import itertools import random import sqlite3 import configparser import hashlib import ipaddress import json import traceback # Python Built-in Library import os import secrets import subprocess import time import re import urllib.error import uuid from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Any import bcrypt # PIP installed library import ifcfg import psutil import pyotp from flask import Flask, request, render_template, session, g from json import JSONEncoder from flask_cors import CORS from icmplib import ping, traceroute # Import other python files import threading from flask.json.provider import DefaultJSONProvider DASHBOARD_VERSION = 'v4.1' CONFIGURATION_PATH = os.getenv('CONFIGURATION_PATH', '.') DB_PATH = os.path.join(CONFIGURATION_PATH, 'db') if not os.path.isdir(DB_PATH): os.mkdir(DB_PATH) DASHBOARD_CONF = os.path.join(CONFIGURATION_PATH, 'wg-dashboard.ini') # WireGuard's configuration path WG_CONF_PATH = None # Dashboard Config Name # Upgrade Required UPDATE = None # Flask App Configuration app = Flask("WGDashboard") app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 5206928 app.secret_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(32) class ModelEncoder(JSONEncoder): def default(self, o: Any) -> Any: if hasattr(o, 'toJson'): return o.toJson() else: return super(ModelEncoder, self).default(o) ''' Classes ''' def ResponseObject(status=True, message=None, data=None) -> Flask.response_class: response = Flask.make_response(app, { "status": status, "message": message, "data": data }) response.content_type = "application/json" return response class CustomJsonEncoder(DefaultJSONProvider): def __init__(self, app): super().__init__(app) def default(self, o): if (isinstance(o, WireguardConfiguration) or isinstance(o, Peer) or isinstance(o, PeerJob) or isinstance(o, Log) or isinstance(o, DashboardAPIKey) or isinstance(o, PeerShareLink)): return o.toJson() return super().default(self, o) app.json = CustomJsonEncoder(app) class Log: def __init__(self, LogID: str, JobID: str, LogDate: str, Status: str, Message: str): self.LogID = LogID self.JobID = JobID self.LogDate = LogDate self.Status = Status self.Message = Message def toJson(self): return { "LogID": self.LogID, "JobID": self.JobID, "LogDate": self.LogDate, "Status": self.Status, "Message": self.Message } def __dict__(self): return self.toJson() class DashboardLogger: def __init__(self): self.loggerdb = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(CONFIGURATION_PATH, 'db', 'wgdashboard_log.db'), check_same_thread=False) self.loggerdb.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.__createLogDatabase() self.log(Message="WGDashboard started") def __createLogDatabase(self): with self.loggerdb: loggerdbCursor = self.loggerdb.cursor() existingTable = loggerdbCursor.execute("SELECT name from sqlite_master where type='table'").fetchall() existingTable = [t['name'] for t in existingTable] if "DashboardLog" not in existingTable: loggerdbCursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE DashboardLog (LogID VARCHAR NOT NULL, LogDate DATETIME DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now', 'localtime')), URL VARCHAR, IP VARCHAR, Status VARCHAR, Message VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY (LogID))") if self.loggerdb.in_transaction: self.loggerdb.commit() def log(self, URL: str = "", IP: str = "", Status: str = "true", Message: str = "") -> bool: try: with self.loggerdb: loggerdbCursor = self.loggerdb.cursor() loggerdbCursor.execute( "INSERT INTO DashboardLog (LogID, URL, IP, Status, Message) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (str(uuid.uuid4()), URL, IP, Status, Message,)) if self.loggerdb.in_transaction: self.loggerdb.commit() return True except Exception as e: print(f"[WGDashboard] Access Log Error: {str(e)}") return False class PeerJobLogger: def __init__(self): self.loggerdb = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(CONFIGURATION_PATH, 'db', 'wgdashboard_log.db'), check_same_thread=False) self.loggerdb.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.logs:list(Log) = [] self.__createLogDatabase() def __createLogDatabase(self): with self.loggerdb: loggerdbCursor = self.loggerdb.cursor() existingTable = loggerdbCursor.execute("SELECT name from sqlite_master where type='table'").fetchall() existingTable = [t['name'] for t in existingTable] if "JobLog" not in existingTable: loggerdbCursor.execute("CREATE TABLE JobLog (LogID VARCHAR NOT NULL, JobID NOT NULL, LogDate DATETIME DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now', 'localtime')), Status VARCHAR NOT NULL, Message VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY (LogID))") if self.loggerdb.in_transaction: self.loggerdb.commit() def log(self, JobID: str, Status: bool = True, Message: str = "") -> bool: try: with self.loggerdb: loggerdbCursor = self.loggerdb.cursor() loggerdbCursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO JobLog (LogID, JobID, Status, Message) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (str(uuid.uuid4()), JobID, Status, Message,)) if self.loggerdb.in_transaction: self.loggerdb.commit() except Exception as e: print(f"[WGDashboard] Peer Job Log Error: {str(e)}") return False return True def getLogs(self, all: bool = False, configName = None) -> list[Log]: logs: list[Log] = [] try: allJobs = AllPeerJobs.getAllJobs(configName) allJobsID = ", ".join([f"'{x.JobID}'" for x in allJobs]) with self.loggerdb: loggerdbCursor = self.loggerdb.cursor() table = loggerdbCursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM JobLog WHERE JobID IN ({allJobsID}) ORDER BY LogDate DESC").fetchall() self.logs.clear() for l in table: logs.append( Log(l["LogID"], l["JobID"], l["LogDate"], l["Status"], l["Message"])) except Exception as e: return logs return logs class PeerJob: def __init__(self, JobID: str, Configuration: str, Peer: str, Field: str, Operator: str, Value: str, CreationDate: datetime, ExpireDate: datetime, Action: str): self.Action = Action self.ExpireDate = ExpireDate self.CreationDate = CreationDate self.Value = Value self.Operator = Operator self.Field = Field self.Configuration = Configuration self.Peer = Peer self.JobID = JobID def toJson(self): return { "JobID": self.JobID, "Configuration": self.Configuration, "Peer": self.Peer, "Field": self.Field, "Operator": self.Operator, "Value": self.Value, "CreationDate": self.CreationDate, "ExpireDate": self.ExpireDate, "Action": self.Action } def __dict__(self): return self.toJson() class PeerJobs: def __init__(self): self.Jobs: list[PeerJob] = [] self.jobdb = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(CONFIGURATION_PATH, 'db', 'wgdashboard_job.db'), check_same_thread=False) self.jobdb.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.__createPeerJobsDatabase() self.__getJobs() def __getJobs(self): self.Jobs.clear() with self.jobdb: jobdbCursor = self.jobdb.cursor() jobs = jobdbCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM PeerJobs WHERE ExpireDate IS NULL").fetchall() for job in jobs: self.Jobs.append(PeerJob( job['JobID'], job['Configuration'], job['Peer'], job['Field'], job['Operator'], job['Value'], job['CreationDate'], job['ExpireDate'], job['Action'])) def getAllJobs(self, configuration: str = None): if configuration is not None: with self.jobdb: jobdbCursor = self.jobdb.cursor() jobs = jobdbCursor.execute( f"SELECT * FROM PeerJobs WHERE Configuration = ?", (configuration, )).fetchall() j = [] for job in jobs: j.append(PeerJob( job['JobID'], job['Configuration'], job['Peer'], job['Field'], job['Operator'], job['Value'], job['CreationDate'], job['ExpireDate'], job['Action'])) return j return [] def __createPeerJobsDatabase(self): with self.jobdb: jobdbCursor = self.jobdb.cursor() existingTable = jobdbCursor.execute("SELECT name from sqlite_master where type='table'").fetchall() existingTable = [t['name'] for t in existingTable] if "PeerJobs" not in existingTable: jobdbCursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE PeerJobs (JobID VARCHAR NOT NULL, Configuration VARCHAR NOT NULL, Peer VARCHAR NOT NULL, Field VARCHAR NOT NULL, Operator VARCHAR NOT NULL, Value VARCHAR NOT NULL, CreationDate DATETIME, ExpireDate DATETIME, Action VARCHAR NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (JobID)) ''') self.jobdb.commit() def toJson(self): return [x.toJson() for x in self.Jobs] def searchJob(self, Configuration: str, Peer: str): return list(filter(lambda x: x.Configuration == Configuration and x.Peer == Peer, self.Jobs)) def saveJob(self, Job: PeerJob) -> tuple[bool, list] | tuple[bool, str]: try: with self.jobdb: jobdbCursor = self.jobdb.cursor() if (len(str(Job.CreationDate))) == 0: jobdbCursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO PeerJobs VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now'), NULL, ?) ''', (Job.JobID, Job.Configuration, Job.Peer, Job.Field, Job.Operator, Job.Value, Job.Action,)) JobLogger.log(Job.JobID, Message=f"Job is created if {Job.Field} {Job.Operator} {Job.Value} then {Job.Action}") else: currentJob = jobdbCursor.execute('SELECT * FROM PeerJobs WHERE JobID = ?', (Job.JobID, )).fetchone() if currentJob is not None: jobdbCursor.execute(''' UPDATE PeerJobs SET Field = ?, Operator = ?, Value = ?, Action = ? WHERE JobID = ? ''', (Job.Field, Job.Operator, Job.Value, Job.Action, Job.JobID)) JobLogger.log(Job.JobID, Message=f"Job is updated from if {currentJob['Field']} {currentJob['Operator']} {currentJob['value']} then {currentJob['Action']}; to if {Job.Field} {Job.Operator} {Job.Value} then {Job.Action}") self.jobdb.commit() self.