diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index ad73bb2..a4cb3e5 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,31 +1,57 @@
-# Pull from small Debian stable image.
-FROM alpine:latest AS builder
+FROM alpine:latest
LABEL maintainer="dselen@nerthus.nl"
-WORKDIR /opt/wireguarddashboard/src
+# Declaring environment variables, change Peernet to an address you like, standard is a 24 bit subnet.
+ARG wg_net=""
+ARG wg_port="51820"
-RUN apk update && \
- apk add --no-cache sudo gcc musl-dev rust cargo linux-headers
+# Following ENV variables are changable on container runtime because /entrypoint.sh handles that. See compose.yaml for more info.
+ENV TZ="Europe/Amsterdam"
+ENV global_dns=""
+ENV isolate="none"
+ENV public_ip=""
-COPY ./docker/alpine/builder.sh /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/
-COPY ./docker/alpine/requirements.txt /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/
-RUN chmod u+x /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/builder.sh
-RUN /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/builder.sh
+# Doing package management operations, such as upgrading
+RUN apk update \
+ && apk add --no-cache bash git tzdata \
+ iptables ip6tables openrc curl wireguard-tools \
+ sudo py3-psutil py3-bcrypt \
+ && apk upgrade
+# Using WGDASH -- like wg_net functionally as a ARG command. But it is needed in entrypoint.sh so it needs to be exported as environment variable.
+ENV WGDASH=/opt/wireguarddashboard
-FROM alpine:latest
-WORKDIR /opt/wireguarddashboard/src
+# Removing the Linux Image package to preserve space on the image, for this reason also deleting apt lists, to be able to install packages: run apt update.
-COPY ./src /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/
-COPY --from=builder /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/venv /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/venv
-COPY --from=builder /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log/
+# Doing WireGuard Dashboard installation measures. Modify the git clone command to get the preferred version, with a specific branch for example.
+RUN mkdir /data \
+ && mkdir /configs \
+ && mkdir -p ${WGDASH}/src
+COPY ./src ${WGDASH}/src
-RUN apk update && \
- apk add --no-cache wireguard-tools sudo && \
- apk add --no-cache iptables ip6tables && \
- chmod u+x /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/entrypoint.sh
+# Generate basic WireGuard interface. Echoing the WireGuard interface config for readability, adjust if you want it for efficiency.
+# Also setting the pipefail option, verbose: https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/wiki/DL4006.
+SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
+RUN out_adapt=$(ip -o -4 route show to default | awk '{print $NF}') \
+ && echo -e "[Interface]\n\
+Address = ${wg_net}/24\n\
+PrivateKey =\n\
+PostUp = iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -s ${wg_net}/24 -o ${out_adapt} -j MASQUERADE\n\
+PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i wg0 -o wg0 -j DROP\n\
+PreDown = iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s ${wg_net}/24 -o ${out_adapt} -j MASQUERADE\n\
+PreDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -o wg0 -j DROP\n\
+ListenPort = ${wg_port}\n\
+SaveConfig = true\n\
+DNS = ${global_dns}" > /configs/wg0.conf.template \
+ && chmod 600 /configs/wg0.conf.template
-HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=10s --start-period=5s --retries=3 CMD curl -f http://localhost:10086/signin || exit 1
+# Defining a way for Docker to check the health of the container. In this case: checking the gunicorn process.
+HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=10s --start-period=5s --retries=3 \
+ CMD sh -c 'pgrep gunicorn > /dev/null && pgrep tail > /dev/null' || exit 1
-ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/wireguarddashboard/src/entrypoint.sh"]
\ No newline at end of file
+# Copy the basic entrypoint.sh script.
+COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
+# Exposing the default WireGuard Dashboard port for web access.
