""" < WGDashboard > - Copyright(C) 2021 Donald Zou [https://github.com/donaldzou] Under Apache-2.0 License """ import sqlite3 import configparser import hashlib import ipaddress import json # Python Built-in Library import os import secrets import subprocess import time import re import urllib.parse import urllib.request import urllib.error from datetime import datetime, timedelta from operator import itemgetter # PIP installed library import psutil from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for, session, jsonify, g from flask_qrcode import QRcode from icmplib import ping, traceroute # Import other python files from util import regex_match, check_DNS, check_Allowed_IPs, check_remote_endpoint, \ check_IP_with_range, clean_IP_with_range # Dashboard Version DASHBOARD_VERSION = 'v3.0.6' # WireGuard's configuration path WG_CONF_PATH = None # Dashboard Config Name configuration_path = os.getenv('CONFIGURATION_PATH', '.') DB_PATH = os.path.join(configuration_path, 'db') if not os.path.isdir(DB_PATH): os.mkdir(DB_PATH) DASHBOARD_CONF = os.path.join(configuration_path, 'wg-dashboard.ini') # Upgrade Required UPDATE = None # Flask App Configuration app = Flask("WGDashboard") app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 5206928 app.secret_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True # Enable QR Code Generator QRcode(app) # TODO: use class and object oriented programming def connect_db(): """ Connect to the database @return: sqlite3.Connection """ return sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(configuration_path, 'db', 'wgdashboard.db')) def get_dashboard_conf(): """ Get dashboard configuration @return: configparser.ConfigParser """ r_config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) r_config.read(DASHBOARD_CONF) return r_config def set_dashboard_conf(config): """ Write to configuration @param config: Input configuration """ with open(DASHBOARD_CONF, "w", encoding='utf-8') as conf_object: config.write(conf_object) # Get all keys from a configuration def get_conf_peer_key(config_name): """ Get the peers keys of wireguard interface. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return list of peers keys or text if configuration not running @rtype: list, str """ try: peers_keys = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {config_name} peers", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) peers_keys = peers_keys.decode("UTF-8").split() return peers_keys except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return config_name + " is not running." def get_conf_running_peer_number(config_name): """ Get number of running peers on wireguard interface. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Number of running peers, or test if configuration not running @rtype: int, str """ running = 0 # Get latest handshakes try: data_usage = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {config_name} latest-handshakes", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "stopped" data_usage = data_usage.decode("UTF-8").split() count = 0 now = datetime.now() time_delta = timedelta(minutes=2) for _ in range(int(len(data_usage) / 2)): minus = now - datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data_usage[count + 1])) if minus < time_delta: running += 1 count += 2 return running def read_conf_file_interface(config_name): """ Get interface settings. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Dictionary with interface settings @rtype: dict """ conf_location = WG_CONF_PATH + "/" + config_name + ".conf" with open(conf_location, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_object: file = file_object.read().split("\n") data = {} for i in file: if not regex_match("#(.*)", i): if len(i) > 0: if i != "[Interface]": tmp = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1) if len(tmp) == 2: data[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] return data def read_conf_file(config_name): """ Get configurations from file of wireguard interface. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Dictionary with interface and peers settings @rtype: dict """ conf_location = WG_CONF_PATH + "/" + config_name + ".conf" f = open(conf_location, 'r') file = f.read().split("\n") conf_peer_data = { "Interface": {}, "Peers": [] } peers_start = 0 for i in range(len(file)): if not regex_match("#(.*)", file[i]) and regex_match(";(.*)", file[i]): if file[i] == "[Peer]": peers_start = i break else: if len(file[i]) > 0: if file[i] != "[Interface]": tmp = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', file[i], 1) if len(tmp) == 2: conf_peer_data['Interface'][tmp[0]] = tmp[1] conf_peers = file[peers_start:] peer = -1 for i in conf_peers: if not regex_match("#(.*)", i) and not regex_match(";(.*)", i): if i == "[Peer]": peer += 1 conf_peer_data["Peers"].append({}) elif peer > -1: if len(i) > 0: tmp = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1) if len(tmp) == 2: conf_peer_data["Peers"][peer][tmp[0]] = tmp[1] f.close() # Read Configuration File End return conf_peer_data def get_latest_handshake(config_name): """ Get the latest handshake from all peers of a configuration @param config_name: Configuration name @return: str """ # Get latest handshakes try: data_usage = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {config_name} latest-handshakes", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "stopped" data_usage = data_usage.decode("UTF-8").split() count = 0 now = datetime.now() time_delta = timedelta(minutes=2) for _ in range(int(len(data_usage) / 2)): minus = now - datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data_usage[count + 1])) if minus < time_delta: status = "running" else: status = "stopped" if int(data_usage[count + 1]) > 0: g.cur.execute("UPDATE %s SET latest_handshake = '%s', status = '%s' WHERE id='%s'" % (config_name, str(minus).split(".", maxsplit=1)[0], status, data_usage[count])) else: g.cur.execute("UPDATE %s SET latest_handshake = '(None)', status = '%s' WHERE id='%s'" % (config_name, status, data_usage[count])) count += 2 def get_transfer(config_name): """ Get transfer from all peers of a configuration @param config_name: Configuration name @return: str """ # Get transfer try: data_usage = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {config_name} transfer", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "stopped" data_usage = data_usage.decode("UTF-8").split("\n") final = [] for i in data_usage: final.append(i.split("\t")) data_usage = final for i in range(len(data_usage)): cur_i = g.cur.execute( "SELECT total_receive, total_sent, cumu_receive, cumu_sent, status FROM %s WHERE id='%s'" % (config_name, data_usage[i][0])).fetchall() if len(cur_i) > 0: total_sent = cur_i[0][1] total_receive = cur_i[0][0] cur_total_sent = round(int(data_usage[i][2]) / (1024 ** 3), 4) cur_total_receive = round(int(data_usage[i][1]) / (1024 ** 3), 4) if cur_i[0][4] == "running": if total_sent <= cur_total_sent and total_receive <= cur_total_receive: total_sent = cur_total_sent total_receive = cur_total_receive else: cumulative_receive = cur_i[0][2] + total_receive cumulative_sent = cur_i[0][3] + total_sent g.cur.execute("UPDATE %s SET cumu_receive = %f, cumu_sent = %f, cumu_data = %f WHERE id = '%s'" % (config_name, round(cumulative_receive, 4), round(cumulative_sent, 4), round(cumulative_sent + cumulative_receive, 4), data_usage[i][0])) total_sent = 0 total_receive = 0 g.cur.execute("UPDATE %s SET total_receive = %f, total_sent = %f, total_data = %f WHERE id = '%s'" % (config_name, round(total_receive, 4), round(total_sent, 4), round(total_receive + total_sent, 4), data_usage[i][0])) def get_endpoint(config_name): """ Get endpoint from all peers of a configuration @param config_name: Configuration name @return: str """ # Get endpoint try: data_usage = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {config_name} endpoints", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "stopped" data_usage = data_usage.decode("UTF-8").split() count = 0 for _ in range(int(len(data_usage) / 2)): g.cur.execute("UPDATE " + config_name + " SET endpoint = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'" % (data_usage[count + 1], data_usage[count])) count += 2 def get_allowed_ip(conf_peer_data, config_name): """ Get allowed ips from all peers of a configuration @param conf_peer_data: Configuration peer data @param config_name: Configuration name @return: None """ # Get allowed ip for i in conf_peer_data["Peers"]: g.cur.execute("UPDATE " + config_name + " SET allowed_ip = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'" % (i.get('AllowedIPs', '(None)'), i["PublicKey"])) def get_all_peers_data(config_name): """ Look for new peers from WireGuard @param config_name: Configuration name @return: None """ conf_peer_data = read_conf_file(config_name) config = get_dashboard_conf() failed_index = [] for i in range(len(conf_peer_data['Peers'])): if "PublicKey" in conf_peer_data['Peers'][i].keys(): result = g.cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id='%s'" % (config_name, conf_peer_data['Peers'][i]["PublicKey"])).fetchall() if len(result) == 0: new_data = { "id": conf_peer_data['Peers'][i]['PublicKey'], "private_key": "", "DNS": config.get("Peers", "peer_global_DNS"), "endpoint_allowed_ip": config.get("Peers", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip"), "name": "", "total_receive": 0, "total_sent": 0, "total_data": 0, "endpoint": "N/A", "status": "stopped", "latest_handshake": "N/A", "allowed_ip": "N/A", "cumu_receive": 0, "cumu_sent": 0, "cumu_data": 0, "traffic": [], "mtu": config.get("Peers", "peer_mtu"), "keepalive": config.get("Peers", "peer_keep_alive"), "remote_endpoint": config.get("Peers", "remote_endpoint"), "preshared_key": "" } if "PresharedKey" in conf_peer_data['Peers'][i].keys(): new_data["preshared_key"] = conf_peer_data['Peers'][i]["PresharedKey"] sql = f""" INSERT INTO {config_name} VALUES (:id, :private_key, :DNS, :endpoint_allowed_ip, :name, :total_receive, :total_sent, :total_data, :endpoint, :status, :latest_handshake, :allowed_ip, :cumu_receive, :cumu_sent, :cumu_data, :mtu, :keepalive, :remote_endpoint, :preshared_key); """ g.cur.execute(sql, new_data) else: print("Trying to parse a peer doesn't have public key...") failed_index.append(i) for i in failed_index: conf_peer_data['Peers'].pop(i) # Remove peers no longer exist in WireGuard configuration file db_key = list(map(lambda a: a[0], g.cur.execute("SELECT id FROM %s" % config_name))) wg_key = list(map(lambda a: a['PublicKey'], conf_peer_data['Peers'])) for i in db_key: if i not in wg_key: g.cur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE id = '%s'" % (config_name, i)) get_latest_handshake(config_name) get_transfer(config_name) get_endpoint(config_name) get_allowed_ip(conf_peer_data, config_name) def get_peers(config_name, search, sort_t): """ Get all peers. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @param search: Search string @type search: str @param sort_t: Sorting tag @type sort_t: str @return: list """ tic = time.perf_counter() col = g.cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info(" + config_name + ")").fetchall() col = [a[1] for a in col] get_all_peers_data(config_name) if len(search) == 0: data = g.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + config_name).fetchall() result = [{col[i]: data[k][i] for i in range(len(col))} for k in range(len(data))] else: sql = "SELECT * FROM " + config_name + " WHERE name LIKE '%" + search + "%'" data = g.cur.execute(sql).fetchall() result = [{col[i]: data[k][i] for i in range(len(col))} for k in range(len(data))] if sort_t == "allowed_ip": result = sorted(result, key=lambda d: ipaddress.ip_network( "" if d[sort_t].split(",")[0] == "(None)" else d[sort_t].split(",")[0])) else: result = sorted(result, key=lambda d: d[sort_t]) toc = time.perf_counter() print(f"Finish fetching peers in {toc - tic:0.4f} seconds") return result def get_conf_pub_key(config_name): """ Get public key for configuration. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return public key or empty string @rtype: str """ try: conf = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) conf.read(WG_CONF_PATH + "/" + config_name + ".conf") pri = conf.get("Interface", "PrivateKey") pub = subprocess.check_output(f"echo '{pri}' | wg pubkey", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) conf.clear() return pub.decode().strip("\n") except configparser.NoSectionError: return "" def get_conf_listen_port(config_name): """ Get listen port number. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return number of port or empty string @rtype: str """ conf = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) conf.read(WG_CONF_PATH + "/" + config_name + ".conf") port = "" try: port = conf.get("Interface", "ListenPort") except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): if get_conf_status(config_name) == "running": port = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {config_name} listen-port", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) port = port.decode("UTF-8") conf.clear() return port def get_conf_total_data(config_name): """ Get configuration's total amount of data @param config_name: Configuration name @return: list """ data = g.cur.execute("SELECT total_sent, total_receive, cumu_sent, cumu_receive FROM " + config_name) upload_total = 0 download_total = 0 for i in data.fetchall(): upload_total += i[0] download_total += i[1] upload_total += i[2] download_total += i[3] total = round(upload_total + download_total, 4) upload_total = round(upload_total, 4) download_total = round(download_total, 4) return [total, upload_total, download_total] def get_conf_status(config_name): """ Check if the configuration is running or not @param config_name: @return: Return a string indicate the running status """ addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs() return "running" if config_name in addrs else "stopped" def get_conf_list(): """Get all wireguard interfaces with status. @return: Return a list of dicts with interfaces and its statuses @rtype: list """ conf = [] for i in os.listdir(WG_CONF_PATH): if regex_match("^(.{1,}).(conf)$", i): i = i.replace('.conf', '') create_table = f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {i} ( id VARCHAR NOT NULL, private_key VARCHAR NULL, DNS VARCHAR NULL, endpoint_allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, name VARCHAR NULL, total_receive FLOAT NULL, total_sent FLOAT NULL, total_data FLOAT NULL, endpoint VARCHAR NULL, status VARCHAR NULL, latest_handshake VARCHAR NULL, allowed_ip VARCHAR NULL, cumu_receive FLOAT NULL, cumu_sent FLOAT NULL, cumu_data FLOAT NULL, mtu INT NULL, keepalive INT NULL, remote_endpoint VARCHAR NULL, preshared_key VARCHAR NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) """ g.cur.execute(create_table) temp = {"conf": i, "status": get_conf_status(i), "public_key": get_conf_pub_key(i)} if temp['status'] == "running": temp['checked'] = 'checked' else: temp['checked'] = "" conf.append(temp) if len(conf) > 0: conf = sorted(conf, key=itemgetter('conf')) return conf def gen_public_key(private_key): """Generate the public key. @param private_key: Private key @type private_key: str @return: Return dict with public key or error message @rtype: dict """ with open('private_key.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_object: file_object.write(private_key) try: subprocess.check_output("wg pubkey < private_key.txt > public_key.txt", shell=True) with open('public_key.txt', encoding='utf-8') as file_object: public_key = file_object.readline().strip() os.remove('private_key.txt') os.remove('public_key.txt') return {"status": 'success', "msg": "", "data": public_key} except subprocess.CalledProcessError: os.remove('private_key.txt') return {"status": 'failed', "msg": "Key is not the correct length or format", "data": ""} def f_check_key_match(private_key, public_key, config_name): """ Check if private key and public key match @param private_key: Private key @type private_key: str @param public_key: Public key @type public_key: str @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return dictionary with status @rtype: dict """ result = gen_public_key(private_key) if result['status'] == 'failed': return result else: sql = "SELECT * FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id = ?" match = g.cur.execute(sql, (result['data'],)).fetchall() if len(match) != 1 or result['data'] != public_key: return {'status': 'failed', 'msg': 'Please check your private key, it does not match with the public key.'} else: return {'status': 'success'} def check_repeat_allowed_ip(public_key, ip, config_name): """ Check if there are repeated IPs @param public_key: Public key of the peer @param ip: IP of the peer @param config_name: configuration name @return: a JSON object """ peer = g.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id = ?", (public_key,)).fetchone() if peer[0] != 1: return {'status': 'failed', 'msg': 'Peer does not exist'} else: existed_ip = g.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id != ? AND allowed_ip LIKE '" + ip + "/%'", (public_key,)) \ .fetchone() if existed_ip[0] != 0: return {'status': 'failed', 'msg': "Allowed IP already taken by another peer."} else: return {'status': 'success'} def f_available_ips(config_name): """ Get a list of available IPs @param config_name: Configuration Name @return: list """ config_interface = read_conf_file_interface(config_name) if "Address" in config_interface: existed = [] conf_address = config_interface['Address'] address = conf_address.split(',') for i in address: add, sub = i.split("/") existed.append(ipaddress.ip_address(add)) peers = g.cur.execute("SELECT allowed_ip FROM " + config_name).fetchall() for i in peers: add = i[0].split(",") for k in add: a, s = k.split("/") existed.append(ipaddress.ip_address(a.strip())) available = list(ipaddress.ip_network(address[0], False).hosts()) for i in existed: try: available.remove(i) except ValueError: pass available = [str(i) for i in available] return available else: return [] """ Flask Functions """ @app.teardown_request def close_DB(exception): """ Commit to the database for every request @param exception: Exception @return: None """ if hasattr(g, 'db'): g.db.commit() g.db.close() @app.before_request def auth_req(): """ Action before every request @return: Redirect """ if getattr(g, 'db', None) is None: g.db = connect_db() g.cur = g.db.cursor() conf = get_dashboard_conf() req = conf.get("Server", "auth_req") session['update'] = UPDATE session['dashboard_version'] = DASHBOARD_VERSION if req == "true": if '/static/' not in request.path and \ request.endpoint != "signin" and \ request.endpoint != "signout" and \ request.endpoint != "auth" and \ "username" not in session: print("User not signed in - Attempted access: " + str(request.endpoint)) if request.endpoint != "index": session['message'] = "You need to sign in first!" else: session['message'] = "" conf.clear() redirectURL = str(request.url) redirectURL = redirectURL.replace("http://", "") redirectURL = redirectURL.replace("https://", "") return redirect("/signin?redirect=" + redirectURL) else: if request.endpoint in ['signin', 'signout', 'auth', 'settings', 'update_acct', 'update_pwd', 'update_app_ip_port', 'update_wg_conf_path']: conf.clear() return redirect(url_for("index")) conf.clear() return None """ Sign In / Sign Out """ @app.route('/signin', methods=['GET']) def signin(): """ Sign in request @return: template """ message = "" if "message" in session: message = session['message'] session.pop("message") return render_template('signin.html', message=message, version=DASHBOARD_VERSION) # Sign Out @app.route('/signout', methods=['GET']) def signout(): """ Sign out request @return: redirect back to sign in """ if "username" in session: session.pop("username") return redirect(url_for('signin')) @app.route('/auth', methods=['POST']) def auth(): """ Authentication request @return: json object indicating verifying """ data = request.get_json() config = get_dashboard_conf() password = hashlib.sha256(data['password'].encode()) if password.hexdigest() == config["Account"]["password"] \ and data['username'] == config["Account"]["username"]: session['username'] = data['username'] config.clear() return jsonify({"status": True, "msg": ""}) config.clear() return jsonify({"status": False, "msg": "Username or Password is incorrect."