__getJobs() return True, list( filter(lambda x: x.Configuration == Job.Configuration and x.Peer == Job.Peer and x.JobID == Job.JobID, self.Jobs)) except Exception as e: return False, str(e) def deleteJob(self, Job: PeerJob) -> tuple[bool, list] | tuple[bool, str]: try: if (len(str(Job.CreationDate))) == 0: return False, "Job does not exist" with self.jobdb: jobdbCursor = self.jobdb.cursor() jobdbCursor.execute(''' UPDATE PeerJobs SET ExpireDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now') WHERE JobID = ? ''', (Job.JobID,)) self.jobdb.commit() JobLogger.log(Job.JobID, Message=f"Job is removed due to being deleted or finshed.") self.__getJobs() return True, list( filter(lambda x: x.Configuration == Job.Configuration and x.Peer == Job.Peer and x.JobID == Job.JobID, self.Jobs)) except Exception as e: return False, str(e) def runJob(self): needToDelete = [] for job in self.Jobs: c = WireguardConfigurations.get(job.Configuration) if c is not None: f, fp = c.searchPeer(job.Peer) if f: if job.Field in ["total_receive", "total_sent", "total_data"]: s = job.Field.split("_")[1] x: float = getattr(fp, f"total_{s}") + getattr(fp, f"cumu_{s}") y: float = float(job.Value) else: x: datetime = y: datetime = datetime.strptime(job.Value, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") runAction: bool = self.__runJob_Compare(x, y, job.Operator) if runAction: s = False if job.Action == "restrict": s = c.restrictPeers([]).get_json() elif job.Action == "delete": s = c.deletePeers([]).get_json() if s['status'] is True: JobLogger.log(job.JobID, s["status"], f"Peer {} from {c.Name} is successfully {job.Action}ed." ) needToDelete.append(job) else: JobLogger.log(job.JobID, s["status"], f"Peer {} from {c.Name} failed {job.Action}ed." ) for j in needToDelete: self.deleteJob(j) def __runJob_Compare(self, x: float | datetime, y: float | datetime, operator: str): if operator == "eq": return x == y if operator == "neq": return x != y if operator == "lgt": return x > y if operator == "lst": return x < y class PeerShareLink: def __init__(self, ShareID:str, Configuration: str, Peer: str, ExpireDate: datetime, ShareDate: datetime): self.ShareID = ShareID self.Peer = Peer self.Configuration = Configuration self.ShareDate = ShareDate self.ExpireDate = ExpireDate def toJson(self): return { "ShareID": self.ShareID, "Peer": self.Peer, "Configuration": self.Configuration, "ExpireDate": self.ExpireDate } class PeerShareLinks: def __init__(self): self.Links: list[PeerShareLink] = [] existingTables = sqlSelect("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name = 'PeerShareLinks'").fetchall() if len(existingTables) == 0: sqlUpdate( """ CREATE TABLE PeerShareLinks ( ShareID VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Configuration VARCHAR NOT NULL, Peer VARCHAR NOT NULL, ExpireDate DATETIME, SharedDate DATETIME DEFAULT (datetime('now', 'localtime')) ) """ ) self.__getSharedLinks() def __getSharedLinks(self): self.Links.clear() allLinks = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM PeerShareLinks WHERE ExpireDate IS NULL OR ExpireDate > datetime('now', 'localtime')").fetchall() for link in allLinks: self.Links.append(PeerShareLink(*link)) def getLink(self, Configuration: str, Peer: str) -> list[PeerShareLink]: self.__getSharedLinks() return list(filter(lambda x : x.Configuration == Configuration and x.Peer == Peer, self.Links)) def getLinkByID(self, ShareID: str) -> list[PeerShareLink]: self.__getSharedLinks() return list(filter(lambda x : x.ShareID == ShareID, self.Links)) def addLink(self, Configuration: str, Peer: str, ExpireDate: datetime = None) -> tuple[bool, str]: try: newShareID = str(uuid.uuid4()) if len(self.getLink(Configuration, Peer)) > 0: sqlUpdate("UPDATE PeerShareLinks SET ExpireDate = datetime('now', 'localtime') WHERE Configuration = ? AND Peer = ?", (Configuration, Peer, )) sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO PeerShareLinks (ShareID, Configuration, Peer, ExpireDate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (newShareID, Configuration, Peer, ExpireDate, )) self.__getSharedLinks() except Exception as e: return False, str(e) return True, newShareID def updateLinkExpireDate(self, ShareID, ExpireDate: datetime = None) -> tuple[bool, str]: sqlUpdate("UPDATE PeerShareLinks SET ExpireDate = ? WHERE ShareID = ?;", (ExpireDate, ShareID, )) self.__getSharedLinks() return True, "" class WireguardConfiguration: class InvalidConfigurationFileException(Exception): def __init__(self, m): self.message = m def __str__(self): return self.message def __init__(self, name: str = None, data: dict = None): print(f"[WGDashboard] Initialized Configuration: {name}") self.__parser: configparser.ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) self.__parser.optionxform = str self.__configFileModifiedTime = None self.Status: bool = False self.Name: str = "" self.PrivateKey: str = "" self.PublicKey: str = "" self.ListenPort: str = "" self.Address: str = "" self.DNS: str = "" self.Table: str = "" self.MTU: str = "" self.PreUp: str = "" self.PostUp: str = "" self.PreDown: str = "" self.PostDown: str = "" self.SaveConfig: bool = True if name is not None: self.Name = name self.__parser.read_file(open(os.path.join(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path")[1], f'{self.Name}.conf'))) sections = self.__parser.sections() if "Interface" not in sections: raise self.InvalidConfigurationFileException( "[Interface] section not found in " + os.path.join(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path")[1], f'{self.Name}.conf')) interfaceConfig = dict(self.__parser.items("Interface", True)) for i in dir(self): if str(i) in interfaceConfig.keys(): if isinstance(getattr(self, i), bool): setattr(self, i, _strToBool(interfaceConfig[i])) else: setattr(self, i, interfaceConfig[i]) if self.PrivateKey: self.PublicKey = self.__getPublicKey() self.Status = self.getStatus() else: self.Name = data["ConfigurationName"] for i in dir(self): if str(i) in data.keys(): if isinstance(getattr(self, i), bool): setattr(self, i, _strToBool(data[i])) else: setattr(self, i, str(data[i])) # self.__createDatabase() self.__parser["Interface"] = { "PrivateKey": self.PrivateKey, "Address": self.Address, "ListenPort": self.ListenPort, "PreUp": self.PreUp, "PreDown": self.PreDown, "PostUp": self.PostUp, "PostDown": self.PostDown, "SaveConfig": "true" } with open(os.path.join(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path")[1], f"{self.Name}.conf"), "w+") as configFile: self.__parser.write(configFile) self.Peers: list[Peer] = [] # Create tables in database self.__createDatabase() self.getPeersList() self.getRestrictedPeersList() def __createDatabase(self): existingTables = sqlSelect("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'").fetchall() existingTables = [t['name'] for t in existingTables] if self.Name not in existingTables: sqlUpdate( """ CREATE TABLE '%s'( id VARCHAR NOT NULL, private_key VARCHAR NULL, DNS VARCHAR NULL, endpoint_allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, name VARCHAR NULL, total_receive FLOAT NULL, total_sent FLOAT NULL, total_data FLOAT NULL, endpoint VARCHAR NULL, status VARCHAR NULL, latest_handshake VARCHAR NULL, allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, cumu_receive FLOAT NULL, cumu_sent FLOAT NULL, cumu_data FLOAT NULL, mtu INT NULL, keepalive INT NULL, remote_endpoint VARCHAR NULL, preshared_key VARCHAR NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) """ % self.Name ) if f'{self.Name}_restrict_access' not in existingTables: sqlUpdate( """ CREATE TABLE '%s_restrict_access' ( id VARCHAR NOT NULL, private_key VARCHAR NULL, DNS VARCHAR NULL, endpoint_allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, name VARCHAR NULL, total_receive FLOAT NULL, total_sent FLOAT NULL, total_data FLOAT NULL, endpoint VARCHAR NULL, status VARCHAR NULL, latest_handshake VARCHAR NULL, allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, cumu_receive FLOAT NULL, cumu_sent FLOAT NULL, cumu_data FLOAT NULL, mtu INT NULL, keepalive INT NULL, remote_endpoint VARCHAR NULL, preshared_key VARCHAR NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) """ % self.Name ) if f'{self.Name}_transfer' not in existingTables: sqlUpdate( """ CREATE TABLE '%s_transfer' ( id VARCHAR NOT NULL, total_receive FLOAT NULL, total_sent FLOAT NULL, total_data FLOAT NULL, cumu_receive FLOAT NULL, cumu_sent FLOAT NULL, cumu_data FLOAT NULL, time DATETIME ) """ % self.Name ) if f'{self.Name}_deleted' not in existingTables: sqlUpdate( """ CREATE TABLE '%s_deleted' ( id VARCHAR NOT NULL, private_key VARCHAR NULL, DNS VARCHAR NULL, endpoint_allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, name VARCHAR NULL, total_receive FLOAT NULL, total_sent FLOAT NULL, total_data FLOAT NULL, endpoint VARCHAR NULL, status VARCHAR NULL, latest_handshake VARCHAR NULL, allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, cumu_receive FLOAT NULL, cumu_sent FLOAT NULL, cumu_data FLOAT NULL, mtu INT NULL, keepalive INT NULL, remote_endpoint VARCHAR NULL, preshared_key VARCHAR NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) """ % self.Name ) def __getPublicKey(self) -> str: return _generatePublicKey(self.PrivateKey)[1] def getStatus(self) -> bool: self.Status = self.Name in psutil.net_if_addrs().keys() return self.Status def __getRestrictedPeers(self): self.RestrictedPeers = [] restricted = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM '%s_restrict_access'" % self.Name).fetchall() for i in restricted: self.RestrictedPeers.append(Peer(i, self)) def configurationFileChanged(self) : mt = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path")[1], f'{self.Name}.conf')) changed = self.