
1665 lines
48 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* The Mozilla Foundation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Johnny Stenback <> (original author)
* Brendan Eich <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "xpcprivate.h"
#include "XPCNativeWrapper.h"
#include "jsdbgapi.h"
#include "nsJSPrincipals.h"
XPC_NW_AddProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp);
XPC_NW_DelProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp);
XPC_NW_GetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp);
XPC_NW_SetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp);
XPC_NW_Enumerate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
XPC_NW_NewResolve(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, uintN flags,
JSObject **objp);
XPC_NW_Convert(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSType type, jsval *vp);
XPC_NW_Finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
XPC_NW_CheckAccess(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id,
JSAccessMode mode, jsval *vp);
XPC_NW_Call(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval);
XPC_NW_Construct(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval);
XPC_NW_HasInstance(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, JSBool *bp);
XPC_NW_Mark(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, void *arg);
XPC_NW_Equality(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, JSBool *bp);
static JSBool
RewrapIfDeepWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, jsval *rval);
XPC_NW_FunctionWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval);
// JS class for XPCNativeWrapper (and this doubles as the constructor
// for XPCNativeWrapper for the moment too...)
JSExtendedClass XPCNativeWrapper::sXPC_NW_JSClass = {
// JSClass (JSExtendedClass.base) initialization
{ "XPCNativeWrapper",
// Our one reserved slot holds a jsint of flag bits
XPC_NW_AddProperty, XPC_NW_DelProperty,
XPC_NW_GetProperty, XPC_NW_SetProperty,
XPC_NW_Enumerate, (JSResolveOp)XPC_NW_NewResolve,
XPC_NW_Convert, XPC_NW_Finalize,
nsnull, XPC_NW_CheckAccess,
XPC_NW_Call, XPC_NW_Construct,
nsnull, XPC_NW_HasInstance,
XPC_NW_Mark, nsnull
// JSExtendedClass initialization
#define FLAG_DEEP 0x1
#define FLAG_EXPLICIT 0x2
// FLAG_RESOLVING is used to tag an XPCNativeWrapper when while it's calling
// the newResolve hook on the XPCWrappedNative's scriptable info.
#define FLAG_RESOLVING 0x4
#define HAS_FLAGS(_val, _flags) \
((PRUint32(JSVAL_TO_INT(_val)) & (_flags)) != 0)
#define NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(_wn, _flag) \
((_wn)->GetScriptableInfo() && \
// If one of our class hooks is ever called from a non-system script, bypass
// the hook by calling the same hook on our wrapped native, with obj reset to
// the wrapped native's flat JSObject, so the hook and args macro parameters
// can be simply:
// convert, (cx, obj, type, vp)
// in the call from XPC_NW_Convert, for example.
#define XPC_NW_CALL_HOOK(cx, obj, hook, args) \
return JS_GET_CLASS(cx, obj)->hook args;
#define XPC_NW_CAST_HOOK(cx, obj, type, hook, args) \
return ((type) JS_GET_CLASS(cx, obj)->hook) args;
static JSBool
ShouldBypassNativeWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
NS_ASSERTION(XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, obj),
"Unexpected object");
jsval flags;
::JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0, &flags);
return JS_FALSE;
// Check what the script calling us looks like
JSScript *script = nsnull;
JSStackFrame *fp = cx->fp;
while(!script && fp) {
script = fp->script;
fp = fp->down;
// If there's no script, bypass for now because that's what the old code did.
// XXX FIXME: bug 341477 covers figuring out what we _should_ do.
return !script || !(::JS_GetScriptFilenameFlags(script) & JSFILENAME_SYSTEM);
#define XPC_NW_BYPASS_BASE(cx, obj, code) \
if (ShouldBypassNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) { \
XPCWrappedNative *wn_ = XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj); \
if (!wn_) { \
return JS_TRUE; \
} \
obj = wn_->GetFlatJSObject(); \
code \
} \
#define XPC_NW_BYPASS(cx, obj, hook, args) \
XPC_NW_BYPASS_BASE(cx, obj, XPC_NW_CALL_HOOK(cx, obj, hook, args))
#define XPC_NW_BYPASS_CAST(cx, obj, type, hook, args) \
XPC_NW_BYPASS_BASE(cx, obj, XPC_NW_CAST_HOOK(cx, obj, type, hook, args))
#define XPC_NW_BYPASS_TEST(cx, obj, hook, args) \
JSClass *clasp_ = JS_GET_CLASS(cx, obj); \
return !clasp_->hook || clasp_->hook args; \
XPC_NW_toString(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval);
XPCNativeWrapperCtor(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval);
static inline
ThrowException(nsresult ex, JSContext *cx)
XPCThrower::Throw(ex, cx);
return JS_FALSE;
static inline
GetStringByIndex(JSContext *cx, uintN index)
XPCJSRuntime *rt = nsXPConnect::GetRuntime();
if (!rt)
return JSVAL_VOID;
return ID_TO_VALUE(rt->GetStringID(index));
static inline
GetSecurityManager(JSContext *cx)
XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx);
nsIXPCSecurityManager *sm = ccx.GetXPCContext()->
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptSecurityManager> ssm(do_QueryInterface(sm));
nsIScriptSecurityManager *rval = nsnull;
return rval;
static inline
EnsureLegalActivity(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
jsval flags;
::JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0, &flags);
// Can't make any assertions about the owner of this wrapper.
