import ipaddress, subprocess, datetime, os, util from datetime import datetime, timedelta from flask import jsonify from util import * import configparser notEnoughParameter = {"status": False, "reason": "Please provide all required parameters."} good = {"status": True, "reason": ""} def ret(status=True, reason="", data=""): return {"status": status, "reason": reason, "data": data} def togglePeerAccess(data, g): checkUnlock = g.cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {data['config']} WHERE id='{data['peerID']}'").fetchone() if checkUnlock: moveUnlockToLock = g.cur.execute( f"INSERT INTO {data['config']}_restrict_access SELECT * FROM {data['config']} WHERE id = '{data['peerID']}'") if g.cur.rowcount == 1: print(g.cur.rowcount) print(util.deletePeers(data['config'], [data['peerID']], g.cur, g.db)) else: moveLockToUnlock = g.cur.execute( f"SELECT * FROM {data['config']}_restrict_access WHERE id = '{data['peerID']}'").fetchone() try: if len(moveLockToUnlock[-1]) == 0: status = subprocess.check_output( f"wg set {data['config']} peer {moveLockToUnlock[0]} allowed-ips {moveLockToUnlock[11]}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: now = str("%m%d%Y%H%M%S")) f_name = now + "_tmp_psk.txt" f = open(f_name, "w+") f.write(moveLockToUnlock[-1]) f.close() subprocess.check_output( f"wg set {data['config']} peer {moveLockToUnlock[0]} allowed-ips {moveLockToUnlock[11]} preshared-key {f_name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) os.remove(f_name) status = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick save {data['config']}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) g.cur.execute( f"INSERT INTO {data['config']} SELECT * FROM {data['config']}_restrict_access WHERE id = '{data['peerID']}'") if g.cur.rowcount == 1: g.cur.execute(f"DELETE FROM {data['config']}_restrict_access WHERE id = '{data['peerID']}'") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return {"status": False, "reason": str(exc.output.strip())} return good class managePeer: def getPeerDataUsage(self, data, cur): now = now_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") interval = { "30min": now - timedelta(hours=0, minutes=30), "1h": now - timedelta(hours=1, minutes=0), "6h": now - timedelta(hours=6, minutes=0), "24h": now - timedelta(hours=24, minutes=0), "all": "" } if data['interval'] not in interval.keys(): return {"status": False, "reason": "Invalid interval."} intv = "" if data['interval'] != "all": t = interval[data['interval']].strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") intv = f" AND time >= '{t}'" timeData = cur.execute(f"SELECT total_receive, total_sent, time FROM wg0_transfer WHERE id='{data['peerID']}' {intv} ORDER BY time DESC;") chartData = [] for i in timeData: chartData.append({ "total_receive": i[0], "total_sent": i[1], "time": i[2] }) return {"status": True, "reason": "", "data": chartData} class manageConfiguration: def AddressCheck(self, data): address = data['address'] address = address.replace(" ", "") address = address.split(',') amount = 0 for i in address: try: ips = ipaddress.ip_network(i, False) amount += ips.num_addresses except ValueError as e: return {"status": False, "reason": str(e)} if amount >= 1: return {"status": True, "reason": "", "data": f"Total of {amount} IPs"} else: return {"status": True, "reason": "", "data": f"0 available IPs"} def PortCheck(self, data, configs): port = data['port'] if (not port.isdigit()) or int(port) < 1 or int(port) > 65535: return {"status": False, "reason": f"Invalid port."} for i in configs: if i['port'] == port: return {"status": False, "reason": f"{port} used by {i['conf']}."} checkSystem ='ss -tulpn | grep :{port} > /dev/null', shell=True) if checkSystem.returncode != 1: return {"status": False, "reason": f"Port {port} used by other process in your system."} return good def NameCheck(self, data, configs): name = data['name'] name = name.replace(" ", "") for i in configs: if name == i['conf']: return {"status": False, "reason": f"{name} already existed."