const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { v4 } = require("uuid"); class LocalWhisper { constructor() { // Model Card: this.model = "Xenova/whisper-small"; this.cacheDir = path.resolve( process.env.STORAGE_DIR ? path.resolve(process.env.STORAGE_DIR, `models`) : path.resolve(__dirname, `../../../server/storage/models`) ); this.modelPath = path.resolve(this.cacheDir, "Xenova", "whisper-small"); // Make directory when it does not exist in existing installations if (!fs.existsSync(this.cacheDir)) fs.mkdirSync(this.cacheDir, { recursive: true }); this.#log("Initialized."); } #log(text, ...args) { console.log(`\x1b[32m[LocalWhisper]\x1b[0m ${text}`, ...args); } async #convertToWavAudioData(sourcePath) { try { let buffer; const wavefile = require("wavefile"); const ffmpeg = require("fluent-ffmpeg"); const outFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../storage/tmp`); if (!fs.existsSync(outFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(outFolder, { recursive: true }); const fileExtension = path.extname(sourcePath).toLowerCase(); if (fileExtension !== ".wav") { this.#log( `File conversion required! ${fileExtension} file detected - converting to .wav` ); const outputFile = path.resolve(outFolder, `${v4()}.wav`); const convert = new Promise((resolve) => { ffmpeg(sourcePath) .toFormat("wav") .on("error", (error) => { this.#log(`Conversion Error! ${error.message}`); resolve(false); }) .on("progress", (progress) => this.#log( `Conversion Processing! ${progress.targetSize}KB converted` ) ) .on("end", () => { this.#log(`Conversion Complete! File converted to .wav!`); resolve(true); }) .save(outputFile); }); const success = await convert; if (!success) throw new Error( "[Conversion Failed]: Could not convert file to .wav format!" ); const chunks = []; const stream = fs.createReadStream(outputFile); for await (let chunk of stream) chunks.push(chunk); buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks); fs.rmSync(outputFile); } else { const chunks = []; const stream = fs.createReadStream(sourcePath); for await (let chunk of stream) chunks.push(chunk); buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks); } const wavFile = new wavefile.WaveFile(buffer); wavFile.toBitDepth("32f"); wavFile.toSampleRate(16000); let audioData = wavFile.getSamples(); if (Array.isArray(audioData)) { if (audioData.length > 1) { const SCALING_FACTOR = Math.sqrt(2); // Merge channels into first channel to save memory for (let i = 0; i < audioData[0].length; ++i) { audioData[0][i] = (SCALING_FACTOR * (audioData[0][i] + audioData[1][i])) / 2; } } audioData = audioData[0]; } return audioData; } catch (error) { console.error(`convertToWavAudioData`, error); return null; } } async client() { if (!fs.existsSync(this.modelPath)) { this.#log( `The native whisper model has never been run and will be downloaded right now. Subsequent runs will be faster. (~250MB)` ); } try { // Convert ESM to CommonJS via import so we can load this library. const pipeline = (...args) => import("@xenova/transformers").then(({ pipeline }) => pipeline(...args) ); return await pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", this.model, { cache_dir: this.cacheDir, ...(!fs.existsSync(this.modelPath) ? { // Show download progress if we need to download any files progress_callback: (data) => { if (!data.hasOwnProperty("progress")) return; console.log( `\x1b[34m[Embedding - Downloading Model Files]\x1b[0m ${ data.file } ${~~data?.progress}%` ); }, } : {}), }); } catch (error) { this.#log("Failed to load the native whisper model:", error); throw error; } } async processFile(fullFilePath, filename) { try { const transcriberPromise = new Promise((resolve) => this.client().then((client) => resolve(client)) ); const audioDataPromise = new Promise((resolve) => this.#convertToWavAudioData(fullFilePath).then((audioData) => resolve(audioData) ) ); const [audioData, transcriber] = await Promise.all([ audioDataPromise, transcriberPromise, ]); if (!audioData) { this.#log(`Failed to parse content from ${filename}.`); return { content: null, error: `Failed to parse content from ${filename}.`, }; } this.#log(`Transcribing audio data to text...`); const { text } = await transcriber(audioData, { chunk_length_s: 30, stride_length_s: 5, }); return { content: text, error: null }; } catch (error) { return { content: null, error: error.message }; } } } module.exports = { LocalWhisper, };