__configFileModifiedTime is None or self.__configFileModifiedTime != mt self.__configFileModifiedTime = mt return changed def __getPeers(self): if self.configurationFileChanged(): self.Peers = [] with open(os.path.join(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path")[1], f'{self.Name}.conf'), 'r') as configFile: p = [] pCounter = -1 content ='\n') try: peerStarts = content.index("[Peer]") content = content[peerStarts:] for i in content: if not regex_match("#(.*)", i) and not regex_match(";(.*)", i): if i == "[Peer]": pCounter += 1 p.append({}) p[pCounter]["name"] = "" else: if len(i) > 0: split = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1) if len(split) == 2: p[pCounter][split[0]] = split[1] if regex_match("#Name# = (.*)", i): split = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1) if len(split) == 2: p[pCounter]["name"] = split[1] for i in p: if "PublicKey" in i.keys(): checkIfExist = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM '%s' WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, ((i['PublicKey']),)).fetchone() if checkIfExist is None: newPeer = { "id": i['PublicKey'], "private_key": "", "DNS": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_global_DNS")[1], "endpoint_allowed_ip": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip")[ 1], "name": i.get("name"), "total_receive": 0, "total_sent": 0, "total_data": 0, "endpoint": "N/A", "status": "stopped", "latest_handshake": "N/A", "allowed_ip": i.get("AllowedIPs", "N/A"), "cumu_receive": 0, "cumu_sent": 0, "cumu_data": 0, "traffic": [], "mtu": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_mtu")[1], "keepalive": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_keep_alive")[1], "remote_endpoint": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "remote_endpoint")[1], "preshared_key": i["PresharedKey"] if "PresharedKey" in i.keys() else "" } sqlUpdate( """ INSERT INTO '%s' VALUES (:id, :private_key, :DNS, :endpoint_allowed_ip, :name, :total_receive, :total_sent, :total_data, :endpoint, :status, :latest_handshake, :allowed_ip, :cumu_receive, :cumu_sent, :cumu_data, :mtu, :keepalive, :remote_endpoint, :preshared_key); """ % self.Name , newPeer) self.Peers.append(Peer(newPeer, self)) else: sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET allowed_ip = ? WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, (i.get("AllowedIPs", "N/A"), i['PublicKey'],)) self.Peers.append(Peer(checkIfExist, self)) except Exception as e: if __name__ == '__main__': print(f"[WGDashboard] {self.Name} Error: {str(e)}") else: self.Peers.clear() checkIfExist = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM '%s'" % self.Name).fetchall() for i in checkIfExist: self.Peers.append(Peer(i, self)) def addPeers(self, peers: list): for p in peers: subprocess.check_output(f"wg set {self.Name} peer {p['id']} allowed-ips {p['allowed_ip']}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) subprocess.check_output( f"wg-quick save {self.Name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.getPeersList() def searchPeer(self, publicKey): for i in self.Peers: if == publicKey: return True, i return False, None def allowAccessPeers(self, listOfPublicKeys): if not self.getStatus(): self.toggleConfiguration() for i in listOfPublicKeys: p = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM '%s_restrict_access' WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, (i,)).fetchone() if p is not None: sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO '%s' SELECT * FROM %s_restrict_access WHERE id = ?" % (self.Name, self.Name,), (p['id'],)) sqlUpdate("DELETE FROM '%s_restrict_access' WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, (p['id'],)) presharedKeyExist = len(p['preshared_key']) > 0 rd = random.Random() uid = uuid.UUID(int=rd.getrandbits(128), version=4) if presharedKeyExist: with open(f"{uid}", "w+") as f: f.write(p['preshared_key']) subprocess.check_output(f"wg set {self.Name} peer {p['id']} allowed-ips {p['allowed_ip']}{f' preshared-key {uid}' if presharedKeyExist else ''}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: return ResponseObject(False, "Failed to allow access of peer " + i) if not self.__wgSave(): return ResponseObject(False, "Failed to save configuration through WireGuard") self.__getPeers() return ResponseObject(True, "Allow access successfully!") def restrictPeers(self, listOfPublicKeys): numOfRestrictedPeers = 0 numOfFailedToRestrictPeers = 0 if not self.getStatus(): self.toggleConfiguration() for p in listOfPublicKeys: found, pf = self.searchPeer(p) if found: try: subprocess.check_output(f"wg set {self.Name} peer {} remove", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO '%s_restrict_access' SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = ?" % (self.Name, self.Name,), (,)) sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s_restrict_access' SET status = 'stopped' WHERE id = ?" % (self.Name,), (,)) sqlUpdate("DELETE FROM '%s' WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, (,)) numOfRestrictedPeers += 1 except Exception as e: numOfFailedToRestrictPeers += 1 if not self.__wgSave(): return ResponseObject(False, "Failed to save configuration through WireGuard") self.__getPeers() if numOfRestrictedPeers == len(listOfPublicKeys): return ResponseObject(True, f"Restricted {numOfRestrictedPeers} peer(s)") return ResponseObject(False, f"Restricted {numOfRestrictedPeers} peer(s) successfully. Failed to restrict {numOfFailedToRestrictPeers} peer(s)") pass def deletePeers(self, listOfPublicKeys): numOfDeletedPeers = 0 numOfFailedToDeletePeers = 0 if not self.getStatus(): self.toggleConfiguration() for p in listOfPublicKeys: found, pf = self.searchPeer(p) if found: try: subprocess.check_output(f"wg set {self.Name} peer {} remove", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) sqlUpdate("DELETE FROM '%s' WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, (,)) numOfDeletedPeers += 1 except Exception as e: numOfFailedToDeletePeers += 1 if not self.__wgSave(): return ResponseObject(False, "Failed to save configuration through WireGuard") self.__getPeers() if numOfDeletedPeers == len(listOfPublicKeys): return ResponseObject(True, f"Deleted {numOfDeletedPeers} peer(s)") return ResponseObject(False, f"Deleted {numOfDeletedPeers} peer(s) successfully. Failed to delete {numOfFailedToDeletePeers} peer(s)") def __savePeers(self): for i in self.Peers: d = i.toJson() sqlUpdate( ''' UPDATE '%s' SET private_key = :private_key, DNS = :DNS, endpoint_allowed_ip = :endpoint_allowed_ip, name = :name, total_receive = :total_receive, total_sent = :total_sent, total_data = :total_data, endpoint = :endpoint, status = :status, latest_handshake = :latest_handshake, allowed_ip = :allowed_ip, cumu_receive = :cumu_receive, cumu_sent = :cumu_sent, cumu_data = :cumu_data, mtu = :mtu, keepalive = :keepalive, remote_endpoint = :remote_endpoint, preshared_key = :preshared_key WHERE id = :id ''' % self.Name, d ) def __wgSave(self) -> tuple[bool, str] | tuple[bool, None]: try: subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick save {self.Name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return True, None except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return False, str(e) def getPeersLatestHandshake(self): if not self.getStatus(): self.toggleConfiguration() try: latestHandshake = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {self.Name} latest-handshakes", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "stopped" latestHandshake = latestHandshake.decode("UTF-8").split() count = 0 now = time_delta = timedelta(minutes=2) for _ in range(int(len(latestHandshake) / 2)): minus = now - datetime.fromtimestamp(int(latestHandshake[count + 1])) if minus < time_delta: status = "running" else: status = "stopped" if int(latestHandshake[count + 1]) > 0: sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET latest_handshake = ?, status = ? WHERE id= ?" % self.Name , (str(minus).split(".", maxsplit=1)[0], status, latestHandshake[count],)) else: sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET latest_handshake = 'No Handshake', status = ? WHERE id= ?" % self.Name , (status, latestHandshake[count],)) count += 2 def getPeersTransfer(self): if not self.getStatus(): self.toggleConfiguration() try: data_usage = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {self.Name} transfer", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) data_usage = data_usage.decode("UTF-8").split("\n") data_usage = [p.split("\t") for p in data_usage] for i in range(len(data_usage)): if len(data_usage[i]) == 3: cur_i = sqlSelect( "SELECT total_receive, total_sent, cumu_receive, cumu_sent, status FROM '%s' WHERE id= ? " % self.Name, (data_usage[i][0],)).fetchone() if cur_i is not None: cur_i = dict(cur_i) total_sent = cur_i['total_sent'] total_receive = cur_i['total_receive'] cur_total_sent = float(data_usage[i][2]) / (1024 ** 3) cur_total_receive = float(data_usage[i][1]) / (1024 ** 3) cumulative_receive = cur_i['cumu_receive'] + total_receive cumulative_sent = cur_i['cumu_sent'] + total_sent if total_sent <= cur_total_sent and total_receive <= cur_total_receive: total_sent = cur_total_sent total_receive = cur_total_receive else: sqlUpdate( "UPDATE '%s' SET cumu_receive = ?, cumu_sent = ?, cumu_data = ? WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, (cumulative_receive, cumulative_sent, cumulative_sent + cumulative_receive, data_usage[i][0],)) total_sent = 0 total_receive = 0 _, p = self.searchPeer(data_usage[i][0]) if p.total_receive != total_receive or p.total_sent != total_sent: sqlUpdate( "UPDATE '%s' SET total_receive = ?, total_sent = ?, total_data = ? WHERE id = ?" % self.Name, (total_receive, total_sent, total_receive + total_sent, data_usage[i][0],)) except Exception as e: print(f"[WGDashboard] {self.Name} Error: {str(e)} {str(e.