const RepoLoader = require("./RepoLoader"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { default: slugify } = require("slugify"); const { v4 } = require("uuid"); const { writeToServerDocuments } = require("../../../files"); const { tokenizeString } = require("../../../tokenizer"); /** * Load in a Gitlab Repo recursively or just the top level if no PAT is provided * @param {object} args - forwarded request body params * @param {import("../../../middleware/setDataSigner").ResponseWithSigner} response - Express response object with encryptionWorker * @returns */ async function loadGitlabRepo(args, response) { const repo = new RepoLoader(args); await repo.init(); if (!repo.ready) return { success: false, reason: "Could not prepare Gitlab repo for loading! Check URL", }; console.log( `-- Working GitLab ${}/${repo.project}:${repo.branch} --` ); const docs = await repo.recursiveLoader(); if (!docs.length) { return { success: false, reason: "No files were found for those settings.", }; } console.log(`[GitLab Loader]: Found ${docs.length} source files. Saving...`); const outFolder = slugify( `${}-${repo.project}-${repo.branch}-${v4().slice(0, 4)}` ).toLowerCase(); const outFolderPath = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? path.resolve( __dirname, `../../../../../server/storage/documents/${outFolder}` ) : path.resolve(process.env.STORAGE_DIR, `documents/${outFolder}`); if (!fs.existsSync(outFolderPath)) fs.mkdirSync(outFolderPath, { recursive: true }); for (const doc of docs) { if (!doc.pageContent) continue; const data = { id: v4(), url: "gitlab://" + doc.metadata.source, title: doc.metadata.source, docAuthor:, description: "No description found.", docSource: doc.metadata.source, chunkSource: generateChunkSource( repo, doc, response.locals.encryptionWorker ), published: new Date().toLocaleString(), wordCount: doc.pageContent.split(" ").length, pageContent: doc.pageContent, token_count_estimate: tokenizeString(doc.pageContent).length, }; console.log( `[GitLab Loader]: Saving ${doc.metadata.source} to ${outFolder}` ); writeToServerDocuments( data, `${slugify(doc.metadata.source)}-${}`, outFolderPath ); } return { success: true, reason: null, data: { author:, repo: repo.project, projectId: repo.projectId, branch: repo.branch, files: docs.length, destination: outFolder, }, }; } async function fetchGitlabFile({ repoUrl, branch, accessToken = null, sourceFilePath, }) { const repo = new RepoLoader({ repo: repoUrl, branch, accessToken, }); await repo.init(); if (!repo.ready) return { success: false, content: null, reason: "Could not prepare GitLab repo for loading! Check URL or PAT.", }; console.log( `-- Working GitLab ${}/${repo.project}:${repo.branch} file:${sourceFilePath} --` ); const fileContent = await repo.fetchSingleFile(sourceFilePath); if (!fileContent) { return { success: false, reason: "Target file returned a null content response.", content: null, }; } return { success: true, reason: null, content: fileContent, }; } function generateChunkSource(repo, doc, encryptionWorker) { const payload = { projectId: decodeURIComponent(repo.projectId), branch: repo.branch, path: doc.metadata.source, pat: !!repo.accessToken ? repo.accessToken : null, }; return `gitlab://${repo.repo}?payload=${encryptionWorker.encrypt( JSON.stringify(payload) )}`; } module.exports = { loadGitlabRepo, fetchGitlabFile };