} illegal_filename = ["(Space)", " ", ".", ",", "/", "?", "<", ">", "\\", ":", "*", '|' '\"', "com1", "com2", "com3", "com4", "com5", "com6", "com7", "com8", "com9", "lpt1", "lpt2", "lpt3", "lpt4", "lpt5", "lpt6", "lpt7", "lpt8", "lpt9", "con", "nul", "prn"] for i in illegal_filename: name = name.replace(i, "") if len(name) == 0: return {"status": False, "reason": "Invalid name."} return good def addConfiguration(self, data, configs, WG_CONF_PATH): output = ["[Interface]", "SaveConfig = true"] required = ['addConfigurationPrivateKey', 'addConfigurationListenPort', 'addConfigurationAddress', 'addConfigurationPreUp', 'addConfigurationPreDown', 'addConfigurationPostUp', 'addConfigurationPostDown'] for i in required: e = data[i] if len(e) != 0: key = i.replace("addConfiguration", "") o = f"{key} = {e}" output.append(o) name = data['addConfigurationName'] illegal_filename = ["(Space)", " ", ".", ",", "/", "?", "<", ">", "\\", ":", "*", '|' '\"', "com1", "com2", "com3", "com4", "com5", "com6", "com7", "com8", "com9", "lpt1", "lpt2", "lpt3", "lpt4", "lpt5", "lpt6", "lpt7", "lpt8", "lpt9", "con", "nul", "prn"] for i in illegal_filename: name = name.replace(i, "") try: newFile = open(f"{WG_CONF_PATH}/{name}.conf", "w+") newFile.write("\n".join(output)) except Exception as e: return {"status": False, "reason": str(e)} return {"status": True, "reason": "", "data": name} def deleteConfiguration(self, data, config, g, WG_CONF_PATH): confs = [] for i in config: confs.append(i['conf']) print(confs) if data['name'] not in confs: return {"status": False, "reason": "Configuration does not exist", "data": ""} for i in config: if i['conf'] == data['name']: if i['status'] == "running": try: subprocess.check_output("wg-quick down " + data['name'], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return {"status": False, "reason": "Can't stop peer", "data": str(exc.output.strip().decode("utf-8"))} g.cur.execute(f'DROP TABLE {data["name"]}') g.cur.execute(f'DROP TABLE {data["name"]}_restrict_access') g.db.commit() try: os.remove(f'{WG_CONF_PATH}/{data["name"]}.conf') except Exception as e: return {"status": False, "reason": "Can't delete peer", "data": str(e)} return good def getConfigurationInfo(self, configName, WG_CONF_PATH): conf = configparser.RawConfigParser(strict=False) conf.optionxform = str try: with open(f'{WG_CONF_PATH}/{configName}.conf', 'r'):'{WG_CONF_PATH}/{configName}.conf') if not conf.has_section("Interface"): return ret(status=False, reason="No [Interface] in configuration file") return ret(data=dict(conf['Interface'])) except FileNotFoundError as err: return ret(status=False, reason=str(err)) def saveConfiguration(self, data, WG_CONF_PATH, configs): conf = configparser.RawConfigParser(strict=False) conf.optionxform = str configName = data['configurationName'] pc = manageConfiguration.PortCheck(self, {'port': data['ListenPort']}, configs) if pc['status']: try: newData = [] with open(f'{WG_CONF_PATH}/{configName}.conf', 'r') as f:'{WG_CONF_PATH}/{configName}.conf') if not conf.has_section("Interface"): return ret(status=False, reason="No [Interface] in configuration file") l = ['ListenPort', 'PostUp', 'PostDown', 'PreUp', 'PreDown'] for i in l: conf.set("Interface", i, data[i]) conf.remove_section("Peer") newData = list(map(lambda x : f"{x[0]} = {x[1]}\n", list(conf.items("Interface")))) originalData = f.readlines() for i in range(len(originalData)): if originalData[i] == "[Peer]\n": originalData = originalData[i:] break newData.insert(0, "[Interface]\n") newData.append("\n") newData = newData + originalData conf.clear() try: check = subprocess.check_output("wg-quick down " + configName, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: pass with open(f'{WG_CONF_PATH}/{configName}.conf', 'w') as f: for i in newData: f.write(i) try: check = subprocess.check_output("wg-quick up " + configName, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: pass return ret() except FileNotFoundError as err: return ret(status=False, reason=str(err)) else: return pc class settings: def setTheme(self, theme, config, setConfig): themes = ['light', 'dark'] if theme not in themes: return ret(status=False, reason="Theme does not exist") config['Server']['dashboard_theme'] = theme setConfig(config) return ret()