}) """ Index Page """ @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def index(): """ Index page related @return: Template """ msg = "" if "switch_msg" in session: msg = session["switch_msg"] session.pop("switch_msg") return render_template('index.html', conf=get_conf_list(), msg=msg) # Setting Page @app.route('/settings', methods=['GET']) def settings(): """ Settings page related @return: Template """ message = "" status = "" config = get_dashboard_conf() if "message" in session and "message_status" in session: message = session['message'] status = session['message_status'] session.pop("message") session.pop("message_status") required_auth = config.get("Server", "auth_req") return render_template('settings.html', conf=get_conf_list(), message=message, status=status, app_ip=config.get("Server", "app_ip"), app_port=config.get("Server", "app_port"), required_auth=required_auth, wg_conf_path=config.get("Server", "wg_conf_path"), peer_global_DNS=config.get("Peers", "peer_global_DNS"), peer_endpoint_allowed_ip=config.get("Peers", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip"), peer_mtu=config.get("Peers", "peer_mtu"), peer_keepalive=config.get("Peers", "peer_keep_alive"), peer_remote_endpoint=config.get("Peers", "remote_endpoint")) @app.route('/update_acct', methods=['POST']) def update_acct(): """ Change dashboard username @return: Redirect """ if len(request.form['username']) == 0: session['message'] = "Username cannot be empty." session['message_status'] = "danger" return redirect(url_for("settings")) config = get_dashboard_conf() config.set("Account", "username", request.form['username']) try: set_dashboard_conf(config) config.clear() session['message'] = "Username update successfully!" session['message_status'] = "success" session['username'] = request.form['username'] return redirect(url_for("settings")) except Exception: session['message'] = "Username update failed." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) # Update peer default setting @app.route('/update_peer_default_config', methods=['POST']) def update_peer_default_config(): """ Update new peers default setting @return: None """ config = get_dashboard_conf() if len(request.form['peer_endpoint_allowed_ip']) == 0 or \ len(request.form['peer_global_DNS']) == 0 or \ len(request.form['peer_remote_endpoint']) == 0: session['message'] = "Please fill in all required boxes." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) # Check DNS Format dns_addresses = request.form['peer_global_DNS'] if not check_DNS(dns_addresses): session['message'] = "Peer DNS Format Incorrect." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) dns_addresses = dns_addresses.replace(" ", "").split(',') dns_addresses = ",".join(dns_addresses) # Check Endpoint Allowed IPs ip = request.form['peer_endpoint_allowed_ip'] if not check_Allowed_IPs(ip): session['message'] = "Peer Endpoint Allowed IPs Format Incorrect. " \ "Example: or," session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) # Check MTU Format if not len(request.form['peer_mtu']) > 0 or not request.form['peer_mtu'].isdigit(): session['message'] = "MTU format is incorrect." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) # Check keepalive Format if not len(request.form['peer_keep_alive']) > 0 or not request.form['peer_keep_alive'].isdigit(): session['message'] = "Persistent keepalive format is incorrect." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) # Check peer remote endpoint if not check_remote_endpoint(request.form['peer_remote_endpoint']): session['message'] = "Peer Remote Endpoint format is incorrect. It can only be a valid " \ "IP address or valid domain (without http:// or https://). " session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) config.set("Peers", "remote_endpoint", request.form['peer_remote_endpoint']) config.set("Peers", "peer_keep_alive", request.form['peer_keep_alive']) config.set("Peers", "peer_mtu", request.form['peer_mtu']) config.set("Peers", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip", ','.join(clean_IP_with_range(ip))) config.set("Peers", "peer_global_DNS", dns_addresses) try: set_dashboard_conf(config) session['message'] = "Peer Default Settings update successfully!" session['message_status'] = "success" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) except Exception: session['message'] = "Peer Default Settings update failed." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) # Update dashboard password @app.route('/update_pwd', methods=['POST']) def update_pwd(): """ Update dashboard password @return: Redirect """ config = get_dashboard_conf() if hashlib.sha256(request.form['currentpass'].encode()).hexdigest() == config.get("Account", "password"): if hashlib.sha256(request.form['newpass'].encode()).hexdigest() == hashlib.sha256( request.form['repnewpass'].encode()).hexdigest(): config.set("Account", "password", hashlib.sha256(request.form['repnewpass'].encode()).hexdigest()) try: set_dashboard_conf(config) session['message'] = "Password update successfully!" session['message_status'] = "success" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) except Exception: session['message'] = "Password update failed" session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) else: session['message'] = "Your New Password does not match." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) else: session['message'] = "Your Password does not match." session['message_status'] = "danger" config.clear() return redirect(url_for("settings")) @app.route('/update_app_ip_port', methods=['POST']) def update_app_ip_port(): """ Update dashboard ip and port @return: None """ config = get_dashboard_conf() config.set("Server", "app_ip", request.form['app_ip']) config.set("Server", "app_port", request.form['app_port']) set_dashboard_conf(config) config.clear() subprocess.Popen('bash wgd.sh restart', shell=True) return "" # Update WireGuard configuration file path @app.route('/update_wg_conf_path', methods=['POST']) def update_wg_conf_path(): """ Update configuration path @return: None """ config = get_dashboard_conf() config.set("Server", "wg_conf_path", request.form['wg_conf_path']) set_dashboard_conf(config) config.clear() session['message'] = "WireGuard Configuration Path Update Successfully!" session['message_status'] = "success" subprocess.Popen('bash wgd.sh restart', shell=True) @app.route('/update_dashboard_sort', methods=['POST']) def update_dashbaord_sort(): """ Update configuration sorting @return: Boolean """ config = get_dashboard_conf() data = request.get_json() sort_tag = ['name', 'status', 'allowed_ip'] if data['sort'] in sort_tag: config.set("Server", "dashboard_sort", data['sort']) else: config.set("Server", "dashboard_sort", 'status') set_dashboard_conf(config) config.clear() return "true" # Update configuration refresh interval @app.route('/update_dashboard_refresh_interval', methods=['POST']) def update_dashboard_refresh_interval(): """ Change the refresh time. @return: Return text with result @rtype: str """ preset_interval = ["5000", "10000", "30000", "60000"] if request.form["interval"] in preset_interval: config = get_dashboard_conf() config.set("Server", "dashboard_refresh_interval", str(request.form['interval'])) set_dashboard_conf(config) config.clear() return "true" else: return "false" # Configuration Page @app.route('/configuration/', methods=['GET']) def configuration(config_name): """ Show wireguard interface view. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Template """ config = get_dashboard_conf() conf_data = { "name": config_name, "status": get_conf_status(config_name), "checked": "" } if conf_data['status'] == "stopped": conf_data['checked'] = "nope" else: conf_data['checked'] = "checked" config_list = get_conf_list() if config_name not in [conf['conf'] for conf in config_list]: return render_template('index.html', conf=get_conf_list()) refresh_interval = int(config.get("Server", "dashboard_refresh_interval")) dns_address = config.get("Peers", "peer_global_DNS") allowed_ip = config.get("Peers", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip") peer_mtu = config.get("Peers", "peer_MTU") peer_keep_alive = config.get("Peers", "peer_keep_alive") config.clear() return render_template('configuration.html', conf=get_conf_list(), conf_data=conf_data, dashboard_refresh_interval=refresh_interval, DNS=dns_address, endpoint_allowed_ip=allowed_ip, title=config_name, mtu=peer_mtu, keep_alive=peer_keep_alive) # Get configuration details @app.route('/get_config/', methods=['GET']) def get_conf(config_name): """ Get configuration setting of wireguard interface. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: TODO """ config_interface = read_conf_file_interface(config_name) search = request.args.get('search') if len(search) == 0: search = "" search = urllib.parse.unquote(search) config = get_dashboard_conf() sort = config.get("Server", "dashboard_sort") peer_display_mode = config.get("Peers", "peer_display_mode") wg_ip = config.get("Peers", "remote_endpoint") if "Address" not in config_interface: conf_address = "N/A" else: conf_address = config_interface['Address'] conf_data = { "peer_data": get_peers(config_name, search, sort), "name": config_name, "status": get_conf_status(config_name), "total_data_usage": get_conf_total_data(config_name), "public_key": get_conf_pub_key(config_name), "listen_port": get_conf_listen_port(config_name), "running_peer": get_conf_running_peer_number(config_name), "conf_address": conf_address, "wg_ip": wg_ip, "sort_tag": sort, "dashboard_refresh_interval": int(config.get("Server", "dashboard_refresh_interval")), "peer_display_mode": peer_display_mode } if conf_data['status'] == "stopped": conf_data['checked'] = "nope" else: conf_data['checked'] = "checked" config.clear() return jsonify(conf_data) # Turn on / off a configuration @app.route('/switch/', methods=['GET']) def switch(config_name): """ On/off the wireguard interface. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: redirects """ status = get_conf_status(config_name) if status == "running": try: check = subprocess.check_output("wg-quick down " + config_name, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: session["switch_msg"] = exc.output.strip().decode("utf-8") return redirect('/') elif status == "stopped": try: subprocess.check_output("wg-quick up " + config_name, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: session["switch_msg"] = exc.output.strip().decode("utf-8") return redirect('/') return redirect(request.referrer) @app.route('/add_peer_bulk/', methods=['POST']) def add_peer_bulk(config_name): """ Add peers by bulk @param config_name: Configuration Name @return: String """ data = request.get_json() keys = data['keys'] endpoint_allowed_ip = data['endpoint_allowed_ip'] dns_addresses = data['DNS'] enable_preshared_key = data["enable_preshared_key"] amount = data['amount'] config_interface = read_conf_file_interface(config_name) if "Address" not in config_interface: return "Configuration must have an IP address." if not amount.isdigit() or int(amount) < 1: return "Amount must be integer larger than 0" amount = int(amount) if not check_DNS(dns_addresses): return "DNS formate is incorrect. Example:" if not check_Allowed_IPs(endpoint_allowed_ip): return "Endpoint Allowed IPs format is incorrect." if len(data['MTU']) == 0 or not data['MTU'].isdigit(): return "MTU format is not correct." if len(data['keep_alive']) == 0 or not data['keep_alive'].isdigit(): return "Persistent Keepalive format is not correct." ips = f_available_ips(config_name) if amount > len(ips): return f"Cannot create more than {len(ips)} peers." wg_command = ["wg", "set", config_name] sql_command = [] for i in range(amount): keys[i]['name'] = f"{config_name}_{datetime.now().strftime('%m%d%Y%H%M%S')}_Peer_#_{(i + 1)}" wg_command.append("peer") wg_command.append(keys[i]['publicKey']) keys[i]['allowed_ips'] = ips.pop(0) if enable_preshared_key: keys[i]['psk_file'] = f"{keys[i]['name']}.txt" f = open(keys[i]['psk_file'], "w+") f.write(keys[i]['presharedKey']) f.close() wg_command.append("preshared-key") wg_command.append(keys[i]['psk_file']) else: keys[i]['psk_file'] = "" wg_command.append("allowed-ips") wg_command.append(keys[i]['allowed_ips']) update = ["UPDATE ", config_name, " SET name = '", keys[i]['name'], "', private_key = '", keys[i]['privateKey'], "', DNS = '", dns_addresses, "', endpoint_allowed_ip = '", endpoint_allowed_ip, "' WHERE id = '", keys[i]['publicKey'], "'"] sql_command.append(update) try: status = subprocess.check_output(" ".join(wg_command), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) status = subprocess.check_output("wg-quick save " + config_name, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) get_all_peers_data(config_name) if enable_preshared_key: for i in keys: os.remove(i['psk_file']) for i in range(len(sql_command)): sql_command[i] = "".join(sql_command[i]) g.cur.executescript("; ".join(sql_command)) return "true" except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return exc.output.strip() @app.route('/add_peer/', methods=['POST']) def add_peer(config_name): """ Add Peers @param config_name: configuration name @return: string """ data = request.get_json() public_key = data['public_key'] allowed_ips = data['allowed_ips'] endpoint_allowed_ip = data['endpoint_allowed_ip'] dns_addresses = data['DNS'] enable_preshared_key = data["enable_preshared_key"] preshared_key = data['preshared_key'] keys = get_conf_peer_key(config_name) if len(public_key) == 0 or len(dns_addresses) == 0 or len(allowed_ips) == 0 or len(endpoint_allowed_ip) == 0: return "Please fill in all required box." if not isinstance(keys, list): return config_name + " is not running." if public_key in keys: return "Public key already exist." check_dup_ip = g.cur.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + config_name + " WHERE allowed_ip LIKE '" + allowed_ips + "/%'", ) \ .fetchone() if check_dup_ip[0] != 0: return "Allowed IP already taken by another peer." if not check_DNS(dns_addresses): return "DNS formate is incorrect. Example:" if not check_Allowed_IPs(endpoint_allowed_ip): return "Endpoint Allowed IPs format is incorrect." if len(data['MTU']) == 0 or not data['MTU'].isdigit(): return "MTU format is not correct." if len(data['keep_alive']) == 0 or not data['keep_alive'].isdigit(): return "Persistent Keepalive format is not correct." try: if enable_preshared_key: now = str(datetime.now().strftime("%m%d%Y%H%M%S")) f_name = now + "_tmp_psk.txt" f = open(f_name, "w+") f.write(preshared_key) f.close() status = subprocess.check_output( f"wg set {config_name} peer {public_key} allowed-ips {allowed_ips} preshared-key {f_name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) os.remove(f_name) elif not enable_preshared_key: status = subprocess.check_output(f"wg set {config_name} peer {public_key} allowed-ips {allowed_ips}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) status = subprocess.check_output("wg-quick save " + config_name, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) get_all_peers_data(config_name) sql = "UPDATE " + config_name + " SET name = ?, private_key = ?, DNS = ?, endpoint_allowed_ip = ? WHERE id = ?" g.cur.execute(sql, (data['name'], data['private_key'], data['DNS'], endpoint_allowed_ip, public_key)) return "true" except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return exc.output.strip() @app.route('/remove_peer/', methods=['POST']) def remove_peer(config_name): """ Remove peer. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return result of action or recommendations @rtype: str """ if get_conf_status(config_name) == "stopped": return "Your need to turn on " + config_name + " first." data = request.get_json() delete_keys = data['peer_ids'] keys = get_conf_peer_key(config_name) if not isinstance(keys, list): return config_name + " is not running." else: sql_command = [] wg_command = ["wg", "set", config_name] for delete_key in delete_keys: if delete_key not in keys: return "This key does not exist" sql_command.append("DELETE FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id = '" + delete_key + "';") wg_command.append("peer") wg_command.append(delete_key) wg_command.append("remove") try: remove_wg = subprocess.check_output(" ".join(wg_command), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) save_wg = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick save {config_name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) g.cur.executescript(' '.join(sql_command)) g.db.commit() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return exc.output.strip() return "true" @app.route('/save_peer_setting/', methods=['POST']) def save_peer_setting(config_name): """ Save peer configuration. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return status of action and text with recommendations """ data = request.get_json() id = data['id'] name = data['name'] private_key = data['private_key'] dns_addresses = data['DNS'] allowed_ip = data['allowed_ip'] endpoint_allowed_ip = data['endpoint_allowed_ip'] preshared_key = data['preshared_key'] check_peer_exist = g.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id = ?", (id,)).fetchone() if check_peer_exist[0] == 1: check_ip = check_repeat_allowed_ip(id, allowed_ip, config_name) if not check_IP_with_range(endpoint_allowed_ip): return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": "Endpoint Allowed IPs format is incorrect."}) if not check_DNS(dns_addresses): return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": "DNS format is incorrect."}) if len(data['MTU']) == 0 or not data['MTU'].isdigit(): return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": "MTU format is not correct."}) if len(data['keep_alive']) == 0 or not data['keep_alive'].isdigit(): return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": "Persistent Keepalive format is not correct."