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<TITLE>Tester Plugin</TITLE>
<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Tester Plugin</FONT></B></CENTER>
<CENTER><I>Started by: 11.25.1997</I></CENTER>
<CENTER><I>Last updated: 02.28.2003</I></CENTER>
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Table of contents</FONT></B>
<LI><B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </B><A HREF="#Summary">Summary</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Description">Description</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#GUI">GUI</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;<A HREF="#WinGUI">Windows</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;<A HREF="#UnixGUI">UNIX</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;<A HREF="#MACGUI">MAC</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Full Page">Full Page Mode</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Special">Some Special Provisions</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Log File">Log File Format</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Script File">Script File Format</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Current Version">Current Version and Known Issues</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Enchancements">Enhancements and To-Do List</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Architecture">Appendix A: Plugin Architecture (port notes)</A></LI>
<LI>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="#Preferences File">Appendix B: Preferences File</A></LI>
<A NAME="Summary"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Summary</FONT></B>
<P>Tester plugin (preliminary file name npapi.dll) is designed to add a
level of convenience and automation to testing Netscape Plugin API. The
plugin has implementation of all existing NPAPI calls and allows to execute
them in any desirable pattern as well as log all NPAPI activity.
Plugin handles MIME type <TT>'application/npapi-test' </TT>and file
extension <TT>'pts'</TT> (which could stand for 'plugin test script').
<P><A NAME="Description"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Description</FONT></B>
<P>The plugin is capable of issuing NPAPI calls to the Navigator and logging
them along with callbacks from the Navigator with argument and return values.
Time stamps are also logged so some timing issues can be investigated.
All NPAPI calls, both <TT>NPN_*</TT> and <TT>NPP_*</TT>, are getting logged
during operation of the plugin. User can see log in the dedicated frame
in the Navigator window or dump log into file.
<P>The plugin has two modes of operation: manual and automatic (script
execution). The manual mode is thought to be convenient for taking a quick
look at the API and get some initial feeling. It allows user (developer,
tester) to call any NPAPI function with any valid arguments from the plugin
GUI and see the either the visual result of this call or the log if the
call results in callbacks from the Navigator or returns some values.
<P>Automatic mode is for more sophisticated testing with preset pattern
of calls. Before starting a test plugin reads a specified script file which
contains all necessary info on what calls to execute, what parameters to
pass and how to conduct the test: how many times, with what time delay
after specific calls or after repetition cycle.
<P>From plugin GUI user can choose log file name and script file name (or
URL - see <A HREF="#Enchancements">Enhancements</A> if this is in to-do
<P>Special case is&nbsp; <A HREF="#Full Page">full page</A>&nbsp; mode,
when the plugin is invoked on file extension association. In this case
there is no GUI at all, and <TT>*.pts </TT>file is treated as a script
file to execute.
<P>Platform implementations of the plugin GUI can differ since the plugin
was originally developed for Windows NT, and GUI is the only non-crossplatform
part of it. See <A HREF="#Enchancements">Enhancements</A> section for the
latest on platform implementations.
<P><A NAME="WinGUI"></A><I><FONT SIZE=+1>Windows GUI</FONT></I>
<P>In its original configuration the main Navigator window is divided into
three frames: Control frame, Display frame and Log frame, although this
configuration is not required.
<P>Plugin controls (the actual GUI) occupy the Control frame, while Display
frame can be used as a target for calls like <TT>NPN_GetURL</TT> and Log
frame displays the log.
<P>User chooses desired mode of operation: Auto or Manual, and using check
boxes and editable fields enables/disables logging to frame/file
chooses log and script file names. User can hold log output if timing
is important by disabling "Flush immediately" feature and flush the log
when it is appropriate by hand ("Flush" button).
<CENTER><IMG SRC="auto.gif" HEIGHT=371 WIDTH=195>&nbsp;<IMG SRC="manual.gif" HEIGHT=371 WIDTH=195></CENTER>
Fig. 1. Screen shots of Auto and Manual modes
<BR>In Manual mode, only valid arguments are possible to pass. If, say,
we pass a string pointer to <TT>NPN_GetURL</TT> as a URL to get, user cannot
specify the actual pointer value, he rather types the string itself. Plugin
instance value can not be modified too. In Auto mode, on the contrary,
one can pass any values in place of any argument using&nbsp; <A HREF="#Script File">script
file format</A>&nbsp; features. This option is particularly useful if invalid
parameters are to be tested.
<P><A NAME="Full Page"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Full Page Mode</FONT></B>
<P>This is a useful mode when no user interaction is needed at all. The
plugin is launched in full page mode when it encounters file of <TT>'pts'</TT>
type. It saves this file in a local cache and then treats it as a normal
script file. It automatically constructes log file with the name of cache
file and <TT>'log'</TT> extension. This can overridden in preferences profile.
See Appendix B on&nbsp; <A HREF="#Log File Name In Fully Automatic Mode">how
to specify log file name in fully automatic mode</A> .
<P><A NAME="Special"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Some special provisions</FONT></B>
<P>Those were added to enchance the plugin functionality so that it can operate
without fully implemented API in the browser.