return JS_TRUE;
JSStackFrame *frame = nsnull;
uint32 fileFlags = JS_GetTopScriptFilenameFlags(cx, NULL);
if (!JS_FrameIterator(cx, &frame) ||
fileFlags == JSFILENAME_NULL ||
(fileFlags & JSFILENAME_SYSTEM)) {
// We expect implicit native wrappers in system files.
return JS_TRUE;
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptSecurityManager> ssm(GetSecurityManager(cx));
if (!ssm) {
// If there's no security manager, then we're not running in a browser
// context: allow access.
return JS_TRUE;
// A last ditch effort to allow access: if the currently-running code
// has UniversalXPConnect privileges, then allow access.
PRBool isPrivileged;
nsresult rv = ssm->IsCapabilityEnabled("UniversalXPConnect", &isPrivileged);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && isPrivileged) {
return JS_TRUE;
// Otherwise, we're looking at a non-system file with a handle on an
// implcit wrapper. This is a bug! Deny access.
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO, cx);
static JSBool
WrapFunction(JSContext* cx, JSObject* funobj, jsval *rval)
// If funobj is already a wrapped function, just return it.
if (JS_GetFunctionNative(cx,
JS_ValueToFunction(cx, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj))) ==
XPC_NW_FunctionWrapper) {
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj);
return JS_TRUE;
// Ensure that we've been called from JS. Native code should extract
// the wrapped native and deal with that directly.
// XXX Can we simply trust |cx| here?
JSStackFrame *iterator = nsnull;
if (!::JS_FrameIterator(cx, &iterator)) {
::JS_ReportError(cx, "XPCNativeWrappers must be used from script");
return nsnull;
// Create a new function that'll call our given function. This new
// function's parent will be the original function and that's how we
// get the right thing to call when this function is called.
// Note that we pass nsnull as the nominal parent so that we'll inherit
// our caller's Function.prototype.
JSFunction *funWrapper =
::JS_NewFunction(cx, XPC_NW_FunctionWrapper, 0, 0, nsnull,
"XPCNativeWrapper function wrapper");
if (!funWrapper) {
return JS_FALSE;
JSObject* funWrapperObj = ::JS_GetFunctionObject(funWrapper);
::JS_SetParent(cx, funWrapperObj, funobj);
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funWrapperObj);
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_AddProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
JSProperty *prop;
JSObject *objp;
jsid idAsId;
if (!::JS_ValueToId(cx, id, &idAsId) ||
!OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, idAsId, &objp, &prop)) {
return JS_FALSE;
// Do not allow scripted getters or setters on XPCNativeWrappers.
NS_ASSERTION(prop && objp == obj, "Wasn't this property just added?");
JSScopeProperty *sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) prop;
if (sprop->attrs & (JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER)) {
OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, objp, prop);
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE, cx);
OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, objp, prop);
jsval flags;
::JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0, &flags);
return JS_TRUE;
// Note: no need to protect *vp from GC here, since it's already in the slot
// on |obj|.
return EnsureLegalActivity(cx, obj) &&
RewrapIfDeepWrapper(cx, obj, *vp, vp);
XPC_NW_DelProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
if (!EnsureLegalActivity(cx, obj)) {
return JS_FALSE;
// We're being notified of a delete operation on id in this
// XPCNativeWrapper, so forward to the right high-level hook,
// OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY, on the XPCWrappedNative's object.
jsid interned_id;
if (!::JS_ValueToId(cx, id, &interned_id)) {
return JS_FALSE;
return OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, interned_id, vp);
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO, cx);
static JSBool
RewrapIfDeepWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, jsval *rval)
NS_ASSERTION(XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, obj),
"Unexpected object");
JSBool primitive = JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(v);
JSObject* nativeObj = primitive ? nsnull : JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
// We always want to wrap function objects, no matter whether we're deep.
if (!primitive && JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, nativeObj)) {
return WrapFunction(cx, nativeObj, rval);
jsval flags;
::JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0, &flags);
// Re-wrap non-primitive values if this is a deep wrapper, i.e.
