#!/bin/bash # Function to check the health of the service with a timeout of 80 seconds check_health() { local service_name=$1 local compose_file=$2 local end=$((SECONDS+60)) echo -n "Waiting for $service_name to become healthy..." until [ "$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' "$service_name")" == '"healthy"' ] || [ $SECONDS -ge $end ]; do sleep 3 echo -n "." if [ $SECONDS -ge $end ]; then echo -e "\n$service_name health check timed out after 80 seconds." echo "Printing logs for $service_name:" docker logs "$service_name" return 1 fi done echo -e "\n$service_name is healthy!" return 0 } # Function to test a Docker Compose configuration test_compose() { local compose_file=$1 local service_name=$2 local status=0 echo "Testing $compose_file configuration..." # Start up the Docker Compose service docker-compose -f "$compose_file" up -d # Wait for the service to become healthy if check_health "$service_name" "$compose_file"; then echo "$service_name test passed." else echo "$service_name test failed." status=1 fi # Perform additional tests if needed # Tear down the service docker-compose -f "$compose_file" down return $status } # Keep track of which tests passed and failed declare -a passed_tests declare -a failed_tests run_tests() { local test_name=$1 local compose_file=$2 if test_compose "$compose_file" "$test_name"; then passed_tests+=("$test_name") else failed_tests+=("$test_name") fi } # Main testing routine main() { SECONDS=0 export DOCKER_ENABLE_SECURITY=false ./gradlew clean build # Building Docker images docker build --build-arg VERSION_TAG=alpha -t frooodle/s-pdf:latest-local -f ./Dockerfile . docker build --build-arg VERSION_TAG=alpha -t frooodle/s-pdf:latest-lite-local -f ./Dockerfile-lite . docker build --build-arg VERSION_TAG=alpha -t frooodle/s-pdf:latest-ultra-lite-local -f ./Dockerfile-ultra-lite . # Test each configuration run_tests "Stirling-PDF-Ultra-Lite" "./exampleYmlFiles/docker-compose-latest-ultra-lite.yml" run_tests "Stirling-PDF-Lite" "./exampleYmlFiles/docker-compose-latest-lite.yml" run_tests "Stirling-PDF" "./exampleYmlFiles/docker-compose-latest.yml" export DOCKER_ENABLE_SECURITY=true ./gradlew clean build # Building Docker images with security enabled docker build --build-arg VERSION_TAG=alpha -t frooodle/s-pdf:latest-local -f ./Dockerfile . docker build --build-arg VERSION_TAG=alpha -t frooodle/s-pdf:latest-lite-local -f ./Dockerfile-lite . docker build --build-arg VERSION_TAG=alpha -t frooodle/s-pdf:latest-ultra-lite-local -f ./Dockerfile-ultra-lite . # Test each configuration with security run_tests "Stirling-PDF-Ultra-Lite-Security" "./exampleYmlFiles/docker-compose-latest-ultra-lite-security.yml" run_tests "Stirling-PDF-Lite-Security" "./exampleYmlFiles/docker-compose-latest-lite-security.yml" run_tests "Stirling-PDF-Security" "./exampleYmlFiles/docker-compose-latest-security.yml" # Report results echo "All tests completed in $SECONDS seconds." if [ ${#passed_tests[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Passed tests:" fi for test in "${passed_tests[@]}"; do echo -e "\e[32m$test\e[0m" # Green color for passed tests done if [ ${#failed_tests[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed tests:" fi for test in "${failed_tests[@]}"; do echo -e "\e[31m$test\e[0m" # Red color for failed tests done # Check if there are any failed tests and exit with an error code if so if [ ${#failed_tests[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Some tests failed." exit 1 else echo "All tests passed successfully." exit 0 fi } main