<P>First, you can start running script automatically as soon as NPP_New is called on
the plugin.
<P>Second, the plugin can use native pop up window to display its GUI.
<P>Both modes do not rely on the browser capability to create windows/frames/widgets
and layout. See <A href="#Preferences File">Appendix B</A> on how to turn these
modes on in the preferences file.
<P><A NAME="Log File"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Log File Format</FONT></B>
<P>Every NPAPI call is logged into a log item which normally consists of
three lines:
<UL><TT>NPN_GetURL(0x00cfa7a0, 0x00a2f8c0(""), 0x00a2f840("_npapi_Dis..."))</TT>
<BR><TT>Time: 9478 9554 (76)</TT></UL>
Actual argument values are shown. There are some exceptions:
<LI>In case argument is a pointer to some data like a string the beginning
of the data is also shown in parenthesis right after the value. First ten
characters are shown by default. See Appendix B on&nbsp; <A HREF="#Wrap">how
to set wrap</A> .</LI>
<LI>If argument is enumerated parameter or <TT>#define'e</TT>d value its identificator
is shown rather than numeric value, e.g. (<TT>..., NPRES_DONE)</TT>.</LI>
<LI>If argument is a pointer which is supposed to be filled with data after
function returns, the data is also shown in parenthesis.</LI>
Time stamp allows user to estimate timing. Numbers are some relative time
counts in milliseconds. First is a time when a specific function is entered,
second - when it is about to return, and third is just a subtract of those
<P><A NAME="Separator Back"></A>Symbolic separator can be inserted after
each log record. This could be useful for automated log file readers. See
Appendix B on <A HREF="#Separator">how to specify separator</A> .
<P><A NAME="Script File"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Script File Format</FONT></B>
<P>Script file is in a form of standard Windows profile (<TT>.INI</TT>
<BR>Private profile is a text file consisting of sections and keys with
their values, comments can be made with a semicolon in first position
In tester plugin script file every call to be executed should form a section
with numeric name (this number will define an order of call sequence) and
<TT>APICall</TT> key which specifies a function to call, <B><TT>arg1</TT></B>,
<B><TT>arg2</TT></B> etc. keys specifying arguments, and also the section
can contain a <B><TT>delay</TT></B> key which would insert a time delay
in milliseconds placed after the call. For example:
The file can also contain <B><TT>Options</TT></B> section which would specifies
how to conduct the script. For instance:
<B><TT>first</TT></B> key says from where to start the script (default
1). <B><TT>last</TT></B> key MUST be present, and it says when to stop
the script cycle. All sections with numbers less than that of specified
in the <TT>first</TT> key and more than that of specified in the <TT>last</TT>
key are ignored by the script reading code. So you can pick any part of
existing long script for executing. Two other keys are optional, <B><TT>repetitions</TT></B>
being the number of times the script cycle is going to be executed (default
1), and <B><TT>delay</TT></B> being the time delay in milliseconds between
cycle repetitions (default 0).
<P>'Numeric' sections are the actual script, each representing one NPAPI
call. Calls will be executed in their numeric order, some numbers could
be&nbsp; missing, so you can start to write your script with numbers multiple
by say ten in order to be able to insert new script items later.
<P><I><FONT COLOR="#CC0000">Important feature:</FONT></I>
<BR><TT>arg*</TT> keys represent NPAPI function call arguments and they
depend on actual call. In some cases you may not specify an argument if
you have no control over it. E.g. pointer to the plugin instance or pointer
to a stream created by <TT>NPN_NewStream</TT>. Scripter code will pick
up right ones for you. If you specify them explicitly it will take them
but be prepared for boom. This is appropriate if you want to test an API
call with invalid&nbsp; arguments. String should can be represented by
actual string. Arguments which are parameters of enumerated type or <TT>#define</TT>'ed
like <TT>NPPVariable</TT>, <TT>NPReason</TT> etc. should be represented
by their enum type identificator from npapi.h like <TT>NPPVpluginNameString</TT>
or <TT>NPRES_DONE</TT>. Also <TT>NPBool</TT> should read <TT>TRUE</TT>
or <TT>FALSE</TT>. If you want to test real numeric values in place of
this args, say <TT>0x00000000</TT> for string pointers, use a special prefix
'<TT>_true_numeric_value_</TT>' . The following example will execute <TT>NPN_GetURL(instance,
-1, "some_target")</TT> with real instance, invalid URL and valid target:
The special 'numeric' prefix also works for <TT>NPBool</TT>, <TT>NPReason</TT>,
<TT>NPNVariable</TT> and <TT>NPPVariable</TT>.
<BR>In case of <TT>NPRect*</TT> or <TT>NPSize*</TT> type of argument you
can use either <TT>arg*=0x0000</TT> (or any other value) or not using <TT>arg*</TT>
use <TT>top=</TT>..., <TT>left=</TT>...,<TT> right=</TT>..., <TT>bottom=</TT>...
or <TT>width=</TT>..., <TT>height=</TT>...
<P><A NAME="Current Version"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Current Version and Known Issues</FONT></B>
<P>Current version is 1.6.
