package; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; public class FileToPdf { public static byte[] convertHtmlToPdf(byte[] fileBytes, String fileName) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Path tempOutputFile = Files.createTempFile("output_", ".pdf"); Path tempInputFile = null; byte[] pdfBytes; try { if (fileName.endsWith(".html")) { tempInputFile = Files.createTempFile("input_", ".html"); Files.write(tempInputFile, fileBytes); } else { tempInputFile = unzipAndGetMainHtml(fileBytes); } List command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add("weasyprint"); command.add(tempInputFile.toString()); command.add(tempOutputFile.toString()); ProcessExecutorResult returnCode; if (fileName.endsWith(".zip")) { returnCode = ProcessExecutor.getInstance(ProcessExecutor.Processes.WEASYPRINT) .runCommandWithOutputHandling(command, tempInputFile.getParent().toFile()); } else { returnCode = ProcessExecutor.getInstance(ProcessExecutor.Processes.WEASYPRINT) .runCommandWithOutputHandling(command); } pdfBytes = Files.readAllBytes(tempOutputFile); } finally { // Clean up temporary files Files.delete(tempOutputFile); Files.delete(tempInputFile); if (fileName.endsWith(".zip")) { GeneralUtils.deleteDirectory(tempInputFile.getParent()); } } return pdfBytes; } private static Path unzipAndGetMainHtml(byte[] fileBytes) throws IOException { Path tempDirectory = Files.createTempDirectory("unzipped_"); try (ZipInputStream zipIn = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileBytes))) { ZipEntry entry = zipIn.getNextEntry(); while (entry != null) { Path filePath = tempDirectory.resolve(entry.getName()); if (entry.isDirectory()) { Files.createDirectories(filePath); // Explicitly create the directory structure } else { Files.createDirectories(filePath.getParent()); // Create parent directories if they don't exist Files.copy(zipIn, filePath); } zipIn.closeEntry(); entry = zipIn.getNextEntry(); } } //search for the main HTML file. try (Stream walk = Files.walk(tempDirectory)) { List htmlFiles = walk.filter(file -> file.toString().endsWith(".html")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (htmlFiles.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("No HTML files found in the unzipped directory."); } // Prioritize 'index.html' if it exists, otherwise use the first .html file for (Path htmlFile : htmlFiles) { if (htmlFile.getFileName().toString().equals("index.html")) { return htmlFile; } } return htmlFiles.get(0); } } }