process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? require("dotenv").config({ path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}` }) : require("dotenv").config(); const JWT = require("jsonwebtoken"); const { User } = require("../../models/user"); const { jsonrepair } = require("jsonrepair"); function reqBody(request) { return typeof request.body === "string" ? JSON.parse(request.body) : request.body; } function queryParams(request) { return request.query; } function makeJWT(info = {}, expiry = "30d") { if (!process.env.JWT_SECRET) throw new Error("Cannot create JWT as JWT_SECRET is unset."); return JWT.sign(info, process.env.JWT_SECRET, { expiresIn: expiry }); } // Note: Only valid for finding users in multi-user mode // as single-user mode with password is not a "user" async function userFromSession(request, response = null) { if (!!response && !!response.locals?.user) { return response.locals.user; } const auth = request.header("Authorization"); const token = auth ? auth.split(" ")[1] : null; if (!token) { return null; } const valid = decodeJWT(token); if (!valid || ! { return null; } const user = await User.get({ id: }); return user; } function decodeJWT(jwtToken) { try { return JWT.verify(jwtToken, process.env.JWT_SECRET); } catch {} return { p: null, id: null, username: null }; } function multiUserMode(response) { return response?.locals?.multiUserMode; } function parseAuthHeader(headerValue = null, apiKey = null) { if (headerValue === null || apiKey === null) return {}; if (headerValue === "Authorization") return { Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}` }; return { [headerValue]: apiKey }; } function safeJsonParse(jsonString, fallback = null) { try { return JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch {} // If the jsonString does not look like an Obj or Array, dont attempt // to repair it. if (jsonString?.startsWith("[") || jsonString?.startsWith("{")) { try { const repairedJson = jsonrepair(jsonString); return JSON.parse(repairedJson); } catch {} } return fallback; } function isValidUrl(urlString = "") { try { const url = new URL(urlString); if (!["http:", "https:"].includes(url.protocol)) return false; return true; } catch (e) {} return false; } module.exports = { reqBody, multiUserMode, queryParams, makeJWT, decodeJWT, userFromSession, parseAuthHeader, safeJsonParse, isValidUrl, };