+EXPOSE 10086
+ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/entrypoint.sh"]
diff --git a/compose.yaml b/compose.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a75ef45..0000000
--- a/compose.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- wireguard-dashboard:
- build: ./
- container_name: wiregate
- cap_add:
- restart: unless-stopped
- environment:
- - wg_net=
- - wg_port=51820
- volumes:
- - wgd_configs:/etc/wireguard
- - wgd_app:/opt/wireguarddashboard/src
- ports:
- - 10086:10086/tcp
- - 51820:51820/udp
- sysctls:
- - net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
- wgd_configs:
- wgd_app:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/Docker-explain.md b/docker/Docker-explain.md
deleted file mode 100644
index dd7bfe8..0000000
--- a/docker/Docker-explain.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# WG-Dashboard Docker Explanation:
-Author: DaanSelen
-This document delves into how the WG-Dashboard Docker container has been built.
-Of course there are two stages, one before run-time and one at/after run-time.
-The `Dockerfile` describes how the container image is made, and the `entrypoint.sh` is executed after running the container.
-In this example, WireGuard is integrated into the container itself, so it should be a run-and-go.
-For more details on the source-code specific to this Docker image, refer to the source files, they have lots of comments.
-I have tried to embed some new features such as `isolated_peers` and interface startup on container-start (through `enable_wg0`).
-## Getting the container running:
-To get the container running you either pull the image from the repository, at the moment: `repo.nerthus.nl/app/wireguard-dashboard:latest`.
-From there either use the environment variables describe below as parameters or use the Docker Compose file: `compose.yaml`.
-An example of a simple command to get the container running is show below:
-docker run -d \
- --name wireguard-dashboard \
- --restart unless-stopped \
- -e enable_wg0=true \
- -e isolated_peers=true \
- -p 10086:10086/tcp \
- -p 51820:51820/udp \
- --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
- repo.nerthus.nl/app/wireguard-dashboard:latest
-If you want to use Compose instead of a raw Docker command, refer to the example in the `compose.yaml` or the one pasted below:
- wireguard-dashboard:
- image: repo.nerthus.nl/app/wireguard-dashboard:latest
- restart: unless-stopped
- container_name: wire-dash
- environment:
- #- tz=
- #- global_dns=
- - enable_wg0=true
- - isolated_peers=false
- #- public_ip=
- ports:
- - 10086:10086/tcp
- - 51820:51820/udp
- volumes:
- - conf:/etc/wireguard
- - app:/opt/wireguarddashboard/app
- cap_add:
- conf:
- app:
-If you want to customize the yaml, make sure the core stays the same, but for example volume PATHs can be freely changed.
-This setup is just generic and will use the Docker volumes.
-## Working with the container and environment variables:
-Once the container is running, the installation process is essentially the same as running it on bare-metal.
-So go to the assign TCP port in this case HTTP, like the default 10086 one in the example and log into the WEB-GUI.
-| Environment variable | Accepted arguments | Default value | Verbose |
-| -------------- | ------- | ------- | ------- |
-| tz | Europe/Amsterdam or any confirming timezone notation. | Europe/Amsterdam | Sets the timezone of the Docker container. This is to timesync the container to any other processes which would need it. |
-| global_dns | Any IPv4 address, such as my personal recommendation: (QUAD9) | | Set the default DNS given to clients once they connect to the WireGuard tunnel (VPN).
-| enable_wg0 | `true` or `false` | `false` | Enables or disables the starting of the WireGuard interface on container 'boot-up'.
-| isolated_peers | `true` or `false` | `true` | For security the default is true, and it disables peers to ping or reach eachother, the WireGuard interface IS able to reach the peers (Done through `iptables`).
-| public_ip | Any IPv4 (public recommended) address, such as the one returned by default | Default uses the return of `curl ifconfig.me` | To reach your VPN from outside your own network, you need WG-Dashboard to know what your public IP-address is, otherwise it will generate faulty config files for clients.
-## Closing remarks:
-For feedback please submit an issue to the repository. Or message dselen@nerthus.nl.
diff --git a/docker/compose.yaml b/docker/compose.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1acaca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/compose.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ wireguard-dashboard:
+ image: test:latest
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ container_name: wgdashboard
+ environment:
+ - tz=Europe/Amsterdam # <--- Set container timezone, default: Europe/Amsterdam.
