const { NativeEmbedder } = require("../../EmbeddingEngines/native"); const { chatPrompt } = require("../../chats"); const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const { writeResponseChunk } = require("../../helpers/chat/responses"); function openRouterModels() { const { MODELS } = require("./models.js"); return MODELS || {}; } class OpenRouterLLM { constructor(embedder = null, modelPreference = null) { const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai"); if (!process.env.OPENROUTER_API_KEY) throw new Error("No OpenRouter API key was set."); const config = new Configuration({ basePath: "", apiKey: process.env.OPENROUTER_API_KEY, baseOptions: { headers: { "HTTP-Referer": "", "X-Title": "AnythingLLM", }, }, }); this.openai = new OpenAIApi(config); this.model = modelPreference || process.env.OPENROUTER_MODEL_PREF || "openrouter/auto"; this.limits = { history: this.promptWindowLimit() * 0.15, system: this.promptWindowLimit() * 0.15, user: this.promptWindowLimit() * 0.7, }; this.embedder = !embedder ? new NativeEmbedder() : embedder; this.defaultTemp = 0.7; } #appendContext(contextTexts = []) { if (!contextTexts || !contextTexts.length) return ""; return ( "\nContext:\n" + contextTexts .map((text, i) => { return `[CONTEXT ${i}]:\n${text}\n[END CONTEXT ${i}]\n\n`; }) .join("") ); } allModelInformation() { return openRouterModels(); } streamingEnabled() { return "streamChat" in this && "streamGetChatCompletion" in this; } promptWindowLimit() { const availableModels = this.allModelInformation(); return availableModels[this.model]?.maxLength || 4096; } async isValidChatCompletionModel(model = "") { const availableModels = this.allModelInformation(); return availableModels.hasOwnProperty(model); } constructPrompt({ systemPrompt = "", contextTexts = [], chatHistory = [], userPrompt = "", }) { const prompt = { role: "system", content: `${systemPrompt}${this.#appendContext(contextTexts)}`, }; return [prompt, ...chatHistory, { role: "user", content: userPrompt }]; } async isSafe(_input = "") { // Not implemented so must be stubbed return { safe: true, reasons: [] }; } async sendChat(chatHistory = [], prompt, workspace = {}, rawHistory = []) { if (!(await this.isValidChatCompletionModel(this.model))) throw new Error( `OpenRouter chat: ${this.model} is not valid for chat completion!` ); const textResponse = await this.openai .createChatCompletion({ model: this.model, temperature: Number(workspace?.openAiTemp ?? this.defaultTemp), n: 1, messages: await this.compressMessages( { systemPrompt: chatPrompt(workspace), userPrompt: prompt, chatHistory, }, rawHistory ), }) .then((json) => { const res =; if (!res.hasOwnProperty("choices")) throw new Error("OpenRouter chat: No results!"); if (res.choices.length === 0) throw new Error("OpenRouter chat: No results length!"); return res.choices[0].message.content; }) .catch((error) => { throw new Error( `OpenRouter::createChatCompletion failed with: ${error.message}` ); }); return textResponse; } async streamChat(chatHistory = [], prompt, workspace = {}, rawHistory = []) { if (!(await this.isValidChatCompletionModel(this.model))) throw new Error( `OpenRouter chat: ${this.model} is not valid for chat completion!` ); const streamRequest = await this.openai.createChatCompletion( { model: this.model, stream: true, temperature: Number(workspace?.openAiTemp ?? this.defaultTemp), n: 1, messages: await this.compressMessages( { systemPrompt: chatPrompt(workspace), userPrompt: prompt, chatHistory, }, rawHistory ), }, { responseType: "stream" } ); return streamRequest; } async getChatCompletion(messages = null, { temperature = 0.7 }) { if (!(await this.isValidChatCompletionModel(this.model))) throw new Error( `OpenRouter chat: ${this.model} is not valid for chat completion!` ); const { data } = await this.openai .createChatCompletion({ model: this.model, messages, temperature, }) .catch((e) => { throw new Error(; }); if (!data.hasOwnProperty("choices")) return null; return data.choices[0].message.content; } async streamGetChatCompletion(messages = null, { temperature = 0.7 }) { if (!