// if (HAS_FLAGS(flags, FLAG_DEEP).
if (HAS_FLAGS(flags, FLAG_DEEP) && !primitive) {
XPCWrappedNative* wrappedNative =
XPCWrappedNative::GetWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, nativeObj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
// Not something we can protect... just make it JSVAL_NULL
*rval = JSVAL_NULL;
return JS_TRUE;
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Rewrapping for deep explicit wrapper\n");
if (wrappedNative == XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj)) {
// Already wrapped, return the wrapper.
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
return JS_TRUE;
// |obj| is an explicit deep wrapper. We want to construct another
// explicit deep wrapper for |v|. Just call XPCNativeWrapperCtor by hand
// (passing null as the pre-created object it doesn't use anyway) so we
// don't have to create an object we never use.
return XPCNativeWrapperCtor(cx, nsnull, 1, &v, rval);
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Rewrapping for deep implicit wrapper\n");
// Just using GetNewOrUsed on the return value of
// GetWrappedNativeOfJSObject will give the right thing -- the unique deep
// implicit wrapper associated with wrappedNative.
JSObject* wrapperObj = XPCNativeWrapper::GetNewOrUsed(cx, wrappedNative,
nsnull, nsnull);
if (!wrapperObj) {
return JS_FALSE;
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(wrapperObj);
} else {
*rval = v;
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_FunctionWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval)
JSObject *funObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[-2]);
if (!::JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, funObj)) {
obj = nsnull;
while (obj && !XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) {
obj = ::JS_GetPrototype(cx, obj);
if (!obj) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);
// The real method we're going to call is the parent of this
// function's JSObject.
JSObject *methodToCallObj = ::JS_GetParent(cx, funObj);
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!::JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, methodToCallObj) || !wrappedNative) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);
jsval v;
if (!::JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, wrappedNative->GetFlatJSObject(),
OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(methodToCallObj), argc, argv,
&v)) {
return JS_FALSE;
XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx, obj);
// Make sure v doesn't get collected while we're re-wrapping it.
return RewrapIfDeepWrapper(cx, obj, v, rval);
static JSBool
XPC_NW_GetOrSetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp,
JSBool aIsSet)
// We don't deal with the following properties here.
if (id == GetStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_PROTOTYPE) ||
id == GetStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_TO_STRING)) {
return JS_TRUE;
while (!XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) {
obj = ::JS_GetPrototype(cx, obj);
if (!obj) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);
if (!EnsureLegalActivity(cx, obj)) {
return JS_FALSE;
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);
JSObject *nativeObj = wrappedNative->GetFlatJSObject();
// We can't use XPC_NW_BYPASS here, because we need to do a full
// OBJ_SET_PROPERTY or OBJ_GET_PROPERTY on the wrapped native's
// object, in order to trigger reflection done by the underlying
if (ShouldBypassNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) {
jsid interned_id;
if (!::JS_ValueToId(cx, id, &interned_id)) {
return JS_FALSE;
return aIsSet
? OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, nativeObj, interned_id, vp)
: OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, nativeObj, interned_id, vp);
if (!aIsSet &&
id == GetStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_WRAPPED_JSOBJECT)) {
// Return the underlying native object, the XPConnect wrapped
// object that this additional wrapper layer wraps.
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(nativeObj);
return JS_TRUE;
// This will do verification and the method lookup for us.
XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx, nativeObj, nsnull, id);
if (aIsSet ? NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(wrappedNative, WantSetProperty) :
NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(wrappedNative, WantGetProperty)) {
jsval v = *vp;
// Note that some sets return random DOM objects (setting
// document.location, say), so we want to rewrap for sets too if v != *vp.
JSBool retval = JS_TRUE;
nsresult rv;
if (aIsSet) {
rv = wrappedNative->GetScriptableCallback()->
SetProperty(wrappedNative, cx, obj, id, &v, &retval);
} else {
rv = wrappedNative->GetScriptableCallback()->
GetProperty(wrappedNative, cx, obj, id, &v, &retval);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return ThrowException(rv, cx);
if (!retval) {
return JS_FALSE;
// Make sure v doesn't get collected while we're re-wrapping it.
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
JSString* strId = ::JS_ValueToString(cx, id);
if (strId) {
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 propName((PRUnichar*)::JS_GetStringChars(strId),
printf("%s via scriptable hooks for '%s'\n",
aIsSet ? "Set" : "Got", propName.get());
return RewrapIfDeepWrapper(cx, obj, v, vp);
if (!JSVAL_IS_STRING(id)) {
// Not going to be found here
return JS_TRUE;
// Verify that our jsobject really is a wrapped native.
XPCWrappedNative* wrapper = ccx.GetWrapper();
if (wrapper != wrappedNative || !wrapper->IsValid()) {
NS_ASSERTION(wrapper == wrappedNative, "Uh, how did this happen!");
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, cx);
// it would be a big surprise if there is a member without an
// interface :)
XPCNativeInterface* iface = ccx.GetInterface();
if (!iface) {
return JS_TRUE;
// did we find a method/attribute by that name?