+ - global_dns= # <--- Set global DNS address, default:
+ #- enable= # <--- Set the interfaces that will be enabled on startup, default: 'none'.
+ #- isolate= # <--- Set the interfaces that will disallow peer communication, default: 'none'.
+ #- public_ip= # <--- Set public IP to ensure the correct one is chosen, defaulting to the IP give by ifconfig.me.
+ ports:
+ - 10086:10086/tcp
+ - 51820:51820/udp
+ volumes:
+ - conf:/etc/wireguard
+ - data:/data
+ cap_add:
+ conf:
+ data:
diff --git a/entrypoint.sh b/entrypoint.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e26da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entrypoint.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+echo "------------------------- START ----------------------------"
+echo "Starting the WireGuard Dashboard Docker container."
+ensure_installation() {
+ # When using a custom directory to store the files, this part moves over and makes sure the installation continues.
+ echo "Quick-installing..."
+ [ ! -d "/data/db" ] && echo "Creating database dir" && mkdir /data/db
+ ln -s /data/db "${WGDASH}/src/db"
+ [ ! -f "/data/wg-dashboard.ini" ] && echo "Creating wg-dashboard.ini file" && touch /data/wg-dashboard.ini
+ ln -s /data/wg-dashboard.ini "${WGDASH}/src/wg-dashboard.ini"
+ python3 -m venv "${WGDASH}"/src/venv
+ . "${WGDASH}/src/venv/bin/activate"
+ [ ! -d "${WGDASH}/src/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/psutil" ] && echo "Moving PIP dependency: psutil" && mv /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/psutil* "${WGDASH}"/src/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages
+ [ ! -d "${WGDASH}/src/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bcrypt" ] && echo "Moving PIP dependency: bcrypt" && mv /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bcrypt* "${WGDASH}"/src/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages
+ chmod +x "${WGDASH}"/src/wgd.sh
+ cd "${WGDASH}"/src || exit
+ ./wgd.sh install
+ echo "Looks like the installation succeeded."
+ # This first step is to ensure the wg0.conf file exists, and if not, then its copied over from the ephemeral container storage.
+ # This is done so WGDashboard it works out of the box
+ if [ ! -f "/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf" ]; then
+ echo "Standard wg0 Configuration file not found, grabbing template."
+ cp -a "/configs/wg0.conf.template" "/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf"
+ echo "Setting a secure private key." # SORRY 4 BE4 - Daan
+ local privateKey
+ privateKey=$(wg genkey)
+ sed -i "s|^PrivateKey *=.*$|PrivateKey = ${privateKey}|g" /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
+ echo "Done setting template."
+ else
+ echo "Existing wg0 configuration file found, using that."
+ fi
+set_envvars() {
+ printf "\n------------- SETTING ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ----------------\n"
+ # Path to the configuration file (exists because of previous function).
+ local config_file="/opt/wireguarddashboard/src/wg-dashboard.ini"
+ # Check if the file is empty
+ if [ ! -s "$config_file" ]; then
+ echo "Config file is empty. Creating [Peers] section."
+ # Create [Peers] section with initial values
+ {
+ echo "[Peers]"
+ echo "remote_endpoint = ${public_ip}"
+ echo "peer_global_dns = ${global_dns}"
+ } > "$config_file"
+ else
+ echo "Config file is not empty, enforcing environment variables."
+ # Check and update the DNS if it has changed
+ current_dns=$(grep "peer_global_dns = " "$config_file" | awk '{print $NF}')
+ if [ "${global_dns}" != "$current_dns" ]; then
+ echo "Changing default DNS."
+ sed -i "s/^peer_global_dns = .*/peer_global_dns = ${global_dns}/" "$config_file"
+ else
+ echo "DNS is set correctly."
