const crypto = require("crypto"); const { dumpENV } = require("../helpers/updateENV"); // Class that is used to arbitrarily encrypt/decrypt string data via a persistent passphrase/salt that // is either user defined or is created and saved to the ENV on creation. class EncryptionManager { #keyENV = "SIG_KEY"; #saltENV = "SIG_SALT"; #encryptionKey; #encryptionSalt; constructor({ key = null, salt = null } = {}) { this.#loadOrCreateKeySalt(key, salt); this.key = crypto.scryptSync(this.#encryptionKey, this.#encryptionSalt, 32); this.algorithm = "aes-256-cbc"; this.separator = ":"; // Used to send key to collector process to be able to decrypt data since they do not share ENVs // this value should use the CommunicationKey.encrypt process before sending anywhere outside the // server process so it is never sent in its raw format. this.xPayload = this.key.toString("base64"); } log(text, ...args) { console.log(`\x1b[36m[EncryptionManager]\x1b[0m ${text}`, ...args); } #loadOrCreateKeySalt(_key = null, _salt = null) { if (!!_key && !!_salt) { this.log( "Pre-assigned key & salt for encrypting arbitrary data was used." ); this.#encryptionKey = _key; this.#encryptionSalt = _salt; return; } if (!process.env[this.#keyENV] || !process.env[this.#saltENV]) { this.log("Self-assigning key & salt for encrypting arbitrary data."); process.env[this.#keyENV] = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex"); process.env[this.#saltENV] = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex"); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") dumpENV(); } else this.log("Loaded existing key & salt for encrypting arbitrary data."); this.#encryptionKey = process.env[this.#keyENV]; this.#encryptionSalt = process.env[this.#saltENV]; return; } encrypt(plainTextString = null) { try { if (!plainTextString) throw new Error("Empty string is not valid for this method."); const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16); const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(this.algorithm, this.key, iv); const encrypted = cipher.update(plainTextString, "utf8", "hex"); return [ encrypted +"hex"), Buffer.from(iv).toString("hex"), ].join(this.separator); } catch (e) { this.log(e); return null; } } decrypt(encryptedString) { try { const [encrypted, iv] = encryptedString.split(this.separator); if (!iv) throw new Error("IV not found"); const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv( this.algorithm, this.key, Buffer.from(iv, "hex") ); return decipher.update(encrypted, "hex", "utf8") +"utf8"); } catch (e) { this.log(e); return null; } } } module.exports = { EncryptionManager };