const { EventLogs } = require("../../../models/eventLogs"); const { SystemSettings } = require("../../../models/systemSettings"); const { getVectorDbClass } = require("../../../utils/helpers"); const { prepareWorkspaceChatsForExport, exportChatsAsType, } = require("../../../utils/helpers/chat/convertTo"); const { dumpENV, updateENV } = require("../../../utils/helpers/updateENV"); const { reqBody } = require("../../../utils/http"); const { validApiKey } = require("../../../utils/middleware/validApiKey"); function apiSystemEndpoints(app) { if (!app) return; app.get("/v1/system/env-dump", async (_, response) => { /* #swagger.tags = ['System Settings'] #swagger.description = 'Dump all settings to file storage' #swagger.responses[403] = { schema: { "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAPIKey" } } */ try { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") return response.sendStatus(200).end(); await dumpENV(); response.sendStatus(200).end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message, e); response.sendStatus(500).end(); } }); app.get("/v1/system", [validApiKey], async (_, response) => { /* #swagger.tags = ['System Settings'] #swagger.description = 'Get all current system settings that are defined.' #swagger.responses[200] = { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: 'object', example: { "settings": { "VectorDB": "pinecone", "PineConeKey": true, "PineConeIndex": "my-pinecone-index", "LLMProvider": "azure", "[KEY_NAME]": "KEY_VALUE", } } } } } } #swagger.responses[403] = { schema: { "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAPIKey" } } */ try { const settings = await SystemSettings.currentSettings(); response.status(200).json({ settings }); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message, e); response.sendStatus(500).end(); } }); app.get("/v1/system/vector-count", [validApiKey], async (_, response) => { /* #swagger.tags = ['System Settings'] #swagger.description = 'Number of all vectors in connected vector database' #swagger.responses[200] = { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: 'object', example: { "vectorCount": 5450 } } } } } #swagger.responses[403] = { schema: { "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAPIKey" } } */ try { const VectorDb = getVectorDbClass(); const vectorCount = await VectorDb.totalVectors(); response.status(200).json({ vectorCount }); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message, e); response.sendStatus(500).end(); } }); "/v1/system/update-env", [validApiKey], async (request, response) => { /* #swagger.tags = ['System Settings'] #swagger.description = 'Update a system setting or preference.' #swagger.requestBody = { description: 'Key pair object that matches a valid setting and value. Get keys from GET /v1/system or refer to codebase.', required: true, type: 'object', content: { "application/json": { example: { VectorDB: "lancedb", AnotherKey: "updatedValue" } } } } #swagger.responses[200] = { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: 'object', example: { newValues: {"[ENV_KEY]": 'Value'}, error: 'error goes here, otherwise null' } } } } } #swagger.responses[403] = { schema: { "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAPIKey" } } */ try { const body = reqBody(request); const { newValues, error } = await updateENV(body); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") await dumpENV(); response.status(200).json({ newValues, error }); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message, e); response.sendStatus(500).end(); } } ); app.get( "/v1/system/export-chats", [validApiKey], async (request, response) => { /* #swagger.tags = ['System Settings'] #swagger.description = 'Export all of the chats from the system in a known format. Output depends on the type sent. Will be send with the correct header for the output.' #swagger.parameters['type'] = { in: 'query', description: "Export format jsonl, json, csv, jsonAlpaca", required: false, type: 'string' } #swagger.responses[200] = { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: 'object', example: [ { "role": "user", "content": "What is AnythinglLM?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "AnythingLLM is a knowledge graph and vector database management system built using NodeJS express server. It provides an interface for handling all interactions, including vectorDB management and LLM (Language Model) interactions." }, ] } } } } #swagger.responses[403] = { schema: { "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAPIKey" } } */ try { const { type = "jsonl" } = request.query; const chats = await prepareWorkspaceChatsForExport(type); const { contentType, data } = await exportChatsAsType(chats, type); await EventLogs.logEvent("exported_chats", { type, }); response.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType); response.status(200).send(data); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message, e); response.sendStatus(500).end(); } } ); } module.exports = { apiSystemEndpoints };