XPCNativeMember* member = ccx.GetMember();
NS_ASSERTION(member, "not doing IDispatch, how'd this happen?");
if (!member) {
// No member, no IDL property to expose.
return JS_TRUE;
// Get (and perhaps lazily create) the member's value (commonly a
// cloneable function).
jsval memberval;
if (!member->GetValue(ccx, iface, &memberval)) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, cx);
if (member->IsConstant()) {
// Getting the value of constants is easy, just return the
// value. Setting is not supported (obviously).
if (aIsSet) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, cx);
*vp = memberval;
return JS_TRUE;
if (!member->IsAttribute()) {
// Getting the value of a method. Just return and let the value
// from XPC_NW_NewResolve() be used.
return JS_TRUE;
// Make sure the function we're cloning doesn't go away while
// we're cloning it.
AUTO_MARK_JSVAL(ccx, memberval);
// clone a function we can use for this object
JSObject* funobj = xpc_CloneJSFunction(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(memberval),
if (!funobj) {
return JS_FALSE;
jsval *argv = nsnull;
uintN argc = 0;
if (aIsSet) {
if (member->IsReadOnlyAttribute()) {
// Trying to set a property for which there is no setter!
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, cx);
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Calling setter for %s\n",
argv = vp;
argc = 1;
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Calling getter for %s\n",
// Call the getter
jsval v;
if (!::JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, wrapper->GetFlatJSObject(),
OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj), argc, argv, &v)) {
return JS_FALSE;
if (aIsSet) {
return JS_TRUE;
// Make sure v doesn't get collected while we're re-wrapping it.
return RewrapIfDeepWrapper(cx, obj, v, vp);
XPC_NW_GetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
return XPC_NW_GetOrSetProperty(cx, obj, id, vp, PR_FALSE);
XPC_NW_SetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
return XPC_NW_GetOrSetProperty(cx, obj, id, vp, PR_TRUE);
XPC_NW_Enumerate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
// We are being notified of a for-in loop or similar operation on this
// XPCNativeWrapper, so forward to the correct high-level object hook,
// OBJ_ENUMERATE on the XPCWrappedNative's object, called via the
// JS_Enumerate API. Then reflect properties named by the enumerated
// identifiers from the wrapped native to the native wrapper.
if (!EnsureLegalActivity(cx, obj)) {
return JS_FALSE;
XPCWrappedNative *wn = XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!wn) {
return JS_TRUE;
JSIdArray *ida = JS_Enumerate(cx, wn->GetFlatJSObject());
if (!ida) {
return JS_FALSE;
JSBool ok = JS_TRUE;
for (jsint i = 0, n = ida->length; i < n; i++) {
JSObject *pobj;
JSProperty *prop;
// Let OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY, in particular XPC_NW_NewResolve, figure
// out whether this id should be bypassed or reflected.
ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ida->vector[i], &pobj, &prop);
if (!ok) {
if (prop) {
OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, pobj, prop);
JS_DestroyIdArray(cx, ida);
return ok;
JSBool MaybePreserveWrapper(JSContext* cx, XPCWrappedNative *wn, uintN flags)
if ((flags & JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING) &&
nsCOMPtr<nsIXPCScriptNotify> scriptNotify =
if (scriptNotify) {
return NS_SUCCEEDED(scriptNotify->PreserveWrapper(wn));
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_NewResolve(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, uintN flags,
JSObject **objp)
// No need to preserve on sets of wrappedJSObject or toString, since callers
// couldn't get at those values anyway. Also, we always deal with
// wrappedJSObject and toString before looking at our scriptable hooks, so no
// need to mess with our flags yet.
if (id == GetStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_WRAPPED_JSOBJECT)) {
return JS_TRUE;
if (!EnsureLegalActivity(cx, obj)) {
return JS_FALSE;
if (id == GetStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_TO_STRING)) {
*objp = obj;
// See the comment in XPC_NW_WrapFunction for why we create this function
// like this.
JSFunction *fun = JS_NewFunction(cx, XPC_NW_toString, 0, 0, nsnull,
if (!fun) {
return JS_FALSE;
JSObject *funobj = JS_GetFunctionObject(fun);
JS_SetParent(cx, funobj, obj);
return JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "toString", OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj),
nsnull, nsnull, 0);
// We can't use XPC_NW_BYPASS here, because we need to do a full
// OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY on the wrapped native's object, in order to
// trigger reflection along the wrapped native prototype chain.
