#!/bin/bash echo "------------------------- START ----------------------------" echo "Starting the WireGuard Dashboard Docker container." ensure_installation() { # When using a custom directory to store the files, this part moves over and makes sure the installation continues. echo "Checking if everything is present." if [ -z "$(ls -A "${WGDASH}")" ]; then echo "Detected empty directory, moving over..." mv /setup/app/* "${WGDASH}" python3 -m venv "${WGDASH}"/src/venv . "${WGDASH}/src/venv/bin/activate" chmod +x "${WGDASH}"/src/wgd.sh cd "${WGDASH}"/src || exit ./wgd.sh install echo "Looks like the installation succesfully moved over." else echo "Looks like everything is present." fi # This first step is to ensure the wg0.conf file exists, and if not, then its copied over from the ephemeral container storage. if [ ! -f "/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf" ]; then echo "Standard wg0 Configuration file not found, grabbing template." cp "/setup/conf/wg0.conf" "/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf" echo "Setting a secure private key." local privateKey privateKey=$(wg genkey) sed -i "s|^PrivateKey =$|PrivateKey = ${privateKey}|g" /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf sed -i "s|^PrivateKey *=.*$|PrivateKey = ${privateKey}|g" /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf echo "Done setting template." else echo "Existing wg0 configuration file found, using that." fi } # === CLEAN UP === clean_up() { printf "\n------------------------ CLEAN UP --------------------------\n" # Cleaning out previous data such as the .pid file and starting the WireGuard Dashboard. Making sure to use the python venv. echo "Looking for remains of previous instances..." local pid_file="${WGDASH}/src/gunicorn.pid" if [ -f "$pid_file" ]; then echo "Found old pid file, removing." rm $pid_file else echo "No pid remains found, continuing." fi # Also check for Python caches (pycache) inspired by https://github.com/shuricksumy local pycache="${WGDASH}/src/__pycache__" if [ -d "$pycache" ]; then local pycache_filecount=$(find "$pycache" -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l) if [ "$pycache_filecount" -gt 0 ]; then echo "Found old pycaches, removing." rm -rf "$pycache"/* else echo "No pycaches found, continuing." fi else echo "No pycaches found, continuing." fi local logdir="${WGDASH}/src/log" echo "Cleaning log directory." find /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log -name 'access_*.log' -exec rm {} + find /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log -name 'error_*.log' -exec rm {} + echo "Removed unneeded logs!" } #update_checker() { #if [ "$update" = "yes" ]; then # echo "Activating Python venv and executing the WireGuard Dashboard service." # . "${WGDASH}/src/venv/bin/activate" # cd "${WGDASH}"/src || exit # bash wgd.sh update #else # echo "Auto Updater disabled" #fi #} # === SET ENV VARS === set_envvars() { printf "\n------------- SETTING ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ----------------\n" # If the timezone is different, for example in North-America or Asia. if [ "${TZ}" != "$(cat /etc/localtime)" ]; then echo "Changing timezone." ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/"${TZ}" /etc/localtime echo "${TZ}" > /etc/timezone else echo "Timezone is set correctly." fi # Changing the DNS used for clients and the dashboard itself. if [ "${global_dns}" != "$(grep "peer_global_dns = " /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/wg-dashboard.ini | awk '{print $NF}')" ]; then echo "Changing default dns." #sed -i "s/^DNS = .*/DNS = ${global_dns}/" /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf # Uncomment if you want to have DNS on server-level. sed -i "s/^peer_global_dns = .*/peer_global_dns = ${global_dns}/" /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/wg-dashboard.ini else echo "DNS is set correctly." fi # Setting the public IP of the WireGuard Dashboard container host. If not defined, it will trying fetching it using a curl to ifconfig.me. if [ "${public_ip}" = "" ]; then default_ip=$(curl -s ifconfig.me) echo "Trying to fetch the Public-IP using ifconfig.me: ${default_ip}" sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = ${default_ip}/" /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/wg-dashboard.ini elif [ "${public_ip}" != "$(grep "remote_endpoint = " /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/wg-dashboard.ini | awk '{print $NF}')" ]; then echo "Setting the Public-IP using given variable: ${public_ip}" sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = ${public_ip}/" /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/wg-dashboard.ini fi } # === CORE SERVICES === start_core() { printf "\n---------------------- STARTING CORE -----------------------\n" echo "Activating Python venv and executing the WireGuard Dashboard service." . "${WGDASH}"/src/venv/bin/activate cd "${WGDASH}"/src || return # If changing the directory fails (permission or presence error), then bash will exist this function, causing the WireGuard Dashboard to not be succesfully launched. bash wgd.sh start # Isolated peers feature, first converting the existing configuration files and the given names to arrays. local configurations=(/etc/wireguard/*) IFS=',' read -r -a do_isolate <<< "${isolate}" non_isolate=() # Checking if there are matches between the two arrays. for config in "${configurations[@]}"; do local config=$(echo "$config" | sed -e 's|.*/etc/wireguard/||' -e 's|\.conf$||') found=false for interface in "${do_isolate[@]}"; do if [[ "$config" == "$interface" ]]; then found=true break fi done if [ "$found" = false ]; then non_isolate+=("$config") fi done # Isolating the matches. for interface in "${do_isolate[@]}"; do if [ "$interface" = "none" ]; then echo "Found: $interface, stopping isolation checking." break else if [ -f "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" ]; then echo "Isolating interface:" $interface upblocking=$(grep -c "PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf) downblocking=$(grep -c "PreDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf) if [ "$upblocking" -lt 1 ] && [ "$downblocking" -lt 1 ]; then sed -i "/PostUp =/a PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf sed -i "/PreDown =/a PreDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP" /etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf fi else echo "Configuration for $interface does not seem to exist, continuing." fi fi done # Removing isolation for the configurations that did not match. for interface in "${non_isolate[@]}"; do if [ -f "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" ]; then echo "Removing Isolation if present for:" $interface sed -i "/PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP/d" /etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf sed -i "/PreDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${interface} -o ${interface} -j DROP/d" /etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf else echo "Configuration for $interface does not seem to exist, continuing." fi done # The following section takes care of enabling wireguard interfaces on startup. Using arrays and given arguments. IFS=',' read -r -a enable_array <<< "${enable}" for interface in "${enable_array[@]}"; do if [ "$interface" = "none" ]; then echo "Found: $interface, stopping enabling checking." break else echo "Enabling interface:" $interface local fileperms=$(stat -c "%a" /etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf) if [ $fileperms -eq 644 ]; then echo "Configuration is world accessible, adjusting." chmod 600 "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" fi if [ -f "/etc/wireguard/${interface}.conf" ]; then wg-quick up $interface else echo "No corresponding configuration file found for $interface doing nothing." fi fi done } # === CLEAN UP === ensure_blocking() { printf "\n-------------- ENSURING CONTAINER CONTINUATION -------------\n" sleep 1s echo "Ensuring container continuation." # This function checks if the latest error log is created and tails it for docker logs uses. if find "/opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | read -r; then latestErrLog=$(find /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log -name "error_*.log" | head -n 1) latestAccLog=$(find /opt/wireguarddashboard/src/log -name "access_*.log" | head -n 1) tail -f "${latestErrLog}" "${latestAccLog}" fi # Blocking command in case of erroring. So the container does not quit. sleep infinity } # Execute functions for the WireGuard Dashboard services, then set the environment variables ensure_installation clean_up #update_checker start_core set_envvars ensure_blocking