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This is a powerful locally hosted web based PDF manipulation tool using docker that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files, such as splitting merging, converting, reorganizing, adding images, rotating, compressing, and more. This locally hosted web application started as a 100% ChatGPT-made application and has evolved to include a wide range of features to handle all your PDF needs.
All files and PDFs are either purely client side, in server memory only during the execution of the task or within a temporay file only for execution of the task.
Any file which has been downloaded by the user will have already been deleted from the server by that time.
Stirling PDF has 3 different versions, a Full version, Lite, and ultra-Lite. Depending on the types of features you use you may want a smaller image to save on space.
defaultLocale: 'en-US' # Set the default language (e.g. 'de-DE', 'fr-FR', etc)
googlevisibility: false # 'true' to allow Google visibility, 'false' to disallow
rootPath: / # Set the application's root URI (e.g. pdf-app for http://localhost/pdf-app)
customstaticFilePath: '/customFiles/static/' # Directory path for custom static files
maxFileSize: 2000 # Set the maximum file size in MB
homeName: # Application's visible name
homeDescription: # Short description or tagline.
navbarName: # Name displayed on the navigation bar
toRemove: [] # List individual endpoints to disable (e.g. ['img-to-pdf', 'remove-pages'])
groupsToRemove: [] # List groups of endpoints to disable (e.g. ['LibreOffice']) view groups.md for more info
enabled: true
### Extra notes
- Endpoints. Currently, the endpoints ENDPOINTS_TO_REMOVE and GROUPS_TO_REMOVE can include comma separate lists of endpoints and groups to disable as example ENDPOINTS_TO_REMOVE=img-to-pdf,remove-pages would disable both image-to-pdf and remove pages, GROUPS_TO_REMOVE=LibreOffice Would disable all things that use LibreOffice. You can see a list of all endpoints and groups [here](https://github.com/Frooodle/Stirling-PDF/blob/main/groups.md)
- customStaticFilePath. Customise static files such as the app logo by placing files in the /customFiles/static/ directory. An example of customising app logo is placing a /customFiles/static/favicon.svg to override current SVG. This can be used to change any images/icons/css/fonts/js etc in Stirling-PDF
[here](https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Frooodle/Stirling-PDF/) or navigate to /swagger-ui/index.html of your stirling-pdf instance for your versions documentation (Or by following the API button in your settings of Stirling-PDF)
- Docker uses must download the security jar version by setting ``DOCKER_ENABLE_SECURITY`` to ``true`` in environment variables.
- Now the initial user must be generated. Navigate to your settings.yaml and configure your security settings along with the username and password (only required on the first boot to create the initial user, ignored after.). Alternatively, you can set these via the environment variables ``SECURITY_ENABLELOGIN : true`` ``SECURITY_INITIALLOGIN_USERNAME: username`` ``SECURITY_INITIALLOGIN_PASSWORD: password``
To access your account settings go to Account settings in the settings cog menu (top right in navbar) This Account settings menu is also where you find your API key.
To add new users go to the bottom of Account settings and hit 'Admin Settings', here you can add new users. The different roles mentioned within this are for rate limiting. This is a Work in progress which will be expanding on more in future
This is a issue caused commonly by your NGINX congifuration. The default file upload size for NGINX is 1MB, you need to add the following in your Nginx sites-available file. client_max_body_size SIZE; Where "SIZE" is 50M for example for 50MB files.