// All we need to do is define the property in obj if it exists in
// the wrapped native's object.
if (ShouldBypassNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) {
XPCWrappedNative *wn = XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!wn) {
return JS_TRUE;
jsid interned_id;
JSObject *pobj;
JSProperty *prop;
if (!::JS_ValueToId(cx, id, &interned_id) ||
!OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, wn->GetFlatJSObject(), interned_id,
&pobj, &prop)) {
return JS_FALSE;
if (prop) {
OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, pobj, prop);
if (!OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, interned_id, JSVAL_VOID,
nsnull, nsnull, 0, nsnull)) {
return JS_FALSE;
*objp = obj;
return JS_TRUE;
while (!XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) {
obj = ::JS_GetPrototype(cx, obj);
if (!obj) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
// No wrapped native, no properties.
return JS_TRUE;
JSObject *nativeObj = wrappedNative->GetFlatJSObject();
// This will do verification and the method lookup for us.
XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx, nativeObj, nsnull, id);
// For "constructor" we don't want to call into the resolve hooks on the
// wrapped native, since that would give the wrong constructor.
if (NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(wrappedNative, WantNewResolve) &&
id != GetStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
// Mark ourselves as resolving so our AddProperty hook can do the
// right thing here.
jsval oldFlags;
::JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0, &oldFlags);
if (!::JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0,
return JS_FALSE;
XPCWrappedNative* oldResolvingWrapper = nsnull;
JSBool allowPropMods =
NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(wrappedNative, AllowPropModsDuringResolve);
if (allowPropMods) {
oldResolvingWrapper = ccx.SetResolvingWrapper(wrappedNative);
JSBool retval = JS_TRUE;
JSObject* newObj = nsnull;
nsresult rv = wrappedNative->GetScriptableInfo()->
GetCallback()->NewResolve(wrappedNative, cx, obj, id, flags,
&newObj, &retval);
if (allowPropMods) {
if (!::JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0, oldFlags)) {
return JS_FALSE;
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return ThrowException(rv, cx);
if (newObj) {
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
JSString* strId = ::JS_ValueToString(cx, id);
if (strId) {
NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 propName((PRUnichar*)::JS_GetStringChars(strId),
printf("Resolved via scriptable hooks for '%s'\n", propName.get());
// Note that we don't need to preserve the wrapper here, since this is
// not an "expando" property if the scriptable newResolve hook found it.
*objp = newObj;
return retval;
if (!JSVAL_IS_STRING(id)) {
// A non-string id is being resolved. Won't be found here, return
// early.
return MaybePreserveWrapper(cx, wrappedNative, flags);
// Verify that our jsobject really is a wrapped native.
XPCWrappedNative* wrapper = ccx.GetWrapper();
if (wrapper != wrappedNative || !wrapper->IsValid()) {
NS_ASSERTION(wrapper == wrappedNative, "Uh, how did this happen!");
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, cx);
// it would be a big surprise if there is a member without an
// interface :)
XPCNativeInterface* iface = ccx.GetInterface();
if (!iface) {
// No interface, nothing to resolve.
return MaybePreserveWrapper(cx, wrappedNative, flags);
// did we find a method/attribute by that name?
XPCNativeMember* member = ccx.GetMember();
NS_ASSERTION(member, "not doing IDispatch, how'd this happen?");
if (!member) {
// No member, nothing to resolve.
return MaybePreserveWrapper(cx, wrappedNative, flags);
// Get (and perhaps lazily create) the member's value (commonly a
// cloneable function).
jsval memberval;
if (!member->GetValue(ccx, iface, &memberval)) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, cx);
// Make sure memberval doesn't go away while we mess with it.
AUTO_MARK_JSVAL(ccx, memberval);
JSString *str = JSVAL_TO_STRING(id);
if (!str) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);
jsval v;
if (member->IsConstant()) {
v = memberval;
} else if (member->IsAttribute()) {
// An attribute is being resolved. Define the property, the value
// will be dealt with in the get/set hooks. Use JSPROP_SHARED to
// avoid entraining last-got or last-set garbage beyond the life
// of the value in the getter or setter call site.
} else {
// We're dealing with a method member here. Clone a function we can
// use for this object. NB: cx's newborn roots will protect funobj
// and funWrapper and its object from GC.
JSObject* funobj = xpc_CloneJSFunction(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(memberval),
if (!funobj) {
return JS_FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Wrapping function object for %s\n",
if (!WrapFunction(cx, funobj, &v)) {
return JS_FALSE;
if (!::JS_DefineUCProperty(cx, obj, ::JS_GetStringChars(str),
::JS_GetStringLength(str), v, nsnull, nsnull,
attrs)) {
return JS_FALSE;
*objp = obj;
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_Convert(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSType type, jsval *vp)
if (!EnsureLegalActivity(cx, obj)) {
return JS_FALSE;
XPC_NW_BYPASS(cx, obj, convert, (cx, obj, type, vp));
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_Finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
// We must not use obj's private data here since it's likely that it
// has already been finalized.