(await this.isValidChatCompletionModel(this.model))) throw new Error( `OpenRouter chat: ${this.model} is not valid for chat completion!` ); const streamRequest = await this.openai.createChatCompletion( { model: this.model, stream: true, messages, temperature, }, { responseType: "stream" } ); return streamRequest; } handleStream(response, stream, responseProps) { const timeoutThresholdMs = 500; const { uuid = uuidv4(), sources = [] } = responseProps; return new Promise((resolve) => { let fullText = ""; let chunk = ""; let lastChunkTime = null; // null when first token is still not received. // NOTICE: Not all OpenRouter models will return a stop reason // which keeps the connection open and so the model never finalizes the stream // like the traditional OpenAI response schema does. So in the case the response stream // never reaches a formal close state we maintain an interval timer that if we go >=timeoutThresholdMs with // no new chunks then we kill the stream and assume it to be complete. OpenRouter is quite fast // so this threshold should permit most responses, but we can adjust `timeoutThresholdMs` if // we find it is too aggressive. const timeoutCheck = setInterval(() => { if (lastChunkTime === null) return; const now = Number(new Date()); const diffMs = now - lastChunkTime; if (diffMs >= timeoutThresholdMs) { console.log( `OpenRouter stream did not self-close and has been stale for >${timeoutThresholdMs}ms. Closing response stream.` ); writeResponseChunk(response, { uuid, sources, type: "textResponseChunk", textResponse: "", close: true, error: false, }); clearInterval(timeoutCheck); resolve(fullText); } }, 500);"data", (data) => { const lines = data ?.toString() ?.split("\n") .filter((line) => line.trim() !== ""); for (const line of lines) { let validJSON = false; const message = chunk + line.replace(/^data: /, ""); // JSON chunk is incomplete and has not ended yet // so we need to stitch it together. You would think JSON // chunks would only come complete - but they don't! try { JSON.parse(message); validJSON = true; } catch {} if (!validJSON) { // It can be possible that the chunk decoding is running away // and the message chunk fails to append due to string length. // In this case abort the chunk and reset so we can continue. // ref: try { chunk += message; } catch (e) { console.error(`Chunk appending error`, e); chunk = ""; } continue; } else { chunk = ""; } if (message == "[DONE]") { lastChunkTime = Number(new Date()); writeResponseChunk(response, { uuid, sources, type: "textResponseChunk", textResponse: "", close: true, error: false, }); clearInterval(timeoutCheck); resolve(fullText); } else { let finishReason = null; let token = ""; try { const json = JSON.parse(message); token = json?.choices?.[0]?.delta?.content; finishReason = json?.choices?.[0]?.finish_reason || null; } catch { continue; } if (token) { fullText += token; lastChunkTime = Number(new Date()); writeResponseChunk(response, { uuid, sources: [], type: "textResponseChunk", textResponse: token, close: false, error: false, }); } if (finishReason !== null) { lastChunkTime = Number(new Date()); writeResponseChunk(response, { uuid, sources, type: "textResponseChunk", textResponse: "", close: true, error: false, }); clearInterval(timeoutCheck); resolve(fullText); } } } }); }); } // Simple wrapper for dynamic embedder & normalize interface for all LLM implementations async embedTextInput(textInput) { return await this.embedder.embedTextInput(textInput); } async embedChunks(textChunks = []) { return await this.embedder.embedChunks(textChunks); } async compressMessages(promptArgs = {}, rawHistory = []) { const { messageArrayCompressor } = require("../../helpers/chat"); const messageArray = this.constructPrompt(promptArgs); return await messageArrayCompressor(this, messageArray, rawHistory); } } module.exports = { OpenRouterLLM, openRouterModels, };