const { Deduplicator } = require("../utils/dedupe"); const saveFileInBrowser = { name: "save-file-to-browser", startupConfig: { params: {}, }, plugin: function () { return { name:, setup(aibitat) { // List and summarize the contents of files that are embedded in the workspace aibitat.function({ super: aibitat, tracker: new Deduplicator(), name:, description: "Save content to a file when the user explicity asks for a download of the file.", examples: [ { prompt: "Save me that to a file named 'output'", call: JSON.stringify({ file_content: "", filename: "output.txt", }), }, { prompt: "Save me that to my desktop", call: JSON.stringify({ file_content: "", filename: ".txt", }), }, { prompt: "Save me that to a file", call: JSON.stringify({ file_content: "", filename: ".txt", }), }, ], parameters: { $schema: "", type: "object", properties: { file_content: { type: "string", description: "The content of the file that will be saved.", }, filename: { type: "string", description: "filename to save the file as with extension. Extension should be plaintext file extension.", }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, handler: async function ({ file_content = "", filename }) { try { if ( this.tracker.isDuplicate(, { file_content, filename }) ) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `${} was called, but exited early since it was not a unique call.` ); return `${filename} file has been saved successfully!`; } this.super.socket.send("fileDownload", { filename, b64Content: "data:text/plain;base64," + Buffer.from(file_content, "utf8").toString("base64"), }); this.super.introspect(`${this.caller}: Saving file ${filename}.`); this.tracker.trackRun(, { file_content, filename }); return `${filename} file has been saved successfully and will be downloaded automatically to the users browser.`; } catch (error) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `save-file-to-browser raised an error. ${error.message}` ); return `Let the user know this action was not successful. An error was raised while saving a file to the browser. ${error.message}`; } }, }); }, }; }, }; module.exports = { saveFileInBrowser, };