XPCJSRuntime *rt = nsXPConnect::GetRuntime();
// scoped lock
XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock());
XPC_NW_CheckAccess(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id,
JSAccessMode mode, jsval *vp)
// Prevent setting __proto__ on an XPCNativeWrapper
if ((mode & JSACC_WATCH) == JSACC_PROTO && (mode & JSACC_WRITE)) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO, cx);
// Forward to the checkObjectAccess hook in the JSContext, if any.
if (cx->runtime->checkObjectAccess &&
!cx->runtime->checkObjectAccess(cx, obj, id, mode, vp)) {
return JS_FALSE;
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
return JS_TRUE;
JSObject *wrapperJSObject = wrappedNative->GetFlatJSObject();
JSClass *clazz = JS_GET_CLASS(cx, wrapperJSObject);
return !clazz->checkAccess ||
clazz->checkAccess(cx, wrapperJSObject, id, mode, vp);
XPC_NW_Call(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
XPC_NW_BYPASS_TEST(cx, obj, call, (cx, obj, argc, argv, rval));
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_Construct(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval)
// The object given to us by the JS engine is actually a stub object (the
// "new" object). This isn't any help to us, so instead use the function
// object of the constructor that we're calling (which is the native
// wrapper).
obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[-2]);
XPC_NW_BYPASS_TEST(cx, obj, construct, (cx, obj, argc, argv, rval));
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool retval = JS_TRUE;
if (!NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(wrappedNative, WantConstruct)) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);
nsresult rv = wrappedNative->GetScriptableInfo()->
GetCallback()->Construct(wrappedNative, cx, obj, argc, argv, rval,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return ThrowException(rv, cx);
if (!retval) {
return JS_FALSE;
if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(*rval)) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE, cx);
return RewrapIfDeepWrapper(cx, obj, *rval, rval);
XPC_NW_HasInstance(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, JSBool *bp)
XPC_NW_BYPASS_TEST(cx, obj, hasInstance, (cx, obj, v, bp));
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
MirrorWrappedNativeParent(JSContext *cx, XPCWrappedNative *wrapper,
JSObject **result)
JSObject *wn_parent = ::JS_GetParent(cx, wrapper->GetFlatJSObject());
if (!wn_parent) {
*result = nsnull;
} else {
XPCWrappedNative *parent_wrapper =
XPCWrappedNative::GetWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, wn_parent);
// parent_wrapper can be null if we're in a Components.utils.evalInSandbox
// scope. In that case, the best we can do is just use the
// non-native-wrapped sandbox global object for our parent.
if (parent_wrapper) {
*result = XPCNativeWrapper::GetNewOrUsed(cx, parent_wrapper, nsnull, nsnull);
if (!*result)
return JS_FALSE;
} else {
*result = nsnull;
return JS_TRUE;
XPCNativeWrapperCtor(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval)
if (argc < 1) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS, cx);
// |obj| almost always has the wrong proto and parent so we have to create
// our own object anyway. Set |obj| to null so we don't use it by accident.
obj = nsnull;
jsval native = argv[0];
if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(native)) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, cx);
JSObject *nativeObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(native);
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative;
if (XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, nativeObj)) {
// We're asked to wrap an already wrapped object. Re-wrap the
// object wrapped by the given wrapper.
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Wrapping already wrapped object\n");
wrappedNative = XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, nativeObj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);
nativeObj = wrappedNative->GetFlatJSObject();
native = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(nativeObj);
} else {
= XPCWrappedNative::GetWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, nativeObj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);
// Prevent wrapping a double-wrapped JS object in an
// XPCNativeWrapper!
nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectWrappedJS> xpcwrappedjs =
if (xpcwrappedjs) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);
JSObject *wrapperObj;
// Don't use the object the JS engine created for us, it is in most
// cases incorectly parented and has a proto from the wrong scope.
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Creating new JSObject\n");
wrapperObj = ::JS_NewObject(cx, XPCNativeWrapper::GetJSClass(), nsnull,
if (!wrapperObj ||
!::JS_SetParent(cx, wrapperObj,
wrappedNative->GetScope()->GetGlobalJSObject()) ||
!::JS_SetPrototype(cx, wrapperObj, nsnull)) {
// JS_NewObject already threw (or reported OOM).
return JS_FALSE;
PRBool hasStringArgs = PR_FALSE;
for (uintN i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (!JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[i])) {
hasStringArgs = PR_FALSE;
if (i == 1) {
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf("Constructing XPCNativeWrapper() with string args\n");
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
printf(" %s\n", ::JS_GetStringBytes(JSVAL_TO_STRING(argv[i])));
hasStringArgs = PR_TRUE;
JSBool isDeep = !hasStringArgs;
jsuint flags = isDeep ? FLAG_DEEP | FLAG_EXPLICIT : FLAG_EXPLICIT;
if (!::JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, wrapperObj, 0, INT_TO_JSVAL(flags))) {
return JS_FALSE;
JSObject *parent = nsnull;
if (isDeep) {
// Make sure wrapperObj doesn't get collected while we're wrapping
// parents for it.
