const mssql = require("mssql"); const UrlPattern = require("url-pattern"); class MSSQLConnector { #connected = false; database_id = ""; connectionConfig = { user: null, password: null, database: null, server: null, port: null, pool: { max: 10, min: 0, idleTimeoutMillis: 30000, }, options: { encrypt: false, trustServerCertificate: true, }, }; constructor( config = { // we will force into RFC-3986 from DB // eg: mssql://user:password@server:port/database?{...opts} connectionString: null, // we will force into RFC-3986 } ) { this.connectionString = config.connectionString; this._client = null; this.#parseDatabase(); } #parseDatabase() { const connectionPattern = new UrlPattern( "mssql\\://:username\\::password@*\\::port/:database*" ); const match = connectionPattern.match(this.connectionString); this.database_id = match?.database; this.connectionConfig = { ...this.connectionConfig, user: match?.username, password: match?.password, database: match?.database, server: match?._[0], port: match?.port ? Number(match.port) : null, }; } async connect() { this._client = await mssql.connect(this.connectionConfig); this.#connected = true; return this._client; } /** * * @param {string} queryString the SQL query to be run * @returns {import(".").QueryResult} */ async runQuery(queryString = "") { const result = { rows: [], count: 0, error: null }; try { if (!this.#connected) await this.connect(); const query = await this._client.query(queryString); result.rows = query.recordset; result.count = query.rowsAffected.reduce((sum, a) => sum + a, 0); } catch (err) { console.log(, err); result.error = err.message; } finally { await this._client.close(); this.#connected = false; } return result; } getTablesSql() { return `SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U';`; } getTableSchemaSql(table_name) { return `SELECT COLUMN_NAME,COLUMN_DEFAULT,IS_NULLABLE,DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='${table_name}'`; } } module.exports.MSSQLConnector = MSSQLConnector;