class RepoLoader { constructor(args = {}) { this.ready = false; this.repo = args?.repo; this.branch = args?.branch; this.accessToken = args?.accessToken || null; this.ignorePaths = args?.ignorePaths || []; = null; this.project = null; this.branches = []; } #validGithubUrl() { const UrlPattern = require("url-pattern"); const pattern = new UrlPattern("https\\://"); const match = pattern.match(this.repo); if (!match) return false; =; this.project = match.project; return true; } // Ensure the branch provided actually exists // and if it does not or has not been set auto-assign to primary branch. async #validBranch() { await this.getRepoBranches(); if (!!this.branch && this.branches.includes(this.branch)) return; console.log( "[Github Loader]: Branch not set! Auto-assigning to a default branch." ); this.branch = this.branches.includes("main") ? "main" : "master"; console.log(`[Github Loader]: Branch auto-assigned to ${this.branch}.`); return; } async #validateAccessToken() { if (!this.accessToken) return; const valid = await fetch("", { method: "GET", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.accessToken}`, "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28", }, }) .then((res) => { if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.statusText); return res.ok; }) .catch((e) => { console.error( "Invalid Github Access Token provided! Access token will not be used", e.message ); return false; }); if (!valid) this.accessToken = null; return; } async init() { if (!this.#validGithubUrl()) return; await this.#validBranch(); await this.#validateAccessToken(); this.ready = true; return this; } async recursiveLoader() { if (!this.ready) throw new Error("[Github Loader]: not in ready state!"); const { GithubRepoLoader: LCGithubLoader, } = require("langchain/document_loaders/web/github"); if (this.accessToken) console.log( `[Github Loader]: Access token set! Recursive loading enabled!` ); const loader = new LCGithubLoader(this.repo, { accessToken: this.accessToken, branch: this.branch, recursive: !!this.accessToken, // Recursive will hit rate limits. maxConcurrency: 5, unknown: "ignore", ignorePaths: this.ignorePaths, }); const docs = []; for await (const doc of loader.loadAsStream()) docs.push(doc); return docs; } // Sort branches to always show either main or master at the top of the result. #branchPrefSort(branches = []) { const preferredSort = ["main", "master"]; return branches.reduce((acc, branch) => { if (preferredSort.includes(branch)) return [branch, ...acc]; return [...acc, branch]; }, []); } // Get all branches for a given repo. async getRepoBranches() { if (!this.#validGithubUrl() || ! || !this.project) return []; await this.#validateAccessToken(); // Ensure API access token is valid for pre-flight let page = 0; let polling = true; const branches = []; while (polling) { console.log(`Fetching page ${page} of branches for ${this.project}`); await fetch( `${}/${this.project}/branches?per_page=100&page=${page}`, { method: "GET", headers: { ...(this.accessToken ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.accessToken}` } : {}), "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28", }, } ) .then((res) => { if (res.ok) return res.json(); throw new Error(`Invalid request to Github API: ${res.statusText}`); }) .then((branchObjects) => { polling = branchObjects.length > 0; branches.push( =>; page++; }) .catch((err) => { polling = false; console.log(`RepoLoader.branches`, err); }); } this.branches = [ Set(branches.flat())]; return this.#branchPrefSort(this.branches); } } module.exports = RepoLoader;