__traceback__)}") def getPeersEndpoint(self): if not self.getStatus(): self.toggleConfiguration() try: data_usage = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {self.Name} endpoints", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "stopped" data_usage = data_usage.decode("UTF-8").split() count = 0 for _ in range(int(len(data_usage) / 2)): sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET endpoint = ? WHERE id = ?" % self.Name , (data_usage[count + 1], data_usage[count],)) count += 2 def toggleConfiguration(self) -> [bool, str]: self.getStatus() if self.Status: try: check = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick down {self.Name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return False, str(exc.output.strip().decode("utf-8")) else: try: check = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick up {self.Name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return False, str(exc.output.strip().decode("utf-8")) self.getStatus() return True, None def getPeersList(self): self.__getPeers() return self.Peers def getRestrictedPeersList(self) -> list: self.__getRestrictedPeers() return self.RestrictedPeers def toJson(self): self.Status = self.getStatus() return { "Status": self.Status, "Name": self.Name, "PrivateKey": self.PrivateKey, "PublicKey": self.PublicKey, "Address": self.Address, "ListenPort": self.ListenPort, "PreUp": self.PreUp, "PreDown": self.PreDown, "PostUp": self.PostUp, "PostDown": self.PostDown, "SaveConfig": self.SaveConfig, "DataUsage": { "Total": sum(list(map(lambda x: x.cumu_data + x.total_data, self.Peers))), "Sent": sum(list(map(lambda x: x.cumu_sent + x.total_sent, self.Peers))), "Receive": sum(list(map(lambda x: x.cumu_receive + x.total_receive, self.Peers))) }, "ConnectedPeers": len(list(filter(lambda x: x.status == "running", self.Peers))) } class Peer: def __init__(self, tableData, configuration: WireguardConfiguration): self.configuration = configuration = tableData["id"] self.private_key = tableData["private_key"] self.DNS = tableData["DNS"] self.endpoint_allowed_ip = tableData["endpoint_allowed_ip"] = tableData["name"] self.total_receive = tableData["total_receive"] self.total_sent = tableData["total_sent"] self.total_data = tableData["total_data"] self.endpoint = tableData["endpoint"] self.status = tableData["status"] self.latest_handshake = tableData["latest_handshake"] self.allowed_ip = tableData["allowed_ip"] self.cumu_receive = tableData["cumu_receive"] self.cumu_sent = tableData["cumu_sent"] self.cumu_data = tableData["cumu_data"] self.mtu = tableData["mtu"] self.keepalive = tableData["keepalive"] self.remote_endpoint = tableData["remote_endpoint"] self.preshared_key = tableData["preshared_key"] list[PeerJob] = [] self.ShareLink: list[PeerShareLink] = [] self.getJobs() self.getShareLink() def toJson(self): self.getJobs() self.getShareLink() return self.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return str(self.toJson()) def updatePeer(self, name: str, private_key: str, preshared_key: str, dns_addresses: str, allowed_ip: str, endpoint_allowed_ip: str, mtu: int, keepalive: int) -> ResponseObject: if not self.configuration.getStatus(): self.configuration.toggleConfiguration() existingAllowedIps = [item for row in list( map(lambda x: [q.strip() for q in x.split(',')], map(lambda y: y.allowed_ip, list(filter(lambda k: !=, self.configuration.getPeersList()))))) for item in row] if allowed_ip in existingAllowedIps: return ResponseObject(False, "Allowed IP already taken by another peer") if not _checkIPWithRange(endpoint_allowed_ip): return ResponseObject(False, f"Endpoint Allowed IPs format is incorrect") if len(dns_addresses) > 0 and not _checkDNS(dns_addresses): return ResponseObject(False, f"DNS format is incorrect") if mtu < 0 or mtu > 1460: return ResponseObject(False, "MTU format is not correct") if keepalive < 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Persistent Keepalive format is not correct") if len(private_key) > 0: pubKey = _generatePublicKey(private_key) if not pubKey[0] or pubKey[1] != return ResponseObject(False, "Private key does not match with the public key") try: if len(preshared_key) > 0: rd = random.Random() uid = uuid.UUID(int=rd.getrandbits(128), version=4) with open(f"{uid}", "w+") as f: f.write(preshared_key) updatePsk = subprocess.check_output( f"wg set {self.configuration.Name} peer {} preshared-key {uid}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) os.remove(str(uid)) if len(updatePsk.decode().strip("\n")) != 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Update peer failed when updating Pre-Shared Key") updateAllowedIp = subprocess.check_output( f'wg set {self.configuration.Name} peer {} allowed-ips "{allowed_ip.replace(" ", "")}"', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if len(updateAllowedIp.decode().strip("\n")) != 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Update peer failed when updating Allowed IPs") saveConfig = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick save {self.configuration.Name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if f"wg showconf {self.configuration.Name}" not in saveConfig.decode().strip('\n'): return ResponseObject(False, "Update peer failed when saving the configuration") sqlUpdate( '''UPDATE '%s' SET name = ?, private_key = ?, DNS = ?, endpoint_allowed_ip = ?, mtu = ?, keepalive = ?, preshared_key = ? WHERE id = ?''' % self.configuration.Name, (name, private_key, dns_addresses, endpoint_allowed_ip, mtu, keepalive, preshared_key,,) ) return ResponseObject() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return ResponseObject(False, exc.output.decode("UTF-8").strip()) def downloadPeer(self) -> dict[str, str]: filename = if len(filename) == 0: filename = "UntitledPeer" filename = "".join(filename.split(' ')) filename = f"{filename}_{self.configuration.Name}" illegal_filename = [".", ",", "/", "?", "<", ">", "\\", ":", "*", '|' '\"', "com1", "com2", "com3", "com4", "com5", "com6", "com7", "com8", "com9", "lpt1", "lpt2", "lpt3", "lpt4", "lpt5", "lpt6", "lpt7", "lpt8", "lpt9", "con", "nul", "prn"] for i in illegal_filename: filename = filename.replace(i, "") peerConfiguration = f'''[Interface] PrivateKey = {self.private_key} Address = {self.allowed_ip} MTU = {str(self.mtu)} ''' if len(self.DNS) > 0: peerConfiguration += f"DNS = {self.DNS}\n" peerConfiguration += f''' [Peer] PublicKey = {self.configuration.PublicKey} AllowedIPs = {self.endpoint_allowed_ip} Endpoint = {DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "remote_endpoint")[1]}:{self.configuration.ListenPort} PersistentKeepalive = {str(self.keepalive)} ''' if len(self.preshared_key) > 0: peerConfiguration += f"PresharedKey = {self.preshared_key}\n" return { "fileName": filename, "file": peerConfiguration } def getJobs(self): = AllPeerJobs.searchJob(self.configuration.Name, def getShareLink(self): self.ShareLink = AllPeerShareLinks.getLink(self.configuration.Name, def resetDataUsage(self, type): try: if type == "total": sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET total_data = 0, cumu_data = 0, total_receive = 0, cumu_receive = 0, total_sent = 0, cumu_sent = 0 WHERE id = ?" % self.configuration.Name, (, )) elif type == "receive": sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET total_receive = 0, cumu_receive = 0 WHERE id = ?" % self.configuration.Name, (, )) elif type == "sent": sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET total_sent = 0, cumu_sent = 0 WHERE id = ?" % self.configuration.Name, (, )) else: return False except Exception as e: return False return True # Regex Match def regex_match(regex, text): pattern = re.compile(regex) return is not None def iPv46RegexCheck(ip): return re.match( r'((^\s*((([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))\s*$)|(^\s*((([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9a-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9a-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9a-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?\s*$))', ip) class DashboardAPIKey: def __init__(self, Key: str, CreatedAt: str, ExpiredAt: str): self.Key = Key self.CreatedAt = CreatedAt self.ExpiredAt = ExpiredAt def toJson(self): return self.__dict__ class DashboardConfig: def __init__(self): if not os.path.exists(DASHBOARD_CONF): open(DASHBOARD_CONF, "x") self.__config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) self.__config.read_file(open(DASHBOARD_CONF, "r+")) self.hiddenAttribute = ["totp_key"] self.__default = { "Account": { "username": "admin", "password": "admin", "enable_totp": "false", "totp_verified": "false", "totp_key": pyotp.random_base32() }, "Server": { "wg_conf_path": "/etc/wireguard", "app_prefix": "", "app_ip": "", "app_port": "10086", "auth_req": "true", "version": DASHBOARD_VERSION, "dashboard_refresh_interval": "60000", "dashboard_sort": "status", "dashboard_theme": "dark", "dashboard_api_key": "false", "dashboard_language": "en" }, "Peers": { "peer_global_DNS": "", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip": "", "peer_display_mode": "grid", "remote_endpoint": ifcfg.default_interface()['inet'] if ifcfg.default_interface() else '', "peer_MTU": "1420", "peer_keep_alive": "21" }, "Other": { "welcome_session": "true" }, "Database":{ "type": "sqlite" } } for section, keys in self.__default.items(): for key, value in keys.items(): exist, currentData = self.GetConfig(section, key) if not exist: self.SetConfig(section, key, value, True) self.