const prisma = require("../utils/prisma"); const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const WorkspaceAgentInvocation = { // returns array of strings with their @ handle. // must start with @agent for now. parseAgents: function (promptString) { if (!promptString.startsWith("@agent")) return []; return promptString.split(/\s+/).filter((v) => v.startsWith("@")); }, close: async function (uuid) { if (!uuid) return; try { await prisma.workspace_agent_invocations.update({ where: { uuid: String(uuid) }, data: { closed: true }, }); } catch {} }, new: async function ({ prompt, workspace, user = null, thread = null }) { try { const invocation = await prisma.workspace_agent_invocations.create({ data: { uuid: uuidv4(), workspace_id:, prompt: String(prompt), user_id: user?.id, thread_id: thread?.id, }, }); return { invocation, message: null }; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return { invocation: null, message: error.message }; } }, get: async function (clause = {}) { try { const invocation = await prisma.workspace_agent_invocations.findFirst({ where: clause, }); return invocation || null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, getWithWorkspace: async function (clause = {}) { try { const invocation = await prisma.workspace_agent_invocations.findFirst({ where: clause, include: { workspace: true, }, }); return invocation || null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, delete: async function (clause = {}) { try { await prisma.workspace_agent_invocations.delete({ where: clause, }); return true; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, where: async function (clause = {}, limit = null, orderBy = null) { try { const results = await prisma.workspace_agent_invocations.findMany({ where: clause, ...(limit !== null ? { take: limit } : {}), ...(orderBy !== null ? { orderBy } : {}), }); return results; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return []; } }, }; module.exports = { WorkspaceAgentInvocation };