::JS_LockGCThing(cx, wrapperObj);
// A deep XPCNativeWrapper has a __parent__ chain that mirrors its
// XPCWrappedNative's chain.
if (!MirrorWrappedNativeParent(cx, wrappedNative, &parent))
return JS_FALSE;
::JS_UnlockGCThing(cx, wrapperObj);
if (argc == 2 && !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(argv[1])) {
// An object was passed as the second argument to the
// constructor. In this case we check that the object we're
// wrapping is an instance of the assumed constructor that we
// got. If not, throw an exception.
JSBool hasInstance;
if (!::JS_HasInstance(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[1]), native,
&hasInstance)) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);
if (!hasInstance) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);
if (!parent) {
parent = wrappedNative->GetScope()->GetGlobalJSObject();
if (!::JS_SetParent(cx, wrapperObj, parent))
return JS_FALSE;
// Set the XPCWrappedNative as private data in the native wrapper.
if (!::JS_SetPrivate(cx, wrapperObj, wrappedNative)) {
return JS_FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx);
// Keep wrapperObj alive while we mess with strings
char *s = wrappedNative->ToString(ccx);
printf("Created new XPCNativeWrapper %p for wrapped native %s\n",
(void*)wrapperObj, s);
if (s)
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(wrapperObj);
XPCJSRuntime *rt = wrappedNative->GetRuntime();
// scoped lock
XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock());
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_Mark(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, void *arg)
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (wrappedNative && wrappedNative->IsValid()) {
::JS_MarkGCThing(cx, wrappedNative->GetFlatJSObject(),
"XPCNativeWrapper wrapped native", arg);
return 0;
extern nsISupports *
GetIdentityObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
XPC_NW_Equality(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, JSBool *bp)
NS_ASSERTION(XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, obj),
"Uh, we should only ever be called for XPCNativeWrapper "
*bp = JS_FALSE;
return JS_TRUE;
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (wrappedNative && wrappedNative->IsValid() &&
NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(wrappedNative, WantEquality)) {
// Forward the call to the wrapped native's Equality() hook.
nsresult rv = wrappedNative->GetScriptableCallback()->
Equality(wrappedNative, cx, obj, v, bp);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return ThrowException(rv, cx);
} else {
JSObject *other = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
*bp = (obj == other ||
GetIdentityObject(cx, obj) == GetIdentityObject(cx, other));
return JS_TRUE;
XPC_NW_toString(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
jsval *rval)
while (!XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(cx, obj)) {
obj = ::JS_GetPrototype(cx, obj);
if (!obj) {
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);
if (!EnsureLegalActivity(cx, obj)) {
return JS_FALSE;
// Check whether toString was overridden in any object along
// the wrapped native's object's prototype chain.
XPCJSRuntime *rt = nsXPConnect::GetRuntime();
if (!rt)
return JS_FALSE;
jsid id = rt->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_TO_STRING);
jsval idAsVal;
if (!::JS_IdToValue(cx, id, &idAsVal)) {
return JS_FALSE;
XPCWrappedNative *wrappedNative =
XPCNativeWrapper::GetWrappedNative(cx, obj);
if (!wrappedNative) {
// toString() called on XPCNativeWrapper.prototype
NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(protoString, "[object XPCNativeWrapper]");
JSString *str =
::JS_NewUCStringCopyN(cx, NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const jschar*,
*rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
return JS_TRUE;
// Someone is trying to call toString on our wrapped object.
JSObject *wn_obj = wrappedNative->GetFlatJSObject();
XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx, wn_obj, nsnull, idAsVal);
if (!ccx.IsValid()) {
// Shouldn't really happen.
return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, cx);
XPCNativeInterface *iface = ccx.GetInterface();
XPCNativeMember *member = ccx.GetMember();
JSBool overridden = JS_FALSE;
jsval toStringVal;
// First, try to see if the object declares a toString in its IDL. If it does,
// then we need to defer to that.
if (iface && member) {
if (!member->GetValue(ccx, iface, &toStringVal)) {
return JS_FALSE;
overridden = member->IsMethod();
JSString* str = nsnull;
if (overridden) {
// Defer to the IDL-declared toString.
AUTO_MARK_JSVAL(ccx, toStringVal);
JSObject *funobj = xpc_CloneJSFunction(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(toStringVal),
if (!funobj) {
return JS_FALSE;
jsval v;
if (!::JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, wn_obj, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj), argc, argv,
&v)) {
return JS_FALSE;
if (!str) {
// Ok, we do no damage, and add value, by returning our own idea
// of what toString() should be.
