeout *aTimeout);
static void TimerCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure);
// Helper Functions
nsresult GetTreeOwner(nsIDocShellTreeOwner** aTreeOwner);
nsresult GetTreeOwner(nsIBaseWindow** aTreeOwner);
nsresult GetWebBrowserChrome(nsIWebBrowserChrome** aBrowserChrome);
// GetScrollInfo does not flush. Callers should do it themselves as needed,
// depending on which info they actually want off the scrollable view.
nsresult GetScrollInfo(nsIScrollableView** aScrollableView, float* aP2T,
float* aT2P);
nsresult SecurityCheckURL(const char *aURL);
nsresult BuildURIfromBase(const char *aURL,
nsIURI **aBuiltURI,
PRBool *aFreeSecurityPass, JSContext **aCXused);
PopupControlState CheckForAbusePoint();
OpenAllowValue CheckOpenAllow(PopupControlState aAbuseLevel);
void FireAbuseEvents(PRBool aBlocked, PRBool aWindow,
const nsAString &aPopupURL,
const nsAString &aPopupWindowFeatures);
void FlushPendingNotifications(mozFlushType aType);
void EnsureSizeUpToDate();
void EnsureReflowFlushAndPaint();
nsresult CheckSecurityWidthAndHeight(PRInt32* width, PRInt32* height);
nsresult CheckSecurityLeftAndTop(PRInt32* left, PRInt32* top);
static PRBool CanSetProperty(const char *aPrefName);
static void MakeScriptDialogTitle(nsAString &aOutTitle);
// Helper for window.find()
nsresult FindInternal(const nsAString& aStr, PRBool caseSensitive,
PRBool backwards, PRBool wrapAround, PRBool wholeWord,
PRBool searchInFrames, PRBool showDialog,
PRBool *aReturn);
nsresult ConvertCharset(const nsAString& aStr, char** aDest);
PRBool GetBlurSuppression();
// If aDoFlush is true, we'll flush our own layout; otherwise we'll try to
// just flush our parent and only flush ourselves if we think we need to.
nsresult GetScrollXY(PRInt32* aScrollX, PRInt32* aScrollY,
PRBool aDoFlush);
nsresult GetScrollMaxXY(PRInt32* aScrollMaxX, PRInt32* aScrollMaxY);
PRBool IsFrame()
return GetParentInternal() != nsnull;
PRBool DispatchCustomEvent(const char *aEventName);
// If aLookForCallerOnJSStack is true, this method will look at the JS stack
// to determine who the caller is. If it's false, it'll use |this| as the
// caller.
PRBool WindowExists(const nsAString& aName, PRBool aLookForCallerOnJSStack);
already_AddRefed<nsIWidget> GetMainWidget();
void SuspendTimeouts();
virtual nsresult ResumeTimeouts();
void Freeze()
NS_ASSERTION(!IsFrozen(), "Double-freezing?");
mIsFrozen = PR_TRUE;
void Thaw()
mIsFrozen = PR_FALSE;
PRBool IsInModalState();
// When adding new member variables, be careful not to create cycles
// through JavaScript. If there is any chance that a member variable
// could own objects that are implemented in JavaScript, then those
// objects will keep the global object (this object) alive. To prevent
// these cycles, ownership of such members must be released in
// |CleanUp| and |SetDocShell|.
// This member is also used on both inner and outer windows, but
// for slightly different purposes. On inner windows it means the
// inner window is held onto by session history and should not
// change. On outer windows it means that the window is in a state
// where we don't want to force creation of a new inner window since
// we're in the middle of doing just that.
PRPackedBool mIsFrozen : 1;
// These members are only used on outer window objects. Make sure
// you never set any of these on an inner object!
PRPackedBool mFullScreen : 1;
PRPackedBool mIsClosed : 1;
PRPackedBool mInClose : 1;
// mHavePendingClose means we've got a termination function set to
// close us when the JS stops executing or that we have a close
// event posted. If this is set, just ignore window.close() calls.
PRPackedBool mHavePendingClose : 1;
PRPackedBool mHadOriginalOpener : 1;
PRPackedBool mIsPopupSpam : 1;
// Indicates whether we're in the middle of creating an initializing
// a new inner window object.
PRPackedBool mCreatingInnerWindow : 1;
PRUint32 mModalStateDepth;
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptContext> mContext;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> mOpener;
nsCOMPtr<nsIControllers> mControllers;
JSObject* mArguments;
nsRefPtr<nsNavigator> mNavigator;
nsRefPtr<nsScreen> mScreen;
nsRefPtr<nsHistory> mHistory;
nsRefPtr<nsDOMWindowList> mFrames;
nsRefPtr<nsBarProp> mMenubar;
nsRefPtr<nsBarProp> mToolbar;
nsRefPtr<nsBarProp> mLocationbar;
nsRefPtr<nsBarProp> mPersonalbar;
nsRefPtr<nsBarProp> mStatusbar;
nsRefPtr<nsBarProp> mScrollbars;
nsCOMPtr<nsIWeakReference> mWindowUtils;
nsRefPtr<nsLocation> mLocation;
nsString mStatus;
nsString mDefaultStatus;
nsIScriptGlobalObjectOwner* mGlobalObjectOwner; // Weak Reference
nsIDocShell* mDocShell; // Weak Reference
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMCrypto> mCrypto;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMStorageList> gGlobalStorageList;
nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder> mInnerWindowHolder;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mOpenerScriptPrincipal; // strong; used to determine
// whether to clear scope
// These member variable are used only on inner windows.
nsCOMPtr<nsIEventListenerManager> mListenerManager;
nsTimeout* mTimeouts;
nsTimeout** mTimeoutInsertionPoint;
PRUint32 mTimeoutPublicIdCounter;
PRUint32 mTimeoutFiringDepth;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMStorage> mSessionStorage;
// These member variables are used on both inner and the outer windows.
