// You can only run this example from within the websocket/ directory. // NODE_ENV=development node websock-multi-turn-chat.js // Scraping is enabled, but search requires AGENT_GSE_* keys. const express = require("express"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const AIbitat = require("../../index.js"); const { websocket, webBrowsing, webScraping, } = require("../../plugins/index.js"); const path = require("path"); const port = 3000; const app = express(); require("express-ws")(app); require("dotenv").config({ path: `../../../../../.env.development` }); // Debugging echo function if this is working for you. // app.ws('/echo', function (ws, req) { // ws.on('message', function (msg) { // ws.send(msg); // }); // }); // Set up WSS sockets for listening. app.ws("/ws", function (ws, _response) { try { ws.on("message", function (msg) { if (ws?.handleFeedback) ws.handleFeedback(msg); }); ws.on("close", function () { console.log("Socket killed"); return; }); console.log("Socket online and waiting..."); runAIbitat(ws).catch((error) => { ws.send( JSON.stringify({ from: Agent.AI, to: Agent.HUMAN, content: error.message, }) ); }); } catch (error) {} }); app.all("*", function (_, response) { response.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "index.html")); }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Testing HTTP/WSS server listening at http://localhost:${port}`); }); const Agent = { HUMAN: "🧑", AI: "🤖", }; async function runAIbitat(socket) { if (!process.env.OPEN_AI_KEY) throw new Error( "This example requires a valid OPEN_AI_KEY in the env.development file" ); console.log(chalk.blue("Booting AIbitat class & starting agent(s)")); const aibitat = new AIbitat({ provider: "openai", model: "gpt-4o", }) .use(websocket.plugin({ socket })) .use(webBrowsing.plugin()) .use(webScraping.plugin()) .agent(Agent.HUMAN, { interrupt: "ALWAYS", role: "You are a human assistant.", }) .agent(Agent.AI, { role: "You are a helpful ai assistant who likes to chat with the user who an also browse the web for questions it does not know or have real-time access to.", functions: ["web-browsing"], }); await aibitat.start({ from: Agent.HUMAN, to: Agent.AI, content: `How are you doing today?`, }); }