import rp2 import TimeUtils import Logger import Oled import Networking import NTP import uasyncio as asyncio import utime as time import Keypad import usocket as socket import urequests as requests from machine import ADC, Pin from secrets import secrets from configs import configs['country']) version = "0.11-beta" Oled = Oled.Oled() TimeUtils = TimeUtils.TimeUtils() Logger = Logger.Logger(configs['log_housekeeping_days']) Networking = Networking.Networking(Logger, secrets['ssid'], secrets['pw']) NTP = NTP.NTP(Logger) Keypad = Keypad.Keypad() boottime = time.time() lastActionTicks = 0 subscreen = 0 sc = 0 partyMode = False displayOff = False busline = ADC(28) triggerline = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) writerActive = False # Checks if string is integer def IsInt(possibleint): try: int(possibleint) except: return False else: return True # Reboots the Pico W (f.e. in case of an error) def Reboot(): Logger.LogMessage("Performing Reboot") machine.reset() # Calculates the uptime in hours and minutes def Uptime(): global boottime seconds = (time.time() - boottime) % (24 * 3600) hours = seconds // 3600 seconds %= 3600 minutes = seconds // 60 seconds %= 60 return "%d:%02d" % (hours, minutes) # Shows text on the display def ShowText(line1, line2, line3): Oled.fill(0x0000) Oled.text(line1,1,2,Oled.white) Oled.text(line2,1,12,Oled.white) Oled.text(line3,1,22,Oled.white) # Main method for display output heartbeat = "H" def BuildScreen(): global subscreen, partyMode, lastActionTicks, displayOff, heartbeat if heartbeat == "H": heartbeat = " " else: heartbeat = "H" lastActionTicks += 1 # after 10 Seconds of no activity, go back to main screen if (lastActionTicks >= 20): subscreen = 0 # after X Minutes turn off the display if (lastActionTicks >= (configs['displayoff'] * 60 * 2)): displayOff = True ShowText("","","") else: if (subscreen == 0): ShowText("TCS<->FHEM " + PartyModeActive() + " " + Networking.IsWifiConnected() + " " + heartbeat + "", TimeUtils.DateTimeNow(), "Auf LiG PaM Chk") elif (subscreen == 1): ShowText("Eingangstuer", "getriggert", " Ext") elif (subscreen == 2): ShowText("Licht am Gang", "getriggert", " Ext") elif (subscreen == 3): ShowText("Party-Mode", ("aktiviert" if partyMode else "deaktiviert"), " Ext") elif (subscreen == 4): ShowText("Hostname:", configs['hostname'], "Up Dwn Ext") elif (subscreen == 5): ShowText("MAC Address:", Networking.GetMACAddress(), "Up Dwn Ext") elif (subscreen == 6): ShowText("IP Address:", Networking.GetIPAddress(), "Up Dwn Ext") elif (subscreen == 7): ShowText("API key:", secrets['api'], "Up Dwn Ext") elif (subscreen == 8): ShowText("CPU Frequency:", str(machine.freq()/1000000) + " MHz", "Up Dwn Ext") elif (subscreen == 9): ShowText("Firmware vers.:", version, "Up Dwn Ext") elif (subscreen == 10): ShowText("Uptime (H:m):", Uptime(), "Up Dwn Ext") elif (subscreen == 11): ShowText("Perform", "reboot now", "Up Dwn OK Ext") else: ShowText("Error","Invalid Screen", " Ext") # Helper-method for the systemcheck-output on the display def ShowSystemCheck(screen): global subscreen, sc if (screen == "start"): Logger.LogMessage("Showing Systemcheck") sc = 0 elif (screen == "next"): sc = sc + 1 else: sc = sc - 1 if (sc > 7): sc = 0 elif (sc < 0): sc = 7 subscreen = sc + 4 # Activates/deactivates the party-mode def TogglePartyMode(): global subscreen, partyMode if (partyMode): partyMode = False ExternalAPI("partymode" + PartyModeState()) Logger.LogMessage("Party-Mode off") else: partyMode = True ExternalAPI("partymode" + PartyModeState()) Logger.LogMessage("Party-Mode on") subscreen = 3 # Sets the party-mode active/inactive def SetPartyMode(newValue): global partyMode partyMode = newValue ExternalAPI("partymode" + PartyModeState()) Logger.LogMessage("Setting Party-Mode via API to " + PartyModeState()) # Returns status of party-mode def PartyModeState(): global partyMode if (partyMode): return "enabled" else: return "disabled" # Returns status symbol if party-mode is active def PartyModeActive(): global PartyMode if (partyMode): return "P" else: return " " ##################################################################### # Helper-method