<LI>In Auto mode log is not shown in frame until script execution is complete</LI>
<LI>Log in window does not scroll automatically</LI>
<LI>There is no way to stop script execution during execution. In fact the
whole thing is "frozen"</LI>
<LI>Log file name and script file name must not contain path. Files are always
supposed to sit in the Navigator Plugins directory</LI>
<LI>In Manual mode multiple <TT>NPN_MemAlloc</TT>'s are not allowed, every
<TT>NPN_MemAlloc</TT> should be followed by <TT>NPN_MemFree</TT> (not necessary
immediately though)</LI>
<LI>The same applies to <TT>NPN_NewStream</TT></LI>
<A NAME="Enchancements"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Enhancements and To-Do List</FONT></B>
<LI>Implement for UNIX</LI>
<LI>Implement for MAC</LI>
<LI>URL for scripts, not only local files</LI>
<LI>Introduce options for log. Like "short" - with no return value or arguments
(e.g. useful for timing investigations), "errors only" - when all 'normal'
activity is not logged. 'Normal' here needs to be defined</LI>
&nbsp;<A NAME="Architecture"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Appendix A: Plugin Architecture (port notes)</FONT></B>
<P>The core of the plugin consists of three self-contained objects of types
<TT>CPlugin</TT>, <TT>CLogger</TT> and <TT>CScripter</TT>, and there is
also a set of various helpers like string converters and formatters, and
INI style profile handlers (on Windows, standard built-in profile stuff
can be used).
<BR>The three objects are global for the project, <TT>CPlugin</TT> being
a "coordinating center". <TT>CLogger</TT> and <TT>CScripter</TT> are not
members of <TT>CPlugin</TT> simply because there is no need to keep several
instances of e.g. <TT>CLogger</TT> for every instance of <TT>CPlugin</TT>.
One should be enough for all.
<P>Part of <TT>CPlugin</TT> C++ interface and some functions in <TT>xp.cpp
</TT>are the only things which should be implemented for every platform
separately since this object handles GUI. Therefore, to make things easier,
an abstract class <TT>CPluginBase</TT> has been written. This base class
methods contain cross-platform code, and object of <TT>CPlugin</TT> type
can be derived from this base class. With this approach no changes need
to be made in any project file, only a new source file with implementation
of <TT>CPlugin::CPluginBase</TT> with appropriate GUI handling can be added.
<P>As a first step, one can try just to build a project with no additional
coding, thus with no GUI, so it will work only with scripts.
<P><TT>CLogger</TT> and <TT>CScripter</TT> do not use any Windows specific
API thus are cross-platform. C++ interface for these objects is self-explaining
and straight forward. The objects handle file operations, string scanning
and formatting, and also information output.
<P>Some Windows specific calls which are used throughout the project are
put together in file xp.cpp where they are <TT>#ifdef</TT>'ed and need
to be implemented for every non-Windows platform. At the moment they are:
<TT>XP_GetTickCount(...), XP_Sleep(...)</TT>.
<P>So, the steps for successful porting are:
<UL>1. Include all files from <TT>Tester/Common </TT>subdir to the project
<BR>2. Derive <TT>CPlugin</TT> class from <TT>CPluginBase</TT>
<BR>3. Implement all pure virtual methods
<BR>4. Implement any platform specific methods for handling GUI, if needed
<BR>5. Name <TT>CPlugin </TT>class header file<TT> Plugin.h </TT>(it is
used in dependencies)
<BR>6. Look through <TT>xp.cpp </TT>and implement missing for your platform
<TT>XP_* </TT>calls</UL>
&nbsp;<A NAME="Preferences File"></A><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Appendix B: Preferences File</FONT></B>
<P><TT>Npapi.ini</TT> is located in the same directory the plugin is located.
Currently it stores GUI preferences (state of check boxes etc.)
in <TT>Preferences </TT>section, and normally this section does not need to be
edited directly. Some exeptions are <B><TT>LoadWindowStatus</B></TT>,
<B><TT>AutoStartScript</B></TT> and <B><TT>StandAloneWindow</B></TT>.
<P><TT>In Preferences</TT> section you can manually add an option to show
a small window in the left top corner of the screen which tells you that
the plugin dll is loaded in memory. This may be useful after calling
<TT>NPN_SetValue</TT> setting <TT>NPPVpluginKeepLibraryInMemory TRUE</TT>.
<P><TT>StandAloneWindow</TT> will pop up a separate native window which
will be used by the plugin instead of the browser window.
<P><TT>AutoStartScript</TT> will start the executing of the script file immediately
after the plugin is loaded and initialized.
<P> The default values for all those settings are "no".
<P><A NAME="Separator"></A><TT>In Log </TT>section the form of <A HREF="#Separator Back">separator</A>
can be specified using key <B><TT>RecordSeparator</TT></B>. For example:
If no separator is specified, blank line is used instead.
<P><A NAME="Wrap"></A>In this section you can also specify when to cut
off long data strings in the log as follows:
The default value is 10.
<P><A NAME="Log File Name In Fully Automatic Mode"></A>The log file name
for <A HREF="#Full Page">full page mode</A> can be specified with key <B><TT>FileName</TT></B>.
Note that full path should be given too: