const lancedb = require("@lancedb/lancedb"); const { toChunks, getEmbeddingEngineSelection } = require("../../helpers"); const { TextSplitter } = require("../../TextSplitter"); const { SystemSettings } = require("../../../models/systemSettings"); const { storeVectorResult, cachedVectorInformation } = require("../../files"); const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const { sourceIdentifier } = require("../../chats"); /** * LancedDB Client connection object * @typedef {import('@lancedb/lancedb').Connection} LanceClient */ const LanceDb = { uri: `${ !!process.env.STORAGE_DIR ? `${process.env.STORAGE_DIR}/` : "./storage/" }lancedb`, name: "LanceDb", /** @returns {Promise<{client: LanceClient}>} */ connect: async function () { if (process.env.VECTOR_DB !== "lancedb") throw new Error("LanceDB::Invalid ENV settings"); const client = await lancedb.connect(this.uri); return { client }; }, distanceToSimilarity: function (distance = null) { if (distance === null || typeof distance !== "number") return 0.0; if (distance >= 1.0) return 1; if (distance <= 0) return 0; return 1 - distance; }, heartbeat: async function () { await this.connect(); return { heartbeat: Number(new Date()) }; }, tables: async function () { const { client } = await this.connect(); return await client.tableNames(); }, totalVectors: async function () { const { client } = await this.connect(); const tables = await client.tableNames(); let count = 0; for (const tableName of tables) { const table = await client.openTable(tableName); count += await table.countRows(); } return count; }, namespaceCount: async function (_namespace = null) { const { client } = await this.connect(); const exists = await this.namespaceExists(client, _namespace); if (!exists) return 0; const table = await client.openTable(_namespace); return (await table.countRows()) || 0; }, /** * Performs a SimilaritySearch on a give LanceDB namespace. * @param {LanceClient} client * @param {string} namespace * @param {number[]} queryVector * @param {number} similarityThreshold * @param {number} topN * @param {string[]} filterIdentifiers * @returns */ similarityResponse: async function ( client, namespace, queryVector, similarityThreshold = 0.25, topN = 4, filterIdentifiers = [] ) { const collection = await client.openTable(namespace); const result = { contextTexts: [], sourceDocuments: [], scores: [], }; const response = await collection .vectorSearch(queryVector) .distanceType("cosine") .limit(topN) .toArray(); response.forEach((item) => { if (this.distanceToSimilarity(item._distance) < similarityThreshold) return; const { vector: _, } = item; if (filterIdentifiers.includes(sourceIdentifier(rest))) { console.log( "LanceDB: A source was filtered from context as it's parent document is pinned." ); return; } result.contextTexts.push(rest.text); result.sourceDocuments.push({, score: this.distanceToSimilarity(item._distance), }); result.scores.push(this.distanceToSimilarity(item._distance)); }); return result; }, /** * * @param {LanceClient} client * @param {string} namespace * @returns */ namespace: async function (client, namespace = null) { if (!namespace) throw new Error("No namespace value provided."); const collection = await client.openTable(namespace).catch(() => false); if (!collection) return null; return { ...collection, }; }, /** * * @param {LanceClient} client * @param {number[]} data * @param {string} namespace * @returns */ updateOrCreateCollection: async function (client, data = [], namespace) { const hasNamespace = await this.hasNamespace(namespace); if (hasNamespace) { const collection = await client.openTable(namespace); await collection.add(data); return true; } await client.createTable(namespace, data); return true; }, hasNamespace: async function (namespace = null) { if (!namespace) return false; const { client } = await this.connect(); const exists = await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace); return exists; }, /** * * @param {LanceClient} client * @param {string} namespace * @returns */ namespaceExists: async function (client, namespace = null) { if (!namespace) throw new Error("No namespace value provided."); const collections = await client.tableNames(); return collections.includes(namespace); }, /** * * @param {LanceClient} client * @param {string} namespace * @returns */ deleteVectorsInNamespace: async function (client, namespace = null) { await client.dropTable(namespace); return true; }, deleteDocumentFromNamespace: async function (namespace, docId) { const { client } = await this.connect(); const exists = await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace); if (!exists) { console.error( `LanceDB:deleteDocumentFromNamespace - namespace ${namespace} does not exist.