to allow error handling and output in asyncio def set_global_exception(): def handle_exception(loop, context): Logger.LogMessage("Fatal error: " + str(context["exception"])) import sys sys.print_exception(context["exception"]) sys.exit() Reboot() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_exception_handler(handle_exception) # Main method for all the UI-handling async def UiHandling(): global interrupt_flag, lastActionTicks, displayOff, subscreen Logger.LogMessage("UI handling started") while True: BuildScreen() if Keypad.interrupt_flag is 1: Keypad.interrupt_flag = 0 lastActionTicks = 0 if (displayOff): displayOff = False else: Keypad.interrupt_flag = 0 if (subscreen == 0): if (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste1): ShowSystemCheck("start") elif (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste2): TogglePartyMode() elif (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste3): subscreen = 2 Logger.LogMessage("Triggering Licht") await TCSBusWriter(configs['light_trigger_message']) elif (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste4): subscreen = 1 Logger.LogMessage("Triggering Door") await TCSBusWriter(configs['door_trigger_message']) else: Logger.LogMessage("Error: Invalid Button pressed!") elif (subscreen == 1 or subscreen == 2 or subscreen == 3): if (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste1): subscreen = 0 elif (subscreen == 4 or subscreen == 5 or subscreen == 6 or subscreen == 7 or subscreen == 8 or subscreen == 9 or subscreen == 10 or subscreen == 11): if (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste1): subscreen = 0 elif (subscreen == 11 and Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste2): Reboot() elif (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste3): ShowSystemCheck("next") elif (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste4): ShowSystemCheck("prev") else: Logger.LogMessage("Error: Invalid Button pressed!") else: if (Keypad.tastePressed == Keypad.taste1): subscreen = 0 await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # Main method for the API html = """ TCS<->FHEM



""" json = """{ "TCS<->FHEM API": { "%s" } }""" async def APIHandling(reader, writer): request_line = await reader.readline() while await reader.readline() != b"\r\n": pass request = str(request_line) try: request = request.split()[1] except IndexError: pass client_ip = writer.get_extra_info('peername')[0] Logger.LogMessage("API request: " + request + " - from client IP: " + client_ip) if (configs['api_client_ip'] != "") and (configs['api_client_ip'] != client_ip): Logger.LogMessage("Unauthorized client! Aborting API Handling now.") stateis = "Error 401: Client '" + client_ip + "' is not authorized to use the API!

Set authorized client IP in!" response = html % stateis writer.write('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n') else: req = request.split('/') stateis = "" if (len(req) == 3 or len(req) == 4 or len(req) == 5): if (req[1] == secrets['api']): if (req[2] == "triggerdoor"): Logger.LogMessage("Triggering Door") await TCSBusWriter(configs['door_trigger_message']) stateis = "Triggered: front door opener" elif (req[2] == "triggerlight"): Logger.LogMessage("Triggering Licht") await TCSBusWriter(configs['light_trigger_message']) stateis = "Triggered: light" elif (req[2] == "togglepartymode"): TogglePartyMode() stateis = "Toggled: Party-Mode" elif (req[2] == "partymodeon"): SetPartyMode(True) stateis = "Enabled: Party-Mode" elif (req[2] == "partymodeoff"): SetPartyMode(False) stateis = "Disabled: Party-Mode" elif (req[2] == "partymodestate"): stateis = "Party-Mode is " + PartyModeState() elif (req[2] == "ping"): stateis = "Ping: OK" elif (req[2] == "specialcommand"): ExternalAPI("special") stateis = "Special command: executed" elif (req[2] == "stats"): stateis = "IP address: " + Networking.GetIPAddress() + "
MAC address: " + Networking.GetMACAddress() + "
Hostname: " + configs['hostname'] + "
API Port: " + str(configs['api_port']) + "
Uptime (h:m): " + Uptime() + "
Date/Time: " + TimeUtils.DateTimeNow() + "