+ fi
+ # Determine the public IP and update if necessary
+ echo "{$public_ip}"
+ if [ "${public_ip}" = "" ]; then
+ default_ip=$(curl -s ifconfig.me)
+ echo "Trying to fetch the Public-IP using ifconfig.me: ${default_ip}"
+ sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = ${default_ip}/" "$config_file"
+ else
+ current_ip=$(grep "remote_endpoint = " "$config_file" | awk '{print $NF}')
+ if [ "${public_ip}" != "$current_ip" ]; then
+ echo "Setting the Public-IP using given variable: ${public_ip}"
+ sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = ${public_ip}/" "$config_file"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# === CORE SERVICES ===
+start_core() {
+ printf "\n---------------------- STARTING CORE -----------------------\n"
+ echo "Activating Python venv and executing the WireGuard Dashboard service."
+ . "${WGDASH}"/src/venv/bin/activate
+ cd "${WGDASH}"/src || return
+ bash wgd.sh start
+ # Isolated peers feature, first converting the existing configuration files and the given names to arrays.
+ #
+ #
+ local configurations=(/etc/wireguard/*)
+ IFS=',' read -r -a do_isolate <<< "${isolate}"
+ non_isolate=()
+ # Checking if there are matches between the two arrays.
+ for config in "${configurations[@]}"; do
+ config=$(echo "$config" | sed -e 's|.*/etc/wireguard/||' -e 's|\.conf$||')
+ local found
+ found=false
+ for interface in "${do_isolate[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "$config" == "$interface" ]]; then
+ found=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$found" = false ]; then
+ non_isolate+=("$config")
+ fi
+ done
+ # Isolating the matches.
+ for interface in "${do_isolate[@]}"; do
+ if [ "$interface" = "none" ] || [ "$interface" = "" ]; then
+ echo "Found: $interface, stopping isolation checking."
+ break
+ else
+ if [ ! -f "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" ]; then
+ echo "Ignoring ${interface}"
+ elif [ -f "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" ]; then
+ echo "Isolating interface:" "$interface"
+ upblocking=$(grep -c "PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/"${interface}".conf)
+ downblocking=$(grep -c "PreDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/"${interface}".conf)
+ if [ "$upblocking" -lt 1 ] && [ "$downblocking" -lt 1 ]; then
+ sed -i "/PostUp =/a PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/"${interface}".conf
+ sed -i "/PreDown =/a PreDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/"${interface}".conf
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Configuration for $interface in enforce isolation does not seem to exist, continuing."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ # Removing isolation for the configurations that did not match.
+ for interface in "${non_isolate[@]}"; do\
+ if [ ! -f "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" ]; then
+ echo "Ignoring ${interface}"
+ elif [ -f "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" ]; then
+ echo "Removing isolation, if isolation is present for:" "$interface"
+ sed -i "/PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP/d" /etc/wireguard/"${interface}".conf
+ sed -i "/PreDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP/d" /etc/wireguard/"${interface}".conf
+ else
+ echo "Configuration for $interface in removing isolation does not seem to exist, continuing."
+ fi
+ done
+ensure_blocking() {
+ sleep 1s
+ echo -e "\nEnsuring container continuation."
+ # Find and tail the latest error and access logs if they exist
+ local logdir="/opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log"
+ latestErrLog=$(find "$logdir" -name "error_*.log" -type f -print | sort -r | head -n 1)
+ latestAccLog=$(find "$logdir" -name "access_*.log" -type f -print | sort -r | head -n 1)
+ # Only tail the logs if they are found
+ if [ -n "$latestErrLog" ] || [ -n "$latestAccLog" ]; then
+ tail -f "$latestErrLog" "$latestAccLog"
+ else
+ echo "No log files found to tail."
+ fi
+ # Blocking command to keep the container running as a last resort.