}) if private_key != "": check_key = f_check_key_match(private_key, id, config_name) if check_key['status'] == "failed": return jsonify(check_key) if check_ip['status'] == "failed": return jsonify(check_ip) try: tmp_psk = open("tmp_edit_psk.txt", "w+") tmp_psk.write(preshared_key) tmp_psk.close() change_psk = subprocess.check_output(f"wg set {config_name} peer {id} preshared-key tmp_edit_psk.txt", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if change_psk.decode("UTF-8") != "": return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": change_psk.decode("UTF-8")}) if allowed_ip == "": allowed_ip = '""' allowed_ip = allowed_ip.replace(" ", "") change_ip = subprocess.check_output(f"wg set {config_name} peer {id} allowed-ips {allowed_ip}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) subprocess.check_output(f'wg-quick save {config_name}', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if change_ip.decode("UTF-8") != "": return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": change_ip.decode("UTF-8")}) sql = "UPDATE " + config_name + " SET name = ?, private_key = ?, DNS = ?, endpoint_allowed_ip = ?, mtu = ?, keepalive = ?, preshared_key = ? WHERE id = ?" g.cur.execute(sql, (name, private_key, dns_addresses, endpoint_allowed_ip, data["MTU"], data["keep_alive"], preshared_key, id)) return jsonify({"status": "success", "msg": ""}) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": str(exc.output.decode("UTF-8").strip())}) else: return jsonify({"status": "failed", "msg": "This peer does not exist."}) # Get peer settings @app.route('/get_peer_data/', methods=['POST']) def get_peer_name(config_name): """ Get peer settings. @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return settings of peer """ data = request.get_json() peer_id = data['id'] result = g.cur.execute( "SELECT name, allowed_ip, DNS, private_key, endpoint_allowed_ip, mtu, keepalive, preshared_key FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id = ?", (peer_id,)).fetchall() data = {"name": result[0][0], "allowed_ip": result[0][1], "DNS": result[0][2], "private_key": result[0][3], "endpoint_allowed_ip": result[0][4], "mtu": result[0][5], "keep_alive": result[0][6], "preshared_key": result[0][7]} return jsonify(data) # Return available IPs @app.route('/available_ips/', methods=['GET']) def available_ips(config_name): return jsonify(f_available_ips(config_name)) # Check if both key match @app.route('/check_key_match/', methods=['POST']) def check_key_match(config_name): """ Check key matches @param config_name: Name of WG interface @type config_name: str @return: Return dictionary with status """ data = request.get_json() private_key = data['private_key'] public_key = data['public_key'] return jsonify(f_check_key_match(private_key, public_key, config_name)) @app.route("/qrcode/", methods=['GET']) def generate_qrcode(config_name): """ Generate QRCode @param config_name: Configuration Name @return: Template containing QRcode img """ peer_id = request.args.get('id') get_peer = g.cur.execute( "SELECT private_key, allowed_ip, DNS, mtu, endpoint_allowed_ip, keepalive, preshared_key FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id = ?", (peer_id,)).fetchall() config = get_dashboard_conf() if len(get_peer) == 1: peer = get_peer[0] if peer[0] != "": public_key = get_conf_pub_key(config_name) listen_port = get_conf_listen_port(config_name) endpoint = config.get("Peers", "remote_endpoint") + ":" + listen_port private_key = peer[0] allowed_ip = peer[1] dns_addresses = peer[2] mtu_value = peer[3] endpoint_allowed_ip = peer[4] keepalive = peer[5] preshared_key = peer[6] result = "[Interface]\nPrivateKey = " + private_key + "\nAddress = " + allowed_ip + "\nMTU = " \ + str(mtu_value) + "\nDNS = " + dns_addresses + "\n\n[Peer]\nPublicKey = " + public_key \ + "\nAllowedIPs = " + endpoint_allowed_ip + "\nPersistentKeepalive = " \ + str(keepalive) + "\nEndpoint = " + endpoint if preshared_key != "": result += "\nPresharedKey = " + preshared_key return render_template("qrcode.html", i=result) else: return redirect("/configuration/" + config_name) @app.route('/download_all/', methods=['GET']) def download_all(config_name): """ Download all configuration @param config_name: Configuration Name @return: JSON Object """ get_peer = g.cur.execute( "SELECT private_key, allowed_ip, DNS, mtu, endpoint_allowed_ip, keepalive, preshared_key, name FROM " + config_name + " WHERE private_key != ''").fetchall() config = get_dashboard_conf() data = [] public_key = get_conf_pub_key(config_name) listen_port = get_conf_listen_port(config_name) endpoint = config.get("Peers", "remote_endpoint") + ":" + listen_port for peer in get_peer: private_key = peer[0] allowed_ip = peer[1] dns_addresses = peer[2] mtu_value = peer[3] endpoint_allowed_ip = peer[4] keepalive = peer[5] preshared_key = peer[6] filename = peer[7] if len(filename) == 0: filename = "Untitled_Peer" else: filename = peer[7] # Clean filename illegal_filename = [".", ",", "/", "?", "<", ">", "\\", ":", "*", '|' '\"', "com1", "com2", "com3", "com4", "com5", "com6", "com7", "com8", "com9", "lpt1", "lpt2", "lpt3", "lpt4", "lpt5", "lpt6", "lpt7", "lpt8", "lpt9", "con", "nul", "prn"] for i in illegal_filename: filename = filename.replace(i, "") if len(filename) == 0: filename = "Untitled_Peer" filename = "".join(filename.split(' ')) filename = filename + "_" + config_name psk = "" if preshared_key != "": psk = "\nPresharedKey = " + preshared_key return_data = "[Interface]\nPrivateKey = " + private_key + "\nAddress = " + allowed_ip + "\nDNS = " + \ dns_addresses + "\nMTU = " + str(mtu_value) + "\n\n[Peer]\nPublicKey = " + \ public_key + "\nAllowedIPs = " + endpoint_allowed_ip + "\nEndpoint = " + \ endpoint + "\nPersistentKeepalive = " + str(keepalive) + psk data.append({"filename": f"{filename}.conf", "content": return_data}) return jsonify({"status": True, "peers": data, "filename": f"{config_name}.zip"}) # Download configuration file @app.route('/download/', methods=['GET']) def download(config_name): """ Download one configuration @param config_name: Configuration name @return: JSON object """ peer_id = request.args.get('id') get_peer = g.cur.execute( "SELECT private_key, allowed_ip, DNS, mtu, endpoint_allowed_ip, keepalive, preshared_key, name FROM " + config_name + " WHERE id = ?", (peer_id,)).fetchall() config = get_dashboard_conf() if len(get_peer) == 1: peer = get_peer[0] if peer[0] != "": public_key = get_conf_pub_key(config_name) listen_port = get_conf_listen_port(config_name) endpoint = config.get("Peers", "remote_endpoint") + ":" + listen_port private_key = peer[0] allowed_ip = peer[1] dns_addresses = peer[2] mtu_value = peer[3] endpoint_allowed_ip = peer[4] keepalive = peer[5] preshared_key = peer[6] filename = peer[7] if len(filename) == 0: filename = "Untitled_Peer" else: filename = peer[7] # Clean filename illegal_filename = [".", ",", "/", "?", "<", ">", "\\", ":", "*", '|' '\"', "com1", "com2", "com3", "com4", "com5", "com6", "com7", "com8", "com9", "lpt1", "lpt2", "lpt3", "lpt4", "lpt5", "lpt6", "lpt7", "lpt8", "lpt9", "con", "nul", "prn"] for i in illegal_filename: filename = filename.replace(i, "") if len(filename) == 0: filename = "Untitled_Peer" filename = "".join(filename.split(' ')) filename = filename + "_" + config_name psk = "" if preshared_key != "": psk = "\nPresharedKey = " + preshared_key return_data = "[Interface]\nPrivateKey = " + private_key + "\nAddress = " + allowed_ip + "\nDNS = " + \ dns_addresses + "\nMTU = " + str(mtu_value) + "\n\n[Peer]\nPublicKey = " + \ public_key + "\nAllowedIPs = " + endpoint_allowed_ip + "\nEndpoint = " + \ endpoint + "\nPersistentKeepalive = " + str(keepalive) + psk return jsonify({"status": True, "filename": f"{filename}.conf", "content": return_data}) return jsonify({"status": False, "filename": "", "content": ""}) @app.route('/switch_display_mode/', methods=['GET']) def switch_display_mode(mode): """ Change display view style. @param mode: Mode name @type mode: str @return: Return text with result @rtype: str """ if mode in ['list', 'grid']: config = get_dashboard_conf() config.set("Peers", "peer_display_mode", mode) set_dashboard_conf(config) config.clear() return "true" return "false" """ Dashboard Tools Related """ # Get all IP for ping @app.route('/get_ping_ip', methods=['POST']) def get_ping_ip(): # TODO: convert return to json object """ Get ips for network testing. @return: HTML containing a list of IPs """ config = request.form['config'] peers = g.cur.execute("SELECT id, name, allowed_ip, endpoint FROM " + config).fetchall() html = "" for i in peers: html += '' allowed_ip = str(i[2]).split(",") for k in allowed_ip: k = k.split("/") if len(k) == 2: html += "" endpoint = str(i[3]).split(":") if len(endpoint) == 2: html += "" html += "" return html # Ping IP @app.route('/ping_ip', methods=['POST']) def ping_ip(): """ Execute ping command. @return: Return text with result @rtype: str """ try: result = ping('' + request.form['ip'] + '', count=int(request.form['count']), privileged=True, source=None) returnjson = { "address": result.address, "is_alive": result.is_alive, "min_rtt": result.min_rtt, "avg_rtt": result.avg_rtt, "max_rtt": result.max_rtt, "package_sent": result.packets_sent, "package_received": result.packets_received, "package_loss": result.packet_loss } if returnjson['package_loss'] == 1.0: returnjson['package_loss'] = returnjson['package_sent'] return jsonify(returnjson) except Exception: return "Error" # Traceroute IP @app.route('/traceroute_ip', methods=['POST']) def traceroute_ip(): """ Execute ping traceroute command. @return: Return text with result @rtype: str """ try: result = traceroute('' + request.form['ip'] + '', first_hop=1, max_hops=30, count=1, fast=True) returnjson = [] last_distance = 0 for hop in result: if last_distance + 1 != hop.distance: returnjson.append({"hop": "*", "ip": "*", "avg_rtt": "", "min_rtt": "", "max_rtt": ""}) returnjson.append({"hop": hop.distance, "ip": hop.address, "avg_rtt": hop.avg_rtt, "min_rtt": hop.min_rtt, "max_rtt": hop.max_rtt}) last_distance = hop.distance return jsonify(returnjson) except Exception: return "Error" """ Dashboard Initialization """ def init_dashboard(): """ Create dashboard default configuration. """ # Set Default INI File if not os.path.isfile(DASHBOARD_CONF): open(DASHBOARD_CONF, "w+").close() config = get_dashboard_conf() # Default dashboard account setting if "Account" not in config: config['Account'] = {} if "username" not in config['Account']: config['Account']['username'] = 'admin' if "password" not in config['Account']: config['Account']['password'] = '8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918' # Default dashboard server setting if "Server" not in config: config['Server'] = {} if 'wg_conf_path' not in config['Server']: config['Server']['wg_conf_path'] = '/etc/wireguard' if 'app_ip' not in config['Server']: config['Server']['app_ip'] = '' if 'app_port' not in config['Server']: config['Server']['app_port'] = '10086' if 'auth_req' not in config['Server']: config['Server']['auth_req'] = 'true' if 'version' not in config['Server'] or config['Server']['version'] != DASHBOARD_VERSION: config['Server']['version'] = DASHBOARD_VERSION if 'dashboard_refresh_interval' not in config['Server']: config['Server']['dashboard_refresh_interval'] = '60000' if 'dashboard_sort' not in config['Server']: config['Server']['dashboard_sort'] = 'status' # Default dashboard peers setting if "Peers" not in config: config['Peers'] = {} if 'peer_global_DNS' not in config['Peers']: config['Peers']['peer_global_DNS'] = '' if 'peer_endpoint_allowed_ip' not in config['Peers']: config['Peers']['peer_endpoint_allowed_ip'] = '' if 'peer_display_mode' not in config['Peers']: config['Peers']['peer_display_mode'] = 'grid' if 'remote_endpoint' not in config['Peers']: config['Peers']['remote_endpoint'] = ifcfg.default_interface()['inet'] if 'peer_MTU' not in config['Peers']: config['Peers']['peer_MTU'] = "1420" if 'peer_keep_alive' not in config['Peers']: config['Peers']['peer_keep_alive'] = "21" set_dashboard_conf(config) config.clear() def check_update(): """ Dashboard check update @return: Retunt text with result @rtype: str """ config = get_dashboard_conf() try: data = urllib.request.urlopen("https://api.github.com/repos/donaldzou/WGDashboard/releases").read() output = json.loads(data) release = [] for i in output: if not i["prerelease"]: release.append(i) if config.get("Server", "version") == release[0]["tag_name"]: result = "false" else: result = "true" return result except urllib.error.HTTPError: return "false" """ Configure DashBoard before start web-server """ def run_dashboard(): init_dashboard() global UPDATE UPDATE = check_update() config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) config.read('wg-dashboard.ini') # global app_ip app_ip = config.get("Server", "app_ip") # global app_port app_port = config.get("Server", "app_port") global WG_CONF_PATH WG_CONF_PATH = config.get("Server", "wg_conf_path") config.clear() return app """ Get host and port for web-server """ def get_host_bind(): init_dashboard() config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) config.read('wg-dashboard.ini') app_ip = config.get("Server", "app_ip") app_port = config.get("Server", "app_port") return app_ip, app_port if __name__ == "__main__": init_dashboard() UPDATE = check_update() config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) config.read('wg-dashboard.ini') # global app_ip app_ip = config.get("Server", "app_ip") # global app_port app_port = config.get("Server", "app_port") WG_CONF_PATH = config.get("Server", "wg_conf_path") config.clear() app.run(host=app_ip, debug=False, port=app_port)