Version: " + version + "
GMT Timezone Offset (hours): " + str(configs['gmt_offset']) + "
Auto summertime: " + str(configs['auto_summertime']) + "
Display off time (mins): " + str(configs['displayoff']) + "
Log incoming bus messages: " + str(configs['log_incoming_bus_messages']) + "
Housekeep logfiles after days: " + str(configs['log_housekeeping_days']) + "
Message 'Front door ringing': " + str(configs['frontdoor_ringing_message']) + "
Message 'Door ringing': " + str(configs['door_ringing_message']) + "
Message 'Door opener triggered': " + str(configs['door_trigger_message']) + "
Message 'Light triggered': " + str(configs['light_trigger_message']) + "
CPU frequency (MHz): " + str(machine.freq()/1000000) + "
Party-Mode is: " + PartyModeState() elif (req[2] == "reboot"): stateis = "Rebooting device: now..." Reboot() elif (req[2] == "ringdoor"): stateis = "Ringing: doorbell" await TCSBusWriter(configs['door_ringing_message']) elif (req[2] == "ringfrontdoor"): stateis = "Ringing: front doorbell" await TCSBusWriter(configs['frontdoor_ringing_message']) elif (req[2] == "logs"): if (len(req) >= 4 and req[3] != "json"): if (IsInt(req[3])): stateis = Logger.LastLogs(int(req[3])) else: stateis = "Error: Parameter for log length not an integer!" else: stateis = Logger.LastLogs(12) else: stateis = "Error: Unknown command!" else: stateis = "Error: API key is invalid!" if ((len(req) == 4 and req[3] == "json") or (len(req) == 5 and req[4] == "json")): if (req[2] != "logs"): stateis = stateis.replace(": ", "\":\"") stateis = stateis.replace("
", "\", \"") stateis = stateis.replace("°", "°") else: stateis = stateis.replace(";", "\":\"") stateis = stateis.replace("
", "\", \"") stateis = stateis.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") response = json % stateis writer.write('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/json\r\n\r\n') else: response = html % stateis writer.write('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n') else: stateis = "Error 400: Invalid usage of API!

Usage: http://servername/api_key/command[/json]

API Key: set 'api' in file." response = html % stateis writer.write('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n') writer.write(response) await writer.drain() await writer.wait_closed() microsFlanke = 0 def microsSeitLetzterFlanke(): global microsFlanke return time.ticks_us() - microsFlanke # Main method for the TCS:Bus reader async def TCSBusReader(): global busline, microsFlanke, partyMode, writerActive zustand = False Logger.LogMessage("TCS Busreader started") message = [] while True: if not writerActive: busValue = busline.read_u16() val = 1 if (busValue >= 30000): #voltage on TCS:Bus 0...65535 val = 1 else: val = 0 #measure voltage changes and time in between dauer = microsSeitLetzterFlanke() if (dauer > 10000) and (message): #handle recieved message, and reset message message.pop(0) #remove first timing, because we do not need it for i in range(len(message)): #encode bus message (lazy, because the TCS:Bus is not as precise as we are ;) ) if (message[i] >= 1000 and message[i] <= 2999): message[i] = 0 elif (message[i] >= 3000 and message[i] <= 4999): message[i] = 1 elif (message[i] >= 5000 and message[i] <= 6999): message[i] = 2 elif (message[i] >= 7000): #this may be an invalid message bit, but for not having numbers like '7543', we encode all this to '3' message[i] = 3 if (message == configs['light_trigger_message']): if (configs['log_incoming_bus_messages']): Logger.LogMessage("Incoming TCS:Bus message for triggering light: " + str(message)) #nothing else to do pass elif (message == configs['door_trigger_message']): if (configs['log_incoming_bus_messages']): Logger.LogMessage("Incoming TCS:Bus message for door trigger: " + str(message)) #nothing else to do pass elif (message == configs['tcs_message']): if (configs['log_incoming_bus_messages']): Logger.LogMessage("Incoming TCS:Bus message from device: " + str(message)) #nothing else to do pass elif (message == configs['door_ringing_message']): if (configs['log_incoming_bus_messages']): Logger.LogMessage("Incoming TCS:Bus message for door ringing: " + str(message)) await