echo "\nStarting the WireGuard Dashboard." # Cleaning out previous data such as the .pid file. rm /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/ # Starting the WireGuard Dashboard Web-UI. . ${WGDASH}/venv/bin/activate cd ${WGDASH}/app/src bash ./ start if [ "$tz" != "Europe/Amsterdam" ]; then echo "Changing timezone..." ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$tz /etc/localtime fi if [ "$global_dns" != "" ]; then # Changing the DNS used for clients. Had to change it in 2 locations. echo "Changing default dns..." sed -i 's/^DNS = .*/DNS = ${global_dns}/' /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf sed -i "s/^peer_global_dns = .*/peer_global_dns = $global_dns/" /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/wg-dashboard.ini fi if [ "$public_ip" != "" ]; then # Setting the public IP of the WireGuard Dashboard container host. If not defined, it will be tried using sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = $public_ip/" /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/wg-dashboard.ini else sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = $(curl" /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/wg-dashboard.ini fi sleep 3s tail -f $(ls -t /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/log/error_*.log | head -n 1) # Blocking command in case of erroring. sleep infinity