// Note: We can't just call JS_ValueToString on the wrapped object. Instead,
// we need to call the wrapper's ToString in order to safely convert our
// object to a string.
nsAutoString resultString;
resultString.AppendLiteral("[object XPCNativeWrapper");
char *wrapperStr = wrappedNative->ToString(ccx);
if (!wrapperStr) {
return JS_FALSE;
resultString.Append(' ');
str = ::JS_NewUCStringCopyN(cx, NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const jschar *,
*rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
return JS_TRUE;
// static
XPCNativeWrapper::AttachNewConstructorObject(XPCCallContext &ccx,
JSObject *aGlobalObject)
JSObject *class_obj =
::JS_InitClass(ccx, aGlobalObject, nsnull, &sXPC_NW_JSClass.base,
XPCNativeWrapperCtor, 0, nsnull, nsnull,
nsnull, nsnull);
if (!class_obj) {
NS_WARNING("can't initialize the XPCNativeWrapper class");
return PR_FALSE;
// Make sure our prototype chain is empty and that people can't mess
// with XPCNativeWrapper.prototype.
::JS_SetPrototype(ccx, class_obj, nsnull);
if (!::JS_SealObject(ccx, class_obj, JS_FALSE)) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to seal XPCNativeWrapper.prototype");
return PR_FALSE;
JSBool found;
return ::JS_SetPropertyAttributes(ccx, aGlobalObject,,
// static
JSObject *
XPCNativeWrapper::GetNewOrUsed(JSContext *cx, XPCWrappedNative *wrapper,
JSObject *callee, JSScript *script)
if (callee || script) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> prin;
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptSecurityManager> ssm = GetSecurityManager(cx);
if (ssm) {
if (callee) {
if (NS_FAILED(ssm->GetObjectPrincipal(cx, callee, getter_AddRefs(prin)))) {
prin = nsnull;
} else {
JSPrincipals *scriptPrincipal =
JS_GetScriptPrincipals(cx, script);
if (scriptPrincipal) {
nsJSPrincipals *nsjsp =
static_cast<nsJSPrincipals *>(scriptPrincipal);
prin = nsjsp->nsIPrincipalPtr;
if (prin) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> sysprin;
nsresult rv = ssm->GetSystemPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(sysprin));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && sysprin != prin) {
jsval v = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(wrapper->GetFlatJSObject());
if (!XPCNativeWrapperCtor(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v), 1, &v, &v))
return nsnull;
return JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
// Prevent wrapping a double-wrapped JS object in an
// XPCNativeWrapper!
nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectWrappedJS> xpcwrappedjs(do_QueryWrappedNative(wrapper));
if (xpcwrappedjs) {
XPCThrower::Throw(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);
return nsnull;
JSObject *obj = wrapper->GetNativeWrapper();
if (obj) {
return obj;
JSObject *nw_parent;
if (!MirrorWrappedNativeParent(cx, wrapper, &nw_parent)) {
return nsnull;
PRBool lock;
if (!nw_parent) {
nw_parent = wrapper->GetScope()->GetGlobalJSObject();
lock = PR_FALSE;
} else {
lock = PR_TRUE;
if (lock) {
// Make sure nw_parent doesn't get collected while we're creating
// the new wrapper.
::JS_LockGCThing(cx, nw_parent);
obj = ::JS_NewObject(cx, GetJSClass(), nsnull, nsnull);
if (lock) {
::JS_UnlockGCThing(cx, nw_parent);
if (!obj ||
!::JS_SetParent(cx, obj, nw_parent) ||
!::JS_SetPrivate(cx, obj, wrapper) ||
!::JS_SetPrototype(cx, obj, nsnull) ||
!::JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, obj, 0, INT_TO_JSVAL(FLAG_DEEP))) {
return nsnull;
#ifdef DEBUG_XPCNativeWrapper
XPCCallContext ccx(NATIVE_CALLER, cx);
// Keep obj alive while we mess with strings
char *s = wrapper->ToString(ccx);
printf("Created new XPCNativeWrapper %p for wrapped native %s\n",
(void*)obj, s);
if (s)
return obj;
struct WrapperAndCxHolder
XPCWrappedNative* wrapper;
JSContext* cx;
ClearNativeWrapperScope(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
uint32 number, void *arg)
JSDHashEntryStub* entry = (JSDHashEntryStub*)hdr;
WrapperAndCxHolder* d = (WrapperAndCxHolder*)arg;
if (d->wrapper->GetNativeWrapper() == (JSObject*)entry->key)
::JS_ClearScope(d->cx, (JSObject*)entry->key);
// static
XPCNativeWrapper::ClearWrappedNativeScopes(JSContext* cx,
XPCWrappedNative* wrapper)
JSObject *nativeWrapper = wrapper->GetNativeWrapper();
if (nativeWrapper) {
::JS_ClearScope(cx, nativeWrapper);
WrapperAndCxHolder d =
Enumerate(ClearNativeWrapperScope, &d);