+ sleep infinity
+# Execute functions for the WireGuard Dashboard services, then set the environment variables
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/static/locale/active_languages.json b/src/static/locale/active_languages.json
index 0ac71c7..c411fb9 100644
--- a/src/static/locale/active_languages.json
+++ b/src/static/locale/active_languages.json
@@ -1,9 +1,39 @@
+ {
+ "lang_id": "cs",
+ "lang_name": "Czech",
+ "lang_name_localized": "Česky"
+ },
+ {
+ "lang_id": "de",
+ "lang_name": "German",
+ "lang_name_localized": "Deutsch"
+ },
"lang_id": "en",
"lang_name": "English",
"lang_name_localized": "English"
+ {
+ "lang_id": "it-IT",
+ "lang_name": "Italian",
+ "lang_name_localized": "Italiano"
+ },
+ {
+ "lang_id": "nl-NL",
+ "lang_name": "Dutch",
+ "lang_name_localized": "Nederlands"
+ },
+ {
+ "lang_id": "ru",
+ "lang_name": "Russian",
+ "lang_name_localized": "Русский"
+ },
+ {
+ "lang_id": "uk",
+ "lang_name": "Ukrainian",
+ "lang_name_localized": "Українська"
+ },
"lang_id": "zh-CN",
"lang_name": "Chinese (Simplified)",
@@ -13,30 +43,5 @@
"lang_id": "zh-HK",
"lang_name": "Chinese (Traditional)",
"lang_name_localized": "中文(繁體)"
- },
- {
- "lang_id": "uk",
- "lang_name": "Ukrainian",
- "lang_name_localized": "Українська"
- },
- {
- "lang_id": "de",
- "lang_name": "German",
- "lang_name_localized": "Deutsch"
- },
- {
- "lang_id": "it-IT",
- "lang_name": "Italian",
- "lang_name_localized": "Italiano"
- },
- {
- "lang_id": "ru",
- "lang_name": "Russian",
- "lang_name_localized": "Русский"
- },
- {
- "lang_id": "cs",
- "lang_name": "Czech",
- "lang_name_localized": "Česky"
diff --git a/src/static/locale/nl-NL.json b/src/static/locale/nl-NL.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c215fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/static/locale/nl-NL.json
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ "Welcome to": "Welkom bij",
+ "Username": "Gebruikersnaam",
+ "Password": "Wachtwoord",
+ "OTP from your authenticator": "OTP van je authenticator",
+ "Sign In": "Inloggen",
+ "Signing In...": "Inloggen...",
+ "Access Remote Server": "Toegang tot externe server",
+ "Server": "Server",
+ "Click": "Klik",
+ "Pinging...": "Pingen...",
+ "to add your server": "om je server toe te voegen",
+ "Server List": "Serverlijst",
+ "Sorry, your username or password is incorrect.": "Sorry, je gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord is onjuist.",
+ "Home": "Startpagina",
+ "Settings": "Instellingen",
+ "Tools": "Hulpmiddelen",
+ "Sign Out": "Uitloggen",
+ "Checking for update...": "Controleren op updates...",
+ "You're on the latest version": "Je hebt de nieuwste versie",
+ "WireGuard Configurations": "WireGuard-configuraties",
+ "You don't have any WireGuard configurations yet. Please check the configuration folder or change it in Settings. By default the folder is /etc/wireguard.": "Je hebt nog geen WireGuard-configuraties. Controleer de configuratiemap of wijzig deze in de instellingen. Standaard is de map /etc/wireguard.",
+ "Configuration": "Configuratie",
+ "Configurations": "Configuraties",
+ "Peers Default Settings": "Standaardinstellingen voor peers",
+ "Dashboard Theme": "Dashboard-thema",