ExternalAPI("doorbell") elif (message == configs['frontdoor_ringing_message']): if (configs['log_incoming_bus_messages']): Logger.LogMessage("Incoming TCS:Bus message for frontdoor ringing: " + str(message)) if (partyMode): asyncio.sleep(1) Logger.LogMessage("Triggering Door and Light for Party-Mode") await TCSBusWriter(configs['door_trigger_message']) asyncio.sleep(1) await TCSBusWriter(configs['light_trigger_message']) await ExternalAPI("frontdoorbell") else: if (configs['log_incoming_bus_messages']): Logger.LogMessage("Unknown TCS:Bus message: " + str(message)) message = [] else: if (val == 0 and zustand == False): message.append(dauer) zustand = True microsFlanke = time.ticks_us() if (val == 1 and zustand == True): message.append(dauer) zustand = False microsFlanke = time.ticks_us() await asyncio.sleep(0) # Main method for the TCS:Bus writer async def TCSBusWriter(message): global writerActive if (message): busMessage = list(message) writerActive = True for i in range(len(busMessage)): #decode message busMessage[i] = int((busMessage[i] + 1) * 2000) #start sending message sendZero = True triggerline.on() for i in range(len(busMessage)): time.sleep_us(busMessage[i]) sendZero = not sendZero if sendZero: triggerline.on() else: #finally end sending message writerActive = False # Main method for external API (=FHEM) async def ExternalAPI(action): Logger.LogMessage("External API action: " + action) if (action == "doorbell"): if (configs['fhem_door_ringed'] is not ""): response = requests.get(configs['fhem_door_ringed']) response.close() else: Logger.LogMessage("Warning: No fhem_door_ringed setting!") elif (action == "frontdoorbell"): if (configs['fhem_frontdoor_ringed'] is not ""): response = requests.get(configs['fhem_frontdoor_ringed']) response.close() else: Logger.LogMessage("Warning: No fhem_frontdoor_ringed setting!") elif (action == "special"): if (configs['fhem_special_command'] is not ""): response = requests.get(configs['fhem_special_command']) response.close() else: Logger.LogMessage("Warning: No fhem_special_command setting!") else: Logger.LogMessage("Error: Unknown ExternalAPI action!") pass # Main method for daily housekeeping async def Housekeeper(): Logger.LogMessage("Housekeeper started") while True: Logger.LogMessage("Housekeeper is performing actions") Logger.Housekeeping() Logger.LogMessage("Housekeeper is performing NTP sync") NTP.SetRTCTimeFromNTP(configs['ntp_host'], configs['gmt_offset'], configs['auto_summertime']) Logger.LogMessage("Housekeeper has finished its jobs") await asyncio.sleep(86400) # Main entry point after booting async def Main(): set_global_exception() Logger.LogMessage("Entering MainLoop") boottime = time.time() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() ShowText("Booting [3/3]", "API Setup: key", secrets['api']) Logger.LogMessage("Setting up API on port " + str(configs['api_port']) + " with key " + secrets['api']) loop.create_task(asyncio.start_server(APIHandling, Networking.GetIPAddress(), configs['api_port'])) Logger.LogMessage("API started") ShowText("TCS<->FHEM", "Firmware:", version) Logger.LogMessage("Booting complete with Firmware " + version) loop.create_task(UiHandling()) loop.create_task(TCSBusReader()) loop.create_task(Housekeeper()) loop.run_forever() # Booting the device def Boot(): ShowText("Booting [1/3]", "Conn. Wifi:", secrets['ssid'] + "...") ShowText("Booting [1/3]", "Conn. Wifi: MAC", Networking.GetMACAddress()) Networking.Connect(configs['disable_wifi_powersavingmode']) if (Networking.Status()): ShowText("Booting [1/3]", "Conn. Wifi: IP", Networking.GetIPAddress()) ShowText("Booting [2/3]", "NTP time:", configs['ntp_host']) if (NTP.SetRTCTimeFromNTP(configs['ntp_host'], configs['gmt_offset'], configs['auto_summertime'])): Logger.DisableTempLogfile() ShowText("Booting [2/3]", "NTP time:", TimeUtils.DateTimeNow()) else: ShowText("Booting [1/3]", "Conn. Wifi:", "ERROR!") time.sleep(3) Reboot() ##################################################################### Boot() try: except KeyboardInterrupt: Logger.LogMessage("Shutdown.") Oled.fill(0x0000) finally: asyncio.new_event_loop()