__createAPIKeyTable() self.DashboardAPIKeys = self.__getAPIKeys() self.APIAccessed = False self.SetConfig("Server", "version", DASHBOARD_VERSION) def __createAPIKeyTable(self): existingTable = sqlSelect("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name = 'DashboardAPIKeys'").fetchall() if len(existingTable) == 0: sqlUpdate("CREATE TABLE DashboardAPIKeys (Key VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, CreatedAt DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now', 'localtime')), ExpiredAt VARCHAR)") def __getAPIKeys(self) -> list[DashboardAPIKey]: keys = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM DashboardAPIKeys WHERE ExpiredAt IS NULL OR ExpiredAt > datetime('now', 'localtime') ORDER BY CreatedAt DESC").fetchall() fKeys = [] for k in keys: fKeys.append(DashboardAPIKey(*k)) return fKeys def createAPIKeys(self, ExpiredAt = None): newKey = secrets.token_urlsafe(32) sqlUpdate('INSERT INTO DashboardAPIKeys (Key, ExpiredAt) VALUES (?, ?)', (newKey, ExpiredAt,)) self.DashboardAPIKeys = self.__getAPIKeys() def deleteAPIKey(self, key): sqlUpdate("UPDATE DashboardAPIKeys SET ExpiredAt = datetime('now', 'localtime') WHERE Key = ?", (key, )) self.DashboardAPIKeys = self.__getAPIKeys() def __configValidation(self, key, value: Any) -> [bool, str]: if type(value) is str and len(value) == 0: return False, "Field cannot be empty!" if key == "peer_global_dns": value = value.split(",") for i in value: try: ipaddress.ip_address(i) except ValueError as e: return False, str(e) if key == "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip": value = value.split(",") for i in value: try: ipaddress.ip_network(i, strict=False) except Exception as e: return False, str(e) if key == "wg_conf_path": if not os.path.exists(value): return False, f"{value} is not a valid path" if key == "password": if self.GetConfig("Account", "password")[0]: if not self.__checkPassword( value["currentPassword"], self.GetConfig("Account", "password")[1].encode("utf-8")): return False, "Current password does not match." if value["newPassword"] != value["repeatNewPassword"]: return False, "New passwords does not match" return True, "" def generatePassword(self, plainTextPassword: str): return bcrypt.hashpw(plainTextPassword.encode("utf-8"), bcrypt.gensalt()) def __checkPassword(self, plainTextPassword: str, hashedPassword: bytes): return bcrypt.checkpw(plainTextPassword.encode("utf-8"), hashedPassword) def SetConfig(self, section: str, key: str, value: any, init: bool = False) -> [bool, str]: if key in self.hiddenAttribute and not init: return False, None if not init: valid, msg = self.__configValidation(key, value) if not valid: return False, msg if section == "Account" and key == "password": if not init: value = self.generatePassword(value["newPassword"]).decode("utf-8") else: value = self.generatePassword(value).decode("utf-8") if section == "Server" and key == "wg_conf_path": if not os.path.exists(value): return False, "Path does not exist" if section not in self.__config: self.__config[section] = {} if key not in self.__config[section].keys() or value != self.__config[section][key]: if type(value) is bool: if value: self.__config[section][key] = "true" else: self.__config[section][key] = "false" else: self.__config[section][key] = value return self.SaveConfig(), "" return True, "" def SaveConfig(self) -> bool: try: with open(DASHBOARD_CONF, "w+", encoding='utf-8') as configFile: self.__config.write(configFile) return True except Exception as e: return False def GetConfig(self, section, key) -> [bool, any]: if section not in self.__config: return False, None if key not in self.__config[section]: return False, None if self.__config[section][key] in ["1", "yes", "true", "on"]: return True, True if self.__config[section][key] in ["0", "no", "false", "off"]: return True, False return True, self.__config[section][key] def toJson(self) -> dict[str, dict[Any, Any]]: the_dict = {} for section in self.__config.sections(): the_dict[section] = {} for key, val in self.__config.items(section): if key not in self.hiddenAttribute: if val in ["1", "yes", "true", "on"]: the_dict[section][key] = True elif val in ["0", "no", "false", "off"]: the_dict[section][key] = False else: the_dict[section][key] = val return the_dict ''' Private Functions ''' def _strToBool(value: str) -> bool: return value.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1", 1) def _regexMatch(regex, text): pattern = re.compile(regex) return is not None def _getConfigurationList(): for i in os.listdir(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path")[1]): if _regexMatch("^(.{1,}).(conf)$", i): i = i.replace('.conf', '') try: if i in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): if WireguardConfigurations[i].configurationFileChanged(): WireguardConfigurations[i] = WireguardConfiguration(i) else: WireguardConfigurations[i] = WireguardConfiguration(i) except WireguardConfiguration.InvalidConfigurationFileException as e: print(f"{i} have an invalid configuration file.") def _checkIPWithRange(ip): ip_patterns = ( r"((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|\/)){4}([0-9]{1,2})(,|$)", r"[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}(:([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4})){1,7}\/([0-9]{1,3})(,|$)" ) for match_pattern in ip_patterns: match_result = regex_match(match_pattern, ip) if match_result: result = match_result break else: result = None return result def _checkIP(ip): ip_patterns = ( r"((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4}", r"[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}(:([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4})){1,7}$" ) for match_pattern in ip_patterns: match_result = regex_match(match_pattern, ip) if match_result: result = match_result break else: result = None return result def _checkDNS(dns): dns = dns.replace(' ', '').split(',') for i in dns: if not (_checkIP(i) or regex_match(r"(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z][a-z]{0,61}[a-z]", i)): return False return True def _generatePublicKey(privateKey) -> tuple[bool, str] | tuple[bool, None]: try: publicKey = subprocess.check_output(f"wg pubkey", input=privateKey.encode(), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return True, publicKey.decode().strip('\n') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False, None def _generatePrivateKey() -> [bool, str]: try: publicKey = subprocess.check_output(f"wg genkey", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return True, publicKey.decode().strip('\n') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False, None def _getWireguardConfigurationAvailableIP(configName: str, all: bool = False) -> tuple[bool, list[str]] | tuple[bool, None]: if configName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return False, None configuration = WireguardConfigurations[configName] if len(configuration.Address) > 0: address = configuration.Address.split(',') existedAddress = [] availableAddress = [] for p in configuration.Peers: if len(p.allowed_ip) > 0: add = p.allowed_ip.split(',') for i in add: a, c = i.split('/') try: existedAddress.append(ipaddress.ip_address(a.replace(" ", ""))) except ValueError as error: print(f"[WGDashboard] Error: {configName} peer {} have invalid ip") for p in configuration.getRestrictedPeersList(): if len(p.allowed_ip) > 0: add = p.allowed_ip.split(',') for i in add: a, c = i.split('/') existedAddress.append(ipaddress.ip_address(a.replace(" ", ""))) for i in address: addressSplit, cidr = i.split('/') existedAddress.append(ipaddress.ip_address(addressSplit.replace(" ", ""))) for i in address: network = ipaddress.ip_network(i.replace(" ", ""), False) count = 0 for h in network.hosts(): if h not in existedAddress: availableAddress.append(ipaddress.ip_network(h).compressed) count += 1 if not all: if network.version == 6 and count > 255: break return True, availableAddress return False, None sqldb = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(CONFIGURATION_PATH, 'db', 'wgdashboard.db'), check_same_thread=False) sqldb.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = sqldb.cursor() def sqlSelect(statement: str, paramters: tuple = ()) -> sqlite3.Cursor: with sqldb: try: cursor = sqldb.cursor() return cursor.execute(statement, paramters) except sqlite3.OperationalError as error: print("[WGDashboard] SQLite Error:" + str(error) + " | Statement: " + statement) def sqlUpdate(statement: str, paramters: tuple = ()) -> sqlite3.Cursor: with sqldb: cursor = sqldb.cursor() try: cursor.execute(statement, paramters) sqldb.commit() except sqlite3.OperationalError as error: print("[WGDashboard] SQLite Error:" + str(error)) DashboardConfig = DashboardConfig() _, APP_PREFIX = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "app_prefix") cors = CORS(app, resources={rf"{APP_PREFIX}/api/*": { "origins": "*", "methods": "DELETE, POST, GET, OPTIONS", "allow_headers": ["Content-Type", "wg-dashboard-apikey"] }}) ''' API Routes ''' @app.before_request def auth_req(): if request.method.lower() == 'options': return ResponseObject(True) DashboardConfig.APIAccessed = False if "api" in request.path: if str(request.method) == "GET": DashboardLogger.log(str(request.url), str(request.remote_addr), Message=str(request.args)) elif str(request.method) == "POST": DashboardLogger.log(str(request.url), str(request.remote_addr), Message=f"Request Args: {str(request.args)} Body:{str(request.get_json())}") authenticationRequired = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "auth_req")[1] d = request.headers if