+ "Light": "Licht",
+ "Dark": "Donker",
+ "This will be changed globally, and will be apply to all peer's QR code and configuration file.": "Dit wordt wereldwijd gewijzigd en toegepast op de QR-code en configuratiebestand van alle peers.",
+ "WireGuard Configurations Settings": "Instellingen voor WireGuard-configuraties",
+ "Configurations Directory": "Configuratiemap",
+ "Remember to remove / at the end of your path. e.g /etc/wireguard": "Vergeet niet om de \"/\" aan het einde van je pad te verwijderen, bijv. /etc/wireguard",
+ "WGDashboard Account Settings": "WGDashboard-accountinstellingen",
+ "Current Password": "Huidig wachtwoord",
+ "New Password": "Nieuw wachtwoord",
+ "Repeat New Password": "Herhaal nieuw wachtwoord",
+ "Update Password": "Wachtwoord bijwerken",
+ "Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)": "Multi-Factor Authenticatie (MFA)",
+ "Reset": "Resetten",
+ "Setup": "Instellen",
+ "API Keys": "API-sleutels",
+ "API Key": "API-sleutel",
+ "Key": "Sleutel",
+ "Enabled": "Ingeschakeld",
+ "Disabled": "Uitgeschakeld",
+ "No WGDashboard API Key": "Geen WGDashboard API-sleutel",
+ "Expire At": "Verloopt op",
+ "Are you sure to delete this API key?": "Weet je zeker dat je deze API-sleutel wilt verwijderen?",
+ "Create API Key": "API-sleutel maken",
+ "When should this API Key expire?": "Wanneer moet deze API-sleutel verlopen?",
+ "Never Expire": "Geen vervaldatum",
+ "Don't think that's a good idea": "Dat is waarschijnlijk geen goed idee",
+ "Creating...": "Bezig met aanmaken...",
+ "Create": "Aanmaken",
+ "Status": "Status",
+ "On": "Aan",
+ "Off": "Uit",
+ "Turning On...": "Inschakelen...",
+ "Turning Off...": "Uitschakelen...",
+ "Address": "Adres",
+ "Listen Port": "Luisterpoort",
+ "Public Key": "Publieke sleutel",
+ "Connected Peers": "Verbonden peers",
+ "Total Usage": "Totale verbruik",
+ "Total Received": "Totaal ontvangen",
+ "Total Sent": "Totaal verzonden",
+ "Peers Data Usage": "Datagebruik van peers",
+ "Real Time Received Data Usage": "Ontvangen data in real-time",
+ "Real Time Sent Data Usage": "Verzonden data in real-time",
+ "Peer": "Peer",
+ "Peers": "Peers",
+ "Peer Settings": "Peer-instellingen",
+ "Download All": "Alles downloaden",
+ "Search Peers...": "Zoek peers...",
+ "Display": "Weergave",
+ "Sort By": "Sorteren op",
+ "Refresh Interval": "Verversingsinterval",
+ "Name": "Naam",
+ "Allowed IPs": "Toegestane IP's",
+ "Restricted": "Beperkt",
+ "(.*) Seconds": "$1 seconden",
+ "(.*) Minutes": "$1 minuten",
+ "Configuration Settings": "Configuratie-instellingen",
+ "Peer Jobs": "Peer-taken",
+ "Active Jobs": "Actieve taken",
+ "All Active Jobs": "Alle actieve taken",
+ "Logs": "Logboeken",
+ "Private Key": "Privésleutel",
+ "(Required for QR Code and Download)": "(Vereist voor QR-code en downloaden)",
+ "(Required)": "(Vereist)",
+ "Endpoint Allowed IPs": "Toegestane IP's voor eindpunt",
+ "DNS": "DNS",
+ "Optional Settings": "Optionele instellingen",
+ "Pre-Shared Key": "Vooraf gedeelde sleutel",
+ "MTU": "MTU",
+ "Persistent Keepalive": "Persistente Keepalive",
+ "Reset Data Usage": "Datagebruik resetten",
+ "Total": "Totaal",
+ "Sent": "Verzonden",
+ "Received": "Ontvangen",
+ "Revert": "Herstellen",