` ); return; } const { DocumentVectors } = require("../../../models/vectors"); const table = await client.openTable(namespace); const vectorIds = (await DocumentVectors.where({ docId })).map( (record) => record.vectorId ); if (vectorIds.length === 0) return; await table.delete(`id IN (${ => `'${v}'`).join(",")})`); return true; }, addDocumentToNamespace: async function ( namespace, documentData = {}, fullFilePath = null, skipCache = false ) { const { DocumentVectors } = require("../../../models/vectors"); try { const { pageContent, docId, ...metadata } = documentData; if (!pageContent || pageContent.length == 0) return false; console.log("Adding new vectorized document into namespace", namespace); if (!skipCache) { const cacheResult = await cachedVectorInformation(fullFilePath); if (cacheResult.exists) { const { client } = await this.connect(); const { chunks } = cacheResult; const documentVectors = []; const submissions = []; for (const chunk of chunks) { chunk.forEach((chunk) => { const id = uuidv4(); const { id: _id, ...metadata } = chunk.metadata; documentVectors.push({ docId, vectorId: id }); submissions.push({ id: id, vector: chunk.values, ...metadata }); }); } await this.updateOrCreateCollection(client, submissions, namespace); await DocumentVectors.bulkInsert(documentVectors); return { vectorized: true, error: null }; } } // If we are here then we are going to embed and store a novel document. // We have to do this manually as opposed to using LangChains `xyz.fromDocuments` // because we then cannot atomically control our namespace to granularly find/remove documents // from vectordb. const EmbedderEngine = getEmbeddingEngineSelection(); const textSplitter = new TextSplitter({ chunkSize: TextSplitter.determineMaxChunkSize( await SystemSettings.getValueOrFallback({ label: "text_splitter_chunk_size", }), EmbedderEngine?.embeddingMaxChunkLength ), chunkOverlap: await SystemSettings.getValueOrFallback( { label: "text_splitter_chunk_overlap" }, 20 ), chunkHeaderMeta: TextSplitter.buildHeaderMeta(metadata), }); const textChunks = await textSplitter.splitText(pageContent); console.log("Chunks created from document:", textChunks.length); const documentVectors = []; const vectors = []; const submissions = []; const vectorValues = await EmbedderEngine.embedChunks(textChunks); if (!!vectorValues && vectorValues.length > 0) { for (const [i, vector] of vectorValues.entries()) { const vectorRecord = { id: uuidv4(), values: vector, // [DO NOT REMOVE] // LangChain will be unable to find your text if you embed manually and dont include the `text` key. // metadata: { ...metadata, text: textChunks[i] }, }; vectors.push(vectorRecord); submissions.push({ ...vectorRecord.metadata, id:, vector: vectorRecord.values, }); documentVectors.push({ docId, vectorId: }); } } else { throw new Error( "Could not embed document chunks! This document will not be recorded." ); } if (vectors.length > 0) { const chunks = []; for (const chunk of toChunks(vectors, 500)) chunks.push(chunk); console.log("Inserting vectorized chunks into LanceDB collection."); const { client } = await this.connect(); await this.updateOrCreateCollection(client, submissions, namespace); await storeVectorResult(chunks, fullFilePath); } await DocumentVectors.bulkInsert(documentVectors); return { vectorized: true, error: null }; } catch (e) { console.error("addDocumentToNamespace", e.message); return { vectorized: false, error: e.message }; } }, performSimilaritySearch: async function ({ namespace = null, input = "", LLMConnector = null, similarityThreshold = 0.25, topN = 4, filterIdentifiers = [], }) { if (!namespace || !input || !LLMConnector) throw new Error("Invalid request to performSimilaritySearch."); const { client } = await this.connect(); if (!(await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace))) { return { contextTexts: [], sources: [], message: "Invalid query - no documents found for workspace!", }; } const queryVector = await LLMConnector.embedTextInput(input); const { contextTexts, sourceDocuments } = await this.similarityResponse( client, namespace, queryVector, similarityThreshold, topN, filterIdentifiers ); const sources =, i) => { return { metadata: { ...metadata, text: contextTexts[i] } }; }); return { contextTexts, sources: this.curateSources(sources), message: false, }; }, "namespace-stats": async function (reqBody = {}) { const { namespace = null } = reqBody; if (!namespace) throw new Error("namespace required"); const { client } = await this.connect(); if (!(await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace))) throw new Error("Namespace by that name does not exist."); const stats = await this.namespace(client, namespace); return stats ? stats : { message: "No stats were able to be fetched from DB for namespace" }; }, "delete-namespace": async function (reqBody = {}) { const { namespace = null } = reqBody; const { client } = await this.connect(); if (!(await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace))) throw new Error("Namespace by that name does not exist."); await this.deleteVectorsInNamespace(client, namespace); return { message: `Namespace ${namespace} was deleted.`, }; }, reset: async function () { const { client } = await this.connect(); const fs = require("fs"); fs.rm(`${client.uri}`, { recursive: true }, () => null); return { reset: true }; }, curateSources: function (sources = []) { const documents = []; for (const source of sources) { const { text, vector: _v, _distance: _d, } = source; const metadata = rest.hasOwnProperty("metadata") ? rest.metadata : rest; if (Object.keys(metadata).length > 0) { documents.push({ ...metadata, ...(text ? { text } : {}), }); } } return documents; }, }; module.exports.LanceDb = LanceDb;