authenticationRequired: apiKey = d.get('wg-dashboard-apikey') apiKeyEnabled = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "dashboard_api_key")[1] if apiKey is not None and len(apiKey) > 0 and apiKeyEnabled: apiKeyExist = len(list(filter(lambda x : x.Key == apiKey, DashboardConfig.DashboardAPIKeys))) == 1 DashboardLogger.log(str(request.url), str(request.remote_addr), Message=f"API Key Access: {('true' if apiKeyExist else 'false')} - Key: {apiKey}") if not apiKeyExist: DashboardConfig.APIAccessed = False response = Flask.make_response(app, { "status": False, "message": "API Key does not exist", "data": None }) response.content_type = "application/json" response.status_code = 401 return response DashboardConfig.APIAccessed = True else: DashboardConfig.APIAccessed = False if ('/static/' not in request.path and "username" not in session and (f"{(APP_PREFIX if len(APP_PREFIX) > 0 else '')}/" != request.path and f"{(APP_PREFIX if len(APP_PREFIX) > 0 else '')}" != request.path) and "validateAuthentication" not in request.path and "authenticate" not in request.path and "getDashboardConfiguration" not in request.path and "getDashboardTheme" not in request.path and "getDashboardVersion" not in request.path and "sharePeer/get" not in request.path and "isTotpEnabled" not in request.path and "locale" not in request.path ): response = Flask.make_response(app, { "status": False, "message": "Unauthorized access.", "data": None }) response.content_type = "application/json" response.status_code = 401 return response @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/handshake', methods=["GET", "OPTIONS"]) def API_ValidateAPIKey(): return ResponseObject(True) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/validateAuthentication', methods=["GET"]) def API_ValidateAuthentication(): token = request.cookies.get("authToken") + "" if token == "" or "username" not in session or session["username"] != token: return ResponseObject(False, "Invalid authentication.") return ResponseObject(True) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/authenticate', methods=['POST']) def API_AuthenticateLogin(): data = request.get_json() if DashboardConfig.APIAccessed: authToken = hashlib.sha256(f"{request.headers.get('wg-dashboard-apikey')}{}".encode()).hexdigest() session['username'] = authToken resp = ResponseObject(True, DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Other", "welcome_session")[1]) resp.set_cookie("authToken", authToken) session.permanent = True return resp valid = bcrypt.checkpw(data['password'].encode("utf-8"), DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "password")[1].encode("utf-8")) totpEnabled = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "enable_totp")[1] totpValid = False if totpEnabled: totpValid = pyotp.TOTP(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "totp_key")[1]).now() == data['totp'] if (valid and data['username'] == DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "username")[1] and ((totpEnabled and totpValid) or not totpEnabled) ): authToken = hashlib.sha256(f"{data['username']}{}".encode()).hexdigest() session['username'] = authToken resp = ResponseObject(True, DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Other", "welcome_session")[1]) resp.set_cookie("authToken", authToken) session.permanent = True DashboardLogger.log(str(request.url), str(request.remote_addr), Message=f"Login success: {data['username']}") return resp DashboardLogger.log(str(request.url), str(request.remote_addr), Message=f"Login failed: {data['username']}") if totpEnabled: return ResponseObject(False, "Sorry, your username, password or OTP is incorrect.") else: return ResponseObject(False, "Sorry, your username or password is incorrect.") @app.get(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/signout') def API_SignOut(): resp = ResponseObject(True, "") resp.delete_cookie("authToken") return resp @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getWireguardConfigurations', methods=["GET"]) def API_getWireguardConfigurations(): _getConfigurationList() return ResponseObject(data=[wc for wc in WireguardConfigurations.values()]) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/addWireguardConfiguration', methods=["POST"]) def API_addWireguardConfiguration(): data = request.get_json() keys = [ "ConfigurationName", "Address", "ListenPort", "PrivateKey", "PublicKey", "PresharedKey", "PreUp", "PreDown", "PostUp", "PostDown", ] requiredKeys = [ "ConfigurationName", "Address", "ListenPort", "PrivateKey" ] for i in keys: if i not in data.keys() or (i in requiredKeys and len(str(data[i])) == 0): return ResponseObject(False, "Please provide all required parameters.") # Check duplicate names, ports, address for i in WireguardConfigurations.values(): if i.Name == data['ConfigurationName']: return ResponseObject(False, f"Already have a configuration with the name \"{data['ConfigurationName']}\"", "ConfigurationName") if str(i.ListenPort) == str(data["ListenPort"]): return ResponseObject(False, f"Already have a configuration with the port \"{data['ListenPort']}\"", "ListenPort") if i.Address == data["Address"]: return ResponseObject(False, f"Already have a configuration with the address \"{data['Address']}\"", "Address") WireguardConfigurations[data['ConfigurationName']] = WireguardConfiguration(data=data) return ResponseObject() @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/toggleWireguardConfiguration/') def API_toggleWireguardConfiguration(): configurationName = request.args.get('configurationName') if configurationName is None or len( configurationName) == 0 or configurationName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Please provide a valid configuration name") toggleStatus, msg = WireguardConfigurations[configurationName].toggleConfiguration() return ResponseObject(toggleStatus, msg, WireguardConfigurations[configurationName].Status) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getDashboardConfiguration', methods=["GET"]) def API_getDashboardConfiguration(): return ResponseObject(data=DashboardConfig.toJson()) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/updateDashboardConfigurationItem', methods=["POST"]) def API_updateDashboardConfigurationItem(): data = request.get_json() if "section" not in data.keys() or "key" not in data.keys() or "value" not in data.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Invalid request.") valid, msg = DashboardConfig.SetConfig( data["section"], data["key"], data['value']) if not valid: return ResponseObject(False, msg) if data['section'] == "Server": if data['key'] == 'wg_conf_path': WireguardConfigurations.clear() _getConfigurationList() return ResponseObject() @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getDashboardAPIKeys', methods=['GET']) def API_getDashboardAPIKeys(): if DashboardConfig.GetConfig('Server', 'dashboard_api_key'): return ResponseObject(data=DashboardConfig.DashboardAPIKeys) return ResponseObject(False, "WGDashboard API Keys function is disabled") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/newDashboardAPIKey', methods=['POST']) def API_newDashboardAPIKey(): data = request.get_json() if DashboardConfig.GetConfig('Server', 'dashboard_api_key'): try: if data['neverExpire']: expiredAt = None else: expiredAt = datetime.strptime(data['ExpiredAt'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') DashboardConfig.createAPIKeys(expiredAt) return ResponseObject(True, data=DashboardConfig.DashboardAPIKeys) except Exception as e: return ResponseObject(False, str(e)) return ResponseObject(False, "Dashboard API Keys function is disbaled") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/deleteDashboardAPIKey', methods=['POST']) def API_deleteDashboardAPIKey(): data = request.get_json() if DashboardConfig.GetConfig('Server', 'dashboard_api_key'): if len(data['Key']) > 0 and len(list(filter(lambda x : x.Key == data['Key'], DashboardConfig.DashboardAPIKeys))) > 0: DashboardConfig.deleteAPIKey(data['Key']) return ResponseObject(True, data=DashboardConfig.DashboardAPIKeys) return ResponseObject(False, "Dashboard API Keys function is disbaled") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/updatePeerSettings/', methods=['POST']) def API_updatePeerSettings(configName): data = request.get_json() id = data['id'] if len(id) > 0 and configName in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): name = data['name'] private_key = data['private_key'] dns_addresses = data['DNS'] allowed_ip = data['allowed_ip'] endpoint_allowed_ip = data['endpoint_allowed_ip'] preshared_key = data['preshared_key'] mtu = data['mtu'] keepalive = data['keepalive'] wireguardConfig = WireguardConfigurations[configName] foundPeer, peer = wireguardConfig.searchPeer(id) if foundPeer: return peer.updatePeer(name, private_key, preshared_key, dns_addresses, allowed_ip, endpoint_allowed_ip, mtu, keepalive) return ResponseObject(False, "Peer does not exist") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/resetPeerData/', methods=['POST']) def API_resetPeerData(configName): data = request.get_json() id = data['id'] type = data['type'] if len(id) == 0 or configName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration/Peer does not exist") wgc = WireguardConfigurations.get(configName) foundPeer, peer = wgc.searchPeer(id) if not foundPeer: return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration/Peer does not exist") return ResponseObject(status=peer.resetDataUsage(type)) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/deletePeers/', methods=['POST']) def API_deletePeers(configName: str) -> ResponseObject: data = request.get_json() peers = data['peers'] if configName in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): if len(peers) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify one or more peers") configuration = WireguardConfigurations.get(configName) return configuration.deletePeers(peers) return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration does not exist") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/restrictPeers/', methods=['POST']) def API_restrictPeers(configName: str) -> ResponseObject: data = request.get_json() peers = data['peers'] if configName in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): if len(peers) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify one or more peers") configuration = WireguardConfigurations.get(configName) return configuration.restrictPeers(peers) return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration does not exist") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/sharePeer/create', methods=['POST']) def API_sharePeer_create(): data: dict[str, str] = request.get_json() Configuration = data.get('Configuration') Peer = data.get('Peer') ExpireDate = data.get('ExpireDate') if Configuration is None or Peer is None: return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify configuration and peers") activeLink = AllPeerShareLinks.getLink(Configuration, Peer) if len(activeLink) > 0: return ResponseObject(False, "This peer is already sharing, please stop sharing first.") status, message = AllPeerShareLinks.addLink(Configuration, Peer, ExpireDate) if not status: return ResponseObject(status, message) return ResponseObject(data=AllPeerShareLinks.getLinkByID(message)) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/sharePeer/update', methods=['POST']) def API_sharePeer_update(): data: dict[str, str] = request.get_json() ShareID: str = data.get("ShareID") ExpireDate: str = data.get("ExpireDate") if ShareID is None: return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify ShareID") if len(AllPeerShareLinks.getLinkByID(ShareID)) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "ShareID does not exist") status, message = AllPeerShareLinks.updateLinkExpireDate(ShareID, ExpireDate) if not status: return ResponseObject(status, message) return ResponseObject(data=AllPeerShareLinks.getLinkByID(ShareID)) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/sharePeer/get', methods=['GET']) def API_sharePeer_get(): data = request.args ShareID = data.get("ShareID") if ShareID is None or len(ShareID) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Please provide ShareID") link = AllPeerShareLinks.getLinkByID(ShareID) if len(link) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "This link is either expired to invalid") l = link[0] if l.Configuration not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "The peer you're looking for does not exist") c = WireguardConfigurations.get(l.Configuration) fp, p = c.searchPeer(l.Peer) if not fp: return ResponseObject(False, "The peer you're looking for does not exist") return ResponseObject(data=p.downloadPeer()) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/allowAccessPeers/', methods=['POST']) def API_allowAccessPeers(configName: str) -> ResponseObject: data = request.get_json() peers = data['peers'] if configName in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): if len(peers) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify one or more peers") configuration = WireguardConfigurations.get(configName) return configuration.allowAccessPeers(peers) return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration does not exist") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/addPeers/', methods=['POST']) def API_addPeers(configName): data = request.get_json() bulkAdd = data['bulkAdd'] bulkAddAmount = data['bulkAddAmount'] public_key = data['public_key'] allowed_ips = data['allowed_ips'] endpoint_allowed_ip = data['endpoint_allowed_ip'] dns_addresses = data['DNS'] mtu = data['mtu'] keep_alive = data['keepalive'] preshared_key = data['preshared_key'] preshared_key_bulkAdd: bool = data['preshared_key_bulkAdd'] if configName in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): config = WireguardConfigurations.get(configName) if (not bulkAdd and (len(public_key) == 0 or len(allowed_ips) == 0)) or len(endpoint_allowed_ip) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Please fill in all required box") if not config.getStatus(): config.toggleConfiguration() availableIps = _getWireguardConfigurationAvailableIP(configName) if bulkAdd: if bulkAddAmount < 1: return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify amount of peers you want to add") if not availableIps[0]: return ResponseObject(False, "No more available IP can assign") if bulkAddAmount > len(availableIps[1]): return ResponseObject(False, f"The maximum number of peers can add is {len(availableIps[1])}") keyPairs = [] for i in range(bulkAddAmount): newPrivateKey = _generatePrivateKey()[1] keyPairs.append({ "private_key": newPrivateKey, "id": _generatePublicKey(newPrivateKey)[1], "preshared_key": (_generatePrivateKey()[1] if preshared_key_bulkAdd else ""), "allowed_ip": availableIps[1][i], "name": f"BulkPeer #{(i + 1)}_{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}" }) if len(keyPairs) == 0: return ResponseObject(False, "Generating key pairs by bulk failed") config.addPeers(keyPairs) for kp in keyPairs: found, peer = config.searchPeer(kp['id']) if found: if not peer.updatePeer(kp['name'], kp['private_key'], kp['preshared_key'], dns_addresses, kp['allowed_ip'], endpoint_allowed_ip, mtu, keep_alive): return ResponseObject(False, "Failed to add peers in bulk") return ResponseObject() else: if config.searchPeer(public_key)[0] is True: return ResponseObject(False, f"This peer already exist") name = data['name'] private_key = data['private_key'] for i in allowed_ips: if i not in availableIps[1]: return ResponseObject(False, f"This IP is not available: {i}") config.addPeers([{"id": public_key, "allowed_ip": ','.join(allowed_ips)}]) found, peer = config.searchPeer(public_key) if found: return peer.updatePeer(name, private_key, preshared_key, dns_addresses, ",".join(allowed_ips), endpoint_allowed_ip, mtu, keep_alive) return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration does not exist") @app.route(f"{APP_PREFIX}/api/downloadPeer/") def API_downloadPeer(configName): data = request.args if configName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration does not exist") configuration = WireguardConfigurations[configName] peerFound, peer = configuration.searchPeer(data['id']) if len(data['id']) == 0 or not peerFound: return ResponseObject(False, "Peer does not exist") return ResponseObject(data=peer.downloadPeer()) @app.route(f"{APP_PREFIX}/api/downloadAllPeers/") def API_downloadAllPeers(configName): if configName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration does not exist") configuration = WireguardConfigurations[configName] peerData = [] untitledPeer = 0 for i in configuration.Peers: file = i.downloadPeer() if file["fileName"] == "UntitledPeer_" + configName: file["fileName"] = str(untitledPeer) + "_" + file["fileName"] untitledPeer += 1 peerData.append(file) return ResponseObject(data=peerData) @app.route(f"{APP_PREFIX}/api/getAvailableIPs/") def API_getAvailableIPs(configName): status, ips = _getWireguardConfigurationAvailableIP(configName) return ResponseObject(status=status, data=ips) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getWireguardConfigurationInfo', methods=["GET"]) def API_getConfigurationInfo(): configurationName = request.args.get("configurationName") if not configurationName or configurationName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Please provide configuration name") return ResponseObject(data={ "configurationInfo": WireguardConfigurations[configurationName], "configurationPeers": WireguardConfigurations[configurationName].getPeersList(), "configurationRestrictedPeers": WireguardConfigurations[configurationName].getRestrictedPeersList() }) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getDashboardTheme') def API_getDashboardTheme(): return ResponseObject(data=DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "dashboard_theme")[1]) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getDashboardVersion') def API_getDashboardVersion(): return ResponseObject(data=DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "version")[1]) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/savePeerScheduleJob/', methods=["POST"]) def API_savePeerScheduleJob(): data = request.json if "Job" not in data.keys() not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify job") job: dict = data['Job'] if "Peer" not in job.keys() or "Configuration" not in job.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify peer and configuration") configuration = WireguardConfigurations.get(job['Configuration']) f, fp = configuration.searchPeer(job['Peer']) if not f: return ResponseObject(False, "Peer does not exist") s, p = AllPeerJobs.saveJob(PeerJob( job['JobID'], job['Configuration'], job['Peer'], job['Field'], job['Operator'], job['Value'], job['CreationDate'], job['ExpireDate'], job['Action'])) if s: return ResponseObject(s, data=p) return ResponseObject(s, message=p) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/deletePeerScheduleJob/', methods=['POST']) def API_deletePeerScheduleJob(): data = request.json if "Job" not in data.keys() not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify job") job: dict = data['Job'] if "Peer" not in job.keys() or "Configuration" not in job.