+ "Save Peer": "Peer opslaan",
+ "QR Code": "QR-code",
+ "Schedule Jobs": "Taken plannen",
+ "Job": "Taak",
+ "Job ID": "Taak-ID",
+ "Unsaved Job": "Niet-opgeslagen taak",
+ "This peer does not have any job yet.": "Deze peer heeft nog geen taak.",
+ "if": "als",
+ "is": "is",
+ "then": "dan",
+ "larger than": "groter dan",
+ "Date": "Datum",
+ "Restrict Peer": "Peer beperken",
+ "Delete Peer": "Peer verwijderen",
+ "Edit": "Bewerken",
+ "Delete": "Verwijderen",
+ "Deleting...": "Bezig met verwijderen...",
+ "Cancel": "Annuleren",
+ "Save": "Opslaan",
+ "No active job at the moment.": "Momenteel geen actieve taak.",
+ "Jobs Logs": "Taken logboeken",
+ "Updated at": "Bijgewerkt op",
+ "Refresh": "Verversen",
+ "Filter": "Filter",
+ "Success": "Succesvol",
+ "Failed": "Mislukt",
+ "Log ID": "Log-ID",
+ "Message": "Bericht",
+ "Share Peer": "Peer delen",
+ "Currently the peer is not sharing": "De peer wordt momenteel niet gedeeld",
+ "Sharing...": "Delen...",
+ "Start Sharing": "Delen starten",
+ "Stop Sharing...": "Delen stoppen...",
+ "Stop Sharing": "Delen stoppen",
+ "Access Restricted": "Toegang beperkt",
+ "Restrict Access": "Toegang beperken",
+ "Restricting...": "Beperken...",
+ "Allow Access": "Toegang toestaan",
+ "Allowing Access...": "Toegang toestaan...",
+ "Download & QR Code is not available due to no private key set for this peer": "Downloaden & QR-code zijn niet beschikbaar omdat er geen privésleutel is ingesteld voor deze peer",
+ "Add Peers": "Peers toevoegen",
+ "Bulk Add": "Bulk toevoegen",
+ "By adding peers by bulk, each peer's name will be auto generated, and Allowed IP will be assign to the next available IP.": "Bij het toevoegen van peers in bulk wordt de naam van elke peer automatisch gegenereerd, en wordt de toegestane IP toegekend aan het eerstvolgende beschikbare IP.",
+ "How many peers you want to add?": "Hoeveel peers wil je toevoegen?",
+ "You can add up to (.*) peers": "Je kunt maximaal $1 peers toevoegen",
+ "Use your own Private and Public Key": "Gebruik je eigen privésleutel en publieke sleutel",
+ "Enter IP Address/CIDR": "Voer IP-adres/CIDR in",
+ "IP Address/CIDR": "IP-adres/CIDR",
+ "or": "of",
+ "Pick Available IP": "Beschikbare IP kiezen",
+ "No available IP containing": "Geen beschikbare IP bevat",
+ "Add": "Toevoegen",
+ "Adding...": "Toevoegen...",
+ "Failed to check available update": "Controle op beschikbare update mislukt",
+ "Nice to meet you!": "Aangenaam!",
+ "Please fill in the following fields to finish setup": "Vul de volgende velden in om de setup te voltooien",
+ "Create an account": "Maak een account aan",
+ "Enter an username you like": "Voer een gebruikersnaam naar keuze in",
+ "Enter a password": "Voer een wachtwoord in",
+ "\\(At least 6 characters)": "(Minimaal 6 tekens)",
+ "Repeat password": "Herhaal wachtwoord",
+ "Set up": "Instellen",
+ "Setting up...": "Instellen...",
+ "Nice!": "Top!",
+ "Go to Login Page": "Ga naar de inlogpagina",
+ "Starting server...": "Server starten...",
+ "Status code": "Statuscode",
+ "Restart WGDashboard Server": "WGDashboard-server opnieuw starten",
+ "Restart": "Opnieuw starten",
+ "WGDashboard Web API Documentation": "WGDashboard Web API Documentatie"