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mDocumentPrincipal;
JSObject* mJSObject;
nsDataHashtable<nsStringHashKey, PRBool> *mPendingStorageEvents;
#ifdef DEBUG
PRBool mSetOpenerWindowCalled;
friend class nsDOMScriptableHelper;
friend class nsDOMWindowUtils;
static nsIScriptSecurityManager *sSecMan;
static nsIFactory *sComputedDOMStyleFactory;
* nsGlobalChromeWindow inherits from nsGlobalWindow. It is the global
* object created for a Chrome Window only.
class nsGlobalChromeWindow : public nsGlobalWindow,
public nsIDOMChromeWindow
// nsISupports
// nsIDOMChromeWindow interface
nsGlobalChromeWindow(nsGlobalWindow *aOuterWindow)
: nsGlobalWindow(aOuterWindow)
nsCOMPtr<nsIBrowserDOMWindow> mBrowserDOMWindow;
* Timeout struct that holds information about each JavaScript
* timeout.
struct nsTimeout
#ifdef DEBUG_jst
extern int gTimeoutCnt;
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
#ifdef DEBUG_jst
extern int gTimeoutCnt;
void Release(nsIScriptContext* aContext);
void AddRef();
// Window for which this timeout fires
nsGlobalWindow *mWindow;
// The JS expression to evaluate or function to call, if !mExpr
JSString *mExpr;
JSObject *mFunObj;
// The actual timer object
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mTimer;
// Function actual arguments and argument count
jsval *mArgv;
PRUint16 mArgc;
// True if the timeout was cleared
PRPackedBool mCleared;
// True if this is one of the timeouts that are currently running
PRPackedBool mRunning;
// Returned as value of setTimeout()
PRUint32 mPublicId;
// Non-zero interval in milliseconds if repetitive timeout
PRInt32 mInterval;
// Nominal time (in microseconds since the epoch) to run this
// timeout
PRTime mWhen;
// Principal with which to execute
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mPrincipal;
// filename, line number and JS language version string of the
// caller of setTimeout()
char *mFileName;
PRUint32 mLineNo;
const char *mVersion;
// stack depth at which timeout is firing
PRUint32 mFiringDepth;
// Pointer to the next timeout in the linked list of scheduled
// timeouts
nsTimeout *mNext;
// The popup state at timeout creation time if not created from
// another timeout
PopupControlState mPopupState;
// reference count for shared usage
PRInt32 mRefCnt;
// nsNavigator: Script "navigator" object
class nsNavigator : public nsIDOMNavigator,
public nsIDOMNavigator_MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH,
public nsIDOMJSNavigator,
public nsIDOMClientInformation
nsNavigator(nsIDocShell *aDocShell);
virtual ~nsNavigator();
void SetDocShell(nsIDocShell *aDocShell);
nsIDocShell *GetDocShell()
return mDocShell;
void LoadingNewDocument();
nsresult RefreshMIMEArray();
nsRefPtr<nsMimeTypeArray> mMimeTypes;
nsRefPtr<nsPluginArray> mPlugins;
nsIDocShell* mDocShell; // weak reference
static jsval sPrefInternal_id;
class nsIURI;
// nsLocation: Script "location" object
class nsLocation : public nsIDOMLocation,
public nsIDOMNSLocation
nsLocation(nsIDocShell *aDocShell);
virtual ~nsLocation();
void SetDocShell(nsIDocShell *aDocShell);
nsIDocShell *GetDocShell();
// nsIDOMLocation
// nsIDOMNSLocation
// In the case of jar: uris, we sometimes want the place the jar was
// fetched from as the URI instead of the jar: uri itself. Pass in
// PR_TRUE for aGetInnermostURI when that's the case.
nsresult GetURI(nsIURI** aURL, PRBool aGetInnermostURI = PR_FALSE);
nsresult GetWritableURI(nsIURI** aURL);
nsresult SetURI(nsIURI* aURL, PRBool aReplace = PR_FALSE);
nsresult SetHrefWithBase(const nsAString& aHref, nsIURI* aBase,
PRBool aReplace);
nsresult SetHrefWithContext(JSContext* cx, const nsAString& aHref,
PRBool aReplace);
nsresult GetSourceBaseURL(JSContext* cx, nsIURI** sourceURL);
nsresult GetSourceDocument(JSContext* cx, nsIDocument** aDocument);
nsresult CheckURL(nsIURI *url, nsIDocShellLoadInfo** aLoadInfo);
nsresult FindUsableBaseURI(nsIURI * aBaseURI, nsIDocShell * aParent, nsIURI ** aUsableURI);
nsWeakPtr mDocShell;
/* factory function */
nsresult NS_NewScriptGlobalObject(PRBool aIsChrome,
nsIScriptGlobalObject **aResult);
#endif /* nsGlobalWindow_h___ */