A full-stack application that enables you to turn any document, resource, or piece of content into context that any LLM can use as references during chatting. This application allows you to pick and choose which LLM or Vector Database you want to use. Currently this project supports [Pinecone](https://pinecone.io), [ChromaDB](https://trychroma.com) & more for vector storage and [OpenAI](https://openai.com) for LLM/chatting.
Anything LLM is a full-stack product that you can run locally as well as host remotely and be able to chat intelligently with any documents you provide it.
AnythingLLM divides your documents into objects called `workspaces`. A Workspace functions a lot like a thread, but with the addition of containerization of your documents. Workspaces can share documents, but they do not talk to each other so you can keep your context for each workspace clean.
- "Bring your own LLM" model. _still in progress - openai support only currently_
- Extremely efficient cost-saving measures for managing very large documents. You'll never pay to embed a massive document or transcript more than once. 90% more cost effective than other document chatbot solutions.
- This will fill in the required `.env` files you'll need in each of the application sections. Go fill those out before proceeding or else things won't work right.
-`cd frontend && yarn install && cd ../server && yarn install` from the project root directory.
Next, you will need some content to embed. This could be a Youtube Channel, Medium articles, local text files, word documents, and the list goes on. This is where you will use the `collector/` part of the repo.
[Go set up and run collector scripts](./collector/README.md)