class VoyageAiEmbedder { constructor() { if (!process.env.VOYAGEAI_API_KEY) throw new Error("No Voyage AI API key was set."); const { VoyageEmbeddings, } = require("@langchain/community/embeddings/voyage"); const voyage = new VoyageEmbeddings({ apiKey: process.env.VOYAGEAI_API_KEY, }); = voyage; this.model = process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF || "voyage-large-2-instruct"; // Limit of how many strings we can process in a single pass to stay with resource or network limits this.batchSize = 128; // Voyage AI's limit per request is 128 this.embeddingMaxChunkLength = this.#getMaxEmbeddingLength(); } // #getMaxEmbeddingLength() { switch (this.model) { case "voyage-large-2-instruct": case "voyage-law-2": case "voyage-code-2": case "voyage-large-2": return 16_000; case "voyage-2": return 4_000; default: return 4_000; } } async embedTextInput(textInput) { const result = await Array.isArray(textInput) ? textInput : [textInput], { modelName: this.model } ); return result || []; } async embedChunks(textChunks = []) { try { const embeddings = await, { modelName: this.model, batchSize: this.batchSize, }); return embeddings; } catch (error) { console.error("Voyage AI Failed to embed:", error); throw error; } } } module.exports = { VoyageAiEmbedder, };