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify peer and configuration") configuration = WireguardConfigurations.get(job['Configuration']) f, fp = configuration.searchPeer(job['Peer']) if not f: return ResponseObject(False, "Peer does not exist") s, p = AllPeerJobs.deleteJob(PeerJob( job['JobID'], job['Configuration'], job['Peer'], job['Field'], job['Operator'], job['Value'], job['CreationDate'], job['ExpireDate'], job['Action'])) if s: return ResponseObject(s, data=p) return ResponseObject(s, message=p) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getPeerScheduleJobLogs/', methods=['GET']) def API_getPeerScheduleJobLogs(configName): if configName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Configuration does not exist") data = request.args.get("requestAll") requestAll = False if data is not None and data == "true": requestAll = True return ResponseObject(data=JobLogger.getLogs(requestAll, configName)) ''' Tools ''' @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/ping/getAllPeersIpAddress') def API_ping_getAllPeersIpAddress(): ips = {} for c in WireguardConfigurations.values(): cips = {} for p in c.Peers: allowed_ip = p.allowed_ip.replace(" ", "").split(",") parsed = [] for x in allowed_ip: try: ip = ipaddress.ip_network(x, strict=False) except ValueError as e: print(f"{} - {c.Name}") if len(list(ip.hosts())) == 1: parsed.append(str(ip.hosts()[0])) endpoint = p.endpoint.replace(" ", "").replace("(none)", "") if len( > 0: cips[f"{} - {}"] = { "allowed_ips": parsed, "endpoint": endpoint } else: cips[f"{}"] = { "allowed_ips": parsed, "endpoint": endpoint } ips[c.Name] = cips return ResponseObject(data=ips) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/ping/execute') def API_ping_execute(): if "ipAddress" in request.args.keys() and "count" in request.args.keys(): ip = request.args['ipAddress'] count = request.args['count'] try: if ip is not None and len(ip) > 0 and count is not None and count.isnumeric(): result = ping(ip, count=int(count), source=None) return ResponseObject(data={ "address": result.address, "is_alive": result.is_alive, "min_rtt": result.min_rtt, "avg_rtt": result.avg_rtt, "max_rtt": result.max_rtt, "package_sent": result.packets_sent, "package_received": result.packets_received, "package_loss": result.packet_loss }) return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify an IP Address (v4/v6)") except Exception as exp: return ResponseObject(False, exp) return ResponseObject(False, "Please provide ipAddress and count") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/traceroute/execute') def API_traceroute_execute(): if "ipAddress" in request.args.keys() and len(request.args.get("ipAddress")) > 0: ipAddress = request.args.get('ipAddress') try: tracerouteResult = traceroute(ipAddress) result = [] for hop in tracerouteResult: if len(result) > 1: skipped = False for i in range(result[-1]["hop"] + 1, hop.distance): result.append( { "hop": i, "ip": "*", "avg_rtt": "*", "min_rtt": "*", "max_rtt": "*" } ) skip = True if skipped: continue result.append( { "hop": hop.distance, "ip": hop.address, "avg_rtt": hop.avg_rtt, "min_rtt": hop.min_rtt, "max_rtt": hop.max_rtt }) return ResponseObject(data=result) except Exception as exp: return ResponseObject(False, exp) else: return ResponseObject(False, "Please provide ipAddress") @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getDashboardUpdate') def API_getDashboardUpdate(): import urllib.request as req try: r = req.urlopen("", timeout=5).read() data = dict(json.loads(r)) tagName = data.get('tag_name') htmlUrl = data.get('html_url') if tagName is not None and htmlUrl is not None: if tagName != DASHBOARD_VERSION: return ResponseObject(message=f"{tagName} is now available for update!", data=htmlUrl) else: return ResponseObject(message="You're on the latest version") return ResponseObject(False) except urllib.error.HTTPError and urllib.error.URLError as e: return ResponseObject(False, f"Request to GitHub API failed.") ''' Sign Up ''' @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/isTotpEnabled') def API_isTotpEnabled(): return ( ResponseObject(data=DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "enable_totp")[1] and DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "totp_verified")[1])) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/Welcome_GetTotpLink') def API_Welcome_GetTotpLink(): if not DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "totp_verified")[1]: DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Account", "totp_key", pyotp.random_base32()) return ResponseObject( data=pyotp.totp.TOTP(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "totp_key")[1]).provisioning_uri( issuer_name="WGDashboard")) return ResponseObject(False) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/Welcome_VerifyTotpLink', methods=["POST"]) def API_Welcome_VerifyTotpLink(): data = request.get_json() totp = pyotp.TOTP(DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Account", "totp_key")[1]).now() if totp == data['totp']: DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Account", "totp_verified", "true") DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Account", "enable_totp", "true") return ResponseObject(totp == data['totp']) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/Welcome_Finish', methods=["POST"]) def API_Welcome_Finish(): data = request.get_json() if DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Other", "welcome_session")[1]: if data["username"] == "": return ResponseObject(False, "Username cannot be blank.") if data["newPassword"] == "" or len(data["newPassword"]) < 8: return ResponseObject(False, "Password must be at least 8 characters") updateUsername, updateUsernameErr = DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Account", "username", data["username"]) updatePassword, updatePasswordErr = DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Account", "password", { "newPassword": data["newPassword"], "repeatNewPassword": data["repeatNewPassword"], "currentPassword": "admin" }) if not updateUsername or not updatePassword: return ResponseObject(False, f"{updateUsernameErr},{updatePasswordErr}".strip(",")) DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Other", "welcome_session", False) return ResponseObject() class Locale: def __init__(self): self.localePath = './static/locale/' self.activeLanguages = {} with open(os.path.join(f"{self.localePath}active_languages.json"), "r") as f: self.activeLanguages = json.loads(''.join(f.readlines())) def getLanguage(self) -> dict | None: currentLanguage = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "dashboard_language")[1] if currentLanguage == "en": return None if os.path.exists(os.path.join(f"{self.localePath}{currentLanguage}.json")): with open(os.path.join(f"{self.localePath}{currentLanguage}.json"), "r") as f: return dict(json.loads(''.join(f.readlines()))) else: return None def updateLanguage(self, lang_id): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(f"{self.localePath}{lang_id}.json")): DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Server", "dashboard_language", "en") else: DashboardConfig.SetConfig("Server", "dashboard_language", lang_id) Locale = Locale() @app.get(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/locale') def API_Locale_CurrentLang(): return ResponseObject(data=Locale.getLanguage()) @app.get(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/locale/available') def API_Locale_Available(): return ResponseObject(data=Locale.activeLanguages)'{APP_PREFIX}/api/locale/update') def API_Locale_Update(): data = request.get_json() if 'lang_id' not in data.keys(): return ResponseObject(False, "Please specify a lang_id") Locale.updateLanguage(data['lang_id']) return ResponseObject(data=Locale.getLanguage()) @app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/', methods=['GET']) def index(): """ Index page related @return: Template """ return render_template('index.html', APP_PREFIX=APP_PREFIX) def backGroundThread(): global WireguardConfigurations print(f"[WGDashboard] Background Thread #1 Started", flush=True) time.sleep(10) while True: with app.app_context(): for c in WireguardConfigurations.values(): if c.getStatus(): try: c.getPeersTransfer() c.getPeersLatestHandshake() c.getPeersEndpoint() c.getPeersList() c.getRestrictedPeersList() except Exception as e: print(f"[WGDashboard] Background Thread #1 Error: {str(e)}", flush=True) time.sleep(10) def peerJobScheduleBackgroundThread(): with app.app_context(): print(f"[WGDashboard] Background Thread #2 Started", flush=True) time.sleep(10) while True: AllPeerJobs.runJob() time.sleep(180) def gunicornConfig(): _, app_ip = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "app_ip") _, app_port = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "app_port") return app_ip, app_port AllPeerShareLinks: PeerShareLinks = PeerShareLinks() AllPeerJobs: PeerJobs = PeerJobs() JobLogger: PeerJobLogger = PeerJobLogger() DashboardLogger: DashboardLogger = DashboardLogger() _, app_ip = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "app_ip") _, app_port = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "app_port") _, WG_CONF_PATH = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path") WireguardConfigurations: dict[str, WireguardConfiguration] = {} _getConfigurationList() def startThreads(): bgThread = threading.Thread(target=backGroundThread) bgThread.daemon = True bgThread.start() scheduleJobThread = threading.Thread(target=peerJobScheduleBackgroundThread) scheduleJobThread.daemon = True scheduleJobThread.start() if __name__ == "__main__": startThreads(), debug=False, port=app_port)